** The 10 enemies of the couple !! **

To make your marriage work, no need to look for miracle cures. However, you can avoid some pitfalls that could eventually weaken the ties that bind you. A short guide to escape the bad habits absolutely!
Portrait robot of some enemies of the couple ...
The television
Television: an enemy of the couple Television is a love kill him, there's no doubt about it! System Never dinner before the 20 hours. Dining every night with PPDA among you, does not facilitate the complicity ... And then, by dint of watching the movie and then you go to bed, you do not even take the time to talk and worry about the 'other. Only one solution: throw this enemy of love life! Less radical, you can agree to put it out four nights a week.
Consequence or not of the presence of the TV, you do not go out more! And this little restaurant that you love so much, would it closed? And movie nights which extended into heated debates? Now you go out only once a month, and then only to go with friends or possibly receive. No more dating and romantic evenings! We must rediscover that magic accomplices getaways! Since you just throw your TV, enjoy the money saved on the fee!
The overtime
Stop back late from work! Not only will you have more time for you, but in addition you're tired and irritable, which is not really a sinecure for your partner! As long as the work has completely invaded your life, it quickly becomes your only topic of conversation ... Stop! Start by 35 hours (and no more)! Try to go early enough to have a little time before dinner to enjoy ... No slouch in front of the TV! And above all, forget the work from time to time to pay more attention to the other.
The door of WC
This is not because we are a couple and we've known for years that must be let go! Stop stroll jogging, messy hair ... and leave your stuff lying around all over the house take care of you! While your spouse (e) loves you as you are, but why not make an effort to show you at your best? You show how you attach importance to its presence and the impression you leave it!
One of the other great enemies of the couple, it is the lack of attention. And he's not here to give flowers or small gifts, but simply to (the) watch. To notice when he (she) was at the hairdresser or bought a new jacket. Do not hesitate to tell him when you (a) are elegant (e) or he (she) impresses you with its good points. For the compliments are always pleasant ... but only if they are thought!
Excessive jealousy
Stop the (a) monitor or ask questions at every turn. For the basis of a couple is mutual trust. By dint of the (the) suspicion, you'll end up tired and your partner (the) grow in an arm (e) other! Read our article about it: Jealous Me?
Sexual life is important in a couple. If it is okay to settle down with time, it should not become the rule! For it must be borne of fantasy and imagination! Book yourself periods of intimacy, vary the locations and positions ... To reconnect with the desire or discover the advice of the Kamasutra, please see our Sexuality.

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