Do you feel less intelligent than others? Do you feel uncomfortable when you do not know how to answer a teacher's question? There are always times when each of us may feel that we do not know anything. Of course, you can not know everything, but, no matter how smart you are, you can start to move forward today.
Improve your memory. An important part of what is usually regarded as intelligence is actually the simple ability to remember things well. You can improve your ability to record and recall memories in multiple ways, including using mnemonic tricks or paying attention to detail.
Be more curious. How do some people know so much? The good memorization skills are only part of the answer, you also have to be curious. If you are content with a life in which you do not understand or do not understand much about subjects that you are not familiar with, you will not learn much. Make a conscious effort to be curious by telling you that being curious will broaden your horizon and help you be smarter.
Exercise your mind in various ways. Most of us are gifted for areas in which they naturally excel or in the activities they practice every day. Challenge yourself by learning new skills or at least thinking in another way and you will actually become smarter. Choose something you want to learn to do (play the accordion for example) or an area in which you are not good (maybe math?) And focus on it. At first you will feel uncomfortable and maybe even less intelligent than before, but study or train assiduously, you will be more and more confident and you will create new connections in your mind.
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Read a lot. Almost all human knowledge can be found in writings, be it in books, magazines or on the internet. Become a bulimic reader and you will be exposed a lot more ideas and information. If you are reading slowly, consider learning fast reading. Also consider taking a few notes and possibly looking for a word or two in the dictionary if needed.
If you read slowly, it is not mandatory to seek absolutely to read faster, you can accept yourself as you are. Create a space in your schedule to read and ask others not to bother you during this time. Prefer quality to the quantity of books and indulge yourself when you finish a book.
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Go to the library regularly and choose anything that may interest you. The subject itself is not very important, the essential being the act of reading. Always have something interesting to read on hand.
Learn how to look for things. If you know how to use the reference tools, from the internet to the encyclopedia, you will be able to find the information you are looking for faster and more efficiently. Effective research tools will feed your curiosity because you will have more confidence in your ability to access knowledge. If your research abilities are poor, ask a librarian or a teacher for help or simply do some research. Or just use the "help" tab on the internet and on computer software and read.
Learn a new word every day. Open the dictionary and find a word you did not know yet, then practice using it during the day. When you come across a new word, also look for its meaning.
Find a hobby that interests you. Most people improve their intelligence by trying to improve in an area they already know. For example, a computer programmer who knows C ++ will not only look smart, it will also help him in his work.
Read the newspapers. Keeping abreast of current events allows you to know what is happening in the world. You can read paper newspapers or consult the news on the internet.
Also exercise your writing skills. Writing allows you to implement your knowledge creatively. Whether it is to produce news, fantasy or reports on World War II, it is always good to train you to write. Try to make your brain work by writing a little every day and it does not matter if you analyze your emotions or if you prefer to describe the weather. Sometimes, a simple brainstorming can bring you new ideas.
Learn a foreign language. It has been proven that learning new languages generally makes them smarter. Children who know how to speak two or more languages have more gray matter than the others. Gray matter is used to process information, including memory, language, and sensory perception.
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Spend time away from distractions and people. Loneliness allows you to introspection and reflect. It is by being alone that you can assimilate all the information that you have swallowed. You can also solve some problems. The loneliness allows you to refocus, to calm you and to know you better. Take a moment to be alone each day.
✅Do not just learn to learn, it will not work. Make it interesting, make learning fun, you will learn faster and you will retain better.
✅Always remember that you can not know everything. Why would you want it? Being good in one or two areas may have more value than being considered a genius.
✅In addition to seeking knowledge, look for new ways of learning. If reading is not your thing too much, try observing people or talking to them or even watching TV: there are a lot of educational channels available.
✅Sleep properly. Some researchers say that our brain makes new connections during our sleep. For example, if you can not solve a mathematical equation, "sleep on it" and it is possible that your brain finds the solution while you sleep.
✅Switch pop music against classical music. Studies have shown that it helps to be smarter.
✅Try not to distract yourself when you work. Listen to your teacher and sleep well. And never skip breakfast!
Set yourself a goal to be motivated to learn.
✅Take private lessons or read books. Use the dictionary, it will help you learn new words. Write news every month. Ask your teachers for help. Finally, eat healthy foods like apples, almonds or bananas, as these fruits make it smarter.
✅Learn something new everyday! Things that we do not know can be so interesting! They also make you smarter.
✅Some psychologists say that there are many forms of intelligence, such as interpersonal intelligence (the way we interact with others) or body intelligence (coordination, athletics). Do not neglect these aspects of your personality. Even if they do not make you "smarter", they help you lead a happier, more harmonious life.
✅Do not look at how others are, focus instead on what you have and what you can offer. If you focus on the intelligence of others, it will limit your chances of increasing your own intelligence.
✅Do not be depressed if you fail, keep trying until you succeed.
✅Avoid alcohol and drugs. Prolonged use of these substances can damage your brain cells and decrease your ability to concentrate.
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