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Turkish government bans Wikipedia site

In recent years , the Turkish government issued several strict laws govern the use of a range of services major websites and private social networks and some sensitive sites like Wikileaks.

Yesterday was off the site Wikipedia, the largest electronic encyclopedia, in whole Turkey , according to the decision of the country's government, and all language copied, joining China, and are the only among the countries of the world that trigger our access entirely services Wikipedia.

This has confirmed the agency 'Blox' to monitor the Internet, that the ban was starting at 5 am GMT , as the body of information technology and communication has stated that it will take all measures against escalating Wikipedia as permitted by Turkish laws.

The Turkish government attributed the reasons for this prohibition to reject Wikipedia delete some articles and comments that claim to cooperate with terrorist groups, and considered part of a plot to tarnish the image of the country in recent months.

On the other side chirp Jimmy Wales , founder of Wikipedia:

Access to information a fundamental human right, dear Turkish people, always stand by your side to fight for this right.

It is worth mentioning that the site can still face and through the VPN network.

Benefits of avocado oil for sexual health, skin and hair natural blends

فوائد زيت الافوكادو

Avocado oil extracted from the fruit of the avocado and enters in the preparation of cosmetics, skin creams, and now recognized the benefits of avocado oil , health and aesthetic through this article. 

Benefits of avocado oil 

It contains many Agaytaminac such as vitamin (A, D, E) in addition to a lot of minerals such as potassium and fatty acids such as omega-3, folic acid and antioxidants, these elements give him a lot of benefits, including: 

Benefits of Avocado Oil for patients with blood pressure: 

It helps avocado oil to reduce high blood pressure and thus works on the prevention of atherosclerosis and stroke because it contains potassium and folic acid component. 

Benefits of avocado oil for heart health: 

Avocado oil contains a large proportion of beta Sito sterol and therefore helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and prevent the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. 

Benefits of avocado oil for cancer prevention: 

It contains antioxidants that help prevent the risk of developing cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer as it works to prevent the growth of cancer cells. 

Benefits of avocado oil slimming: 

A healthy diet with the use of avocado oil helps to lose weight as it gives the body the nutrients needed by the necessary energy and prevents the accumulation of fat. 

Benefits of avocado oil sexual health: 

It helps avocado oil to increase sexual desire, as it works to treat sexual problems and sexual weakness and gives the body energy and activity. 

Benefits of avocado oil during pregnancy: 

It contains folic acid, which helps pregnant and fetal maternal nutrition, as it works to protect the fetus from the occurrence of congenital malformations. 

Benefits of avocado oil to treat infections: 

Contains oleic acid , which helps to alleviate infections, eczema and sunburn , as it reduces the itching and helps to heal the wounds and that by placing it on the affected skin area. 

Benefits of avocado oil as an anti-bacterial: 

It contains anti-bacterial properties and bacteria and thus it helps to strengthen the body 's immunity and resistance to infection in addition to getting rid of bad breath . 

Benefits of avocado oil for skin: 

Contains many important elements of the freshness of the skin it stimulates the secretion of collagen and prevent the appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging as it works on the skin whitening and moisturizing and get rid of the dark spots so by massaging the skin with oil avocado. 

You can also mix up a spoonful of avocado oil with a spoonful of almond and a spoonful of rose oil water oil and then put this mixture on the skin to enjoy smooth skin. 

It can also be mixed a spoonful of avocado oil with a tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of coconut oil and then this mixture is placed on the skin for 15 minutes and then washed with cold water to take advantage of its benefits and get great skin. 

Benefits of avocados Hair Oil: 

Contains many vitamins and minerals important to strengthen the hair and protect it from embrittlement and drought, it helps to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss, as it works to get rid of the crust scalp and itching associated with it and enjoy the hair healthy and shiny, through hair massage oil, avocado and leave it for 30 minutes and then hair with water and shampoo wash. 

And now .. Have you told us .. using avocado oil before? .. Get Involved experience. 


Facebook: 'Forever' Get rid of your Facebook account .. Here's how

مستخدم فيسبوك

Disabling the account on Facebook is a step that is common to many users of this site, especially as this step gives them the opportunity to undo it by entering the account again to return to work again.

But it's different if you decide to cancel your Facebook account by following different steps to opt-out.

What is the difference between disabling and cancellation?

Disabling the account means your page is not on the Internet, but your information is still stored on a site-specific server, and if you want to run your account again, you can do so.

But it may seem that the decision to cancel your account on Facebook needs to think and convinced that you made the right decision irreversible because the cancellation of the account does not give you any chance to retreat and restore.

If you decide to cancel your Facebook account, do not forget to keep a copy of your stored account information before canceling it.

To retain your information before you cancel your account, follow these steps:

Click on the triangle at the top of your account page on the left, then click "Settings", and there you'll find a link titled "Download a copy", click it to download and save all your Facebook activity.

Once the site has finished downloading, you begin by preparing to cancel the account via the link below:

You will then have the option to "delete my account", clicking on it, you have canceled your account forever and you can not undo this decision.

But deleting everything you've done on Facebook can take several weeks, and some messages sent to friends may still be stored.

Source: Telegraph, Alhurra

The 10 Lowest Calorie Foods. Part 2

Lean meats

Lean meats are excellent sources of protein. The body burns more energy to digest meat proteins, and you will be full for a long time. If you do not eat fat or skin, you have pork tenderloin (145 Cal / 100g), chicken breast (172 Cal / 100g) or turkey leg (144 Cal / 100g).


Apples yes, but not any: green apples! If they are not really negative calories, they are high in fiber and quickly give a sensation of satiety. With 52 Cal / 100g, it is a good ally of your diet.

A good way to start the day with a black coffee, without adding sugar of course! The coffee stimulates fat burning contains 0 calories. With its caffeine content, you will have fishing for the whole day.

Chili pepper

Do not yell "crazy"! It's not a joke if you get to eat it. With 40 Cal / 100g, it burns both the mouth and calories. If you like the dishes, do not hesitate to add a pinch.


The celery branch is made up of 75% water the rest are fibers. It is rich in sodium and potassium and brings 16 calories to the 100G. Tender and crisp, it is ideal at the time of the aperitif soaked in a yoghurt sauce not to throw on the peanuts.

The 10 Lowest Calorie Foods. Part 1

The classic reflex in case of craving is to throw without thinking, on a pack of chips, a chocolate bar, sausage or other traps for our line. But do you know negative calorie foods that will help you calm your hunger without feeling guilty. These foods consume more calories in your body than they bring in. Want to discover them? It's easy with 750g , but it does not stop you from keeping a varied and balanced diet to keep you in shape with a smile.


It is made up of 95% water and contains a nice amount of antioxidants to help us neutralize the free radicals that attack our cells. It brings 16 calories per 100g. It is also refreshing in our summer salads.


Asparagus contains good quality antioxidants and provides 20 calories per 100g. The tip that we adore is the part of the asparagus richest in minerals. To enjoy its benefits, it is best to cook them in little water.


With its 25 calories per 100g, one understands better the current tendency to use it in an unusual way, to realize a base of pizza dough for example. Eat raw or lightly cooked, it will quickly give you a feeling of satiety.


With its antioxidants and lycopene, tomato is recommended to keep fit and could help prevent cardiovascular disease. To enjoy all its benefits, it is advisable to consume it with a drizzle of olive oil. With its 18 Cal / 100g, why deprive yourself!

The papaya

Papaya with its 43 Cal / 100g is not only ideal for a craving but it is also good for health. Indeed, it is rich in fiber and a diet rich in fiber is associated with a lower risk of colon cancer. Be careful though, if you have a latex allergy, papaya is one of the foods potentially associated with this allergy.

YouTube plans to launch online TV service

YouTube announced Tuesday the upcoming launch of a streaming television service in the United States competing directly with the traditional offering of cable or toll channels.
YouTube TV targets younger generations looking to watch info, movies or series with a simple subscription and an internet connection.
The service, which will be for the time being reserved for the United States, is for those "who want to watch what they want, when they want, in the way they want and without commitment," detailed Susan Wojcicki , During a press conference broadcast in streaming.
Its users will be able to watch on their connected devices (tablets, telephones ...) the main American general channels (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC ...) as well as sports channels and other programs, detailed the group.
YouTube TV, scheduled to launch in the coming months, will cost $ 35 per month for an account open to six different users and will compete with the "restricted packages" offered by Dish or AT & T cable operators.
The service, which should eventually be extended to other countries, will also allow programs to be recorded for viewing at a later date.

Samsung unveils its new Galaxy S8 smartphone

The South Korean Samsung group unveiled on Wednesday in New York the flagship of its reconquest, its new smartphone Galaxy S8, equipped with a virtual assistant, water resistant and no button on the front.
The new model was highly anticipated after the fiasco of the Galaxy Note 7, whose production was stopped in October after several devices exploded or caught fire.
It will be available from April 21, announced Justin Denison, vice president of Samsung America, at the presentation.
This model incorporates the first virtual assistant from Samsung, which will compete with Apple's famous Siri. His name is Bixby.
It allows the smartphone to "anticipate your needs", explained Sriram Thodla, senior director at Samsung America, at the presentation of the Galaxy S8.
Bixby uses all the smartphone data, including geolocation, which allows him, for example, to provide information to the user when he leaves his home.
Besides the virtual assistant, one of the main novelties is the absence of a button on the front, unlike previous models of the Galaxy or the iPhone.
Like the Pixel, the smartphone launched by Google, the front panel is now fully smooth and the screen larger in proportion to the device itself than before.


What's The Natural Gas Benefits?

Natural gas Launches natural gas label on the mix of hydrocarbon gases which three types of gas: methane, which is the largest proportion of natural gas mass, reaching accounted for about percent percent in some cases, it may be less so as they reach the minimum limits to seventy percent the second is the gas ethane, which range from the proportion of its presence in natural gas between one percent and ten percent, while the propane gas, the third gas has a very small proportion of the total natural gas ratio. 

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Natural Gas Through History

Natural gas is one of the most important types of natural resources at all, which is considered one of the most important energy that human needs become sources of the evening, and the clock in order to fill different needs. Known natural gas to the various previous civilizations, where he used each civilization of these civilizations specific purposes for the purpose of, for example, used by the Chinese in order to extract salt from the sea, but recently has been used natural gas in a manner in which the type of organization for the first time by the Kingdom United, which is mainly used in street lighting and illuminated was in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five of the birth, then Haktha some countries of the European continent, as well as the United States of America. 

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Natural Gas Use

Natural gas use in the present day is no longer limited to the simple and limited uses, but exceeded the functions of this things, and all this is due to the technical and scientific Altkdman who have allowed the chance of natural gas extraction and use more effectively. Here are some of the most prominent natural gas benefits, and uses in all regions of the world. 

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Natural Gas Benefits

It enters the natural gas as one of the most important materials used in many key areas and vital food, run factories, heating, water heating, and air conditioning. 

Provides income physically stable and high, it is more economical than some alternative fuels.

It is one of the most energy sources safer if we compare it with other energy sources. 

Helps the sustainability and continuity of an established business that depend on it in its work, and this is due to the natural gas is distributed through private distribution networks capable of different installations gas in quantities that you need and continuously uninterrupted supply or stop, also helped transport the way to reduce pollution audio noise, transport is done through private networks buried beneath the surface of the Earth.

It helps reduce environmental pollution, for being one of the sources of clean environmentally friendly. 

It helps provide quantities, complete and exploitation without a loss, and due to the infinite precision used in gas meters


Who was the first discovered oil?

Oil finder Is Max Steineke, a explorer petroliferous American citizen, graduated from Stanford University in the year (1621) majoring in geology and died Stinky Science in 1952, a prominent explorers in America, where he was one of the largest Algilogian known in the "California Standard Oil" of the year (1936) to the year (1950), where the company turned out to be "Aramco" later, contributed to the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia in commercial quantities and that his insistence and his efforts in the area of ​​Dammam "well Dammam No. 7" during the month of March 1938.

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 On 29 May 1933 awarded Saudi Arabia concession company "Standard Oil" (Casoc), the Dammam area is the first target for oil exploration where it was drilled a series of test wells in 1935, Stinky arrived in Saudi Arabia year (1934) for the first time his , where he was a great Algilogian works in "Casoc" year 1936, and in 1937 began a trip to explore the knowledge of the nature of the Geloggio Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a group of Algilogian who work with him, and in the year (1936), a well of wells, the test did not succeed in detecting the presence of commercial quantities of the oil in that region, and in December of 1936 Stinky began in deeper test From him, and in 1938 Stinky was summoned to the "San Francisco" where he persuaded them to successfully continued on the same region, and in the first week of March year 1938 Dammam Field 7 started producing commercial quantities of oil at a depth of 1440 meters, where production reached 3,000 barrels by the end of the same month, and in 1940 Dammam field production became 7 up to 12,000 barrels per day.

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In 1940 he found "Stinky" and just 50 kilometers from Dammam signs indicate the presence of oil, where this field pumps about 10,000 barrels per day, a Abqaiq field and reserves of about 12 billion barrels of oil, he developed "Stinky" technology new structural drilling for drawing geological maps of the underground, were used this technique widely used in oil exploration operations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where Stinky got the Bowers Award (American Society in Geloggio oil) and this award was given to him as he developed detection methods of oil and get huge commercial quantities , as this method of The advanced enabled to find the largest oil field, a "Ghawar field," work "Stinky" in Saudi Arabia during World War II to produce oil for its allies as well as protecting oil wells from enemies, remained as chief Algilogian in the company "Aramco" until 1950 and died in in 1952 at the age of 54 years.


How to talk about your weak points?

At some point in our lives, we are all asked to talk about our weaknesses. It is a question often asked during interviews of hiring for example: "what are your weak points? "And the answer is often the hardest to give because after all, there is not a good answer. If you are not prepared to respond, what you are going to say is likely to be poorly worded and therefore misinterpreted. First, learn what your weaknesses are and then talk to others.
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🔻Do you know yourself?

Understand the issue. When you are asked what your weaknesses are, for example during an interview, it is not what you are weak about, but rather the fact that you are aware of weak points. If you reply that you do not have one ... That is a weakness; Your inability to recognize that you have, which is a lack of knowledge of yourself. It is also important to realize that knowing what your weaknesses is is not in itself, on the contrary, it is even rather a strong point.

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Be prepared. Be attentive to yourself to identify your weak points. If you do not know them, how can you talk to anyone? While if you know the answer, you will not have to stammer a semblance of response and you will gain esteem from the people in front of you.

Be honest but strategic. If you say "I am a perfectionist" and you are not, it is not a very good idea. Say only the truth and at the same time, learn to round off the angles to put you also ahead. This will make you an ideal candidate.

Regularly analyze your weaknesses. As mentioned earlier, this does not happen only once, so you should practice this exercise on a regular basis as about every 3 months and if it seems too often, try every 6 months.
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🔻Talking about your weaknesses during an interview

Talk about "real" weaknesses. Turning your answer so that you think your main flaw is that you are already perfect will never work. By saying "my biggest flaw is being too perfectionist" will remind the interviewer that you do not really admit that you have any. If it is really a defect you possess to be a perfectionist, be honest and reliable and respond in this way "I sometimes check a task several times and sometimes it makes me waste time for something else".

Be clear and short. Do not overdo your answers. The interviewer is waiting for a specific response from you.

Be prepared for the interviewer to ask for more. You must be able to cite at least 3 weak points and their solutions. You may also be asked two or three times.

If the question is put to you a fourth time, you can always answer that at the moment, your weak points are the ones you just mentioned but that three months later, those can very well change.

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🔻Examples of answers

"I do not take initiatives like I would like to do." Employers do not want people to be watched like children or waiting to be told what to do. So here's how you can solve this problem.
You can explain that your inability to take action comes from your previous job in which you had to follow instructions and that initiative was not seen. For fear of anger your current employer, you have followed the company's policy of following orders. Specify that you are aware that the proposed job requires initiative and that you will do what is right for you to make decisions for yourself.
"I do not allocate my working time very well". It is important for an employer that you do not waste your time. The ideal is to do as many tasks as possible in a minimum of time. There are many people like you so do not think about telling your future employer something that he has never heard.
Tell him the truth that sometimes you have trouble managing your time and that you often lose. Tell them you like a job well done and you can spend time on one task at the expense of others but you do what it takes to change this habit by imposing a time limit and when that time is Finished, you move on to something else
"It may happen that I take a little too many initiatives." Employers may not appreciate having to give you back for you. Let them know that you are aware of this and that you also know your position within the company.
Make it clear that you know that tensions can develop between you and your manager because you are encroaching on his / her ground and you learn to trust the ideas of others and your manager rather than spoil everything because of your ego. Say you know how a team can work in harmony when everyone stays in their place and you are always ready to help if necessary.

✅Keep in mind that weaknesses and strengths always go hand in hand. For example, engaging in a project can both show dedication to this project or the desire to help colleagues.

✅If one or more of your weak points may actually hinder your work for which you are applying, you may need to consider other work options.

✅You will certainly use this exercise also to increase your annual performance by identifying areas in which you can improve and thus help you achieve particular goals.

✅You can extract from this exercise your strengths to improve your letter of motivation. Your strengths are what you put forward in front of an employer and this is far more convincing if you know what you are talking about.

✅If you are leading a team, helping your team to be competent in this exercise will be a good indicator for you to also see the strengths of each and assign them to tasks for which they will feel comfortable .

✅Take notes from time to time on how your compensatory techniques work, in this way you can always adjust them to your advantage.

✅Make sure that your final analysis is not too complex, it must be concise and well set.

✅Be aware that everyone does not consider that admitting what are their weak points is a force (some people may use them against you). It is therefore important to analyze and adapt to each situation. There is not one way to do it.

✅Do not pretend not to have weakness just because you do not know how to fight it. To ignore it does not mean that it does not exist. Write down on a paper what this weak point is and think about it. You may not want to approach this point without having prepared a response beforehand, remember that you should always be ready.

Smart Brain? How to improve your memory? What's the real things should we do?

Do you feel less intelligent than others? Do you feel uncomfortable when you do not know how to answer a teacher's question? There are always times when each of us may feel that we do not know anything. Of course, you can not know everything, but, no matter how smart you are, you can start to move forward today.
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Improve your memory. An important part of what is usually regarded as intelligence is actually the simple ability to remember things well. You can improve your ability to record and recall memories in multiple ways, including using mnemonic tricks or paying attention to detail.

Be more curious. How do some people know so much? The good memorization skills are only part of the answer, you also have to be curious. If you are content with a life in which you do not understand or do not understand much about subjects that you are not familiar with, you will not learn much. Make a conscious effort to be curious by telling you that being curious will broaden your horizon and help you be smarter.

Exercise your mind in various ways. Most of us are gifted for areas in which they naturally excel or in the activities they practice every day. Challenge yourself by learning new skills or at least thinking in another way and you will actually become smarter. Choose something you want to learn to do (play the accordion for example) or an area in which you are not good (maybe math?) And focus on it. At first you will feel uncomfortable and maybe even less intelligent than before, but study or train assiduously, you will be more and more confident and you will create new connections in your mind.

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Read a lot. Almost all human knowledge can be found in writings, be it in books, magazines or on the internet. Become a bulimic reader and you will be exposed a lot more ideas and information. If you are reading slowly, consider learning fast reading. Also consider taking a few notes and possibly looking for a word or two in the dictionary if needed.

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If you read slowly, it is not mandatory to seek absolutely to read faster, you can accept yourself as you are. Create a space in your schedule to read and ask others not to bother you during this time. Prefer quality to the quantity of books and indulge yourself when you finish a book.

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Go to the library regularly and choose anything that may interest you. The subject itself is not very important, the essential being the act of reading. Always have something interesting to read on hand.

Learn how to look for things. If you know how to use the reference tools, from the internet to the encyclopedia, you will be able to find the information you are looking for faster and more efficiently. Effective research tools will feed your curiosity because you will have more confidence in your ability to access knowledge. If your research abilities are poor, ask a librarian or a teacher for help or simply do some research. Or just use the "help" tab on the internet and on computer software and read.

Learn a new word every day. Open the dictionary and find a word you did not know yet, then practice using it during the day. When you come across a new word, also look for its meaning.

Find a hobby that interests you. Most people improve their intelligence by trying to improve in an area they already know. For example, a computer programmer who knows C ++ will not only look smart, it will also help him in his work.

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Read the newspapers. Keeping abreast of current events allows you to know what is happening in the world. You can read paper newspapers or consult the news on the internet.

Also exercise your writing skills. Writing allows you to implement your knowledge creatively. Whether it is to produce news, fantasy or reports on World War II, it is always good to train you to write. Try to make your brain work by writing a little every day and it does not matter if you analyze your emotions or if you prefer to describe the weather. Sometimes, a simple brainstorming can bring you new ideas.

Image associée

Learn a foreign language. It has been proven that learning new languages generally makes them smarter. Children who know how to speak two or more languages have more gray matter than the others. Gray matter is used to process information, including memory, language, and sensory perception.

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Spend time away from distractions and people. Loneliness allows you to introspection and reflect. It is by being alone that you can assimilate all the information that you have swallowed. You can also solve some problems. The loneliness allows you to refocus, to calm you and to know you better. Take a moment to be alone each day.

✅Do not just learn to learn, it will not work. Make it interesting, make learning fun, you will learn faster and you will retain better.

Always remember that you can not know everything. Why would you want it? Being good in one or two areas may have more value than being considered a genius.

In addition to seeking knowledge, look for new ways of learning. If reading is not your thing too much, try observing people or talking to them or even watching TV: there are a lot of educational channels available.

Sleep properly. Some researchers say that our brain makes new connections during our sleep. For example, if you can not solve a mathematical equation, "sleep on it" and it is possible that your brain finds the solution while you sleep.

Switch pop music against classical music. Studies have shown that it helps to be smarter.

Try not to distract yourself when you work. Listen to your teacher and sleep well. And never skip breakfast!
Set yourself a goal to be motivated to learn.

Take private lessons or read books. Use the dictionary, it will help you learn new words. Write news every month. Ask your teachers for help. Finally, eat healthy foods like apples, almonds or bananas, as these fruits make it smarter.

Learn something new everyday! Things that we do not know can be so interesting! They also make you smarter.

Some psychologists say that there are many forms of intelligence, such as interpersonal intelligence (the way we interact with others) or body intelligence (coordination, athletics). Do not neglect these aspects of your personality. Even if they do not make you "smarter", they help you lead a happier, more harmonious life.

Do not look at how others are, focus instead on what you have and what you can offer. If you focus on the intelligence of others, it will limit your chances of increasing your own intelligence.

Do not be depressed if you fail, keep trying until you succeed.

Avoid alcohol and drugs. Prolonged use of these substances can damage your brain cells and decrease your ability to concentrate.


What is gluten? What's effects on our body?

What is gluten?

Gluten is a mixture of proteins combined with starch in the endosperm of most cereals.
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It constitutes about 80% of the proteins contained in wheat.

Gluten is responsible for the elasticity of the kneaded dough as well as the chewiness of the baked cereal products.

It is important to know that gluten refers to proteins only from cereals and therefore all cereals contain gluten.

Gluten is divided into two groups: prolamins and glutenins.

The proteins of the prolamin family are at the source of celiac disease and very pernicious intolerance.

Wheat (alpha gliadin), rye (secalin) and barley (hordenin) are the most toxic, followed by maize (zenin).

For millions of years, men have consumed natural food, similar to that of wild animals. Enzymes and digestive mucins were adapted to the various substances ingested.

The modern diet is rich in new macromolecules, for which enzymes and mucins are often not adapted.
Even taken in small quantities or exceptionally, a food containing gluten causes damage to the intestine.

Currently, the agri-food industries are exaggeratingly changing cereals, which have become much more unassimilable and, therefore, even more toxic than they used to be.

Role of gluten in our diet

Gluten is a protein found in cereals. Gluten influences the cooking properties of flour. The gluten absorbs the water that is added to the flour and swells to generate a dough to be kneaded. During cooking, the gluten releases part of the retained water and binds to the starch contained in the flour, so as to ensure the cohesion of the bread.

Gluten can be considered as the glue of these cereals. It is responsible for the agglutinating and binder capacity of cereals and their use in the manufacture of pasta and breads. Unfortunately gluten is used frequently in the food industry and can hide in a multitude of products under different denominations.


The higher the percentage, the higher the risk of a reaction

BLE (wheat) :   69% alpha gliadin
EPEAUTRE :   69% alpha gliadin
KAMUT       : 69% alpha gliadin
RYE:               30 to 50% secalin
BARLEY :     46 to 52% hordenin
SORGHO:      52% caffeine
MILLET:        40% of panic
Oats:               20 to 30% of avenine
TEFF:             12%
FONIO :         less than 10%
RICE:             5% of orzenin

Cereals that raise very little, have a very low percentage of prolamin. Quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat are seeds and not cereals.

When cereal and milk proteins are not completely degraded, they break through the intestinal wall and end up in the bloodstream.

These peptides then transformed into "opioid peptides" will behave in the body like certain morphine derivatives and bind to biochemical receptors specific to these substances. By occupying and saturating the receptors, peptides derived from poorly metabolized gluten and casein will then lead to behavioral disorders and the development of degenerative diseases and the central nervous system. Therefore, strictly adhere to the flours allowed if one wants to obtain fast and spectacular results.

Important! One molecule of gluten contains 16 opioid molecules

Gluten intolerance

Some individuals have the possibility of ingesting gluten without any pathological consequences (they are rare, increasingly rare). Others will show certain pathologies but will not make any link with the intolerances deriving from milk and gluten. Some people who are susceptible to these two substances will develop pathologies and their more informed doctors will link their intolerances and allergies related to their pathologies, for example gluten can cause lesions of the jejunal mucosa correlated with all the symptoms described above (Table of Pr. Reichelt).

Gluten has long been recognized as a major allergen / antigen. A reaction of intolerance serves as a basis for the mechanism of this disease. Gluten triggers as an antigen an immune reaction which, as a result of daily food intake, results in a chronic inflammatory reaction with ultimately tissue damage. Tissue damage progresses over time until complete destruction of intestinal villi.

If we eat badly we will select certain types of bacteria, that is to say that depending on the nutrient medium that we will give to our bacteria, we will rather favor each other. We have a poor assimilation: the more modern we eat, the more deficient we are, and we have defective microvillies, and therefore we can less and less absorb and digest properly products that are more or less well degraded. We are no longer in sync with our environment. This leads to a deterioration of the intestinal mucosa. Rapid intestinal permeability is then created.

Diet is an environmental factor that excites the immune system, so the immune response is self-sustaining. If you stop exciting the immune system, things calm down and little by little, there is regulation.

It is known that diet can modify expression of genes up to 60%. No new genes will be created, but the production of beneficial or otherwise malignant molecules can be greatly accentuated. The food we eat goes directly, in cut form, to the level of the genome. They are promoters of the genome.

In a lot of serious and complicated diseases, for which there is no medicinal solution, if one closes the intestinal permeability, inevitably one will necessarily improve things.

Mercury increases the intestinal permeability. It is not only toxic to the brain but also to all organs and tissues.

Symptoms and signs of gluten intolerance

Anemia (the level of iron very quickly becomes normal during the suppression of gluten)
Effects on Memory and Learning
Writing problems, academic problems
Lack of self-confidence
Decrease in socialization, depression
Sleeping troubles
Changes in sex life
Intestinal Gases
Crohn's disease
Body Temperature Controls
Reduction of peristaltic movements

The effects of gluten on the brain

The protein penetrates the brain and exerts its pathogenic effects.

Opioid peptides all the more easily cross the blood-brain barrier as they increase the permeability and are found in the cerebrospinal fluid. They disrupt learning, affectivity, socialization.

Gluten-fed, the rat loses its faculties of learning, the cat adopts a bizarre behavior, the kittens, the puppies and the chicks do not cry during weaning.

Especially they disrupt trophicity and cerebral organization in the first years of life and puberty, periods of maturation of migrations and positioning of neurons and the multiplication of glial cells in different tissue layers.

Opioid peptides derived from gluten have an etiopathogenic role in autism.

The pathogenic association of gluten-autism was born from Dohan's epidemiological work establishing a very strong quantitative correlation between the incidence of schizophrenia and the consumption of cereals.

Professor Reichelt expanded this research to include autism and established, by other authors, the almost constant and high levels of opioid peptides derived from gluten in the body fluids of autistic children.

To assert responsibility for a dietary protein in the development of a disease, three conditions must be met:

1- The dietary protein crosses intact cad activates the digestive mucosa;

2- The protein reaches the diseased organ, here the brain, and exerts its deleterious effects there;

3- Eviction of the incriminated protein leads to healing or improvement of the disorders.

Pathogenic construction

The initial deficit is digestive and enzymatic in the image of the deficiencies in osidases that digest food sugars.

The duodenal mucosa is deficient in peptidase and in particular dipeptidase type IV and incompletely digests gluten into opioid peptides, which accumulate in the blood and have their pathogenic effects by their activity on opioid receptors and / or by their inhibition Widespread tissue peptidases whose role in the body is still poorly understood.

It is important to differentiate this mechanism from that of celiac disease, the most emblematic but the least frequent and often the only known pathologies resulting from a "gluten intolerance".

In celiac disease, gluten with the complicity of HLA-DQ2 generates an antibody fatal to transglutaminase, a tissue repair enzyme of the digestive mucosa that exists in other tissues (brain in particular). It is the loss of this faculty of repair which will lead to villous atrophy and the digestive syndrome.

In addition, the "celiacs" have either enzyme deficiency or mucosal breakdown, hyperemptidemia - opioid hyperpeptiduria responsible for a neuropsychiatric array (epilepsy, depression) in 2/3 of the cases.

Celiac disease is an allergy to gluten, but it is known that 30% of adults are intolerant to gluten.

Gluten and neurological damage

Without fat, high in fiber, magnesium and vitamins B1 and B6, bread could be a perfect healthy food, the ideal basis for a healthy and balanced diet. But…

Many people suffer from various diseases and disorders as long as they eat with this "mythical food" that is bread.

Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, intestinal cancer, addicted to psychiatric pathologies and various behavioral disorders such as autism, hyperactivity, schizophrenia or schizophrenia ... In brief so many pathologies, mental disorders more diverse than the ones Others whose main culprit is ... the gluten of bread! And unfortunately, our children are in the front line about the risks.

Why are we witnessing a dazzling explosion in the number of allergies, mainly intolerance to cereals?

How would the gluten of our bread become harmful to modern man?

What role would it play in mental disorders?

Agriculture ... evolution and mutation

Western agriculture has long ago abandoned the natural exploitation of crops for the benefit of "the intensive". Depending on the regions of the world and for thousands of years, cereals have been the basis of our food. Wheat, barley, oats, rye, rice ... once wild, had a great genetic variability but these were soon reduced by self-pollination in the fields and then by the selection of species by the " Man.

Indeed, since the Roman period, the cultivated species had better capacities to agglutinate for the manufacture of bread dough, a quality linked to the presence of gluten and were therefore favored.

Thus, mutant cereals characterized by a solid rachis tend to multiply in the cultivated areas, to the detriment of ordinary cereals: gluten has appeared in our cereals " daily bread " !

Although agriculture allowed sedentarization of mankind, there was a price to pay: the genesis of new diseases linked to the toxicity of intolerance to gluten, more commonly called celiac disease.

Why are there more and more people allergic and intolerant to cereals?

To understand the harmfulness of gluten, its involvement in mental disorders, we must explore the catalytic units of our essential metabolic pathways: enzymatic systems.

I therefore bring you, with your permission, to the heart of the crossroads of biological and physicochemical disciplines. Rest assured, I will spare you the scientific mechanisms too complex. Are you ready ? Let's go!


Gluten intolerance is a disruption of our enzymatic system. The proteins of cereals are not completely digested, so is our health. Even the most succulent of organic breads made with organic wheat flour, kneaded with love and guaranteed without chemicals and without preservatives, would constitute a formidable poison for the intolerant organism! What are the main suspects pointed at by many international researchers (see the studies of American Professor Boyd E. Haley)? Let's call the toxic metals and viruses ...

The heavy metals incriminated

Among the etiopathogenic hypotheses most frequently accredited in the international scientific literature, we find toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, aluminum and, finally, the most formidable enemy, mercury!

These metals are used daily: dental amalgams (mercury, tin, silver), cigarettes (cadmium,
Mercury), vaccines in general (preservative aluminum), and in particular the MMR vaccine (thimerosal mercury), pesticides of all kinds, food additives and preservatives, etc. (See the studies of Professor Boyd E. Haley, American biochemist and toxicologist, epidemiologists Jean-Jacques Melet and Marie Grosman and Prof. Maurice Rabache and André Picot
Of the CNRS in France).

And beware of unwanted effects!

By accumulating in the body, heavy metals have an inhibitory effect on a class of enzymes called peptidases. The latter are in particular intended for the complete degradation of a set of food proteins originating from gluten. For example, mercury inhibits DPPIV, an enzyme believed to destroy glutamorphine during digestion.

When the intestine derailed ...

It is a real chronic poisoning that affects the person. The proteins produced by the bread, which are not completely degraded, first cross the intestinal wall, already damaged by mercury and viruses, and are thus found in the torrent of the blood system.

These peptides, then transformed into "opiate peptides", will behave in the organism exactly like certain morphine derivatives and bind to biochemical receptors specific to these substances. By occupying and saturating the receptors, gluten-free peptides, poorly metabolized, will then lead to disorders of behavior and promote the development of degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. Indeed, the accumulation of these opioids inhibits the development of the latter, thus causing a progressive dysfunction.

Did you know that a molecule of gluten contains up to 16 molecules of morphine derivatives? On the other hand, if, and only if, these subjects exhibit disorders of the enzymatic mechanism specific to glia (all the nerve cells of the brain), to some extent an alteration of the blood-brain barrier, then these glutamorphins can, secondly , Cross this membrane, causing neuronal accumulation and consequently favor the development of mental and behavioral disorders.

Vaccine and microbacterial viruses

Vaccine viruses can circulate in the blood, lodge in different brain areas, causing, in association with the action of glutamorphines, mild encephalitis, stopping speech, etc.

Worse still, microorganisms (fungi such as Candida albicans) can quickly settle in all the mucous membranes and especially in the intestine. True invaders, they contribute to the formation of a wall preventing the normal absorption of food, vitamins and ... unfortunately bread!

Major Symptoms

The biochemical disorder that confronts our body during a gluten poisoning is the source of a range of behavioral disorders often mistakenly called "psychosomatic" or "gastric".

Dyspraxia, dyslexia, attention and behavioral deficit, hypo and hyperactivity, relational problems, violence, various autistic types (with or without language), involuntary convulsive disorders (tic), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Chronic fatigue, bowel disease (bloating, constipation, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, intestinal carcinoma ...) schizophrenia, etc.

Biochemical evidence

These "mental invasive" disorders caused by the partial degradation of gluten were highlighted by the Norwegian Professor Karl Reichelt of the Pediatric Institute of Oslo. Indeed, it has incriminated since 1986 the presence of peptides of the gluten in the urines of hyperactive subjects, autistic, epileptic and schizophrenic.

A solution, an analysis: peptiduria

All these obscure disorders can be prevented, notably thanks to a simple urine analysis: peptiduria. This will highlight toxic, and in what quantity, that disrupt the electrical activity of the brain.

Thanks to the brilliant discoveries of Professor Karl Reichelt and his urinary peptide analyzes, patients can, as I did for my son, set up an individualized, gluten-free diet, thus ending a long litany of Symptoms and build a new life in full health.


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