Interpreting POLICE In Management Parlance

The POLICE Acronym:
P = Planning and Promoting efficiency
O= Objectivity in action
L = Leadership sustaining Loyalty
I =  Innovative to core
C = Conscientious citizen
E = Effective at work.
Employing Good records management practices: has a positive impact on your office's bottom line. Records management and Records Management Services (RMS) can help you to:
 Cut records storage costs - Storing and Maintaining Unnecessary records is expensive. Through records retention schedules,
RMS Enables Timely the destruction of records When They-have no further value to the organization. This Reduces the
overall costs associated with storage (On-Site and off-site), server costs (for electronic records and email) and costs
associated with servicing records.
o Records Management Services can help you manage your office's offsite storage by providing good account records
inventories and Notifying you automatically When records are ready for destruction.
o Records Management Services partners with the Harvard Depository Records Center to offer off-Site Records
storage to Harvard at a lower rate sales offices than storage vendors.
 Avoid Unnecessary purchasing office equipment- in the typical office, 40% of the records are maintained in-office
Unnecessarily. By Following records management guidelines for retention and disposition and using less expensive off-website
storage for infrequently used records, filing offices can forestall purchasing equipment and supplies.
 Make Information Easier and less Costly to retrieve and use - the Inability to find information wastes time and money.
Good recordkeeping systems and practices Improve accessibility to information and information Reduce handling costs.
 Minimize risk - Decrease the likelihood of litigation Losses, unfavorable audit Findings gold other penalties resulting and from unauthorized destruction of records and missing documents.
 Explore cost-effective technology solutions for your records - while storage media for electronic records May be comparatively inexpensive, Storing wide volumes of information is not cheap. Managing electronic records is resource intensive. RMS can help you to your electronic records for Assessment and Management Plan needs improvement projects.
Records Management Enables Harvard to administer resources and information more Efficiently by Reducing the amount of duplication, Costly errors, and the amount of time and productivity lost searching for or recreating information. Records Management and Records Management Services (RMS) can help you to:
 Save time - it's Estimated That in a typical organization, at least 20% of staff time is Spent looking for information. Computer 7.5% of users Spend Their Time PC was looking for misplaced files. Good records management and information Enables records to be retrieved Quickly and reliably, thus reducing this time considerably.
 Increased employee productivity - When there is a glut of unmanaged records and information, it is difficulty for employed to locate the information That They need to do Their jobs and to take advantage of the content and intellectual property that may already exist in the office. With proper records management, information is more Easily and Effectively located, retrieved, and re-used.

 Optimize premium office space - better please use limited office space by reducing unnecessary records, particularly duplicates and records beyond Their retention period, and expensive on-Site equipment Such as filing cabinets, office space Freeing up for other for people and uses.

 Improve capacity to Collaborate and share information - good organization and management of records allows for easy access to information and the sharing of information.

 Support decision making - Establishing records management controls Improves the reliability and availability of crucial information so-have information staff They need to make decisions in a Timely Manner. Access to the collective memory of the office also provides precedents for action, and the need to prevent prevention should 're-invent the wheel.'

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