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LOVE: Your sleeping position reveals a lot of secrets about your love relationship ...

In bed, each couple prefers a sleeping position. Some like sleeping apart, others on the contrary prefer sleeping closely tied to each other ...

Indeed, many secrets about the love relationship have been revealed after studying the sleep positions of many couples. Research has shown that nearly half of couples are used to sleeping back to back, while only 4% of the bride and groom prefer to sleep face to face. According to statistics, researchers concluded that only 4% of couples are happy and they have a perfectly balanced relationship.

Whatever the posture the bride and groom adopt at bedtime, each position speaks volumes about their love relationship. If you are married, do not hesitate to discover what positions during sleep reveal about your relationship ...!

Here are the overall statistics of the sleeping positions of the couples.

Here's the overall statistics of couples' sleeping positions.
via cribeo

91% of couples sleep back to back keeping physical contact with each other ...

via afterfeed

91% of couples sleep in a "spoon" position (When one partner falls asleep behind each other keeping physical contact with each other) ...


76% des couples dorment dans la même direction sans garder un contact physique

via afterfeed

76% sleep the face in the same direction, however they do not touch ...

74% sleep back to back, but without touching ...


Top 9 of the most bizarre sleep disorders you not probably know ... !!

Sleep is something natural and essential for human survival. We wake up every morning, work hard throughout the day and sleep at night. However, there are many people who can not find sleep at night.

In this article, I am going to tell you about the 10 most bizarre sleep disorders in the world that will certainly touch your heart. To find out what exactly it is, scroll down the page ...

1) Paralysis of sleep.

It is a rare disease where the patient wakes up at night to realize that his body is actually paralyzed. This condition can last from a few seconds to a few minutes and is accompanied by hallucinations, panic attacks and anxiety. As there is no clear cause for this syndrome, there is no guaranteed way to confront it.

Via pinimg

2) Sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a dangerous disease that affects people who have stopped breathing during the night, which could lead to their deaths when they are asleep. Approximately 18 million Americans are affected by this syndrome which is of two types; Obstructive sleep apnea is where the muscles of the throat relax, and the passage of air is blocked, and central sleep apnea is when the brain stops sending signals to the body To continue breathing.

2) Sleep Apnea.
via wikimedia
3) Sleep behavior disorder.
This disorder prevents paralysis of the patient's muscles during sleep, meaning that patients can: talk, act, kick while sleeping and may even walk as if awake.
3) REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.
Via netterimages
4) Glowing head syndrome.
The glowing head syndrome occurs when the patient would hear loud noisy noises when he is about to sleep or wake up. These noises could be accompanied by flashes of light and muscle spasms. This health condition is caused by a neural trigger.
4) Exploding Head Syndrome.
Via netterimages
5) Kleine Levin syndrome.
Also known as Sleep Beauty Syndrome, it usually affects boys-teenagers. Sick people can spend up to 23 hours a day sleeping and this condition could extend over several weeks.
5) Kleine Levin Syndrome.
6) Narcolepsy.
3 million people in the world suffer from this sleep disorder which essentially interrupts the patient's sleep as well as his awakening. For mild cases, this can disrupt sleep at night and cause excessive sleepiness during the day with reduced concentration and memory problems. In the most severe cases, patients fall unexpectedly asleep.
6) Narcolepsy.
7) Sleep-related sleep disorder.
This problem is more common among young women, sleep disorders related to diet generate an uncontrollable urge to eat. This syndrome should not be confused with the midnight snacks because the affected people no longer control their habits and do not remember when or when they left their bed.
7) Sleep Related Eating Disorder.
8) Deadly family insomnia.
This problem has been observed in only 40 families around the world, it is a rare genetic disorder that begins with difficulty finding sleep, panic and weight loss followed by physical and mental deterioration. This health condition can lead to comas or even death.
9) Sudden syndrome of unexpected night death.
The medical examination revealed that the majority of patients suffered from heart disease.
10) Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome.

Here are the 7 things your women do when they cheat you

Nobody wants to be deceived, is it ?. Indeed, many women deceive their husbands (even men). This betrayal could be a trait of human character or a mere vengeance towards the selfishness of men. Moreover, it has been proved that the female sex is gifted to hide its infidelity.

The main purpose of this article is to show you how you can know that your women are cheating on you ....

Here are 7 things to consider if you think something unfaithful happens between you and your wife.

1. Thrilling disputes

She will try to look for any imperfection marking your love life in order to provoke you. If you react, it will create a huge dispute in order to break your relationship.
1. Non-stop nagging
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2. They claim that their lovers are only a "friend"

Be cautious in asking this type of question to your wife because she surely has prepared the answer for it. Try to examine her micro-expressions, especially when she seems uncomfortable to respond, or when she flees your gaze by talking to her.

2. Covering up a certain individual 'as a friend'
3. Request your daily work schedule

For some employees, this issue could work. But what happens if you are a home worker. It will not make any sense. Anyway, when you receive this kind of question, try to answer with "Why are you asking me this? ", Or just be alert to his next actions. She is planning something while you are not at home.

3. Asking for your day-to-day schedule
via drinkson

4. Feeling "busy" with thoughts

Being worried sometimes means that she is thinking about getting out of your relationship using her other "business".

4. Feeling 'pre-occupied' with thoughts 
via pinimg
5. Do not answer correctly in a confrontation

When you try to throw questions in relation to her ability to deceive you, she will remain silent.

5. Not answering properly when in a confrontation
via pinimg
6. They are not romantic in bed

When you sleep, night becomes hard for you, and she does not bother to kiss or get closer to you.

6. Not romantic in bed
via whstatic
7. She hides her mobile phone from everyone

It is for a very obvious reason: his romantic messages are no longer addressed to you.

7. Hides cellphone from everyone
via mindly

What is the BeesWax ? Does Is Good For Our Health ? Does Contain Vitamins

Beeswax is a 100% natural product, a complex mixture of fatty esters, fatty acids and hydrocarbon compounds. It helps to thicken and increase the film-forming power of your natural lip balms and lips. It is also appreciated for stabilizing the emulsions and producing highly protective creams, or for making natural candles. This organic yellow beeswax of exceptional quality will seduce you with its very soft touch and its delicious smell of honey.
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The beeswax is secreted by the bees. They use it to build honeycombs. The wax is made from the white and transparent scales that appear at the opening of the four small pockets located on each side of the abdomen of the bee. "Strange sweat almost as white as snow and lighter than the down of a wing", whose production is produced by an increase in temperature "deep in the crowd" agglomerated into a cone (Maurice Maeterlinck, La vie des Bees, Book III, chapters 12 and 13).
The chemical ingredients of beeswax are: Hydrocarbons: 14%; Monoesters: 35%; Diesters: 14%; Hydroxy-polyesters: 8%; Free acids: 12%.
The beeswax (especially that of the capsules) is recovered by fusion by the beekeepers, sometimes by means of a solar oven. For beekeeping, it is entrusted to a "gaufer" who will transform it into pre-printed sheets of alveoli, which will invite the bees of the hive to reconstruct their rays inside moving frames. Beeswax is also used by cosmetics manufacturers for beauty products such as creams, lotions, ointments and lipsticks. It is also used for the manufacture of medicines, candles and sometimes for the waterproofing and maintenance treatment of certain materials such as wood, leather and even metal. It is also authorized as a food additive (E901). Its hydrophobic and antibacterial properties made it one of the main ingredients of mummification by the embalmers of Ancient Egypt. Beeswax is also used to treat split hooves in animals. In Asia and Africa, beeswax is used to dye batik fabrics. It is also used to make most mouthpieces of didgeridoo.
Beeswax can be stored for a long time. Its transformation is simple, a heating and filtering process is sufficient to prepare the wax, which can be sold in small pieces without special protection.
Finally, the wax has particular chemical and physical properties:
– A density of 0.96, the wax floats on the water
– A melting point of approximately 63 ° C.
– Malleable at room temperature
– Water insoluble (hydrophobic)
– Liquid when melted (not viscous)
– L
ong shelf life
It is totally incredible that with thousands of bees that come and add their small piece of wax to where the "lengthening" is going, you did not get a thousand different variations in shape and thickness . You are led to the conclusion that each of these thousands of insects must itself be a graduate engineer.

Each bee adds only a tiny portion to a given area of the ray. However, each cell is found with the same size and shape as all other cells. From the apparent disorganization and chaos to the little happiness of work on the rays, comes the perfection of uniformity. When you observe the work while it is in progress, you even feel that each bee is being constituted as an inspection team made up of a single individual. She examines the work, places her hand here and there, and then returns to go about her business. With thousands of bees that do, you get one not sure how this perfect finished product.

(Murray Hoyt, The World of Bees, p. 99 et 100)

Histoire Apis Cera 

Most Important Events that marked the international in 2016

Des personnes brandissent des pancartes de Fidel Castro

People waving posters of former Cuban President Fidel Castro while awaiting the funeral procession carrying the ashes of the Lider maximo in Santiago de Cuba on December 3, 2016. Photo: Reuters / Carlos Barria

The father of the Cuban revolution, given for dead repeatedly in recent years, died at 90 years. The man who overthrew the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in January 1959 had left the reins of power to his brother Raul in 2006.

Donald Trump lève le poing en signe de victoire

President-elect Donald Trump during his victory speech in Manhattan on November 9, 2016. Photo: Reuters / Carlo Allegri

The election of the real estate magnate at the White House was the surprise of the year. At the end of a memorable evening and almost all the polls gave him loser, Donald Trump won his bet by defeating Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, who nevertheless won the popular vote.

Juan Manuel Santos serre la main de Rodrigo Londono
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos shook hands with FARC leader Rodrigo Londono, alias Tymoshenko, under the applause of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Cuban President Raul Castro in Cartagena , Colombia, September 26, 2016. Photo: The Canadian Press / Fernando Vergara

After four years of discussions in Cuba, the Colombian government and the country's main guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), signed an agreement to end more than 50 years of conflict. But in a referendum on 2 October, a small majority of Colombians rejected the agreement, deeming it too generous for the guerrillas, whose leaders will not necessarily be required to go to prison and will be able to run for Congress.

Vanderlei Cordeiro allume la vasque
Former marathon runner Vanderlei Cordeiro, a bronze medalist in Athens in 2004, lights the Olympic sink, marking the opening ceremony of the Games on 5 August 2016 at the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Reuters / Ivan Alvarado

Despite the doubts, the first Olympic Games to take place in South America are going smoothly with the participation of 11,000 athletes from more than 200 countries.

Un homme tient un drapeau turc devant le monument de la république, derrière les soldats armés.
Turkish soldiers stand guard near Taksim Square, Istanbul, 16 July 2016. Photo: Reuters / Murad Sezer

The coup attempt against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which claimed the lives of 290 people, resulted in an unprecedented purge against the military coup leaders and civil society. More than 35,000 people were arrested in the weeks and months following the failed coup and 10,000 officials were dismissed for alleged connections with Fethullah Gülen.


India beat the Russian record: 104 Satellites placed one time on the Orbit

The Indian Space Research Organization launched a flock of 104 satellites into space over the course of 18 minutes on Wednesday. CreditIndian Space Research Organization, European Pressphoto Agency

India today 15/02/17: New record

Let's congrats India

India has successfully launched 104 satellites from a single rocket, setting a world record. Most of the orbiting hardware was made up of nano-satellites; the smallest weighing just over a kilogram.

Scientists at India's southern spaceport of Sriharikota applauded as the head of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) announced that all the satellites had been deployed into orbit on Wednesday.
"My hearty congratulations to the ISRO team for this success," the agency's director Kiran Kumar said to those tracking the progress of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).
Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted his congratulations on the launch and ejection of satellites, which was covered live on national television channels.
The rocket was launched at 9:28 a.m. (0358 UTC), releasing all 104 satellites into orbit about 30 minutes later.
Its main cargo was a 714 kilogram Indian satellite to be used for Earth observation, but the payload also included 103 smaller "nano satellites," the smallest of which weighed only 1.1 kilograms.
Low-cost launches
Almost all the nano satellites come from other countries, including Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates. The majority, 96 in all, came from the United States.
The launch gives India - whose space agency is famed for trimming costs - the record for launching the most satellites at once, leaping ahead of Russia which launched 39 satellites in a single mission in June 2014.
ESA - satellite image


From the French Riviera

It may be among the strangest places on Earth, but this is where a lot of the European Union's Sentinel satellite equipment is being built for the Copernicus Earth Observation program. In Cannes, Thales Alenia Space is responsible for the Sentinel-1 satellites and a few of the others, too. The contractors include Airbus and many more. Sentinel-1B launches this week, making the first mission whole.

Source: DW, Reuters, iliasnotes and other agencies 

Volkswagen reaches record high: 10.3 million vehicles sold in 2016. Do you believe?

The car manufacturer Volkswagen (VW) achieved a figure of 10.3 million vehicles sold in 2016. It is a historic record for the German brand that should place the German giant at the top of the car groups, ahead of its main Japanese competitor Toyota.

This historic performance comes as the Wolfsburg group is entangled in the case of the "Deiselgate", named after the scandal of rigging the polluting emissions of its vehicles. On this point, Vokswagen is in the process of paying a fine of nearly $ 4 billion to close the investigation opened by the US federal authorities, the same source said.

China and the United States are growing VW

The German group, including Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche, benefited from a rebound in sales, particularly in China and the United States for these three brands, with double-digit growth, according to Les Echos. These two pillars of car consumption "offset the decline in sales in Germany and Brazil," said the same source.

In total, the number of vehicles sold increased by 3.8% compared to 2015. The company's share rose by almost 0.8% to 147 euros on the stock market.


6 tips that all eyeglass wearers should know! Important [ Video ]

Everyone faces their daily problems. This is the law of life and nobody can escape it ... Unless of course adopt the right tricks!
In this article, we will share some tips that all wearers of glasses should know for a simplified daily as possible.
Open your eyes, here are 6 tricks that will transform your life forever! The first will win all the votes! To discover…
1. Fog on your glasses
When it is cold, the slightest change in temperature promotes the formation of a mist on the surface of your glasses. To avoid having to suffer from this problem, apply a little dishwashing liquid on the glasses. Wait a few seconds until it dries and then wipe with a microfiber cloth. It is magic.
PS: Of course, you must absolutely leave out this trick, if you have glasses treated.
2. To prevent them from slipping
If your glasses tend to slip too often. This trick will please you. To put it into practice, you will need two rubber elastics. Wrap each of them with the tip of the branches (the tip that slips behind the ears); Your glasses will stay in place!
3. To temporarily repair broken branches
If the screw that holds the branches of your glasses its trunk, here is a solution found to your problem. For this, you will need a toothpick. Position the branch correctly, insert the tip of the tooth cure into the location of the screw then break the piece of wood. There you go ! While waiting to replace the screw disappeared, the tooth cure tooth will do just as well.
4. In the Shower
We agree, you are obliged to remove your glasses when you are in the shower! To easily identify your hair and body products, we advise you to point them out by slipping one or more colored elastics around the bottles. Believe us on parole, this simple trick will save you the bet when you will be in total blur!
5. In the Complete Black
To easily spot your glasses box when you are in the dark, test this trick. Apply a small line of phosphorescent glue to the side of the glasses box. So you can see it even when it's dark. Use and abuse this technique and share it with your friends with glasses. They will thank you.
PS: Take advantage to indicate the opening direction of the zipper, if the box has one.
6. For treated lenses
If the glasses of your glasses are treated anti scratch, anti glare ... Here is the best technique to take the greatest care if you do not have the specific product to use.
Simply take a soft micro fiber cloth. In one pass, it will rid your glasses of traces of grease, dust, stains ...
Test and tell us about it!
PS: Feel free to share with us in your comments the best hints for "binoclards".


Iran hopes to boost oil prices to more than US $ 50 in 2017


Iranian President Hassan Rohani presented Sunday to Parliament his budget for the year starting in March 2017, relying on a barrel of oil to more than 50 dollars against 40 dollars in the current budget.

With this price, oil revenues for 2017-2018 are estimated at about $ 33 billion.

Authorization to increase production

Gold prices have surpassed $ 50 since the November 30 agreement of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) countries, which have decided to cut production by 1.2 million barrels per day / J) beginning in January.

President Rohani said in his speech to the deputies that Iran's oil production, which "was 2.7 mb / d" before the lifting of international sanctions last January, reached "3.8 mbd" in September.

Under the OPEC agreement, Iran has been allowed to increase production by 90,000 barrels per day by 2017 

Exchange rate

In addition, the official exchange rate of the Iranian currency was set at 33,000 rials for one dollar against 29,970 in the current budget.

But for several weeks now, there has been a sharp devaluation of the rial against the dollar on the free market where a dollar is worth 39,500 rials, a decrease of nearly 10%.

The decision by the US Congress to extend the US sanctions against Iran for 10 years, as well as the choice by US president Donald Trump of future ministers opposed to the nuclear agreement between that country and the great powers, caused the plunge Of the rial against the dollar, analysts said.

President Barack Obama is due to sign the sanctions law passed by Congress in the coming days.

This vote is "a clear violation of the nuclear agreement" according to President Rohani. If Barack Obama "signs this law, it will be contrary to US commitments and we will react," he added, citing recent warnings from other Iranian leaders, including Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

The draft budget is presented within six months of the May 2017 presidential election in which President Rohani is expected to stand for a second four-year term.

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Gazprom against Europe, or the opposite? Gazprom change its politics, its accepted by the European countries

Visit of the pipes and groups of the universe of gas, between monopolies and geopolitics; A market under pressure on which relations between Gasprom and Europe are tense. By François Lévêque, Professor of Economics, Mines ParisTech - PSL

The blue flame of your water heater or stove may burn gas from the Urals. Tomorrow it will probably come from the United States. Same for electricity: a part is produced thanks to Russian gas and in the future the European power plants could turn with American shale gas. Gazprom, the leading provider of Europe, and the Kremlin, its owner, are not interested in this prospect. Welcome to the world's biggest gas game!

The world before
For a long time, natural gas has traveled only in pipes. Not massively transported in LNG tankers, special boats so baptized, because natural gas is essentially composed of methane (one carbon atom and four hydrogen, CH4, you probably remember the formula of the lightest hydrocarbons). Until recently, the gas consumed did not come from the basement, but from the distillation of the coal. This historic primacy of manufactured gas to illuminate cities explains why natural gas is spoken of when natural gas or natural bauxite is never said.

For a long time, natural gas has not competed (other than with other sources of energy, especially coal and fuel oil). By barely simplifying, in every European country a single national gas company was involved in everything from transport to big, then small pipes, to commercialization to the final consumer. Sometimes even, it included production, when there were as in Holland, but not always (in France, Elf Aquitaine produced in Lacq and GdF took care of the rest). In absence of or in addition to indigenous resources, the national gas company obtained from one or more suppliers, also from state-owned companies, such as the Algerian Sonatrach or the Russian Gazprom.

In the case of a single buyer and seller, two monopolies are thus face to face. This situation, known as bilateral monopoly, has long been disliked by the economy because it does not lead to a market equilibrium. There is not a quantity and a price that would be imposed on the parties as in the case of perfect competition, the simple monopoly, or the oligopoly. There are several solutions, even an infinity, and the one that is chosen depends on who is the stronger. If the bargaining power is on the side of the buyer, the price will be low, if it is on the seller side, the price will be high.

The bilateral monopoly
For a long time, the bilateral monopoly has deceived the most experienced economists and incorrect solutions have been taught in the best microeconomics textbooks. In reality, there is indeed a quantity of equilibrium in the exchange between the two parties. This optimal quantity is that which maximizes the sum of the joint profit, that is to say the profit that would be collected if the two firms were one.

On the other hand, there is no equilibrium price for the intermediate good. This price simply corresponds to the agreement found between the parties to share the joint profit. It is a sort of transfer pricing between two separate companies that discuss and co-ordinate.

Besides, the final consumer does not have to make the price of the intermediate good. Imagine, in the world before, subscribers of a Gaz de France then in monopoly (or the state representing their interests) that would only buy from its Russian counterpart. They only have to worry about whether the volume of gas transiting at the boundary and set by both parties is equal to or close to the optimum. Economic theory establishes that if the two enterprises maximize their joint profit, then the price of the final good, that which the consumer pays, will be the most advantageous to him.

Was that the case at the time? Even today, in retrospect, it is hard to say, because there are few pure cases of bilateral monopoly and historical data on quantities and prices remain secret. For a long time, bilateral trade has been exclusively regulated by long-term contracts known only to the parties. This was before the creation of the free gas market, which was run by stock exchanges. For a period of 20 years or more, these contracts fix a floor quantity that the buyer must withdraw under all circumstances and a price that includes a constant term and a series of indexing parameters, in particular the rate of And the price of oil.

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By simplifying, in these so-called Take or Pay contracts the buyer assumes the volume risk and the seller the price risk by ensuring the competitiveness of the gas with the competing fuels. In the absence of knowledge of the terms of the contracts, it is not possible to establish retrospectively whether the quantity negotiated corresponded to the theoretical model, nor indeed to know who appropriated most of the joint profit.

Gazprom against Europe ...
Do you remember the winter of 2008-2009? Arrived early, the cold was very lively. Temperature in January had never been so low in two decades. It was this winter that Russia chose for both financial and political reasons to shut off the gas tap at its border with Ukraine that did not pay its debts. Two weeks of complete interruption of delivery at the beginning of the year. Ukraine is a major transit area for Russian gas to the European Union. The populations of south-eastern Europe suffered severely from this cut because of their almost exclusive dependence on Russian gas for heating and electricity production. Tens of thousands of refrigerated people found themselves plunged into energy poverty. This crisis has strengthened Europe's will to diversify its gas supplies and thus strengthen its energy security policy.

Until then, it had focused on opening up markets to competition and facilitating intra-Community trade. An ambitious program which has resulted in the erosion of the monopoly position of the national historic gas operators and the supervision of the interconnection infrastructures between the Member States. In detail, this gives many technical measures: vertical separation between the management of the pipes and that of the gas that passes in, regulation of the first, creation of spot markets for the second.

In addition, there is a constant criticism of long-term contracts, in particular by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Competition. Their long duration is considered a handicap for the entry of new operators; Their indexation to the price of oil is analyzed as unfounded; And they are perceived as incompatible with European law inasmuch as they prohibit the buyer of a Member State from reselling its imported gas to an operator located in another Member State.

... Or Europe against Gazprom?
In other words, the European energy security and liberalization policy has not - and is not doing - the Gazprom business. Let us give two illustrations.

A short distance from the Lithuanian coast floats a regasification platform for imported gas by boat, especially from Norway. This investment, supported by Europe, enabled Vilnius to relax its dependence on Russian gas coming inland. This is true both physically and economically. The platform provides Lithuania with an alternative entry point to import gas into its territory. Moreover, even if its capacity is still underutilized, this facility exerts a competitive pressure on Gazprom, forcing it to lower its price.

The second illustration concerns the destination clause which prevents resale. It allowed Gazprom to charge a different price for its gas from one Member State to another. It was justified by the idea of ​​adapting to the conditions, varying according to the country, from the competition of gas with fuel oil. This clause led to gas prices decorrelated from their distance to the Russian border, ie the cost of transporting methane. For example, the price of Russian gas in Germany, which is closer to the Urals than France, has been more expensive than the one arriving in France. Gazprom thus discriminated among consumers by geographical origin.

Let us recall that a strategy of discrimination is always favorable to the monopoly, because the profit pocketed with prices that take into account the different demands of the consumers is higher than with a single price for all. However, the willingness to pay for gas depends on many national characteristics, such as the price of fuel oil to the final consumer and the types of heating and power generation equipment. More destination clause, more geographical discrimination possible.

The latest avatar of the evolution of tensions between Gazprom and the European Commission dates from April 2016. The game this time opposes two very big players trained in the economy. On one side of the table is Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner for Competition, who is said to have inspired the famous Danish series Borgen; Opposite, Alexander Medvedev, Deputy General Manager of Gazprom, and incidentally former President of the Continental Hockey League. That month, one week after attacking Google, Margrethe Vestager accused the Russian gas of abusing a dominant position in the eastern part of the Union. It criticizes Gazprom for opposing the sale of gas in unfair prices in eight Member States. Since then, both parties have been trying to compromise. The Commission wants to end the territorial restrictions and indexation of long-term contracts at the price of oil while Gazprom seeks to escape a fine of several billion euros. The agreement was expected before Christmas. It is still waiting today ...

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By François Lévêque, Professor of Economics, Mines ParisTech - PSL

Seat launches a new Ibiza to boost the success of its repositioning, Seat IBIZA SPAIN

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Nine years after the last Ibiza, Seat finally decided to revive his best-seller. This city-dweller arrives after the Leon and Ateca who laid the foundations for a successful repositioning of the brand of Spanish origin. Seat hopes to boost its sales that have reached a false flat in the past two years.

Everyone was waiting for him ... The new Seat Ibiza has just been presented in Barcelona. One of the emblematic models of the Spanish brand is finally renewed nine years after the launch of the previous generation, an exceptionally long longevity, despite its two restylages.

For Seat, this launch is crucial since it must allow it to revive on a segment with very high volumes. With 5.4 million units sold since 1984, Ibiza remains the best-seller of Seat. In spite of its great age, it passed to 152,100 units in 2016, a short distance from the 165,700 Seat Leon, a model more recent (2012). It is impossible to miss this new generation because Seat wants to offer its former customers the opportunity to renew their car while staying in the universe Ibiza. It is for these reasons that the Seat Ibiza has remained very faithful to its original silhouette. It retains however the new codes acquired by the last Leon and the Ateca (first SUV of the brand launched in 2016). New edges on the front hood and sides for more body, more modernity, not forgetting the new signature signature very characteristic.

A less Hispanizing brand

New lines, new style, new seal, consumers approve the new more sporty and less Hispanizing claw of Seat. Seat now assumes that all the mechanics are purely from its German parent company to make it a true qualitative argument. Because Seat no longer wants to be the entry-level brand of the Volkswagen constellation. Without competing with its Premium sisters, the Spanish brand wants to carve a new identity in the very disputed universe of brands.

The new Ibiza must thus allow Seat to confirm the repositioning of the Spanish brand while amplifying its success in the lower segments at high volumes. It happens a few months before the arrival of the new Volkswagen Polo, but that should remain a few inches longer, history to distinguish the two models.

The repositioning of Seat enabled the company to emerge from the red for the first time in 2015. Net profit had amounted to a small 6 million euros, which was already a giant leap for the automotive 'Here subscribes to the accounts in the red.

Sales that stagnate ...

Seat now wants to accelerate, because if the repositioning is successful, sales have reached a false flat. Admittedly, with 410,200 units in 2016, we are far from the 321,000 registrations of 2012. But sales increased by only 2.4% in 2015 and by 2.6% in 2016. Seat even saw its market share In Europe by 2016 from 2.4% to 2.3%. Acceleration could happen in 2017 with the first full year of commercialization of the Ateca, and in 2018, Seat will rely on the first full year of the new Ibiza.

But volumes could also accelerate with the arrival, probably before the end of the year, of an SUV on Ibiza base, that is to say on segment B, the most dynamic segment in Europe with Renault Captur, Peugeot 2008. Luca de Meo, CEO of Seat, hopes to take the brand out of its single-product strategy by claiming legitimacy in other segments than city-dwellers.

Thanks to TRIBUNAL

Understand Scaffold Classes: Part II

Fixed scaffolding classes: an abstract notion for many but essential to use the equipment adapted to its needs and guarantee the safety of the operators and the site.

A fixed scaffold class is a weight story! There are 6 in the normative texts of fixed scaffolds with, for each, a maximum authorized service load. Depending on the nature of the work to be carried out, the user company will choose a scaffolding of a higher or lower class. Here are some keys to see more clearly

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A fixed scaffold is not chosen and can not be used without taking into account its load class. This depends on the structure and the safety of the operators.

The texts of standard NF EN 12811 define the scaffolding classes and the corresponding service loads.

It is the nature of the work to be carried out that will guide the user company in choosing the appropriate class for its scaffolding. It determines whether or not to store tools and materials on work surfaces and the volume and type of storage. The higher the class, the greater the permitted load per m2. For example, a stonecutter will select a class 6 fixed scaffold because its activity involves storing and handling large stone blocks on the floors.

In order to meet the different operating conditions of fixed scaffolds, the European standard NF EN 12811 specifies 6 classes and the corresponding loads.

 CLASS 1 - Permissible load 75 kg per m2: inspection tasks and work done with light tools and without storage of equipment.

 CLASS 2 - Permissible load 150 kg per m2: inspections and painting, repairs, waterproofing, which do not involve the storage of equipment, except those which will be immediately used as paint, plaster.

 CLASS 3-Allowable load 200 kg per m2: inspections and operations which do not involve the storage of equipment, except those which will be immediately used as paint, plaster.

 CLASS 4- Permissible load 300 kg per m2: brickwork, concreting, plastering. The facade scaffold F3000 of DUARIB falls into this category. Fixed scaffolding F3000 DUARIB

 CLASS 5- Permissible load 450 kg per m2: masonry work

 CLASS 6- Permissible load 600 kg per m2: heavy masonry work with heavy storage of materials.

Charge répartie

There is, however, an essential rule to be observed for the distribution of these loads on the work surfaces. They must be evenly distributed over 1.5 levels of loaded floors:

📏1 level charged at 100%.
The second, directly lower or higher, is 50%.
📏In addition, note that in the case where no normative load can meet the specifications of the work, a calculation note must be carried out.

Source: duarib


Congratulations To Qatar Airways

Congratulations To Qatar Airways
Launched from #Doha on Sunday, the longest flight in the world where it is supposed that the Qatar Airways plane en route to traverse the city of Auckland in New Zealand # 14535 kilometers back and forth the same distance.

It is expected to take a trip for 16 hours and 20 minutes, while the return flight will be a period of 17 hours and 30 minutes, according to the site Qatar Airways. With no information on the number of passengers are set, but the crew is composed of 19 people, including four pilots.

And it will pass the Qatari plane Boeing 777, ten time zones and passing over five countries. (y)


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