What is gluten?
Gluten is a mixture of proteins combined with starch in the endosperm of most cereals.
It constitutes about 80% of the proteins contained in wheat.
Gluten is responsible for the elasticity of the kneaded dough as well as the chewiness of the baked cereal products.
It is important to know that gluten refers to proteins only from cereals and therefore all cereals contain gluten.
Gluten is divided into two groups: prolamins and glutenins.
The proteins of the prolamin family are at the source of celiac disease and very pernicious intolerance.
Wheat (alpha gliadin), rye (secalin) and barley (hordenin) are the most toxic, followed by maize (zenin).
For millions of years, men have consumed natural food, similar to that of wild animals. Enzymes and digestive mucins were adapted to the various substances ingested.
The modern diet is rich in new macromolecules, for which enzymes and mucins are often not adapted.
Even taken in small quantities or exceptionally, a food containing gluten causes damage to the intestine.
Currently, the agri-food industries are exaggeratingly changing cereals, which have become much more unassimilable and, therefore, even more toxic than they used to be.
Role of gluten in our diet
Gluten is a protein found in cereals. Gluten influences the cooking properties of flour. The gluten absorbs the water that is added to the flour and swells to generate a dough to be kneaded. During cooking, the gluten releases part of the retained water and binds to the starch contained in the flour, so as to ensure the cohesion of the bread.
Gluten can be considered as the glue of these cereals. It is responsible for the agglutinating and binder capacity of cereals and their use in the manufacture of pasta and breads. Unfortunately gluten is used frequently in the food industry and can hide in a multitude of products under different denominations.
The higher the percentage, the higher the risk of a reaction
BLE (wheat) : 69% alpha gliadin
EPEAUTRE : 69% alpha gliadin
KAMUT : 69% alpha gliadin
RYE: 30 to 50% secalin
BARLEY : 46 to 52% hordenin
SORGHO: 52% caffeine
MILLET: 40% of panic
Oats: 20 to 30% of avenine
TEFF: 12%
FONIO : less than 10%
RICE: 5% of orzenin
Cereals that raise very little, have a very low percentage of prolamin. Quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat are seeds and not cereals.
When cereal and milk proteins are not completely degraded, they break through the intestinal wall and end up in the bloodstream.
These peptides then transformed into "opioid peptides" will behave in the body like certain morphine derivatives and bind to biochemical receptors specific to these substances. By occupying and saturating the receptors, peptides derived from poorly metabolized gluten and casein will then lead to behavioral disorders and the development of degenerative diseases and the central nervous system. Therefore, strictly adhere to the flours allowed if one wants to obtain fast and spectacular results.
Important! One molecule of gluten contains 16 opioid molecules
Gluten intolerance
Some individuals have the possibility of ingesting gluten without any pathological consequences (they are rare, increasingly rare). Others will show certain pathologies but will not make any link with the intolerances deriving from milk and gluten. Some people who are susceptible to these two substances will develop pathologies and their more informed doctors will link their intolerances and allergies related to their pathologies, for example gluten can cause lesions of the jejunal mucosa correlated with all the symptoms described above (Table of Pr. Reichelt).
Gluten has long been recognized as a major allergen / antigen. A reaction of intolerance serves as a basis for the mechanism of this disease. Gluten triggers as an antigen an immune reaction which, as a result of daily food intake, results in a chronic inflammatory reaction with ultimately tissue damage. Tissue damage progresses over time until complete destruction of intestinal villi.
If we eat badly we will select certain types of bacteria, that is to say that depending on the nutrient medium that we will give to our bacteria, we will rather favor each other. We have a poor assimilation: the more modern we eat, the more deficient we are, and we have defective microvillies, and therefore we can less and less absorb and digest properly products that are more or less well degraded. We are no longer in sync with our environment. This leads to a deterioration of the intestinal mucosa. Rapid intestinal permeability is then created.
Diet is an environmental factor that excites the immune system, so the immune response is self-sustaining. If you stop exciting the immune system, things calm down and little by little, there is regulation.
It is known that diet can modify expression of genes up to 60%. No new genes will be created, but the production of beneficial or otherwise malignant molecules can be greatly accentuated. The food we eat goes directly, in cut form, to the level of the genome. They are promoters of the genome.
In a lot of serious and complicated diseases, for which there is no medicinal solution, if one closes the intestinal permeability, inevitably one will necessarily improve things.
Mercury increases the intestinal permeability. It is not only toxic to the brain but also to all organs and tissues.
Symptoms and signs of gluten intolerance
Anemia (the level of iron very quickly becomes normal during the suppression of gluten)
Effects on Memory and Learning
Writing problems, academic problems
Lack of self-confidence
Decrease in socialization, depression
Sleeping troubles
Changes in sex life
Intestinal Gases
Crohn's disease
Body Temperature Controls
Reduction of peristaltic movements
The effects of gluten on the brain
The protein penetrates the brain and exerts its pathogenic effects.
Opioid peptides all the more easily cross the blood-brain barrier as they increase the permeability and are found in the cerebrospinal fluid. They disrupt learning, affectivity, socialization.
Gluten-fed, the rat loses its faculties of learning, the cat adopts a bizarre behavior, the kittens, the puppies and the chicks do not cry during weaning.
Especially they disrupt trophicity and cerebral organization in the first years of life and puberty, periods of maturation of migrations and positioning of neurons and the multiplication of glial cells in different tissue layers.
Opioid peptides derived from gluten have an etiopathogenic role in autism.
The pathogenic association of gluten-autism was born from Dohan's epidemiological work establishing a very strong quantitative correlation between the incidence of schizophrenia and the consumption of cereals.
Professor Reichelt expanded this research to include autism and established, by other authors, the almost constant and high levels of opioid peptides derived from gluten in the body fluids of autistic children.
To assert responsibility for a dietary protein in the development of a disease, three conditions must be met:
1- The dietary protein crosses intact cad activates the digestive mucosa;
2- The protein reaches the diseased organ, here the brain, and exerts its deleterious effects there;
3- Eviction of the incriminated protein leads to healing or improvement of the disorders.
Pathogenic construction
The initial deficit is digestive and enzymatic in the image of the deficiencies in osidases that digest food sugars.
The duodenal mucosa is deficient in peptidase and in particular dipeptidase type IV and incompletely digests gluten into opioid peptides, which accumulate in the blood and have their pathogenic effects by their activity on opioid receptors and / or by their inhibition Widespread tissue peptidases whose role in the body is still poorly understood.
It is important to differentiate this mechanism from that of celiac disease, the most emblematic but the least frequent and often the only known pathologies resulting from a "gluten intolerance".
In celiac disease, gluten with the complicity of HLA-DQ2 generates an antibody fatal to transglutaminase, a tissue repair enzyme of the digestive mucosa that exists in other tissues (brain in particular). It is the loss of this faculty of repair which will lead to villous atrophy and the digestive syndrome.
In addition, the "celiacs" have either enzyme deficiency or mucosal breakdown, hyperemptidemia - opioid hyperpeptiduria responsible for a neuropsychiatric array (epilepsy, depression) in 2/3 of the cases.
Celiac disease is an allergy to gluten, but it is known that 30% of adults are intolerant to gluten.
Gluten and neurological damage
Without fat, high in fiber, magnesium and vitamins B1 and B6, bread could be a perfect healthy food, the ideal basis for a healthy and balanced diet. But…
Many people suffer from various diseases and disorders as long as they eat with this "mythical food" that is bread.
Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, intestinal cancer, addicted to psychiatric pathologies and various behavioral disorders such as autism, hyperactivity, schizophrenia or schizophrenia ... In brief so many pathologies, mental disorders more diverse than the ones Others whose main culprit is ... the gluten of bread! And unfortunately, our children are in the front line about the risks.
Why are we witnessing a dazzling explosion in the number of allergies, mainly intolerance to cereals?
How would the gluten of our bread become harmful to modern man?
What role would it play in mental disorders?
Agriculture ... evolution and mutation
Western agriculture has long ago abandoned the natural exploitation of crops for the benefit of "the intensive". Depending on the regions of the world and for thousands of years, cereals have been the basis of our food. Wheat, barley, oats, rye, rice ... once wild, had a great genetic variability but these were soon reduced by self-pollination in the fields and then by the selection of species by the " Man.
Indeed, since the Roman period, the cultivated species had better capacities to agglutinate for the manufacture of bread dough, a quality linked to the presence of gluten and were therefore favored.
Thus, mutant cereals characterized by a solid rachis tend to multiply in the cultivated areas, to the detriment of ordinary cereals: gluten has appeared in our cereals " daily bread " !
Although agriculture allowed sedentarization of mankind, there was a price to pay: the genesis of new diseases linked to the toxicity of intolerance to gluten, more commonly called celiac disease.
Why are there more and more people allergic and intolerant to cereals?
To understand the harmfulness of gluten, its involvement in mental disorders, we must explore the catalytic units of our essential metabolic pathways: enzymatic systems.
I therefore bring you, with your permission, to the heart of the crossroads of biological and physicochemical disciplines. Rest assured, I will spare you the scientific mechanisms too complex. Are you ready ? Let's go!
Gluten intolerance is a disruption of our enzymatic system. The proteins of cereals are not completely digested, so is our health. Even the most succulent of organic breads made with organic wheat flour, kneaded with love and guaranteed without chemicals and without preservatives, would constitute a formidable poison for the intolerant organism! What are the main suspects pointed at by many international researchers (see the studies of American Professor Boyd E. Haley)? Let's call the toxic metals and viruses ...
The heavy metals incriminated
Among the etiopathogenic hypotheses most frequently accredited in the international scientific literature, we find toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, aluminum and, finally, the most formidable enemy, mercury!
These metals are used daily: dental amalgams (mercury, tin, silver), cigarettes (cadmium,
Mercury), vaccines in general (preservative aluminum), and in particular the MMR vaccine (thimerosal mercury), pesticides of all kinds, food additives and preservatives, etc. (See the studies of Professor Boyd E. Haley, American biochemist and toxicologist, epidemiologists Jean-Jacques Melet and Marie Grosman and Prof. Maurice Rabache and André Picot
Of the CNRS in France).
And beware of unwanted effects!
By accumulating in the body, heavy metals have an inhibitory effect on a class of enzymes called peptidases. The latter are in particular intended for the complete degradation of a set of food proteins originating from gluten. For example, mercury inhibits DPPIV, an enzyme believed to destroy glutamorphine during digestion.
When the intestine derailed ...
It is a real chronic poisoning that affects the person. The proteins produced by the bread, which are not completely degraded, first cross the intestinal wall, already damaged by mercury and viruses, and are thus found in the torrent of the blood system.
These peptides, then transformed into "opiate peptides", will behave in the organism exactly like certain morphine derivatives and bind to biochemical receptors specific to these substances. By occupying and saturating the receptors, gluten-free peptides, poorly metabolized, will then lead to disorders of behavior and promote the development of degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. Indeed, the accumulation of these opioids inhibits the development of the latter, thus causing a progressive dysfunction.
Did you know that a molecule of gluten contains up to 16 molecules of morphine derivatives? On the other hand, if, and only if, these subjects exhibit disorders of the enzymatic mechanism specific to glia (all the nerve cells of the brain), to some extent an alteration of the blood-brain barrier, then these glutamorphins can, secondly , Cross this membrane, causing neuronal accumulation and consequently favor the development of mental and behavioral disorders.
Vaccine and microbacterial viruses
Vaccine viruses can circulate in the blood, lodge in different brain areas, causing, in association with the action of glutamorphines, mild encephalitis, stopping speech, etc.
Worse still, microorganisms (fungi such as Candida albicans) can quickly settle in all the mucous membranes and especially in the intestine. True invaders, they contribute to the formation of a wall preventing the normal absorption of food, vitamins and ... unfortunately bread!
Major Symptoms
The biochemical disorder that confronts our body during a gluten poisoning is the source of a range of behavioral disorders often mistakenly called "psychosomatic" or "gastric".
Dyspraxia, dyslexia, attention and behavioral deficit, hypo and hyperactivity, relational problems, violence, various autistic types (with or without language), involuntary convulsive disorders (tic), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Chronic fatigue, bowel disease (bloating, constipation, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, intestinal carcinoma ...) schizophrenia, etc.
Biochemical evidence
These "mental invasive" disorders caused by the partial degradation of gluten were highlighted by the Norwegian Professor Karl Reichelt of the Pediatric Institute of Oslo. Indeed, it has incriminated since 1986 the presence of peptides of the gluten in the urines of hyperactive subjects, autistic, epileptic and schizophrenic.
A solution, an analysis: peptiduria
All these obscure disorders can be prevented, notably thanks to a simple urine analysis: peptiduria. This will highlight toxic, and in what quantity, that disrupt the electrical activity of the brain.
Thanks to the brilliant discoveries of Professor Karl Reichelt and his urinary peptide analyzes, patients can, as I did for my son, set up an individualized, gluten-free diet, thus ending a long litany of Symptoms and build a new life in full health.