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Create a construction project: 3- know complete the projects

Hallo everybody , today we will talking about the 3rd part of steps to create a construction project.
This part talk about how to "know complete the projects" . This idea will give us a general view about the next step, why ? Simply :
When the project comes to an end, the mission is not over ...
It is essential to capitalize on the recent experience in the context of the continuous improvement of its practices.
Indeed it is a shame to miss the monitoring of implementation. Budgetary and human investments that generally deserves more team involvement in the post project phase.
Why ? How? Selected publications on this page provide some answers.

There are a lot of tools to evaluate this step:

Create a database as cloud to know what's done and what's the next ?
Use special tools or management tools as: Ishikawa, PDCA, FMEA, 5 Whys...

But, when we found some mistakes, what we should do ? yes correct the project , but sometimes we don't have time , then ? In this case is better as project manager to use some technical tools for your project from the beginning like :

* Use the implementation and prediction for all steps
* Planning, monitoring and observing the progress of quality gold over a period of time; keep under systematic review
* Functional analysis and tender specifications

  Next post will talking about the 4th steps : Methods for managing a project

We stay in touches 
Have good reading with Iliasnotes


Create a construction project: 2- How to lead a project?

Once the specification is put together, it's time to enter the concrete implementation phase. The project manager works with his team on planned points in the action plan. 
Its role is to manage his group to make the most of these skills. It can of course take a more operational role if certain tasks are within its fields of competence. But in general its mission is to organize and lead the work sessions while keeping track of the progress of work in agreement with the order planning. 
He coordinates external resources and mobilize the budgetary resources.
In the event of significant slippage it is his responsibility to refer to higher authority to decide what position to take. Precisely, it ensures the link with the steering committee to keep it regularly informed of the implementation of the various stages for validation. 
Another task in its function: it implements the communication plan. An essential tool for the success of the project both in terms of implication, that of coordination. Indeed, delivering the right information at the right time allows each person involved (directly or not) understand the ins and outs of running tasks. The benefit: reducing barriers to change. For members of the project team is power and put his achievements in the collective work. A key less tension and stress.
 1- Communication
Again improvisation is not appropriate. The communication plan is the same rigor to build an effective strategy.

The challenges are to allow all stakeholders and the team to have a vision of the purpose and project objectives. Everyone should have the same level of information. This is an important point to involve stakeholders and reduce resistance to change.
The design of such a document is similar to the method used by the marketing department set goals, know the target, expectations, risks they perceive that they can win, it may lose and according to provide consistent tools to get your messages. Do not hesitate also to plan actions com. A brief setting precise music effective.

Note that the targets are not only internal clients. Suppliers, customers (the real you charge ...), etc. may integrate your plan depending on the scope of future work ..
Question support, it is not necessary to innovate too. Again think effective. Part of your target is keen on the Intranet home, then contact them through this tool.

2- Management and project tracking
To operate effectively, the dashboard is the essential tool.
2 main objectives:
   -Follow the progress of various stages.
   -Follow the gaps between forecasts and achievements in terms of financial resources, timelines and deliverables.
It also allows communication with the team and stakeholders through follow-up meetings.
To design an effective tool, it must select the relevant indicators, representative of the progress of work in line with the objectives.

3- How to manage changes?
Managing change is an essential instrument to accompany the transformations generated by new projects.

Unfortunately the technical aspects are often priority over human concerns. Yet the success must go with the acceptance of the new organization and new missions / associated tasks.
There are effective methods to support its employees during transformations and manage resistance that may appear. Resistors, a natural reaction to any new situation. Ignoring them does not solve anything if not to inflame. Depending on their nature, they can be prevented or treated as they arise.

4- Project difficulty: what to do?

What if the budgetary allocation is reached before the entire cost has been committed? What attitude should you adopt when in the middle of the ford, you realize that the time will "explode"?
These slippages occur frequently when the number of ongoing projects beyond the control of the entity's capacity. As manager, you are facing a very difficult situation, because the success of your mission is at stake.

How did you get here? Mistakes and blunders are inevitable. To prevent problems, it is imperative to monitor the progress of work and the differences with the forecast. That's what good is a control dashboard: early identification of risks, to prevent them before it is too late. You are then able to titrate the alarm with the steering committee, or your boss (following the structure of your business). However, when the damage is done, what solutions are available?

The first step is to conduct a rapid diagnosis to redefine the objectives and actions to be undertaken urgently: ask yourself, meet decision makers and negotiate new deadlines, budgets and human resources, as appropriate. Face the situation with lucidity not to persevere ... wrong.
If the project is on the path of failure, it is highly likely that the scoping phase was deficient or that unforeseen events have guests during the game ...

You will notice that this diagnosis can also enter to stop the project!
Build a recovery plan with encryption means and the new planning.
Put in place the new shares with a very strict monitoring. Remember, you are in crisis. Your mission is to save the project with your battle plan.
Finally, capitalize on this experience in analyzing the causes of the skid. The worst is not to make mistakes, but do not remember anything!


Create a construction project: 1- Fit Project

The framing is defining the future work. This phase reminder draft its genesis and its usefulness in answering the question: why?
Or the client (s) are identified. Understanding the need of the foundation is essential to secure consistent objectives and give every chance for success at work. Just specify the objectives is the second point of the scoping phase. Thereafter it should describe future work in two horizons: Time and budget. For the first, set the end date and expected for the second estimate an overall package.
Another clarification is useful, what are the types of actors involved. That is to say generally mention the services and profiles without naming specific employees. The project manager is usually already selected.

This reflection leads to a concept note. It is usually after the meeting of the applicants and the client. It allows to communicate internally and to be used as a first reference before going further. It also requires the participation of the team in its drafting. They must take ownership of the tasks ahead.

This note contains descriptive information such as stakeholders, the team leader. It also informs on its foundation: the needs and objectives. It specifies its scope (services, processes ...). It establishes the means and maturity after describing the major stages.

1- Knowing how to organize projects
For a successful project, everything is a question of organization. Do not hesitate to invest time in the previous reflection before launching and managing the work.
The parameters to control are numerous. To organize a project method, it should take the steps, one by one, to initialize in planning means drawing on best practices.
The work ahead is to this very important title because from the items collected from stakeholders and means of the structure, "project manager" can build a tailored approach to achieve the objectives of the project.

2- Initialization of the book
To complete a project, it must be started! It is obvious that it bears repeating.
A basic error is to misunderstand the client's needs. What happens then the deliverable? ...

3- The project's objectives
The purpose of the project is fundamental to its success. It takes shape in setting specific objectives for this future work.
It is hard to imagine an investment whose purpose have not been clearly established. Any good manager knows.
Their definition is closely linked with the needs expressed. They bring this binder between the gross and operational needs expression that will allow teams to get to work. They know exactly what they will produce, when and at what cost. The issues are already often difficult to treat, it is not useful to add more blur on the results to be obtained. The efficiency as there!
Speaking of goals, good practices in other areas are also valid here. Including the famous SMART, an acronym that characterizes a perfect target.

4- Be responsible for projects
A real conductor.
This is special because the manager in question does not benefit from hierarchical power. It's a cross-functional manager. It must, through its expertise, continually prove their skills with members of his team.
We can easily understand that he must hold strong personal qualities: listening, negotiating capacity of moving men, etc. Short of leadership! It is a difficult role, but really exciting for someone who has the qualifications. The routine does not know it. Besides, he does not have time to really waste time on such tasks. It is constantly in action: definition of needs, coordination of resources, reporting to stakeholders ... The process is its framework, he is able to understand the mode of operation of various types of organization. It is broken on the technical and problem-solving tools.

5- Building the project team
To build an effective team, two priorities are to be considered: create a real group spirit and gather useful and sufficient technical skills to achieve the assigned objectives.
The relational side is a very important if not crucial, as the most complex to manage is the human.
With all the interactions within the project team between individuals who react according to their experience and their needs or personal strategies, the role of leader is fundamental. Indeed, he has to work this little world in perfect harmony within a specified time. The exercise requires excellent qualities and leadership skills and a leadership (the group recognition are recognized qualities of head and not his status).

6- Managing Project Risk
Risk is an integral part of project management. New creation generates uncertainties and shadows. It is therefore necessary to master the potential threats to achieve the objectives. Focus on key principles.
The approach and best practices to remember are to draw on the risk management methods generally either for a project, a new activity, a new structure, a presence in a country, etc. That is to say work on two major phases: analysis of the project's vulnerabilities and responses that the group can bring.
The aim is to prevent these risks and if necessary to anticipate their treatment to be ready when the time comes.

7- Tools and methods for project planning
To achieve the objective, planning is an essential phase. Without it, nothing is under control, the project manager and his team would sail in sight.
Indeed, planning aims to organize the sequence of steps of the project in time. A key task for the control of deadlines.
Usually to plan a project, the first phase is to cut it into several stages, to estimate the duration, identify sequence of steps (including those which may be conducted in parallel), allocate resources (financial and human) and finally model this organization on an operational document shared among all stakeholders.
There are various tools and methods presented in this dossier, notably through the selection of publications.

8- Write a specification
All projects must be changed in a specification. This document is the entry point to plan and manage the progress of operations and define what should be the deliverables.
A certain formalism is required for it to be understood by all stakeholders. The objectives are clearly defined.
There are several types of document. Include Mainly the Functional Specifications (MFS) that describe the functions that the solution to complete and accurate technical for him that the technical specifications to be met.
The two together are the basis in drafting the official document to launch external tenders or mobilize internal resources.

Interpreting POLICE In Management Parlance

The POLICE Acronym:
P = Planning and Promoting efficiency
O= Objectivity in action
L = Leadership sustaining Loyalty
I =  Innovative to core
C = Conscientious citizen
E = Effective at work.
Employing Good records management practices: has a positive impact on your office's bottom line. Records management and Records Management Services (RMS) can help you to:
 Cut records storage costs - Storing and Maintaining Unnecessary records is expensive. Through records retention schedules,
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overall costs associated with storage (On-Site and off-site), server costs (for electronic records and email) and costs
associated with servicing records.
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 Avoid Unnecessary purchasing office equipment- in the typical office, 40% of the records are maintained in-office
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storage for infrequently used records, filing offices can forestall purchasing equipment and supplies.
 Make Information Easier and less Costly to retrieve and use - the Inability to find information wastes time and money.
Good recordkeeping systems and practices Improve accessibility to information and information Reduce handling costs.
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 Explore cost-effective technology solutions for your records - while storage media for electronic records May be comparatively inexpensive, Storing wide volumes of information is not cheap. Managing electronic records is resource intensive. RMS can help you to your electronic records for Assessment and Management Plan needs improvement projects.
Records Management Enables Harvard to administer resources and information more Efficiently by Reducing the amount of duplication, Costly errors, and the amount of time and productivity lost searching for or recreating information. Records Management and Records Management Services (RMS) can help you to:
 Save time - it's Estimated That in a typical organization, at least 20% of staff time is Spent looking for information. Computer 7.5% of users Spend Their Time PC was looking for misplaced files. Good records management and information Enables records to be retrieved Quickly and reliably, thus reducing this time considerably.
 Increased employee productivity - When there is a glut of unmanaged records and information, it is difficulty for employed to locate the information That They need to do Their jobs and to take advantage of the content and intellectual property that may already exist in the office. With proper records management, information is more Easily and Effectively located, retrieved, and re-used.

 Optimize premium office space - better please use limited office space by reducing unnecessary records, particularly duplicates and records beyond Their retention period, and expensive on-Site equipment Such as filing cabinets, office space Freeing up for other for people and uses.

 Improve capacity to Collaborate and share information - good organization and management of records allows for easy access to information and the sharing of information.

 Support decision making - Establishing records management controls Improves the reliability and availability of crucial information so-have information staff They need to make decisions in a Timely Manner. Access to the collective memory of the office also provides precedents for action, and the need to prevent prevention should 're-invent the wheel.'

Priciples of management: Description


The Management Principles from Henri Fayol (1841-1925) are:
Division of Work. Specialization allows the individual to build up experience, and to continuously improve his skills. Thereby he can be more productive.

Authority. The right to issue commands, along with which must go the balanced responsibility for its function.

Discipline. Employees must obey, but this is two-sided: employees will only obey orders if management play their part by providing good leadership.
Unity of Command. Each worker should have only one boss with no other conflicting lines of command.

Unity of Direction. People engaged in the same kind of activities must have the same objectives in a single plan. This is essential to ensure unity and coordination in the enterprise. Unity of command does not exist without unity of direction but does not necessarily flows from it.
Subordination of individual interest (to the general interest). Management must see that the goals of the firms are always paramount.

Remuneration. Payment is an important motivator although by analyzing a number of possibilities, Fayol points out that there is no such thing as a perfect system.
Centralization (or Decentralization). This is a matter of degree depending on the condition of the business and the quality of its personnel.

Scalar chain (Line of Authority).A hierarchy is necessary for unity of direction. But lateral communication is also fundamental, as long as superiors know that such communication is taking place. Scalar chain refers to the number of levels in the hierarchy from the ultimate authority to the lowest level in the organization. It should not be over-stretched and consist of too-many levels.

Order Both material order and social order are necessary. The former minimizes lost time and useless handling of materials. The latter is achieved through organization and selection.

Equity. In running a business a ‘combination of kindliness and justice’ is needed. Treating employees well is important to achieve equity.

Stability of Tenure of Personnel. Employees work better if job security and career progress are assured to them. An insecure tenure and a high rate of employee turnover will affect the organization adversely.

Initiative: Allowing all personnel to show their initiative in some way is a source of strength for the organization. Even though it may well involve a sacrifice of ‘personal vanity’ on the part of many managers.

Team Spirit (Esprit de Corps). Management must foster the morale of its employees. He further suggests that: “real talent is needed to coordinate effort, encourage keenness, use each person’s abilities, and reward each one’s merit without arousing possible jealousies and disturbing harmonious relations.”


Fayol's definition of management roles and actions distinguishes between Five Elements:

Forsight (Forecast & Plan). Examining the future and drawing up a plan of action. The elements of strategy.
To organize. Build up the structure, both material and human, of the undertaking.
To command. Maintain the activity among the personnel.
To coordinate. Binding together, unifying and harmonizing all activity and effort.
To control. Seeing that everything occurs in conformity with established rule and expressed command.

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) was a French management theorist whose theories in management and organization of labor were widely influential in the beginning of 20th century. He was a mining engineer who worked for a French mining company Commentry-Fourchamboult-Decazeville, first as an engineer. Then he moved into general management and became Managing Director from 1888 to 1918. During his tenure as Managing Director he wrote various articles on 'administration' 

*Change and Organization.
*Skills. Can be used to improve the basic effectiveness of a manager.
*Understand that management can be seen as a variety of activities, which can be listed and grouped

Source: 12manage.com and general science magazine

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