Ecological building materials : construction process

Of the structure to finishes, floor-to-ceiling, today there are materials to better respect the environment while protecting the health of those who live up to their contact. Some are classics (wood, hemp...), others are more obscure (the straw to the lino). Check out their properties often amazing and all the benefits that you can take...
The material of construction can be said to be ecological for two main reasons. First, because it respects the environment and the health of people living nearby. Then, because its production causes less of a nuisance (energy consumption, etc) other materials that have been " classic ". Thus, it is preferable not to use wood if it is cut down without the respect of ecosystems or transported by air over long distances.

There is yet a little while, these materials were difficult to find. This is much less true today, with the flowering of specialty shops and facilities offered by the Internet. Even the big brands type, Leroy Merlin or Castorama if there are updates, evidence that the phenomenon is by now widely the circle of insiders.

However, the eco-friendly materials are always a certain extra cost compared to ordinary income. This expense is partially offset, for example, by the energy savings that will provide a very good insulation. In addition, their benefits to the environment or human health are invaluable. Nevertheless, it is a parameter to take into account before you start your work.

Structure : classic or innovative ?
For the structure of your home, one of the most environmentally friendly solutions is offered by the wood. Strong and flexible, it will adapt to your architectural innovations, while providing durability and its health benefits. A housing may be made entirely of wood, or it can be used only for the structure (for example, for the houses of wattle and daub).

Other green material par excellence, the earth, raw or cooked, is subdivided into multiple applications such as bricks monomur, from the insulating qualities recognized. For the binder, prefer the lime in the cement, because it has an energy balance is more favourable. We can also mention the mud and the mud, preparations of raw earth, which are based on a frame of wood, stone or brick.

More unexpectedly, the straw can also help you to build your home, either alone, or on a wood frame. Contrary to popular belief, it is a very resistant material, the many environmentally friendly qualities and inexpensive because it is easy to procure.

Insulation : keep you warm
Homes are responsible for 25 % of emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. Insulation plays a fundamental role in the preservation of the environment... and can also enjoy substantial savings on the expense of heating.

The choice of materials depends on the basic structure of your dwelling. A wooden house, for example, will not require always add a layer of additional insulating material. In addition, the characteristics of certain materials potential uses are very specific, while others have qualities that are more universal.

The first of them is hemp, which is recyclable and ensures good air circulation and helps to regulate the humidity (moisture content) in the housing. Other interesting property, hemp is a repulsive anti-rodent effective.
Among the other types of "green" include :
- the linen, to be used rather for the roof and the walls,
- the wool of sheep, particularly recommended for the attic because of its absorbent properties,
- the cork for walls and partitions,
- cellulose wadding, as well as a good price-quality ratio and intended for floors mainly.

Finishes : spoilt for choice
Once completed the structure and insulation of your home, it will be time to tackle the inside of it. The wood, again, is in the spotlight as it is declined in the form of paneling, and flooring that will bring a touch of "natural" to your decor. However, make sure that the one you use has a certification that guarantees its origin and its operating conditions.

To the ground, also think of the lino, with a base of linseed oil and that is back in fashion after being passed by the wayside. And make sure that the glue used is also environmentally friendly. Side coated, you'll be spoilt for choice between the lime, paper pulp, clay, or plaster.

Finally, regarding the paintings, prefer acrylics to those of oil, and make sure that they use natural pigments, and a binder of vegetable origin or mineral.
Bernard Rastoin 

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