Seeking love on the Internet is one of those things that instantly cause rejection in many people. Why ? " The lack of romance " to some, while others will blame our friend the web of " lack spontaneity ." In a world that lives in the fast lane and where smartphones are grafted to all hands, why should we be ashamed to use a boost 2.0 to find footwear to our foot?
More precise research
When you type "Meet spouse ..." on Google , the first occurrence that appears is -on'll give you a thousand- "on the Internet." There is no wrong way to find love, as explained psychoanalyst Sophie Cadalen : "Under the pretext that everyone remains protected behind the screen, we tend to equate virtual falsehood, deception and denial Or fear of engaging. Except that in this virtual world, words meet.
And words count in a relationship, especially when it is nascent. But before the conversations (virtual then real) come the "match" between singles. And to find the one that corresponds to you, the sites and applications of encounters compete of ingenuity with (almost) perfect algorithms. Do you prefer your big half? Or do you have a low for small? What are your hobbies ? Your taste in ice cream ... In short, anything that can help these specialists to determine a profile 2.0 is good to take!
Not really a blind date ...
When the virtual wall falls and the first appointment in the flesh finally takes place, it is often panic. But frankly, what first appointment is free of stress? No. The advantage of a first date with someone we met online is that we already know each other. After spending hours talking through a screen, it is much easier to find a topic of conversation.
The evolution of morals
Mamie Giselle may have met Papi Raymond at the village ball in 1956 but that is no reason to imitate him. And then, at the time of our ancestors, the parents (and sometimes even the whole family) had their say. Not easy to make one's own choice. Today, the fact that our half pleases our parents is important, but this is not our main argument when we embark on a story.
The new generation is looking for something valuable: emancipation. The parents, but also the company that is urgent as soon as we passed the fateful 30 years . So, not yet married? When are you gonna bring us somebody? And the children, did you think about it? All these incessant and unpleasant questions are missed when one is behind his computer screen or smartphone. In the shelter, one can also indulge in virtual interactions without pressure .
Diversity and tolerance
When we meet someone through a friend, a colleague or a member of our family, we inevitably evolve in the same circles. Same conversations, same taste, same origins ... If it looks like we reassures us, it can also quickly become boring.
The advantage of virtual encounters is that the person can be thousands of miles away and in a few clicks it is closer to you than your next-door neighbour. We discover different habits, desires and tastes that are not ours but that enrich us. And if it does not fit between you and your virtual friend, you can cut off the discussion without risking getting angry with the person who presented you ...
There is something for every taste
Exit the minitel, at the forefront of the trend, we all have in the pocket a smartphone that chirps. And since you are hooked to this little jewel all holy day, download one of these applications that are all the rage in recent months. Happen, Tinder and others allow you to connect with those who are in your area. Some likes later, here you are launched ...
You doubted relationships 2.0? Maybe these few lines will allow you to take the plunge! And do not forget one thing: you lose absolutely nothing to try ... So, tempted?
Credit to: Marion Auvray,
Photo: Unsplash, Streetfocus, Studio LM Photography, Sebastien Clavel, Mademoiselle Do
Thanks to zankyou