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How do brands use color psychology to manipulate their customers?

Certain brands are directly identifiable by their color. Coca-Cola red, Chanel black and gold or IKEA yellow allow them to be immediately identified.

The color a company uses to be identified also has significance. A brand can thus express the confidence that one can have in it, the quality of its products and much more.

Here is a color guide based on research by Karen Haller, expert in colors and their influence on your business. Let's see how different colors can cause some manipulation of your customers.

Comment les marques utilisent-elles les couleurs pour la "manipulation" de leurs clients ?

Yellow: fun and friendship

Yellow means ...

The brands using yellow want to express joy, optimism and friendship. Yellow is also the most visible color in daylight. Difficult to pass in a street and to ignore a sign to this color.

Brand using yellow

IKEA uses yellow in its logo, leaflets, ... even in its store. This means for the consumer that it is fun. Do not you go to IKEA with your family? I doubt your children will be bored.

Other major brands using yellow: Renault, Mc Donald, Amazon.com

Red: power and passion

Red means ...

Red is the color of power, power and passion. It also represents energy, courage and sensation.

Brand using red

Virgin used red since its inception. Richard Branson, its founder, wanted it to express the feeling of confidence and energy. A real success.

Other major brands using red: Ferrari, Kellogg's, Coca-Cola

Purple: luxury and fantasy

Purple means ...

Quality, luxury and decadence are associated with purple. Attention, it can sometimes seem too fanciful and not enough in touch with reality.

Brand using purple

Milka is the most famous of purple cows. The consumer feels the quality through this color.

Other major brands using the purple: Yahoo, Hallmark, Barbie

Black: prestige and exclusivity

Black means ...

Like the purple, black is a color of luxury. When properly used, black communicates prestige and exclusivity. Black is a color to which you will more easily grant your 'serious'.

Brand using black

Chanel's walleye and black make you think of products of unparalleled quality and exclusivity.

Other major brands using black: Yves-Saint-Laurent, Puma, Waterman

Orange: mischievous and cheerful

The orange means ...

The orange is gaiety. Companies using orange are perceived as joyful, fun and emphasizing social contact. The orange also represents physical comfort, like the sun and its warmth. But be careful when using orange, a brand can be judged incapable of being serious.

Brand using orange

The bank and insurance ING uses the orange in its logo, the lion. She expresses this 'ludic' aspect and compensates for it by the blue of ING, which brings its confidence and logic. We can not imagine a bank wanting to put the "fun" aspect forward.

Other major brands using orange: Fanta, Harley Davidson, Firefox

Brown: heat and reliability

Brown means ...

Thinking 'brown', chocolate comes to mind immediately. But behind this color, you also feel warmth, security and reliability.

Brand using brown

UPS is perceived by its customers as a trusted delivery company. Brown is the perfect choice for a brand wanting to express that we should give it our confidence.

Green: youth and nature

Green means ...

Green is a color now widely used for everything concerning the environment and its protection. Green means youth and love of life.

Brand using green

Garnier is clearly showing its desire to help its customers protect nature. The company is directly involved in this process. Its Fructis Garnier shampoo is sold in eco-packaging.

Other major brands using Green: BP, Land Rover, Greenpeace

Blue: calm and logical

Blue means ...

Blue represents trust, integrity and communication. Caution, misused, blue can also make your brand appear cold, distant and inaccessible. I experimented on Targuzo, before bringing an orange key ;-). Your customers associate blue with logic, calm and serenity

Brand using blue

The big social networks on the Internet like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, use blue as a priority in their logo. The bright blue of Twitter, tending towards the yellow, also expresses the entertaining aspect of this social media.

Other brands using blue: Dell, Oral-B, American Express


funny poem part 2

Poem of Sam


A chest in vinegar,
In non-sour vinegar,
After four seasons,
It's still tits.

Would you have doubted it?
This cucurbitaceae
Is a good condiment
Because pungent while eating.

In green, of several tones.
Location of accompaniments.
Together in cooking.

In cucumber, nations
Font crops, eating it.
Supply text?


It was like that

At home everything seemed to stop spontaneously;
In him everything was instantly damaged;
In him everything was repaired simultaneously;
In short, everything was happening fabulously at home.

When he had not yet put his foot down
On the land, Nice pressed his mother, he shouted,
He sulked and stamped with insistence
To be born because he always burned with impatience.

At his birth, without greeting his entourage,
Nice ran to the house full of courage
Because he wanted to see his little brothers.
He saw them and asked if they knew his father.

Zealous as he was, Nice skipped his childhood,
Absorbed puberty and adolescence
To reach adulthood, if one believes!
There was nothing to reproach; It was his right!

Singular as he was, he believed everything believed,
No cooking time, I myself did not believe
How this Nice often forgot to digest
After eating. Hard thing to manage!

It was not for this phenomenal being
Left * to exit before entering the room
Examination where it had occasion to conclude
His dissertations before introducing them.

Alas, our curious kid gave up
In sport the day before he was beaten
For having pierced the ball with the blow of the intestines,
He did not care because it was not his destiny.

Instead, he preferred to make music
Where he had a special gift of playing the unique
Instrument: the whistle. He had been
One hundred and nine in water, he was satisfied with it.

Immediately on the evening of his life, he remembered
Of all that he had previously esteemed vain;
He bought a bottle at the shop
For he had not suckled. Funny criticism!
He made himself the beard, a setting he did not know,
He loved, that he had not honored.

Little by little his energy was exhausted;
But the infernal envy of the meat grew
To the point that he crushed and swallowed his tongue;
From then on, life seemed long;

At his death, seeing that those who accompanied him
At the grave neglected his time to gain,
He took his cross, dug so fast and bury himself
To the living, he wrote: "Yesterday we shall see."


Me chatterbox?

Me ! A talker!
That sees so much?
Oh ! Hoax!
True ? Does that mean?

Even in writing?
The flow of words,
You invaded
Full of echoes?

In your thoughts?
What crossroads,
To cross each other,
In detours.

In your actions?
To express,
Our relationships,
To communicate?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "poem"

5 of the best racing games on Android and iOS system deserves to try it


5 of the best adventure and imagination system Android Games

The adventure and imagination among the best varieties or species that gain admiration of millions of freaks games in different parts of the world games, and so to the content of the excitement and fun while playing, not to mention the thrill, which is characterized by this kind of gaming space fantasy that takes you to the worlds superhero senses the thrill of entertainment and adventure, and the interaction with such a game is very high and the rate of use of mental abilities that are consistent with your reactions during the game to overcome the obstacles and stages of the game.
Assassin's Creed Pirates

The most famous and popular on the various types of game equipment, "Command ship game for the Caribbean Sea, and perform a variety of discoveries, of course, the game in terms of picture quality and graphics Do not speak, Regarding the playground specifications needs to store, a space-1 GB, and the Android version 4 or more.

Film series, one of the best adventure games and the excitement and revenge Action on Android phones, you can skip the group stages for the first season and the second for the game-film and the elimination of 'zombie' and save the world, but the game is not completely free of charge where you can not play the rest of the other parts only through the internal payment or internal purchasing the game. And personally I prefer the first part of the game for a second. You can discover the difference yourself, As for the fit of the game with your phone, you need a nucleus of phone frequency over 1 GHz and Ram more than 1 GB the storage space they are compliant with the quality of your device, as it should version Android 2.3.3 or above.

Among the best games puzzles and adventure free shop Google Play, the game is very exciting and very interesting, you can play the main character "Joe", where the latter discovers that humans will go extinct within the next forty years and decide to take a trip to uncover how this happened and how to prevent from this looming catastrophe for humanity as a whole, of course, play a very entertaining and enjoyable as not without an atmosphere of adventure and exploration. The game is available on an internal system to buy (and insisted I recommend trying the game). As for the game compatibility you must provide a 44 megabyte storage space and 500 megabytes RAM is sufficient, and Android version 2.3 or above.

Links to download


After Pokemon GO, Nintendo launches Pokemon DUEL

After the great success of the game "Pokemon Go" which was launched during the middle of last year's big controversy caused by long months, the Japanese company Nintendo has decided to launch a new game from the series games Pokemon inspired so the success of the previous version, and it comes to Pokemon Duel.
بعد بوكيمون غو، نينتندو تطلق Pokémon Duel

Pokemon Duel does not rely on augmented reality, but remain a strategy game, but is based on the same concept of the game Pokemon, as users are building their team, consisting of virtual creatures of Pokemon in order to fight the friends.

Its new free game except for some paid features, will be available for regular users of Android and iOS.


How To Learn Any Language In Record Time + Infographic

How To Learn Any Language In Record Time - Infographic
Many of us wish we could speak a different language, especially when we travel to our favorite vacation destination. However, learning all of the different grammar techniques, native twangs and complex vocabularies can be incredibly daunting and will often put us off even trying to grasp the basics.
You want to succeed, develop your knowledge? Yes you can


However, getting to grips with a new language need not be difficult or time-consuming. And in this IG we’ll break down the learning process into simple tasks so you can develop your language skills in record time.

More details and Infographic

Upgradedpoints cover:
  • how you can learn all of the necessary basics
  • how to enhance your grammar skills in your chosen language and;
  • how to further your learning once you’ve done this.
With fun activities such as watching TV series’ in a foreign language and creating your own flashcards, learning a new language has never been so much fun. In fact, we think it’s so easy to do that you may even try your hand at learning more than one new language! Fantastico!
How To Learn Any Language - UpgradedPoints.com

ONLINE MARKETING: 5 Methods to increase conversion rate for an online store

The conversion rate - or conversion - of an online store is the percentage of visitors to the site that have carried out a specific action. In our case, the action corresponds to the purchase on the site. Measuring it is not a very complicated calculation: it is enough to estimate in percentage the ratio between the number of visitors who made a purchase on your site and the number of unique visitors total. I therefore prepared a series of 7 tips to follow carefully to improve the conversion rate of your e-shop.
Conversion e-commerce

Do not focus on traffic

No need to focus on the single traffic of your website. Although this is essential ,not only by developing the traffic of your website you improve your conversion rate. You will also need to think about the quality of your service and products in order to encourage users to perform actions.

Analyze the behavior of your visitors

When today it has become easy to open its own e-commerce site, making it profitable and perennial is another pair of sleeves! To do this, you will need   to carefully analyze the behavior of visitors to your page and understand what drives them to perform actions that will benefit you. Then you must ask yourself the following questions: 

     🌕How long the visitor spent on my site? 
     🌕What pages did he visit? 
     🌕Did he add products to his basket before giving up his purchase?

Careful presentation of products sold

The presentation, ergonomics and attractiveness of your products for sale should be the first thing to consider before you even think of generating traffic. Thus, there is no need to recall that offering several quality photos that can be zoomed in, videos highlighting the product and offering additional information, as well as a modern and ergonomic design will give more confidence to visitors And in this way will incite to purchase.

Humanizing the e-commerce site

There are three ways to make your online store closer to the visitor by promoting customer-vendor interaction:
  • 🌑Offer a presentation section of the merchant (s) to prove that behind the site are trusted people.
  • 🌑Provide quality customer service with the help of a call center or e-mail interactions.
  • 🌑Offer a special section to give customers the opportunity to leave comments on products.

Offer several payment methods

Proposing several known payment solutions to potential customers will put them in confidence in any monetary transaction. Indeed, Internet users feel more confident at the sight of several payment options on the site. So, opt for Paypal seems to be the most coveted means of payment of the canvas with the bank card. Get "Trusted Shops", a safety and quality label, which will put your potential buyers in confidence. To help you along the way, the 1and1 online shops offer their customers a free webinar with experts. Do not miss your chance!

Delivery and postage

The decision to purchase visitors also requires a review of the delivery conditions. Obviously, reasonably priced and distance-appropriate shipping costs encourage the purchase decision. On the other hand, it would seem that the duration of the shipment is not too important for the customer, as long as it does not amount to more than two weeks!

The loading time of the pages

Last but not the least: the speed of loading product pages has a significant impact on your conversion rate.Three seconds is the maximum waiting time that the user seems to want to allow each page to load. If this one takes longer, the user may abandon the site, or never again! Internet users are demanding, never forget that.


Cleaning teeth using floss .. Do you prefer this method? And important tips for cleaning children's teeth

Cleaner, healthier mouth, part of personal health, and omits many of us about oral hygiene and brushing our teeth while some brushing once or twice, or by getting used to and neglecting a very important step in cleaning the teeth and mouth,

How to clean teeth using floss?

Cleaning is not about flossing remove all leftovers relationship between the teeth only, but the main reason is to get rid of the plaque between teeth because it contains bacteria complex is the cause of tooth decay and gum infections and the only solution to get rid of plaque and bacteria is cleaning dental floss. 

تنظيف الاسنان

I do not know how to use floss to clean my teeth 

📌According to the American Society of Dental best way to clean the thread is: Cut about 38 cm and then wrap flossing around your middle finger and place it between your thumb and forefinger and pulling the thread and used the thumb of mobility between the upper teeth.

📌Install the floss taut and use your index finger to move the floss between the lower teeth.

📌Move the floss gently zigzags and do not bite on a string during cleaning. 

📌Move the floss back and forth so that the reverse surface of the teeth and under the gum line. 

📌Use the add part of floss to clean each year separately. 

Do you suffer from problems hinder cleaning teeth floss?

Some people suffer from problems in the hand and thus difficult to use floss for cleaning, but the solution here using floss holder and is a piece of plastic shaped Y making it easier cleaning process , and you can also use a toothpick cleaning as an alternative but very carefully. 

I do not find enough time to clean the dental floss 

Flossing does not take much time is enough once before going to sleep, and for 3-5 minutes and if you are fatigued in the evening you can clean your teeth in the morning. 

It may cause the thread to use in the gum pain 

If the cause dental floss in bleeding gums or pain it is evidence of inflammation of the gums due to the neglect of the use of floss and should not be neglected if the thread was hit by bleeding gums and stop the bleeding and pain within a week. 

Always floss cut during cleaning 

Cut the thread sign of cavities in the teeth and you should consult your doctor.

Choose the appropriate thread cleaning 

Flossing made of nylon or Teflon, and both are effective materials, and are advised to use the thread broadband cleaning teeth to the owners of a vast distances or who suffer from problems in the gums and the use of high-thread to the owners of the teeth with a narrow distances. 

Tips for cleaning children's teeth 

📌It advised to clean the initial children's teeth clean with a piece of gauze. 

📌Beware of your child swallow the tooth paste and when the use of children for the paste used a small piece in the size of the bean. 

📌Education of the child attention to clean his mouth and his teeth and use a brush and putty from the age of 3 years. 

📌Teach the child to use when flossing teeth growth

In a recent study, the researchers compared the use of flossing twice a day with a toothbrush and brushing only, and the study showed that the group used to flossing suffer from bleeding gums by 38% less than those who used a brush only. 

It is bleeding gums and bad breath of the most important signs of oral hygiene and that may lead to many problems, The health of your mouth should take part of personal and public health, would you clean your teeth flossing? 

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "metro epicerie"

Here are over 3000 modern biographies adjustable and downloadable for free

When examinations and graduation projects end another path begins to find work or training in most cases, and of course any applicant must establish an attractive autobiography and different from the rest of the other biographies, In order to draw the attention of the employer to his biography. If you are looking for work, we must pay close attention to your self-biography of it determines whether you will pass the personal interview for work or not. Your chance of success and your choice among thousands more depends mainly on the design and form of your resume.

Today we'll learn more about the source provides more than three thousand biography in different formats, which can be downloaded for free and modified at will.

This source is the site Freepik recognized in the field of images that provides for the user to download millions of images for free But this time we will learn all CV templates provided by your own app for download free that.

All you have is that you click here to access the thousandth loan resume to change after choosing a design you like, click on it to access the download page and click on the " Download ", as shown in the image:

After loading, raising the pressure on the file you will notice CV available in a different format is a preview imagehave and eps , and as well as the user of the line, these formulas is a private program " Adobe Illustrator " and Can be downloaded on the Internet, for a modification of this biography, and print any size you want. If you just want to copy the overall design, you can do it through photoshop.

Link to CV: Freepik

Desktopneo: a new way will change your look on how to process the computer interface

Productivity and efficiency are still the main strengths of desktop and laptop computers from other platforms such as smart phones and tablets. DESKTOPNEO is an idea and a new approach is designed to eliminate the concept of windows in current operating systems, especially Windows and Mac, and increase the productivity and speed of execution of tasks.

This new concept called '' desktopneo '' is very simple, which is an alternative to the traditional Windows system, this new system consists of a series of windows arranged horizontally, that you can easily switch between them and simple.

Of course, this new concept eluted retains some classic elements and notifications in existing systems, but it came with many shortcuts and ways to use tracks located, for example, in computers, Apple TV, you can do Many of the tasks through this stage and navigate between the windows smoothly and even do a lot of procedures within them.

And what's also different in this new concept is that it does not depend on files or folders of the classic system, but relies on the Tag to classify all your contents.

Of course, you can find out more about this new vision through its official website:

Link to the site: desktopneo


China : Explore One of the biggest and largest transportations movement in the world

Image of 20 high-speed trains inside rail maintenance station in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Expects the official authorities in China that there will be 3 billion a journey between the cities in China during the current holiday period, which begins on Saturday and ends on the 21st of the month next February.This nomadic include transportation such as trains and planes, local buses that reach the villages in China and used by the 1.4 billion Chinese citizens.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "china transport"

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Beijing International Airport"
Beijing International Airport, or Beijing Capital
It has three terminals, the third one was inaugurated on 29 February 2008.

With a traffic of approximately 73.9 million passengers, the airport ranked second in the world in 2010, behind the Atlanta airport, a gain of 6 seats and an increase of more than 32% in passenger traffic. Compared to 2008. Since 2009, it has also become the first Asian airport, passing Tokyo Haneda. However, its activity is essentially domestic, the international remaining at the second level.

The Donghai Bridge "Great Eastern Sea Bridge") in China was the longest sea bridge in the world in 2005 (the Hangzhou Bay Bridge opened in June 2008 is 35.6 km long and the Haiwan Bridge in the Jiaozhou Bay in Yellow Sea opened in 2010 measures 41.85 km).

It connects the city of Shanghai to the Yangshan Islands, on which the port of Yangshan, the largest deep-water port of Yangshan, is being built on 32.5 km - of which 26 km is continuous over the sea. world. It was inaugurated on 1 December 2005.

Much of the transport system in China has been built since the creation of the People's Republic in 1949 and especially since the early 1980s. Rail, which is the main mode of transport in the country before 1950, Had 21,800 km of railway lines. In 2009, the railway network has since been extended to 86,000 km. Air transport has also grown strongly since the late 1990s. At the same time, the government expanded the motorway network to more than 65,000 km in 2009. China thus has the second largest motorway network in the world, after the United States.

However, the equipment of the country in these infrastructures varies greatly according to the region, with important local disparities, the less well equipped regions are thus the west of the country, notably the Tibet by its relief then Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Yunnan. The most served regions are the urban areas of the west, in the region between the metropolises of Wuhan, Shanghai, Xi'an and Harbin.

In 2005, the passenger traffic, in person kilometers traveled, is 53% in the road, including transport by bus, 34% in the railway and 13% in the air. Freight in tonne-kilometers is 55% in rail, 24% in road, 15% in cabotage, 5% in river transport and 1% in oil and gas pipelines.


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