** The 10 slimming tips to keep in good condition: Part 1 **

You are on a diet or you just watch your weight. Boost your figure and your efforts by following our 10 tips to keep slimming line.

1- Set a reasonable goal
A height, age, sex and identical, each has his ideal weight.

Start by calculating your body mass index, BMI. This is a number that allows you to estimate if you are too thin, shape or overweight. It is calculated by dividing weight (in kg) divided by height (in cm) squared. When it is between 18.5 and 25, weight is a satisfactory "health" perspective.

This index is only a mark, especially since it takes into account neither fat nor lean mass or bone mass. It can detect a potential health risk, beyond the aesthetic aspect that often impairs judgement in weight.

2- Keep a sufficient energy intake
To be effective, your diet period should not cause too severe food restriction, the risk of quickly return the lost kilos.

After weeks or months of low calorie diet, your body has adapted and got used to work with very few calories. Any improvement of the regime, even reasonable, may cause the storage of extra calories. A reasonable rate of weight loss is of the order of 500 g per week.
3- Bet on the right foods
To be at your best, your body needs to receive his daily dose of nutritional intake.

To avoid losing your muscles, so it is important to focus on proteins: semi-skimmed dairy products, fish, poultry and lean meats.

Mono unsaturated fats that are found in oils, margarines and oleaginous dried fruits such as almonds are maintained.

Do not deny yourself no more complex carbohydrates (bread and starches) that provide a long satiety. Not to get your fill of fibre, vitamins and antioxidants through fruits and vegetables.

4- Moderate the slightest interest in nutritional foods
It is better to do without an excess of saturated fats, which tend to raise blood cholesterol.

So, better to limit the butter, cream, cheeses, deli meats and fatty meats, not forgetting the hidden fats in biscuits, pastries, pies and pastries.

Sweets are consumed in moderation, as they bring you mostly sugar, but low in vitamins and other good nutrients. Furthermore, alcohol, although friendly, is not necessary for your body.

5- Keep the fun
It is a basic rule not to crack or even abandon. Even if the sausage and chocolate are not essential to balance, there is no reason to deprive yourself totally when we love it!

Listen to your hunger and satiety your
The feeling of hunger happens when the previous meal calories were burned and the body needs "fuel".

As long as hunger is not felt, it is better not to eat. Indeed, options in times of satiety stimulates more production of insulin, a hormone that promotes weight gain.

Source: Femmeactuelle


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