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?How to calculate weight of bars : reinforcement concrete

For calculating the weight of bars we can use this formula
Just keep in mind that , while using the above formula, the unit for Diameter is millimeter (mm) while that of Length is meter(m).
and the unit of weight is kilogram (Kg).

And also note that for calculating weight of bars/ reinforcements of different materials (other than mild steel), the density part must be changed accordingly.
Dense normal concrete weight
What is the weight of a concrete volume in lb/cu-ft and kg/m3?
concrete volume weight chart:
cubic meter of concrete2,406.53 kg/m^35,305.49 lb/m^3
cubic yard of concrete1,839.92 kg/yd^34,056.34 lb/cu yd
cubic foot of concrete68.15 kg/ft^3150.23 lb/cu ft
cubic inch of concrete0.039 kg/in^30.087 lb/cu in
cubic centimeter of concrete0.002 kg/cm^30.005 lb/cu cm
Japanese cubic shaku
of concrete
66.97 kg/尺^3147.63 lb/cu 尺
Chinese lìfāng mǐ
of concrete (equals 1 m3)
2,406.53 kg/立方米5,305.49 lb/立方米

What is the nominal weight of standard concrete?
How heavy is concrete?
The weight of concrete can vary slightly depending on the mix type. The most typical value widely used is 150 lb/ft^3 for the most common/ordinary concrete strength at ~ 4,000 psi = 4000 lbf / (sq in). The aggregate used, strength of concrete and how thin or semi dry the concrete is prepared are the aspects for concrete weight. Even though the aggregate is denser and heavier than water (4 parts of the aggregate is contained within the concrete - add 1 part dry cement + water, 4:1 always in volume sense is the usual standard concrete mixing ratio), wet fresh concrete before it sets will not be much heavier nor lighter per volume unit because the water presence is adding to its total weight. Though, to be exact, there is the marginal drying shrinkage caused by the water evaporation from the fresh concrete which causes a slight weight difference between the soft and set concrete state ... read further down.

Bar Diameters & Weights

Size (mm) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 50
Area (mm²) 28.3 50.3 78.5 113.0 153.96 201.0 254.0 314.0 491.0 804.0 1257.0 1963.0
Weight (kg per m) 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 1.209 1.58 2.00 2.47 3.85 6.31 9.86 15.41

Main notes to calculate the reinforcement quantity estimation

For estimating the cost of the structure, it is necessary for the quantities of the materials, including those of the reinforcement to be known. Accurate quantities of the concrete and brickwork can be calculated from the layout drawings. If working drawings and schedules for the reinforcement are not available it is necessary to provide an estimate of the anticipated quantities. The quantities are normally described in accordance with the requirements of the Standard method of measurement of building works.
In the case of reinforcement quantities the basic requirements are:
1. Bar reinforcement should be described separately by steel type (e.g. mild or high-yield steel), diameter and weight and divided up according to:
(a) Element of structure, e.g. foundations, slabs, walls, columns, etc., and
(b) Bar ‘shape’, e.g. straight, bent or hooked; curved; links, stirrups and spacers.
2. Fabric (mesh) reinforcement should be described separately by steel type, fabric type and area, divided up according to 1(a) and 1(b) above.

There are different methods for estimating the quantities of reinforcement;, three methods of varying accuracy are:

Method-1 for Reinforcement Estimation

The simplest method is based on the type of structure and the volume of the reinforced concrete elements. Typical values are, for example:

• Warehouses and similarly loaded and proportioned structures: 1 tonne of reinforcement per 105m3
• Offices, shops, hotels: 1 tonne per 13.5m3
• Residential, schools: 1 tonne per 15.05m3
However, while this method is a useful check on the total estimated quantity it is the least accurate, and it requires considerable experience to break the tonnage down to Standard Method of Measurement requirements.

Method-2 for Reinforcement Estimation

Another method is to use factors that convert the steel areas obtained from the initial design calculations to weights, e.g. kg/M2 or kg/m as appropriate to the element.
If the weights are divided into practical bar diameters and shapes, this method give a reasonably accurate assessment. The factors, however, do assume a degree of standardization both of structural form and detailing.
This method is likely to be the most flexible and relatively precise in practice, as it is based on reinforcement requirements indicated by the initial design calculations.

Method-3 for Reinforcement Estimation

For this method sketches are made for the ‘typical’ cases of elements and then weighted.
This method has the advantages that:
(a) The sketches are representative of the actual structure
(b) The sketches include the intended form of detailing and distribution of main and secondary reinforcement
(c) An allowance of additional steel for variations and holes may be made by inspection.
This method can also be used to calibrate or check the factors described in method 2 as it takes account of individual detailing methods.
When preparing the reinforcement estimate, the following items should be considered
(a) Laps and starter bars
A reasonable allowance for normal laps in both main and distribution bars and for starter bars has shall be considered. It should however be checked if special lapping arrangements are used.
(b) Architectural features
The drawings should be looked at and sufficient allowance made for the reinforcement required for such ‘non-structural’ features.
(c) Contingency
A contingency of between 10% and 15% should be added to cater for some changes and for possible omissions.

Ecological building materials : construction process

Of the structure to finishes, floor-to-ceiling, today there are materials to better respect the environment while protecting the health of those who live up to their contact. Some are classics (wood, hemp...), others are more obscure (the straw to the lino). Check out their properties often amazing and all the benefits that you can take...
The material of construction can be said to be ecological for two main reasons. First, because it respects the environment and the health of people living nearby. Then, because its production causes less of a nuisance (energy consumption, etc) other materials that have been " classic ". Thus, it is preferable not to use wood if it is cut down without the respect of ecosystems or transported by air over long distances.

There is yet a little while, these materials were difficult to find. This is much less true today, with the flowering of specialty shops and facilities offered by the Internet. Even the big brands type, Leroy Merlin or Castorama if there are updates, evidence that the phenomenon is by now widely the circle of insiders.

However, the eco-friendly materials are always a certain extra cost compared to ordinary income. This expense is partially offset, for example, by the energy savings that will provide a very good insulation. In addition, their benefits to the environment or human health are invaluable. Nevertheless, it is a parameter to take into account before you start your work.

Structure : classic or innovative ?
For the structure of your home, one of the most environmentally friendly solutions is offered by the wood. Strong and flexible, it will adapt to your architectural innovations, while providing durability and its health benefits. A housing may be made entirely of wood, or it can be used only for the structure (for example, for the houses of wattle and daub).

Other green material par excellence, the earth, raw or cooked, is subdivided into multiple applications such as bricks monomur, from the insulating qualities recognized. For the binder, prefer the lime in the cement, because it has an energy balance is more favourable. We can also mention the mud and the mud, preparations of raw earth, which are based on a frame of wood, stone or brick.

More unexpectedly, the straw can also help you to build your home, either alone, or on a wood frame. Contrary to popular belief, it is a very resistant material, the many environmentally friendly qualities and inexpensive because it is easy to procure.

Insulation : keep you warm
Homes are responsible for 25 % of emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. Insulation plays a fundamental role in the preservation of the environment... and can also enjoy substantial savings on the expense of heating.

The choice of materials depends on the basic structure of your dwelling. A wooden house, for example, will not require always add a layer of additional insulating material. In addition, the characteristics of certain materials potential uses are very specific, while others have qualities that are more universal.

The first of them is hemp, which is recyclable and ensures good air circulation and helps to regulate the humidity (moisture content) in the housing. Other interesting property, hemp is a repulsive anti-rodent effective.
Among the other types of "green" include :
- the linen, to be used rather for the roof and the walls,
- the wool of sheep, particularly recommended for the attic because of its absorbent properties,
- the cork for walls and partitions,
- cellulose wadding, as well as a good price-quality ratio and intended for floors mainly.

Finishes : spoilt for choice
Once completed the structure and insulation of your home, it will be time to tackle the inside of it. The wood, again, is in the spotlight as it is declined in the form of paneling, and flooring that will bring a touch of "natural" to your decor. However, make sure that the one you use has a certification that guarantees its origin and its operating conditions.

To the ground, also think of the lino, with a base of linseed oil and that is back in fashion after being passed by the wayside. And make sure that the glue used is also environmentally friendly. Side coated, you'll be spoilt for choice between the lime, paper pulp, clay, or plaster.

Finally, regarding the paintings, prefer acrylics to those of oil, and make sure that they use natural pigments, and a binder of vegetable origin or mineral.
Bernard Rastoin 

Personal protective equipment for safety

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is used as temporary protection (until we can use more effective risk management techniques) or as a last means of protecting workers against the risks. The type of PPE you use depends on the work environment, working conditions and the method used.

Each piece of PPE is designed for a specific use and can be made from specialized materials 
suitable for a given use, but which are not appropriate for another. For example, heavy rubber gloves protect the wearer against the solutions of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) for one shift of 8 hours, but they do not protect against the Ammonium hydroxide so as effective.

It is also important to remember that wearing appropriate PPE is essential. The PPE does not reduce the risks at the workplace or warrant permanent or complete protection to the wearer. The simple act of wearing PPE is not enough. To ensure the required level of protection:

-PPE should be selected according to the type of risk and level of protection required.
-PPE should be used when other risks present in other workplaces.
-Users must be trained on how to use and adjust PPE.
-PPE should be stored and maintained.
-If PPE appears to be faulty, it must be removed and replaced.

Whatever the tasks performed, it may be necessary to wear PPE. This slide shows some types of tasks, risks and requirements of PPE associated with various jobs.
Use of chemicals
Workers using chemicals wear the personal protective equipment to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure. MSDS (see notes on chemical hazards) of chemicals used in the classroom or in the workplace specify appropriate PPE to use. PPE does not protect all against all risks. This is why it is important to always check the location before using the chemical and PPE.

PPE Protection  Risk
Safety goggles Eyes Splashes of liquid chemicals, dust
Crash helmet Head Fall of materi
Hearing protection hearing excessive Noise
gloves hands Corrosive substances, toxic
respiratory protection lungs Gases, vapors, dust or toxic fumes
clothing Skin Toxic or corrosive substances
Shoes feet corrosive, toxic chemicals

Industrial workplaces or construction sites
The safety shoes, eye protection and protective helmet are the minimum requirements for most jobs. The types of PPE commonly used in industry and construction sites include the following:
    - Head protection (helmet) against falling objects;
    - Safety glasses against bright light, UV radiation, infrared rays  (radiation from hot objects) and flying objects, such as wood chips, dust particles and metal parts; ear plugs or ear muffs;
    - Shoes for protection against crushing the toes;
    - Protective gloves against coming into contact with chemicals and electric cables;
    - Protective equipment against falls from height. 

The appropriate personal protective equipment may be necessary to perform specific tasks such as welding, working with furnaces or molten metals, the use of cutting or sharp tools. 

Best software to change your desktop drastically

5 best software to change your desktop drastically !
Perhaps many of us are bored of the same theme, which is vital in the windows for months or even years. that is why you find many users who change desktop background summerslam of all time. this, dear readers, if you also feel bored and you want to bring life to the surface of your desk and change it drastically without changing the system, suggested The you this software five !
5 best software to change your desktop drastically !

This program is small, you add a menu to the desktop, similar to the list found in the system, Mac OS X, this menu you can customize as you please. add your favorite applications, as well as the selection of visual effects..etc.
If you Get bored of the interface Windows. you could try this program that can format and interface of the system fully; and, of course, you can download the Interfaces available to store the program or you can download thousand of them in the websites so specialized .
You probably know this program and featured the famous, it is one of the best software which enable you to implement many of the changes on your system .The strength of the program lies in the sheer number of very plug-ins and tools that you enjoy. in addition to the millions of security reasons adjustable .Of course, there are many websites from which you can download these plug-ins and theme your operating system that you use .
I know that there are lovers System Mac that will read this post, so if you are one of them, you can experience this program for this system .This app provides exactly the same what the previous program . Including tools allows you to view all kinds of information on the desktop according to your choice.
It is obvious to mention as well as Linux within this list, through this program "Cairo-Dock" that allows as well as to the users of this system of changing the style of using them .This program will enable you to experience a list of the Mac on Linux, as well as a number of important plugins and tools to enhance your experience of this program .

Format conversion, Windows 7Or 8 the shape of the system of Mac. in addition to the site to download thousands of security reasons and backgrounds high quality

MS Project - Project Management Decision-Making

MS Project - project Management decision-making
MS Project
The other publishers in the decision-making 
Product Type, and features of MS Project
Microsoft Project (MS Project or MSP) is a Microsoft software dedicated to the management of projects. It enables planners and project managers to organize and control it, manage resources, budget, data analysis,...
Presentation and concept of MS Project
MS Project allows you to plan a project : it is possible at any time to create tasks and milestones, define the links between each task, prioritize them. MS Project also has the ability to estimate the duration as well as the workload required to accomplish a task set. Microsoft Project also allows the creation of models that allows the user to adhere to a methodology or a process of some kind. The project can be graphically represented in different ways : Gantt chart, network tasks... project management is possible by many ways such as the definition of the initial planning, the seizure of the progress of tasks or rescheduling.
It is possible to update the progress of the project in different ways :

- With the seizure of a percentage of progress- With the update of the actual duration and remaining duration- With the update of the quantity of effective work (which was performed), and the balance remaining.
The main features of MS Project
- Preparation of Pert chart
- Preparation of Gantt chart
- Assignment of teams
- Management of peak loads
- Management of public holidays
- Automatic generation of documentation in word format, pdf and HTML

Benefits of MS Project
Resource management
Microsoft Project allows the management of resources : for each project, it is possible to create teams, allocate resources to them.

There are different types of resources :
- Resource work, which perform the workloads (humans or machines)
- The material resources, which are of consumable resources with the possibility to assign them a number or quantity
- The resource cost, which are costs associated with certain positions.
- These resources are then allocated to the different tasks of the project.

The team planner offers the possibility to manage a capacity plan resources and allocate tasks to resources. MSP also allows, via a resource graph, analyze the workloads of the resources. Of features that enable you to resolve the concerns of over-use of resources, and thus reorder the tasks in an optimal manner.
Assigning a cost
For each resource, MSP can assign a cost : unit cost (hardware resources), daily rate (work resource). Seen that it is possible to assign a cost to any resource, Microsoft Project can calculate the cost of the project. MS Project even offers the possibility to provide an initial budget for the project, and compare it to the cost of the project calculated.
Analysis and communication of the project

MS Project offers many opportunities for data analysis, such as, for example, reports. In addition, the information of the project can be exported to Microsoft Project and/or Microsoft Visio to analyze the work, the costs, the time necessary...through tables, graphs, diagrams... Finally, it is also possible to communicate the information of the project such as the Gantt chart or even create a timeline for a document Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
In what cases to use MS Project ?
For it projects or not
For average size projects

Creative Ideas : Change our thinking or getting more money

By the way there is a lot type of advertizing , i want to share with you some creative ideas which make more money for some companies all over the world.



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Incredible Motorcycle Fully Functional 3D Printed start now

As the world begins to come to grips over the fact that someone has already 3D printed a fully functional car, and that surgeons from across the globe have been able to successfully implant 
3D printed structures into the human body, everyday seems to bring us yet another new surprise 
from within the 3D printing space. One event, which has begun to make a name for itself when showing off what additive manufacturing is capable of accomplishing is RAPID — a four day conference and exhibition dedicated to 3D printing & additive manufacturing.
RAPID 2015 is set to kick off in Long Beach, California this week, and this year’s show will definitely not disappoint. If this weekend’s news that Stratasys would be showing off a 
3D printed snowboardwasn’t enough to get you excited, then another project which will be unveiled at the event surely will.
TE Connectivity’s, Charles D. Fry will present what is claimed to be first “fully functional 3D 
printed motorcycle for an internal event”. Most impressive of all though, is that this vehicle was printed using ABS plastic, yet it has the ability to hold two adult riders.
“The TE team’s design concept started almost a year prior to actually building the 3D printed motorcycle,” TE representatives tell 3DPrint.com. “We thought about making a replica of an existing motorcycle, but decided against that. We then started with basic hard tail frame design and expanded upon it. The frame was simulated to insure that we had sufficient material and a few minor changes were made due to those simulations to reduce stress concentrations.”
Using Creo design software, the team at TE carefully designed all of the aspects of the vehicle and then used ANSYS for simulation. The ABS plastic parts were then 3D printed on various Fortus
 3D printers from Stratasys, including the uPrint SE Plus and an EOS M280. Once all of the parts were 3D printed, it was then on to post processing by means of vapor smoothing, sanding, painting and acetone smoothing.
Image may be reproduced only with written expression of Gregory Clarke CG Lawrence Photography
When assembled, the bike measures an incredible 8 feet long, and even though it is made of plastic,
 it can hold an amazing amount of weight.
“The motorcycle is capable of holding two riders with a combined weight of 350-400 total pounds,” TE tells us. “The issue is the capability of the motor. It is only one horsepower and has difficulty with riders over 200 pounds and on hills.”
Image may be reproduced only with written expression of Gregory Clarke CG Lawrence Photography
This motorcycle has the ability to drive between 10-15 miles per hour using an all-electric motor,which was not actually 3D printed. The parts which were manufactured via other methods include; the drive belt, the various electronics, some of the bolts and the braking system. The vast majority of the other parts were all 3D printed in the aforementioned ABS plastic. This includes the wheel bearings, handlebars, frame, seat, and more. The wheel bearings were actually the highest risk 3D printed part that TE had to create.
“We built samples (of the wheel bearings) and tested them at 2000 rpm,” TE explains. “We then built rims to insure that the beads would hold the tires when the inner tubes are fully inflated. After these items, it was mostly aesthetic issues and good design practice.”
The motorcycle, which will be exhibited at RAPID 2015, actually is a rebuild of the first one which unfortunately was damaged in a transportation accident. A few minor improvements have been made to this second iteration, including the way in which the electric motor is mounted to the frame.  This ended up improving the bike’s overall performance.
Image may be reproduced only with written expression of Gregory Clarke CG Lawrence Photography
While this probably wouldn’t be a bike that you would take on a leisurely ride across country, it certainly goes to show the potential that even some of the most simplistic forms of 3D printing can provide, not just for prototyping but for the creation of end-use products. For those of you able to attend RAPID 2015, be sure to check out this amazing motorcycle on Wednesday, May 20 between 10:00 am – 10:25 am, when Charles D. Fry discusses its development in depth for those in attendance.
What do you think about this incredible creation? Would you like to have this awesome piece of machinery in your garage? Discuss in the fully functional 3D printed motorcycle forumthread on 3DPB.com.
Image may be reproduced only with written expression of Gregory Clarke CG Lawrence Photography
[Image source: TE Connectivity

Demolition house : Methods , reconstruction , cost price

Demolition is the tearing-down of buildings and other structures. Demolition contrasts with deconstruction, which involves taking a building apart while carefully preserving valuable elements for re-use.(wikipedia)
Demolish a home to rebuild a new one can be relatively expensive. If housing is considered too old
or not improved, you may be entitled to a premium for the demolish and rebuild it.

In some municipalities, you can also benefit from a reduced VAT (value-added-taxesrate.
What a bonus for the demolition ?
A few regions has a premium to the demolition. To obtain this, it is necessary that the housing be recognized unsafe and not improvable by the competent authority. In this case, the bonus will be equivalent to 40 % of the cost of works excluding VAT (on the basis of an invoice to the company) with a maximum of 1 985 €.

A reduced VAT rate to 6 %

If the slot is located in one of the 32 zones defined by the circular, you can benefit from a reduced VAT rate to 6 % for the whole of the work of demolition and reconstruction.

In addition to the location of the property, you have to meet different requirements :
1. the work to be performed and billed by a company,
2. the demolition and reconstruction constitute one and the same transaction,
3. the building to be used exclusively or mainly as a private dwelling after work.

In case of doubt about the exact definition of the areas concerned, check with your controller of the VAT.

A town planning permit required

The work of demolition and reconstruction are subject to a town planning permit, even if the new building is identical to the old one. To get the premium in the walloon Region, the work may not be started before obtaining a town planning permit for the same work.

Price demolition

A demolition is not always achievable by individuals.
Dangerous and sometimes risky, this type of work often requires them to call in the professionals, 

for a service which is admittedly expensive, but high quality and secure.
Price demolition : rates justified by a risky job.

To appeal to professionals of the demolition can be an excellent compromise.
The rates will vary according to :
the work that is requested,
the number of m3 to demolish,
the tools required for the demolition,
the accessibility of your land,
the evacuation of the rubble,
the presence or not of asbestos, lead, etc

Type of demolitions
Exemple of price
Demolition bulkhead masonry, manual
70 €/m³
Demolition bulkhead masonry mechanical
20 €/m³
Demolition-bearing wall reinforced concrete (manual
200 €/m³
Demolition-bearing wall reinforced concrete (mechanical)
150 €/m³
Demolition bulkhead plasterboard
10-12 €/m³
Demolition of wooden floor
5-7 €/m³
Demolition roof tiles
10 €/m³
Demolition roofing slates without management waste
10-12 €/m³
Demolition window sash in wood
30 €
Demolition block of wood door
30 €
Demolition, tiling, transport included
10-12 €/m³
Demolition of a suspended ceiling
8-10 €/m³
Demolition of a ceiling in plasterboard 5-
5-7 €/m³
Demolition chimney 200 x 200 terracotta
30 €
Demolition chimney 800 x 800
110,00 €
Treatment of polluted lands
30 €/m³
Demolition building complete
Between20 000 € et 40 000 €
Demolition methods 
 A wrecking ball in action at the demolition of the Rockwell Gardens.
The demolition of the New Haven Coliseum in New Haven, Connecticut 
                                    A high-reach excavator is used to demolish this tower block.



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