Testimonials: why I chose to switch to organic cosmetics

Fancy more naturalness and authenticity, desire to preserve the planet or fear of potentially dangerous chemical ingredients ... There are a thousand reasons why we can choose organic beauty. Two women and a man who crossed this path tell what motivated them and what they got.

Mathilde, 27 years old: More beautiful hair and feeling less toxic

"I started using organic shampoos and conditioners. I quickly realized that with them, my hair greased less quickly and was less dry. They breathed and naturally kept their own texture and not that artificial suppleness created by an excess of product. Now I only wash my hair twice a week. And I only need to go to the hairdresser every six months, whereas before I had to go every three months because of the pitchforks. This natural aspect pleased me and made me want to go further. I now buy my serums, shampoos, scrubs, facial creams, all organic, at Holland & Barret, a store that offers quality products here in London.

This change made me feel good, and it costs less! I buy 12 euros a big bottle of shampoo Naturado - a brand that I like because it uses regional products - and it lasts 11 months ... At first I was dislodged by the shampoo that does not foam but we Get used to it quickly.

In general, I am more sensitive to the origin of the products, their composition, I like to make my masks myself with argan oil, coconut butter, jojoba oil. Changing toothpaste was also very beneficial, the bio foam less so I brush my teeth less violently: so I have less bleeding. And then, it's surely mental but I feel less toxic! "

Témoignages : pourquoi j’ai choisi de passer aux cosmétiques bio

Danny, 38, sports coach: I hunt chemical formulas for my health

"I am a sports coach and I realized that it was essential to rethink all my food and that of my family. I hunt for preservatives and colorants in what I eat for my physical condition and for my health. I try to avoid industrial products to the maximum and I choose only organic fruits and vegetables. Naturally, I have the same questions about what I put on my skin and especially the deodorants, applied every day in the hollow of the arm. I abandoned the chemical formulas that limited perspiration and I switched to bio-based essential oils. The smell is a little strong when I put it in the morning, but it is effective for the day. "

Laetitia, 37, teacher: It is the fear of polluting that motivated me to choose the bio

"It all started when I was pregnant with my first child. A midwife warned me from my pregnancy about the impact of creams for the fetus. At the time, we were just beginning to talk about parabens in cosmetics or bisphenol in baby bottles. But the shock for me was terrible: I realized that the gestures of everyday life, our small beauty habits or the way we cook, could have a real impact on our health, but also that of my baby. It is a lot the fear of "polluting" us, "contaminating", it is true, that motivated me to switch to organic.

I started looking for info - I even attended a workshop to learn how to decipher complicated names and formulas on labels. I remember that at the time my stubbornness made a smile. It is true that I spent a lot, a lot of time at the beginning. But I found my fetish marks. I started by reducing the number of products in my bathroom, by limiting what I applied to my daughter. I chose baby soap carefully and for us parents, I started by changing toothpaste, deodorant and creams for the body and face.

I admit that at first I was very disconcerted by the textures: the shampoo or shower gel that does not foam, pasty toothpaste that does not foam either. The almost non-existent or very strong perfumes with essential oils also destabilized me. But the brands have made considerable progress since then and now I no longer notice the difference. In the end, I buy less products, I spend less because organic brands are not so expensive. And most of all, I feel more in agreement with myself. What good is eating organic fruits and vegetables for our health, lightening our meat meals for the planet, if we continue to spread creams enriched with chemicals? "

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