LOVE: Your sleeping position reveals a lot of secrets about your love relationship ...

In bed, each couple prefers a sleeping position. Some like sleeping apart, others on the contrary prefer sleeping closely tied to each other ...

Indeed, many secrets about the love relationship have been revealed after studying the sleep positions of many couples. Research has shown that nearly half of couples are used to sleeping back to back, while only 4% of the bride and groom prefer to sleep face to face. According to statistics, researchers concluded that only 4% of couples are happy and they have a perfectly balanced relationship.

Whatever the posture the bride and groom adopt at bedtime, each position speaks volumes about their love relationship. If you are married, do not hesitate to discover what positions during sleep reveal about your relationship ...!

Here are the overall statistics of the sleeping positions of the couples.

Here's the overall statistics of couples' sleeping positions.
via cribeo

91% of couples sleep back to back keeping physical contact with each other ...

via afterfeed

91% of couples sleep in a "spoon" position (When one partner falls asleep behind each other keeping physical contact with each other) ...


76% des couples dorment dans la même direction sans garder un contact physique

via afterfeed

76% sleep the face in the same direction, however they do not touch ...

74% sleep back to back, but without touching ...


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