ONLINE MARKETING: 5 Methods to increase conversion rate for an online store

The conversion rate - or conversion - of an online store is the percentage of visitors to the site that have carried out a specific action. In our case, the action corresponds to the purchase on the site. Measuring it is not a very complicated calculation: it is enough to estimate in percentage the ratio between the number of visitors who made a purchase on your site and the number of unique visitors total. I therefore prepared a series of 7 tips to follow carefully to improve the conversion rate of your e-shop.
Conversion e-commerce

Do not focus on traffic

No need to focus on the single traffic of your website. Although this is essential ,not only by developing the traffic of your website you improve your conversion rate. You will also need to think about the quality of your service and products in order to encourage users to perform actions.

Analyze the behavior of your visitors

When today it has become easy to open its own e-commerce site, making it profitable and perennial is another pair of sleeves! To do this, you will need   to carefully analyze the behavior of visitors to your page and understand what drives them to perform actions that will benefit you. Then you must ask yourself the following questions: 

     🌕How long the visitor spent on my site? 
     🌕What pages did he visit? 
     🌕Did he add products to his basket before giving up his purchase?

Careful presentation of products sold

The presentation, ergonomics and attractiveness of your products for sale should be the first thing to consider before you even think of generating traffic. Thus, there is no need to recall that offering several quality photos that can be zoomed in, videos highlighting the product and offering additional information, as well as a modern and ergonomic design will give more confidence to visitors And in this way will incite to purchase.

Humanizing the e-commerce site

There are three ways to make your online store closer to the visitor by promoting customer-vendor interaction:
  • 🌑Offer a presentation section of the merchant (s) to prove that behind the site are trusted people.
  • 🌑Provide quality customer service with the help of a call center or e-mail interactions.
  • 🌑Offer a special section to give customers the opportunity to leave comments on products.

Offer several payment methods

Proposing several known payment solutions to potential customers will put them in confidence in any monetary transaction. Indeed, Internet users feel more confident at the sight of several payment options on the site. So, opt for Paypal seems to be the most coveted means of payment of the canvas with the bank card. Get "Trusted Shops", a safety and quality label, which will put your potential buyers in confidence. To help you along the way, the 1and1 online shops offer their customers a free webinar with experts. Do not miss your chance!

Delivery and postage

The decision to purchase visitors also requires a review of the delivery conditions. Obviously, reasonably priced and distance-appropriate shipping costs encourage the purchase decision. On the other hand, it would seem that the duration of the shipment is not too important for the customer, as long as it does not amount to more than two weeks!

The loading time of the pages

Last but not the least: the speed of loading product pages has a significant impact on your conversion rate.Three seconds is the maximum waiting time that the user seems to want to allow each page to load. If this one takes longer, the user may abandon the site, or never again! Internet users are demanding, never forget that.


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