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** The 10 enemies of the couple !! **

To make your marriage work, no need to look for miracle cures. However, you can avoid some pitfalls that could eventually weaken the ties that bind you. A short guide to escape the bad habits absolutely!
Portrait robot of some enemies of the couple ...
The television
Television: an enemy of the couple Television is a love kill him, there's no doubt about it! System Never dinner before the 20 hours. Dining every night with PPDA among you, does not facilitate the complicity ... And then, by dint of watching the movie and then you go to bed, you do not even take the time to talk and worry about the 'other. Only one solution: throw this enemy of love life! Less radical, you can agree to put it out four nights a week.
Consequence or not of the presence of the TV, you do not go out more! And this little restaurant that you love so much, would it closed? And movie nights which extended into heated debates? Now you go out only once a month, and then only to go with friends or possibly receive. No more dating and romantic evenings! We must rediscover that magic accomplices getaways! Since you just throw your TV, enjoy the money saved on the fee!
The overtime
Stop back late from work! Not only will you have more time for you, but in addition you're tired and irritable, which is not really a sinecure for your partner! As long as the work has completely invaded your life, it quickly becomes your only topic of conversation ... Stop! Start by 35 hours (and no more)! Try to go early enough to have a little time before dinner to enjoy ... No slouch in front of the TV! And above all, forget the work from time to time to pay more attention to the other.
The door of WC
This is not because we are a couple and we've known for years that must be let go! Stop stroll jogging, messy hair ... and leave your stuff lying around all over the house take care of you! While your spouse (e) loves you as you are, but why not make an effort to show you at your best? You show how you attach importance to its presence and the impression you leave it!
One of the other great enemies of the couple, it is the lack of attention. And he's not here to give flowers or small gifts, but simply to (the) watch. To notice when he (she) was at the hairdresser or bought a new jacket. Do not hesitate to tell him when you (a) are elegant (e) or he (she) impresses you with its good points. For the compliments are always pleasant ... but only if they are thought!
Excessive jealousy
Stop the (a) monitor or ask questions at every turn. For the basis of a couple is mutual trust. By dint of the (the) suspicion, you'll end up tired and your partner (the) grow in an arm (e) other! Read our article about it: Jealous Me?
Sexual life is important in a couple. If it is okay to settle down with time, it should not become the rule! For it must be borne of fantasy and imagination! Book yourself periods of intimacy, vary the locations and positions ... To reconnect with the desire or discover the advice of the Kamasutra, please see our Sexuality.

** Bouquet of the best sites and tools on the Internet, discovered by yourself! **

In today's article I wanted to give you approximately 90 site useful, each site is a specific task, you can benefit fully from the services provided by those sites, where services will vary from one location to another, there is a site for the filming sites in full, and the last to get the codes did not not exist in the keyboard.
Bouquet of the best sites and tools on the Internet, discovered by yourself! (More than 90 site)

There is another site from which you can see the time period or the time in any country in the world through the map only, and there are other sites you can use them even if you do not need any more, really is a distinctive sites, and there is a big effort until these sites collected on one page.
Here are sites

ctrlq.org/screenshots - to capture snapshots of web pages on a mobile phone and desktop computers.
dictation.io - service to convert voice to the words, to use the service you just have to connect the microphone to the computer and access to the site.
zerodollarmovies.com - site to find a long film posted on YouTube.
screenr.com - record video clips from your desktop and send it directly to YouTube.
goo.gl - shorten long URLs.
unfurlr.com - to see the original link any short link without the need to enter him.
qClock local -Know time for any city in the world.
copypastecharacter.com - copying non-existent special characters on the keyboard.
codeacademy.com - the best place to learn programming!
lovelycharts.com -allows you to create professional-looking charts of all kinds, such as charts, maps, etc. ..
iconfinder.com - If you are a designer and looking for icons, this site will be what you need.
followupthen.com -Messages will remind you that you typed in advance to remind you about something.
jotti.org - scan any suspicious file or e-mail attachment for viruses.
wolframalpha.com Make question directly to any enhanced images and data charts.
printwhatyoulike.com - to print web pages without ads and other things
ctrlq.save - save files online Dropbox or google drive directly.
ctrql.rss - Search engine for RSS feeds.
e.ggtimer.com - simple timing of the online daily device for your needs.
random.org - to do a random drawing for a certain numbers!
pdfescape.com - allows you to edit PDF files quickly and directly from your browser.
tubemogul.com - a service that allows you to raise Alvedaually YouTube clips and other sites at the same time
scr.im - to protect your email from spam!
myfonts.com/WhatTheFont - identify the user in any image font name.
google.com/webfonts - a good set of lines open source.
livestream.com -broadcast directly from your computer or watching events that are being transmitted over the Internet
homestyler.com - designed from scratch for the house of your dreams is three-dimensional.
join.me - to share the desktop with ease with anyone through the Internet.
onlineocr.net - recognize text from scanned PDF files scanned.
flightstats.com - follow the flight path at all the airports around the world.
wetransfer.com - to share large files over the Internet.
hundredzeros.com - the site lets you download free books.
polishmywriting.com - check for spelling or grammatical errors from your own scripts.
typewith.me - work on the same document with several people.
gtmetrix.com - the perfect tool to measure the performance of the website.
imo.im - chatting with friends on Skype, Facebook, from a single location.
translate.google.com - translate Web pages, PDF files and documents Office.
kleki.com - create paintings and drawings with a wide range of brushes.
similarsites.com - to search for sites similar to any site or program.
midomi.com - when you need to find a song name.
google.com/history - to return to searches you've made in Google.
faxzero.com - Send a fax over the Internet for free.
feedmyinbox.com - get bulletins RSS to your email
ge.tt - qiuckly send a file to someone, and can preview the file before downloading.
pipebytes.com - transfer files of any size without uploading to a third party server.
tinychat.com - set up a private chat room in micro seconds.
privnote.com - create text notes are self to destroy after reading.
boxoh.com - track the status of any shipment on Google Maps.
mondrian.io - create graphics in your browser.
draw.io - create graphs and charts in the browser, export your drawings to Google Drive and Dropbox.
downforeveryoneorjustme.com - to find out the status of any site Is it in the service or not!
ewhois.com - to find other locations to someone online.
whoishostingthis.com- to see hosting used by any site.
disposablewebpage.com - create a page on the Internet can be a temporary self-destruction.
urbandictionary.com - find definitions of words is classified in dictionaries!
seatguru.com - this site before choosing a seat next to your trip :)
unsplash.com - Download high resolution images for free
scribblemaps.com - The easiest way to mapping and Musharaktha
alertful.com -rapid important events and remind them by e-mail.
picmonkey.com - directly from your browser Photo Editor
formspring.me - you can ask or answer personal questions in this platform.
sumopaint.com -last for the Liberation of the amendment to the images directly from the browser, similar to the site in photoshop.
typingweb.com -to learn fast typing on the keyboard.
mailvu.com - send e-mail messages to anyone!
timerime.com -to create a timeline of historical events image and text.
stupeflix.com - make a movie of images, audio and video clips of your own.
safeweb.norton.com - to check the safety and reliability of any site on the Internet
minutes.io -ovdil way to take notes at meetings without pen and paper
youtube.com/leanback - watch YouTube channels in TV mode.
youtube.com/disco - create a playlist of your favorite artist.
talltweets.com - Send a Tweet exceed 140 characters.
pancake.io - Create a free and simple site using your Dropbox account.
builtwith.com - knowledge services used by any Web site
woorank.com -comprehensive examination of the site and your fit with SEO and other
mixlr.com -radio broadcast live from the site or your smartphone
tagmydoc.com - add QR codes to your documents and presentations.
notes.io - The easiest way to write a short text notes in your browser.
otixo.com - manage your files online in all Kdrobboaks cloud services, google drive, etc.
virustotal.com - scan any suspicious file or e-mail attachment for viruses Online.
wobzip.org - decompressing the files online!
namemytune.com- service to find a song name.
pastebin.com -atih anyone storage normal texts. Often used to publish and share a small BB
bounceapp.com - beautiful service to add your opinion on any site or page that By entering the site you want to put the ideas around him link

Source : Th3professional

** The 10 slimming tips to keep in good condition: Part 1 **

You are on a diet or you just watch your weight. Boost your figure and your efforts by following our 10 tips to keep slimming line.

1- Set a reasonable goal
A height, age, sex and identical, each has his ideal weight.

Start by calculating your body mass index, BMI. This is a number that allows you to estimate if you are too thin, shape or overweight. It is calculated by dividing weight (in kg) divided by height (in cm) squared. When it is between 18.5 and 25, weight is a satisfactory "health" perspective.

This index is only a mark, especially since it takes into account neither fat nor lean mass or bone mass. It can detect a potential health risk, beyond the aesthetic aspect that often impairs judgement in weight.

2- Keep a sufficient energy intake
To be effective, your diet period should not cause too severe food restriction, the risk of quickly return the lost kilos.

After weeks or months of low calorie diet, your body has adapted and got used to work with very few calories. Any improvement of the regime, even reasonable, may cause the storage of extra calories. A reasonable rate of weight loss is of the order of 500 g per week.
3- Bet on the right foods
To be at your best, your body needs to receive his daily dose of nutritional intake.

To avoid losing your muscles, so it is important to focus on proteins: semi-skimmed dairy products, fish, poultry and lean meats.

Mono unsaturated fats that are found in oils, margarines and oleaginous dried fruits such as almonds are maintained.

Do not deny yourself no more complex carbohydrates (bread and starches) that provide a long satiety. Not to get your fill of fibre, vitamins and antioxidants through fruits and vegetables.

4- Moderate the slightest interest in nutritional foods
It is better to do without an excess of saturated fats, which tend to raise blood cholesterol.

So, better to limit the butter, cream, cheeses, deli meats and fatty meats, not forgetting the hidden fats in biscuits, pastries, pies and pastries.

Sweets are consumed in moderation, as they bring you mostly sugar, but low in vitamins and other good nutrients. Furthermore, alcohol, although friendly, is not necessary for your body.

5- Keep the fun
It is a basic rule not to crack or even abandon. Even if the sausage and chocolate are not essential to balance, there is no reason to deprive yourself totally when we love it!

Listen to your hunger and satiety your
The feeling of hunger happens when the previous meal calories were burned and the body needs "fuel".

As long as hunger is not felt, it is better not to eat. Indeed, options in times of satiety stimulates more production of insulin, a hormone that promotes weight gain.

Source: Femmeactuelle



6- Listen to your hunger and satiety your
The feeling of hunger happens when the previous meal calories were burned and the body needs "fuel".

As long as hunger is not felt, it is better not to eat. Indeed, options in times of satiety stimulates more production of insulin, a hormone that promotes weight gain.

7- Drinking enough
Losing weight causes extra production to eliminate toxins.
It is therefore important to drink enough (at least 1.5 liters per day) to facilitate your bowel and prevent mental fatigue and little headaches. Water, tea and coffee in moderation, it's up to you.
8- Move on
Physical activity is as important as the content of your plate. Obviously we burn more calories than sitting moving. Your energy requirement is proportional to muscle mass.

The practice of sport, in addition to build muscle, also increases your calorie consumption. Thus, the need to monitor your diet to maintain weight is less.

9- Manage your excess
After a friendly meal too rich, it is recommended to opt for a low calorie dinner: white fish (150-200 g) vegetables prepared without fat (raw, cooked in soup ... at will) and two natures or yogurt fruit 0% fat will make a light and balanced meal.

10- Stabilize your weight
If your diet was the cause of your overweight, you have the risk of returning to the same eating habits is to recover gradually lost weight.
Keep the line means changing certain behaviors: learning to eat more slowly to fill with less food, or otherwise manage stress by eating (yoga and relaxation are good alternatives). Regular physical activity (walking, gardening, DIY, sport), for at least 30 minutes a day, is also recommended.

Developing Cultural Intelligence for Leadership

Developing Cultural Intelligence for Leadership

I-                   Introduction:
Cultural Intelligence is defined as both expertises on crops and intercultural skills as an exercise in the interest of a public or private organization. It’s used in business, education, government and academic research. Cultural intelligence can be understood as the capability to relate and work effectively across cultures. Originally, the term cultural intelligence and the abbreviation "CQ" was developed by the research done by Soon Ang and Linn Van Dyne as a researched-based way of measuring and predicting intercultural performance.
We specify three kinds of Cultural. Intelligence (CQ) is the natural evolution from the well-established notions of IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional intelligence). Good leaders need all three to lead effectively.

Generally, the CQ allows to cross divide - whether country, generation, gender, sector or background - and to thrive in multiple cultures. Developing your CQ will enable you to work with people who are different from you, and lead in your organisation, community, business or place of study.

A cultural intelligence approach is implemented:

ü  by States to address issues related to social cohesion at the national and cultural influence internationally,
ü  By companies to conquer markets, to establish themselves internationally and develop multicultural cooperation within their teams.
By companies to conquer markets to establish themselves internationally and develop multicultural cooperation within their teams.  ability to decipher the complexity of environments for defining adjustments and synergies in the context of globalization, cultural intelligence is closely related to economic intelligence as a public policy and business approach: without intelligence economic, cultural intelligence loses its strategic dimension; without cultural intelligence, economic intelligence loses its operational dimension.

Despite globalisation and the development of new technologies, the world is as complex as ever. Leaders from different cultures are finding that they need to work together even more. Crossing the divides between people in cities and, increasingly, across the world is the only way we can begin to address the big complex problems we face on a daily basis. Ask yourself:
  • Are IQ, EQ and CQ equally valued in the world?
  • What problems require only IQ to solve them?
  • What examples can you give of when EQ has not been enough to solve problems?
Understand and develop Cultural Intelligence

This course will introduce to the concept of CQ and explore its evolution and relevance for leadership.
Reason to learn CQ:
ü  Build the skills to lead across divides and thrive in multiple cultures;
ü  Go on a journey to uncover the cultural influences that make you think and act the way you do;
ü  See how understanding yourself can help you work with other people;
ü  Learn skills to recognise what makes others tick and behave the way they do;
ü  And embrace diversity and recognise its role in innovative problem solving.

Chapter I: General Discussion

I would never...

Our starting point is to ask what is our core and what is our Flex? Cultural Intelligence comes through unpicking these two and keeping the line between Core and Flex under constant review as we grow older, as we experience new things and as the world changes around us.

There are many examples of leaders from around the world who have developed their Cultural Intelligence, and who we can learn from. Equally there are examples of when people have not got this right.
Leaders with Cultural Intelligence:
ü  don’t shy away from difference; they move towards it
ü  don’t just cross the divides that exist between people, they also build bridges for others to use
ü  counterbalance the default human preference for talking, working and sticking with ‘people like me’
ü  Look outwards. They are interested and excited by different cultures. They don’t just tolerate
1-      That have shown the most Cultural Intelligence in your view and why?
2-      That you think would benefit from gaining more Cultural Intelligence?
3-      What are the barriers that have prevented them from developing more Cultural Intelligence?

Changes are taking place globally that call for leaders with Cultural Intelligence.

Here are the 8 key reasons why:
1. The need for collaboration

Big problems can no longer – if they ever could – be solved by one person, one sector, one culture, one community, one country or even one continent operating alone. Leading across boundaries through collaboration is increasingly crucial.

2. The reality of networks
The world is becoming more connected. Organisations are becoming flatter and social networks are burgeoning as never before. Leaders must build and leverage networks in order to deal with this new inter-connectivity and capitalise on the opportunities presented.

3. The importance of trust
People buy brands they trust, listen to sources they trust and choose to follow leaders they trust. It can take a long time to build trust and it can be taken away even faster. It is up to leaders to make good decisions, to behave consistently and appropriately, and to build up a record of doing so over time. It’s one thing doing this in our own culture or sector, where the reference points for trust will be familiar on all sides. It’s much harder to establish our own trustworthiness with people whose frame of reference is very different.

4. The demands of demographics
Relationships between generations are becoming increasingly disconnected, right across the world. There is a requirement to cross generational divides for both young and old alike.

5. The urban magnet
People around the world are moving to cities as never before. These cities are not just growing in size; they are (or are fast becoming) magnets of talent, bringing together people from multiple backgrounds and different cultures.

6. The pressure to focus
The leadership journey looks very much like an hourglass. As our career progresses, we become more and more knowledgeable in a smaller and smaller field. Suddenly, we get that next promotion when we need a broader view again and nothing has prepared us for it. As leaders gain more influence and responsibility they need a wider perspective – at the very moment when everything and everyone else is pressing us to focus.

7. Growing world, shrinking leaders
The number of people with global roles is multiplying. They travel almost constantly and they touch down frequently. They are expected to deliver wherever they land, and deliver fast. They must be able to adapt a framework that helps them to deliver.

Chapter II- Is it Core or is it Flex?

For me, the best example of what I thought was Core that might actually turn out to be Flex, has come through my experience of parenting, which certainly shifted my Core inwards and left me with a great deal more Flex than I thought I originally had. In the early days I found myself constantly having to distinguish between what I believed really mattered.

Nothing but Core:

Some leaders are all Core and nothing but Core. They are what they are: ‘take me or leave me’. They come in all sectors, from all nationalities and from all generations. Sometimes they make a token Flex, to show that they are moving with the times, but it’s a thin veneer. For some, it is simply that they are too frightened of the unfamiliar to feel they can Flex on anything. Some are too lazy to bother about other people and see no need to Flex and a small minority – the truly terrifying – are so convinced of their own rightness that they won’t even consider the possibility of Flexing

Learn to Flex:

Every leader should start with a strong Core and a pretty clear idea of what is in it. However Flex is just as important as Core. Even though it is fluid and adaptable it doesn’t make it less valuable.

1* Flexing behaviours:

We have to get the basics right. Flex generally starts with behaviours which are very important signifiers as we operate in other cultures, not least because they demonstrate that we have Flex and we’re not too arrogant (or frightened) to actually change. Take every opportunity to understand how other people express their values through behaviour. It is not about changing who we are but helping us to change how we express it. There’s no quick way to learn it either.

2* Flexing beliefs:
Flexing how we behave is one thing, but flexing what we believe gets very tough. The following is an example from my own experience and my personal viewpoint.

In what situations have you flexed too much? What was the result?
·      We might want to show respect above everything else. So we adapt to everything and everyone. Even if you’re sincere, you can come across as insincere, and you can end up taking Flexing to a ridiculous degree
·      We have a desire to prove how ‘in’ we are. Lots of leaders fall into the trap of ‘going native’. They lose sight of what their role is and who they are. It’s a balancing act, but we have to be careful not to Flex so far that we fall over
·       Avoiding too much Flex is particularly hard if you are an immigrant. Balancing the desire to integrate with the desire to hold on to our roots. Without a strong Core it can become confusing in these situations, we do unpredictable things to try to fit in, sometimes for the wrong reasons
·      Today there is motivation to avoid the polarisation in society. People don’t want any part of factions, or closed clubs, or sectarian divides of any kind. The danger is that, in their anger at what they see and their desire for something more open, they walk away from their Core, become all Flex
·      There are leaders who are all Flex, almost in desperation. They have this feeling that, if they look too deep inside themselves, they will find they have very little Core left. So they simply stay in Flex and hope that it’s enough to hide what’s missing.

II-                Cultural Intelligence: to stand out in an international context

According to Earley and Mosakowski (2004), successful managers learn to cope with national partners, companies and different professional cultures. A survey of 2000 managers sixty countries has allowed them to find a weakness in terms of cultural intelligence could harm the progress of a professional.
First, how can we recognize its cultural intelligence and can we develop the intercultural potential for the benefit of his career and his company? We will try, with some explanations and examples to answer these questions in order to realize the contribution of intercultural skills in a professional career.

Usefulness of CQ
International exchanges have multiplied over the years. Whether one is called to work in another country, to develop markets in foreign countries or to manage a multicultural and diverse team within its organization, intercultural skills become important and strategic. It is no longer just bankers or exporters or companies that have relocated their activities. Useful to avoid missteps and misunderstandings, your cultural intelligence can be paid to you and your business.
Take for example two speakers, a Quebecer and French, which are part of a project team. Even if they speak the same language, they have to pay special attention to the vocabulary used. The same words can differ significance and cause miscommunication or conflict when the interlocutors have not taken care to confirm receipt and understanding of a message. Speaking the same language does not mean that the same standards are used.

How do we define those competencies deemed essential to succeed in an intercultural context?
Several researchers have studied the concept of cultural intelligence; the authors mentioned above define cultural intelligence as "the ability of a person to interpret similarly unknown and ambiguous gestures of a person of a different origin fellow would do."

During their study, they identified three levels of cultural intelligence:
The cognitive level (head) where one uses the intellectual faculties; the person observes, recognizes and understands the characteristics and behaviours specific to a culture;
The physical level (the body) where it is demonstrated by the adoption of the gestures that we understand culture (how to give hand to order coffee or be comfortable with physical proximity of middle); sharing the same gestures creates confidence and openness to others;
Have you ever had to experience discomfort when a customer gave you a hug and looked for physical proximity in the discussion? This kind of cultural difference often between people North and South; a North American will be more comfortable if his interlocutor respects a reasonable distance.
The emotional level (the heart) which involves an adaptation to overcome obstacles and failures; this is achieved when one has confidence in his ability to solve difficult situations (stress management and conflicts, verbal exchanges more or less direct and facilitated by gestures); this third aspect establishes a bridge with the concept of emotional intelligence.
Overall, be able to decode, understand behaviour and interact appropriately with people from different backgrounds in part demonstrates its intercultural skills.

Tips and tricks to cultivate his cultural intelligence:
Some are predisposed to work in a multicultural environment. But it is possible for a person in mind and motivated to learn to develop their cultural intelligence. Here are some actions suggested by experts in the field.
ü  Make self-assessment in terms of the management of cultural diversity and, based on its strengths and weaknesses, establish a development plan.
ü  Search courses that will strengthen weaknesses. If a person has difficulty cognitively, they can gather information, do readings from case studies and participate in discussion groups.
ü  Foster motivation with simple activities that increase the ease with culture.
ü  Make sure you can devote time to its development plan and the necessary resources to carry out the planned activities.
ü  Put its forces forward, highlight its successes.

ü  Evaluate its progress

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