Examples of practical - Front the employer

Big logic test

individual tests

     1. In-basket (duration approximately 1 to 2 hours)

You are in the shoes of a business department manager. You come back from vacation and find in your mailbox a set of emails, letters on various topics. In a limited time, you have to be aware of all this information and make decisions to address these issues. 
Objective: To evaluate how you prioritize tasks, which you organize and manage to delegate.
Examples of topics:
  • We inform you of a conflict situation between the  operational product manager and  product development manager , that prevents the launch of a brand
  • Your secretary has made you an appointment with an important prospect despite your calendar already overbooked
  • A customer refuses to pay you but you need the money to pay your suppliers
  • President of the EC party in a week its 30 years of seniority in the company, you have to organize the evening
Our advice to pass this test:
  • Take notice of all the documents and sort what is urgent and what is less so, and see if all the information is consistent (if it is not, ask for further information!)
  • Take synthetic Notes
  • Do not be afraid to delegate tasks to save time.
  • Remember that you observed: resistance to stress? Ability to make decisions quickly? To take your responsibilities?
  • Remember that time is limited and use common sense!

     2. Test "stress"

It's simple, you are put under stress by asking questions or sliding allusions to cause you! It is easy to spot these tests (which is obviously not announce) through questions like: "Just now you've made a mistake, that you often? We emit strong doubts about your ability to hold the office, do not you? Are you sure you're done for this type of position? "
Objective: To make you react and observe your reaction when you are destabilized.
Our advice to pass this test:
  • Do not doubt yourself! If you are here today is that you have already passed the first rounds!
  • Come having thought to your strengths, but also the possible shadow areas of your resume there (6 months of inactivity series of odd jobs ..)
  • Acknowledge your failures and simply talk, showing the lessons you have learned in
  • Do not be impressed by your interlocutor, maintain eye contact and most importantly, stay calm!
  •  Remember to take the time to answer rather than acting impulsively and rob you.  

binomial tests

These tests are conducted with a partner (which is not necessarily an opponent candidate, beware!).
Objective: To evaluate your ability to listen and argument.

     1. Situations of conflict (approximately 15 to 30 minutes)

If you apply for a management position, you will usually be put in the position of a superior who has to manage a conflict situation.
Examples of situations:
  • One of your employees, this long in your service, a loss of power for a while and it suffers in his work;colleagues start complaining, customers also; you're going to handle this delicate situation
  • One of your customers personally call you to complain about a delivery that never arrived and that is very important to him; you have to manage this client and calm, and then find a solution
You have a preparation time to soak up the situation and develop a strategy to approach, but you need to know is that your "opponent" has been briefed and has elements that you do not have!
Our advice to pass this test:
  • Try to bring your partner to give you the information available
  • Ask questions ! You will remain as master of dialogue and give the opportunity for your partner to explain his point of view
  • Take notes to remember what you have learned

     2. Situation "debate": For or Against

These situations are very variable, you can find yourself in the shoes of an employer against the union at the company, but also a member of an ecological association that lobbied an industrial chemical, or board member who n 'disagrees with a choice made by other members ...
Our advice to pass this test:
  • Think carefully to the arguments of each party and prepare arguments accordingly
  • Think about how you will talk, act; your behavior is not without consequence

Collective tests (45min duration 1 hour approx)

These tests will place you in the Assessment Center from a group of other candidates and to assess your behavior, the way you speak and take part in discussions in professional situations such as case studies, work of group...

     1. Collective Location

You must answer a particular problem with the whole team. You may be asked to debrief this exercise with a recruiter, so well think about what you say, careful not to judge your "opponents" because it may harm your chances.
Objective: To assess your ability to stand out, to attract the attention of the other candidates, the way you express yourself, your charisma, your speech, your creativity, your ability to negotiate ...
Examples of situational:
  • You have 45 minutes to develop the marketing plan of such product
  • We must organize all the construction work that last for 10 years
  • You must organize the move of your headquarters
Our advice to pass this test:
  • Be sure to give a structure to the work, within a defined time (as limited)
  • Organize the group into subgroups if the case is complex and multi-tasking to save time
  • Try to take over the role of coordinator, which summarizes all the information, but without monopolizing the floor, it is a working group before any
  • Show initiative, going to write information on a table for example
  • Be sure to listen to others and not to put too forward
  • Remember to integrate each of the group members

     2. Role Playing

This test is to put yourself in the shoes of a character we have assigned you in advance.
Objective: To evaluate your ability to assert yourself against the other, to compromise, negotiate, sell, listen, argue and adapt to the situation.
Examples of scenarios:
· A coffee break between employees
· A phone call with a prospect
· An unhappy customer
· Advertise or receive a resignation
Our advice to pass this test:
  • Make arouse the interest of other
  • Do not hesitate to ally with others if necessary
  • Make compromises
  • Take notes on what was chosen as a solution, points of agreement

Additional tests

All tests described above can be completed more tests. You may be asked to pass the  logic test, personality, skills and professional level .

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