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Automatic Fast Charging for Buses

With its connector for fully automatic fast-charging systems, Multi-Contact offers a solution which enables automatic and fast recharging of electric vehicles like buses. This connector solution allows to build charging stations for opportunity charging applications. With these it is possible to “refuel” public transport vehicles rapidly with no impact on the schedule.

5 tips on how to survive (your first) study and exam week stress-free

Is this also your first study and exam period at WUR, as it is for me? Or are you already an old hand at WUR but still stress out like hell every time the period comes to an end? Then this is a must-read for you: a cheat sheet on how to survive study and exam week stress-free.
Hello everyone! This is my first blogpost for WUR’s international students blog. Probably you are all very busy with your preparations for exams or other kinds of finals. Therefore, I do not want to bother you with procrastination topics, but support you in your preparation with this cheat sheet on how you will stay relaxed in the next two weeks. Later, I will of course provide you with more fun stuff to do in and around Wageningen and fun facts of student-life, too.
1. Planning ahead is half the battle
You know when there is which deadline and you are probably able to estimate how much time you need to prepare for a specific exam or to write a paper. This lays the foundation for proper planning. So, use this information to create a schedule of the next two weeks in which you lay out what you do on which day. Also, set milestones on your way to final deadlines. Milestones keep you motivated as it is very satisfying to tick a box after you accomplished one of your tasks. But watch out! The opposite can be true, too, if you try to fit too much into your schedule and you cannot keep up. Important for your scheduling is to stay realistic and to make plans only for maximum eight working hours a day. This brings me to my next point.
Set milestones on your way to final deadlines.    
2. Treat yourself
If you are studying in the library without any plans for the night, there is no motivation for you to keep up the hard work and to finish in time. Also, although it is exam week, you are still allowed to have a life and you also should have one. Your brain needs proper brakes to function well the next day and to keep your high concentration level up. This means you should really treat yourself at night – or if you are rather a morning person, in the morning – with things that you like to do: meet friends to watch a series, cook something nice, go to the cinema, go out for dinner, do sports, have a nice breakfast. Do whatever you like – you deserve it after a long day at the desk. The same holds for the weekend. Even if exams seem to be unendurably close, you have to take some time for yourself to recharge your batteries: Sleep in, go grocery shopping on the market on Saturday, have a coffee or a football match with friends. Do what you crave the most when you are sitting at your desk.

Wageningen movies

3. Active body, active mind
Part of your evening activities could be a sports class at Sport Centre de Bongerd. You could just join your favourite class or activity or if you have never tried any before, do what meets your preferences best: relax at Yoga or Pilates, fully exhaust your body and your mind with loud music at a spinning class, feel every single muscle after TRX, battle against others in team sports or go outside or to the pool for a Bootcamp. An active mind can only be in an active body. After sitting at your desk for a great deal of the day, your body will be grateful for some exercise and your mind will be highly productive next day. And I can tell you, going to bed with an exhausted body and not only with an exhausted mind gives you a baby’s sleep.

Wageningen bike

A bike ride with friends on a sunny autumn day in the stunning surroundings of Wageningen recharges your batteries in a trice.

4. You never walk alone
Do not forget: You are not alone on the battle field. There are many many other students in the exact same position as you are. Support each other not only in study groups, but also by motivating each other at a coffee or lunch break. If you are down and do not feel like continuing, share your concerns and worries with your fellows. There is a great deal of a chance that they either feel the same and you can share your sorrow or that they are super-duper motivated and cheer you up. Either way, you will feel better afterwards and will have more energy and motivation to continue your work.
Forum building Wageningen

As you probably noticed, Forum and all other buildings are super crowded – that kind of proves my point that there are numerous other students fighting the battle

5. Don’t panic, you’re not on the Titanic
Last but not least: Whatever happens, you will survive! So, don’t panic, but stay calm.
If you give your best at studying, maintain a healthy work-life balance and don’t let the stress to become part of your life, you will do very well.

Now, everything that is left to say: I wish you all the best for the upcoming weeks and your exams and just a little bit of luck.


Master Management, Economics and Consumer Studies, profile Business Economics

Market Research: Part 2. Methodology

To carry out a market study, a mix is made among the following three tools:

1. Documentary search through sources and channels of information: direct contact, newspapers and magazines, websites.
2. Qualitative study aiming at obtaining quality information on a sector of activity: semi-direct interviews, focus group.
3. Quantitative studies to better target the preferences of a market player, in particular the customers: questionnaire survey, tasting test, control market ...

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Methodology"
Main sources of information

  1. Regional Investment Centers (RICs)
  2. Federations of trades and orders
  3. Banks (especially those with libraries open to the public)
  4. Economic Observatories (HCP, CMC ..)
  5. The Chambers of Commerce (CCIS)
  6. Trade fairs and exhibitions
  7. The economic press

  Business creation associations:
  The Banque Populaire Foundation
  Network Morocco Entreprendre

  Youth Leadership Center


Market research: Part 1. Analysis and Question to ask

• Market research is a process of collecting and analyzing information with the aim of identifying the characteristics of a market. (Environment, supply, demand, ...)

Its main objective is to enable the project proponent to evaluate the potential of the market in order to validate the viability of its project and then to adopt a competitive positioning. This is likely to reduce the risk of failure by allowing the entrepreneur to take appropriate measures to integrate permanently into his market and, in the longer term, to better identify the forces involved. However, before the creation, market research has other equally important objectives, such as:

• Check the business opportunity to get started,
• Evaluate its estimated turnover,
• Make the right choices to bring the project to fruition,
• Credibility with partners.
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Market research"

The 7 questions to ask
• What? What will I sell? And why? What does my offer meet?
• Who? To whom shall I sell it? Is my market local, regional or international?
• Or? Where will I set up my business?
• When? Is it the right time?
• How? How will I sell this product or service?
• How many? How much will I sell my product?
• Why? What are my direct and indirect competitors?

Analysis of demand
• Do you have any indication of the general volume (in CA or number of products) of your market (the one you are targeting precisely).
• What has been the evolution in recent years of the volume of this market?
• What is the foreseeable evolution?
• Is this a declining, stagnating, growing market?
• What is the annual growth rate in%?
• What is the rate of equipment of customers in my products?
• What is the customer base of this market: individual consumers, communities, wholesalers,retailers, manufacturers, administrations, etc.
• Specify what each type of customer represents in the market in% of sales and, if possible, in number of customers.
• Will you have in the customer target many or few customers, big or small?

Analysis of supply and competition
• Who are your competitors? What are they doing ?
What are their strengths and weaknesses?
• Their seniority in the activity;
• Their size expressed in turnover, number of employees ....
• Their geographical location;
• Their geographical coverage;
• Their work schedules;
• the range of products they offer;
• Sales prices;
• Their market share

Visitors confuse glasses with a work of art


In a museum in the United States, hundreds of visitors confused glasses posed on the floor with a real work of art, a totally wacky situation.
It was in San Francisco, in a museum of contemporary art, that teenagers had fun making a joke by putting glasses on the floor to see the reaction of the visitors. And unfortunately for some art enthusiasts, many have fallen in the panel!
Art museums are often places where opinions differ on the works presented. Love for a work is something abstract and can easily vary according to many people. This is where all the magic of art, the real one!
Teenage jokers prepared a little hoax, wanting to see what would happen if they put a pair of glasses on the floor. Many visitors to the museum were intrigued by the object. Indeed, it seems that this is trapped more than an art lover, who gathered in front of the pair of glasses. Some even started taking pictures.
The friends said after having discussed the exhibition: "When we arrived, we were rather impressed by the works and paintings exhibited in this huge building. However, some of this art was not very surprising for some of us. "

As Konbini quotes: Ironically, the hoax speaks volumes about how we consume art and art itself. What is art finally? And can not their hoax be seen as an artistic performance?

In conclusion, the answer is 55% yes. As this little idea of teenage genius has harvested on Twitter not less than 45,000 retweet and 49,000 I like. What sends them direct to the pantheon of the big buzzeurs of the Web ... It is at least that! 


Why should we adopt the Hoverboard on vacation

hoverboard moyen de locomotion 100% écologique

Should we opt for the Hoverboard
For several years now the Hoverboard has paced the streets of cities to facilitate the movement of city dwellers, or simply as a new sports discipline.
So, the question is: should we opt for the Hoverboard?
Often presented under the name of hoverboard, this electric skateboard straight out of the science fiction movies may also be nicknamed smart board, segway or even electric scooter.
It is a modern and surprising means of transport for this displaced from everywhere in a sporty or playful way. It is especially a fast device and a way to move 100% ecological.
Moreover, if you are not already in possession of your hoverboard, the reasons that follow may strongly make you change your opinion ... Tourism is a good example to revive the qualities of the hoverboard.
hoverboard moyen de locomotion 100% écologique 
Playful and ecological displacement:
Indeed, fashion has indeed been adopted for a large number of people. People do not even lend more intention to this delirious means of locomotion.

However, the usefulness of such an object, beyond the mobility it allows, has already been proved. This funny thing has already made the happiness of the riders who already embark on the adventure of the freestyle Hoverboard.

But today, the Hoverboard has become very accessible level price.

The tourist hoverboard:
Imagine now in Barcelona, ​​Rome or San Francisco, as a tourist for two weeks of happiness. With an average speed of 10 km per hour, you can browse the cities effortlessly.

Lack of time is often a problem when on vacation. Two major disadvantages arise with regard to walking: first, the lack of time associated with the time devoted to the journeys, and then another inconvenience which can be avoided thanks to the hoverboard, fatigue.

We can also highlight the congestion of public transport and the stifling and distressing feeling to which they are associated.

The hoverboard allows it a latitude in its movements and leaves room for freedom. This is what makes it a real asset for your holidays, for which you will undoubtedly take taste in everyday life ...

Hi-Tech chest and retro look with Standard One from Wrensilva


Wrensilva (formerly Wrenhifi), a company specializing in Hi-Fi and based in San Diego, USA, offers hand-held audio equipment and brings new life to the once popular console and sound system. The brand offers a hi-tech dresser in chic and retro style with the Standard One.

Surprising on the revival of vinyl, Wrensilva proposes to restore to the taste of the day these furniture intended for the audio equipment for private individuals, integrating all the technology of today.


A unique piece of furniture produced with the order, for 6,900 dollars

This model is the meeting between high-quality hi-fi equipment and modern wooden furniture made by hand. Available in walnut or oak with selected wood and built on site, each model will be unique and slightly different. The furniture in the delicate and retro style offers a lot of storage and a compartment dedicated to the vinyls.

On the technical side, there are many cleverly hidden devices: a vintage belt deck, a pair of 8-inch Wrensilva C80M two-way speakers of 300 watts, several audio connections including a 3.5 mm jack, bluetooth connectivity and Streaming wi-fi.


The most giant dogs in the world

Terre-neuve le plus gros du monde

Here are the biggest dogs in the world, in a photo series selected for animal lovers. The biggest molosses for cuddling even more giant!

The little poodles have good case to stand! Dog has his mom, surely not! With such strong dogs, do not be surprised when your friends are surprised to see on your sofa three places one and the same dog! The burglars also are spoiled in the event of a fortuitous visit ...

Photo of the biggest dogs:
Bulldog le plus gros du monde
leonberg le plus gros du monde chien
Chien loup le plus gros du monde
chien le plus grand du monde
plus grand chien dans le monde
Chien qui boit dans l'évier
chien gros énorme chowchow
chien loup le plus gros du monde
chien loup sur canape
chien et enfant bébé
chien loup tres gros
Terre-neuve le plus gros du monde


Tom Tom Vio: the revolutionary scooter GPS

Tom tom vio navigateur GPS pour scooter

TomTom is a must for Scooters
The Tom Tom VIO is a real revolution in GPS navigation for scooters and motorcycles with many features that make it unavoidable!
The famous brand TomTom has designed the very first connected GPS specifically designed for both wheels. An indispensable innovation for all drivers. The TomTom VIO offers many unique features that make it a true technological wonder. For a more serene and safe road comfort.

The GPS works via a Bluetooth connection with your Smartphone. The TomTom Vio application is free (available on all devices). It also features real-time traffic information that offers alternative routes, danger zone alerts, incoming and outgoing calls in hands-free mode, and more ...
Tom tom vio navigateur GPS pour scooter

The TomTom Vio GPS provides both visual and voice navigation if the user has Bluetooth audio earphones. The driver is notified when the call is received by displaying the corresponding number. The directory is also available through the application that synchronizes with your contacts.

A "Hazardous Areas" service also makes driving easier. This is the same principle that can be found on Waze or the Coyote. Also, the speed display turns red if the limit is exceeded to remind the driver that it is in violation.

Besides its practical side, the Tom Tom Vio is design. A range of silicone shells is available in six colors to match that of the scooter.

As you will understand, the TomTom Vio is essential for drivers of two wheels. It is available on Amazon for 169 €. There are several ranges to satisfy all tastes. Do not wait to adopt innovation combined with safety.

The benefits of TomTom Vio:
  1. GPS to find your way
  2. Waterproof design suitable for tactile gloves
  3. Hazard zone, to receive alerts of events on the road
  4. Display incoming calls on your TomTom screen with hands-free system
  5. Clings to the handlebar or to your rearview mirror
  6. Alternative routes for heavy traffic

Top 10 Best Healthy Fruits and Vegetables

fruit et legume, santé
Discover the best fruits and vegetables to be healthy, in our selection among which you will effectively improve your health capital.

"Eating 5 fruits and vegetables a day" is the new campaign for good nutrition. The vital importance of playing sports and eating well is vital! Our health is surely the most important thing in our life, which is why it is important to take care of it.

All vegetables or fruits are generally good for health, but some more than others. Integrate them into your menus to provide vital vitamins and minerals for your body. The goal here is to help your body in longevity. The wealth of certain fruits and vegetables have no equal. Eating without moderation in everyday life they bring your daily needs to stay fit and healthy.

The Top 10 Healthy Vegetables:
The garlic
The tomato
The leek
White cabbage
Chilli pepper
Winter squash

The Top 10 Healthy Fruits:
Citrus fruits (orange, lemon ...)
The kiwi
The apricot
The lawyer
Strawberries / raspberries
The walls
The banana

In Russia, the village of Oymyakon is the coldest on the planet


The coldest village in the world

Discover Oymyakon, a charming village located in the north-east of Russia, where temperatures can reach up to -70 degrees.

With a pleasant average of -50 ° C generally recorded in January, this village is a place inhabited permanently despite its conditions which are the most extreme of the planet. Totally cut off from the world, he lives there 500 inhabitants.

Only one way leads to the village, the inhabitants feed on the central market which allows to eat meat and fish.

Here the amenities are not as well established as at home. With the gel it is almost impossible to do plumbing, water is scarce and toilets are often located outside the dwellings. Most households, not benefiting from modern conveniences, heat themselves either with coal or with wood fires.

In May, temperatures rise to 2.7 ° C during the day and -15 ° C at night. Not surprisingly, these Russians are accustomed to the icy cold ...

The photographer Amos Chapple went there to capture the daily life of the inhabitants

"Road Of Bones", the only way to Oymyakon
Oymyakon is the coldest inhabited place on the planet
Meat and fish sold on the central Yakutsk market
The cattle
Everything is frozen
Dwelling under the ice
View of part of the village industry
Hard work under the ice
Outdoor toilets

Why did Pokemon GO lose so many players?

Pokemon GO n'est pas mort

Many sites and web users point to the sharp decline in popularity of Pokemon GO since September. This is nothing like a Niantic BADBUZZ, but quite simply a logical and explainable fact for very simple reasons.

In fact, it is very easy to type on Pokemon GO after seeing such a big drop of users everyday. Media and detractors have benefited!
But the explanation is quite logical. If some thought it was a management error, then they were wrong. When a game makes so much talk about it, it becomes a real phenomenon, which causes a Buzz, who will be forced to stop at some point.

4 reasons why GO Pokemon has lost so many players:


# 1: The game made an interplanetary BUZZ, which to take a lot of people who do not usually play has installed the application. Subsequently, many of these "tourist players" stopped the game.

# 2: Pokemon GO is released in summer. For an outdoor game, it is better to make it hot and actually it helps a lot. Moreover, the holiday period favors the desire to try new activities. The re-entry has meanwhile stopped many players who no longer had time to play because of their jobs or studies.

# 3: Big game players who have overdosed. As in many new games, especially at MMORPGs, the early times an influx of players arrives to make an ultra fast rush to become the best. Unfortunately, after spending hours and hours, they often get stuck. Is it like watching a movie too often? By force, we get tired of it.

# 4: A lack of content for players in the country. The small provinces have much more difficulty finding a strong interest in the game. It is normal, compared to a big city, having to go several kilometers to find a Pokstop or Arena quickly becomes unpleasant. Conversely, large cities have lost far fewer players.

In conclusion :
So, yes, we can say that Pokemon GO is not dead, quite the contrary!
The latest innovations in the game have been a real success. The community of the faithful continues to grow. By December, Pokemon GO should finally have found its stability. As well on its regular players, the new ones and those who will stop, quite naturally.

Google closes the social network Orkut

Google ferme le réseau social Orkut

The internet giant Google announced Monday that it would close its social network Orkut to focus on other more popular services like YouTube, Google+ and Blogger.

Final closure of the first social network of Google, launched in 2004, will end in September. "Over the last decade, Youtube, Google+ and Blogger took off," said Paul Golgher, director of engineering in a blog.

"Because the growth of these communities has outpaced Orkut, we decided to say goodbye to Orkut," he adds.

Except in Brazil, Orkut, really never took off. But even there, it is overshadowed by Facebook for two years.

Source : AFP


Japan: land of collapse swallows an artery in Fukuoka

A field collapse Tuesday formed a giant hole that swallowed a portion of an artery from the center of the great city of Fukuoka in south western Japan.

The crater of some 20 meters on 15 let appear the supporting pillars of buildings, raising fears of a risk of new collapses.

Low television pictures taken after 5:00 (2000 GMT Monday) showed two moats trying to expand and swallow the asphalt of an axis to five lanes at the large Hakata station in the city center.

The crater continued to grow to reach mid-morning a depth of two floors and is filled with water from broken pipes. The Fukuoka transportation department said that the current extension of a subway line could be the cause of the collapse.

The police, which established a safety perimeter and evacuated the surrounding buildings, said no injuries had been reported.

Fukuoka is the largest city of the southern island of Kyushu. Hakata Station is an important railway junction for high speed trains Shinkansen criss-crossing the country.


Best Google Adsense alternatives to make a profit from the Internet

There are many tools on the Internet, which enables you to make profits through your blog and best known are Google Adsense but if you're seeking the best investment is also probably the fastest it has brought you some of the best Google Adsense alternatives that will help you achieve prosperity and profit by different strategies to work and the number of unlimited possibilities that it finds with each alternative of those alternatives and all through your blog and your data dependence.

Google Adsense alternatives to profit from the Internet 

1- Media.net

Media.net is one of the best Google Adsense alternatives that offer CPM and CPC and you view the ads to provide liquidity and profit of blogs and Web sites are offering text ads contextual relevant network Yahoo! Bing where you can participate as a publisher and define ad units you want to display and presentation of the thousands of brands they allow you to possess complete control over the ads and impose Media.net minimum exchange $ 100 and include payment methods bank transfer or through PayPal

Media.net best Google Adsense alternatives

BuySellAds is an agency enables you to sell your website and places the ad to the major brands and you can join them for free, but you need to be visiting your blog by a good amount of visitors a day to get the approval to join and charge this service a commission of 25% from your own income They also have the power to choose ads sold and the price which does not impose a minimum monthly payment you can withdraw your winnings through your PayPal account twice a month.

BuySellAds agency buying and selling ads

3- Amazon CPM

Provides Amazon subsidiary to sell advertising CPM on its Web site launched this network operations in 2015 and does not have any preconditions for the site to display ads easily and you as a user to determine ad layouts and add them to the list of Amazon the COM Although not contain this service on the advanced features compared with Google alternatives other Adsense but it offers one of the highest CPM rates in the industry and a minimum it is $ 100 and can be obtained through your bank account.

Amazon CPM Declaration

4- Amazon Associates

Amazon Associate program f
ollows a similar pattern to the company Amazon CPM from the fact that a minimum $ 100 and other details, but it is the best program on the internet where you can easily find products that are available locally to play by promoting a blog or website and gives partners a commission of 10% on every product the visitors purchase of your site.

5- VigLink

VigLink allows users to develop their own links in the content, rather than just make it float on the surface of some of the ads randomized These links open on the affiliate products and enable you to earn commission on every purchase made through your links and the commission rate varies from product to product Fahikd ranging from 3.4% to 15% depending on the product and the minimum payment is $ 10 a month, and payment is made through PayPal only.

VigLink to make a profit through the sale of products

iTunes Affiliates allows anyone with a range of high-level selling Apple products, whether books or music or movies or applications you can put links widgets on your website to receive a commission when the sale takes place 24 hours after clicking on your link and the commission rate varies product but often 7% and the minimum payment is $ 30 for the user in the United States and $ 50 for the user from all over the world.

Offers Outbrain best platform shared content for both publishers and advertisers with more than 80% of the most famous brands in the world with over 561 million users a month, and despite the fact that this service is not open and transparent about payment methods they offer the best price to pay compensation compared with other promotion of content platforms.

Outbrain platform for publishing and advertising
8- Taboola

Taboola is one of the biggest rivals Outbrain and a better Google Adsense alternatives it offers similar content services, but not indulgent, compared with Outbrain requires a minimum of 500,000 Show in the month and is linked to more than 1,000 brand recognized all over the world and is also not transparent about payment methods .

taboola for advertising services

Syndicate Ads is a great network Introduction of team BuySellAds as Google Adsense alternatives allow advertisers and publishers to develop your company with high ads quality simply can Date in service and waiting to communicate with you one of the team members

stackcommerce is another Google Adsense alternatives on the menu but amazing network connecting brands and shops with publishers. It allows publishers to promote products and exclusive deals relevant and earn a commission on sales and create profiles and display ads and links on their pages and blogs file.

stackcommerce network brands


Russia: The river water suddenly becomes fluorescent red

The tinted red river Daldykan

In recent days, Russian River is dyed blood-red. The trail of pollution nickel is favored by the government.Pollution to nickel?

We knew the water tinted green for St. Patrick's Day, but for now, the red color taken by theDaldykan river in Russia in recent days remains a mystery.
Pollution or natural phenomenon? The Russian Ministry of Ecology has launched an investigation to determine the exact causes of this coloration.
The information was revealed by the local press before being relayed by the national press and especially the Siberian Times . The people of the city of Norilsk, known to be the coldest in the world, but also to be the largest international nickel producer, alerted the authorities about the Daldykan river that suddenly tinged with red.
Immediately, the Russian Minister of Ecology has referred the dossier to try to determine the reasons for the blood red color. If he does not rule out a rare natural phenomenon, the thesis of the accident industrial seems the most plausible. "According to preliminary information, the probable reason for the river pollution could be the rupture of a drainpipe factory Norilsk nickel "  the ministry said in a statement.

Precedents in the region

For several years, the nickel mining has radically transformed the region and abnormal phenomena occur. Thus, clouds or some rivers were tinted neon colors many times.
Meanwhile, a source close to the factory in Norilsk Nickel, Siberian contacted by the Times, would report the color of water "is no different from its normal color" ... This same source made it clear that production had been slowed however.


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