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How to become more productive in your job?

Each of us likes to prove himself  through his work and to be distinct and support it, but some may be unaware of the most important guidelines that help him to become more productive at work, so we will through this article displays the most important tips and guidelines that make a person more productive.
1- devoted time to organize your daily schedule

The allocation of a specific time to organize your schedule is more something that helps you to be more productive, do Select private time for everything this system and the arrangement will help speed achievement and will also help you to know what has been done and completed and what still needs to be implemented

2- Make a list of the tasks carried out and reward yourself when you complete it
You must write down each task ends of completion where that arrangement will make you accomplish tasks faster, and thus have the time available to accomplish a lot of tasks so you can here to stop and reward yourself to take time to rest for five to ten minutes, or that deal with kup coffee or tea or anything forgotten about you until you return to perform the rest of the tasks actively and vitality
3- to stay away from all sources of distraction
Where to stay away from sources of distraction and inconvenience will make you a more focused and attentive to your business. For example if you are receiving many text messages on your phone or calls you must be so as not to distract your focus, and this will not help you get the job done in the fastest time only, but will help you on that succeed in completing the work neater and more accurate
4- Select the time that you can be more productive during the day
And last but not the end,, you must know the time when the energetic and more productive, most people follow the base of 20-80, which means that you are the completion of 80 percent of the work on the first 20 percent of the work time is not worthy that the best working hours are from morning until noon, We therefore recommend to complete as much of the work in this period, however, some people prefer to have their work time from afternoon to evening, if it depends on you and when you are many active and more productive
The man be more productive in his job does not require great effort but it requires a system and arrangement and to maintain the priority and the most important that you have the motivation for it to be more productive in your business through change some patterns that followed in your performance for your business


Top 10 website to learn German for free

If you want to learn German Then You need to learn more information and tips That will help in the study and in this article will help you learn the German language by Offering a Range of advice and excellent Sites That Make You Feel pleasure When learning the German Quickly and Efficiently language through various terms display, words, as Such, talks.
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Tips German online learning:
Practice and practice and practice:
The MOST significant rule When You learn German is to use Reviews another language in general is the practice of the language and apply what-have you Learned. And Especially That There are four aspects of language skills and the need for regular training so as not to forget what you-have to study it. The Therefore, try to determine the time of day in your busy schedule for the major MOST two things language lessons and listen to new words and aussi listening and reading exercises to know you-have negative aspects, in addition to the skills and activities of speaking and writing .

Vocabulary and grammar:
When try trying to save new words using the words you-have in the context of different sentences Then in order to Recognize and discover more new words. Vous pouvez aussi classification of words in groups on topics Such As (weather, health, food ,,,) If you want to practice writing skill you can Contacted German language teacher to get to know the sound of writing rules and ask to Identify the _him_ MOST common mistakes.

Reading and Listening:
Generally Internet world contenir Approximately 10% of websites in German vary Their happy entre music, economics, international politics, and Enables you to search for information in German about your hobbies Mufradat to expand your own and work to Improve reading skills.
In order to perform learning method of reading Asahihhla try trying to stand on every word you-can-have has concluded on the year. Before starting to read any text read a good title to extrapolate and analyze the words to know The Meaning of nouns and verbs Meaning Identifying and guess the meanings before the search for em in the dictionary .bmni focus on the nature of the text Rather than the details.

The study is an Ongoing basis:
In --other Identify words about 15 minutes a day at least to learn and Develop Plan has time to study and give yourself a reward every successful after-study sessions.
Find Good sources for learning the German language:
You can use MOST of the websites to get the proper educational materials for all levels and the search for interactive with sound sessions, video, text and offers website Deutsche Welle tests determine the level of Those Individuals Who wish to determine Their level of education as the Site Provides you with about 100 lesson that helps you learn the basic vocabulary and pronunciation Improve.
Watching TV and listening to the radio to learn German grammar and vocabulary and sentence structure Correctly.
Do not forget to repeat what-have you Learned Because repeating words helps you to remember easily.

Listening to speaking German with your teacher and corrected.
 Sites to determine level German:
1. Http://cls.yale.edu/students/placement-testing
2. Http://www.goethe.de/ins/us/chi/lrn/ein/enindex.htm
3. http://www.ecu.edu/cs-cas/foreign/flrc/placement.cfm
4. Http://orientation.cofc.edu/placement-testing/placement-testing-fgsl.php
5. Http://www.gls-german-courses.de/2449.html
6. Http://www.dw.com/en/learn-german/placement-test/s-13226

German Sites:
7. Https://www.busuu.com/enc/
Of the best websites to learn the German language and you can work from a personal account on the website and start learning the German language for free. And it offers five different levels of races, both, for beginners, mid-level, above-average level, advanced level. After the completion of Each test website offers the level of work and a timetable for completion of learning the German language. Vous pouvez aussi Identify the members and chat with 'em for the development of German language skills.

8. Https://www.duolingo.com
The website offers a free Range of courses to learn the German language in an interactive way. If you-have a little knowledge of the German language you can take a test to determine the level of puts you in the Appropriate Level of the race and learn some German words and phrases.

9. Http://livemocha.com/
You can choose from a list of lessons in the German language and learn the alphabet and the German vocabulary and educational videos to make learning the German language more easily.

10. Http://www.learnalanguage.com/
Classified website to learn German to share Such As words, as, phrases, German Dictionary, Blog to learn the German language. All of These lessons you can operated multimedia .oamkink aussi Become Acquainted with the way the German translation, the games in the case of access to advanced familiar with German culture, and history of the German language.

How to Be a Great Photographer

Have you ever wanted to get that perfect picture? capture the sun in a way that is breathtaking? Or maybe you just want to know more about learning to be a photographer! With these helpful hints , steps , tips , and warnings , you will soon become the great photographer that people admire! Scroll down to learn.
1- Get a camera. It does not have to be new! Check out how many mm it has! 36mm-108mm works well.
Start experimenting with your settings. There are tons of them to mess with.
For starters, take pictures of flowers, with the right knowledge, they are easy to capture and they look beautiful. To work on this, go to flower mode (macro) and work on it. You may like this!
Get to know your camera too. learn how to turn flash on and off, take pictures(or video's), delete mess ups, look through your previously taken pictures, zoom in and out and more
Look at the tips below steps, these tips are helpful and they will get your creative mind going.
Try different perspectives and angles, this will help you take a possibly normal photo and turn it into a beautiful masterpiece. Also try different settings like colors. You can have a picture be black & white, sepia (red), or just in color.
Experiment. try getting down on your knees. Throw a pebble in water and then quickly get the picture, you want to be eye to eye with the water (but don't let it get wet) by getting this type of picture, with practice, you can get ripples and waves pictures that are truly stunning.
Some other things that are fun to get are the following: the grass's reflection on the water, clouds, looking up at the top of a tree, chipped paint on old wood, anything mechanical and rusted, fire, animals, shadows, people swimming (especially jumping off a dock), statues, sun shining on water and much more.
Make up your own style, do photography with passion.

Source : wikihow

Science Experiment : Stay Put Coins Telugu

This is a fun experiment using coins and a paper strip. Place a paper strip on the lid of a bottle filled with water. Then place a coin on the strip. Then hit the free end of the strip hard with your finger. The strip will fall but because of inertia the coin will remain on the bottle lid. Repeat the same experiment with a stack of coins instead of one. Again the strip will fall but the coins will remain on the lid. Now place the strip on two bottles with coins on their lids. On striking the strip in the middle the strip will fall but the coins will stay put on the lids. 
Repeat the experiment with one coin standing on the strip instead of sitting flat. On striking the free end of the strip the coin stands the strip falls. Repeat the same experiment with two bottles and two coins standing vertically. Again on striking the strip falls and the coins keep standing vertically. This is a fun experiment to do with inertia. This work was supported by IUCAA and Tata Trust. This film was made by Ashok Rupner


Message in a bottle reaches destination after more than a century

UK researchers have received a message in a bottle which they believe to be the oldest in the world. The German couple who found the container is set to receive the promised one-shilling reward.
The bottle was tossed into the North Sea between 1904 and 1906, the Marine Biological Association of the UK, based in the southern English city of Plymouth, said Friday.
"We were very excited," the Association spokesman Guy Baker told reporters. "We certainly weren't expecting to receive any more of the postcards."
The bottle was found by a couple on the German island of Amrum. Inside it, there was a postcard asking the finders to send it to the research association, with a promise of a money reward of exactly one shilling – a twentieth of a British pound.
Shillings are not used as a means of payment in Britain anymore, as the pound is worth much less than 110 years ago.
Breaking the record
Around 1,000 of such postcards were set on their voyage by researcher George Parker Bidder, who later became the president of the Marine Biological Association. The bottles were used in a study into the movement of sea currents, and were weighed down to float just above the sea bed.
Most of them, however, were trawled out by fishermen and returned decades ago, according to organization's spokesman Baker.
The marine researchers intend to ask the Guinness Book of Records to recognize the Amrum message as the oldest ever found.
Currently, the title belongs to a bottle released in 1914 for a scientific experiment and found two years ago.
The British association also kept its word on the reward, sending an old shilling to the German couple.

Source : DW

?Stop smoking, what method to choose

 Invented in China, electronic cigarette is an electronic device that generates a "steam" and can be flavored or not contain nicotine. Is it provided a real smoking cessation? Is it safe? Should it be considered a drug? ... These are topics of debate that inflame specialists for several months.
This is the big day, you decided to quit. Alone or together, with or without consultation with a smoking addiction, withdrawal methods are many. How to choose the one that suits you? Doctissimo asked Dr. Véronique Peim, smoking addiction and attached hospitals in Paris, his advice to avoid mistakes

One might think that there are large groups of smokers and a rapid classification would determine the method best suited to these groups. This is false. Every smoker is different and the way to stop smoking is not that of his neighbor or even his spouse. Moreover, it is difficult to say that one method is better than another. Dr. Peim adds however that "the emergence of nicotine replacement democratized treatments for smoking cessation because they require no prescription or specific consultation. Medicines however impose a passage to the doctor."
Although use substitutes
Stop abruptly or gradually
Anne-Aurélie Ears Fleurian
When you are smoking, it is never easy to choose "THE" method adapted to his habits, behavior, its dependence, the method that will stop calmly, limiting the risk of relapse.
Each smoker is unique
To determine the most appropriate method, it will take an interest in the history of smoking. A he already stopped, with what, how? A he was followed by a doctor? Was he satisfied with the result? If it did not work, what is the reason?Does he start with the same method or otherwise change drastically? Choices are many factors and it will therefore analyze the situation. The patient chooses to seek medical advice or to wean himself, he must first ask these questions and answer them in order to choose his method.
Nicotine replacement therapy work very well, if properly used. Dr. Peim recalls that effective patches, pills or gums should be used at the right dosage: if the amount of nicotine is insufficient, substitutes of any kind will not have the desired effect. Second important element: the user manual must be followed to the letter: the gums, for example, are not chewing gum and sometimes you remove the patch at night.
The use of each depends on the substitute smoking and are kind of addictive. To find the right solution, do not hesitate to seek advice from their pharmacist or consult a doctor. One and the other will explain and advise the smoker the most suitable method to his case.
If the person who wants to quit the treatment has already decided that she wanted to use, and there is no medical indication against-there is no reason that the doctor denied. However, we must fight against preconceptions and explain that all methods are effective if properly used.
So we thought yesterday that only a total cessation of tobacco led to success, we now know that gradual withdrawal is possible. And again, depending on each one can choose the most suitable method.
For Dr. Peim, "It is often very anxiety provoking for a smoker to crash and stress can spell failure. It may be appropriate to first remove the cigarette of the day. All smokers know that work how down the 25 floors of the office 10 times a day to smoke may be binding ... The use of substitutes in the day will go without cigarettes and go progressively to a complete halt. "
Whatever the method chosen, the person who decides to quit smoking is to become the main actor of his withdrawal. The right timing, the right method owns. It is a guarantee of success.
For further:
Dr. Véronique has Peim published by Michel Lafon: "A new way to quit smoking without fear of fat ..."


Top 5 anti-cellulite sports for a nice health

Jumping rope
The advantage: "cardio activity, jumping rope makes us sweat, helps us to lose weight and tone up our silhouette" says Amanda, coach at Domyos Club. Tap into our reserves will allow to destock fats.Moreover, this activity promotes venous return, recovery blood circulation, muscle glutes and prevent varicose veins.

The right rhythm: 1 minute 30 seconds of effort and recovery. 1 session of 15 minutes, 2-3 times a week in combination with strength training exercises.Throughout the sessions to increase the intensity, it's nimble little weight ankles

The squat

The advantage: the squat, muscle building exercise, can work so target cellulite on the thighs and buttocks.

The right pace: 3 sets of 30 repetitions with one minute rest between each set. 3 times per week. "The ideal is to work with a load of about 5 kilos depending on its level (either weight or a bar)," advises Amandine, coach at Domyos Club.

The advice: when bending the knees should remain in line with the toes (knees do not exceed toes). We also paid attention to keeping your back straight and lock its midsection.

The bike
The bikeThe advantage: the courses are called RPM or Biking, the principle is the same: to alternate periods of speed and "force" to burn a maximum of calories. At the meetings, it is the lower limbs that work and effort will dislodge cellulite on thighs and buttocks.

The pace:  to tap into fat reserves is ideal to 3 sessions of 30 to 40 min per week. To be combined with strengthening exercises.

A council  that the meeting be effective but also not to hurt the knees, it is important to always ride with some resistance that we will increase progressively as the level progresses.

Strength training
Interest: targeting the lower body muscle building course will refine thighs and sculpt the buttocks. Strength training is ideal for working so locate. It is inseparable cardio exercises to fight cellulite on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen. Furthermore, the muscle uses energy even at rest.

The right rhythm: 2 sessions per week to combine with cardio activity.

The advice:  working with a barbell or weights for maximum efficiency.
Water aerobics
Water aerobics
His interest: "Among the good sports basin in the fight against cellulite, you can choose between standard course AquaBodybike or Aquadynamic advises Gayraud Bruno, Director of Operations for Planet Fitness First is a very intense course but limited. the lower limbs. The second is more comprehensive. It works the whole body without accessories. Only the speed of the movements in the water that gives the intensity.

The pace: "The most important is to have a high intensity, large movements made ​​from very invigorating way from 20 to 30 minutes of high intensity three times a week.."


?Ever wondered where the flight attendants sleep? What do you think

 Enough room to swing a cat? A file picture reveals the Crew Rest Department onboard a Boing 777 

Ever wondered where the flight attendants sleep? Revealing photos give a glimpse of the parts of the plane passengers don't see
-Pictures from inside cabin crew rest areas reveal hidden sleeping areas-Some even offer airline employees pyjamas and entertainment systems -Crew Rest Departments are often squashed into confined areas on planes
It's not just holidaymakers who need to rest their heads during a long-haul flight.Hard-working cabin crew also need to take some well-deserved time off. But have you ever wondered just where they go during their down time?Due to revenue-generating passenger seats taking priority, Crew Rest Departments (CRCs) after often squashed into confined areas where space is at a premium.
 Sleep tight: The cosy and comfortable looking crew sleeping quarters on the Boeing 787 Dreamline
These poky staff areas vary in style. Some more luxurious offerings offer airline employees pjyamas and entertainment systems. The rest areas are often hidden in a compartment at the top of the plane, or a sealed off section in the same main cabin as the regular passengers.On a Cathay Pacific 777-300ER a secret staircase to the CRC at the rear of the plane. The area itself is tunnel like, and attendants have to duck to get through it, but there is room for eight flight staff.
 Pilots have their own separate sleeping quarters, such as this one, on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner
It contains bunk beds which measure six foot by two-and-a-half and are draped with heavy curtains to muffle out sounds of other crew.On an instruction sign on the door of the secret area, staff are told that Maximum Occupancy is eight crew members, one per bunk and it is not to be occupied during taxi takeoff and landing.They are also told to close and latch the secret door immediately when not in use.
Looking out over the passengers: Cabin crew can keep an eye on everyone on the flight in case of any issues
Meanwhile Boeing's enormous 787 has a large loft space above the passenger compartment, where up to five flight attendants can rest.  The CRCs in Airbus A350s were once beneath the cockpit and passenger cabin, but were then moved above them to increase cargo space when the design of the whole plane changed. Pilots have their own separate sleeping compartments.

Source : Dailymail

Astronauts taste the Lettuce for the first time in space

Tasting the Lettuce in the international space station Monday for the first time debased planted in space, the first step in the field of agriculture in conditions of weightlessness, which can be used to feed astronauts traveling on long space flights in the future.

And hopes the US space agency NASA that this success is a step in its quest to secure a renewed food sources for astronauts who might in the future traveling to distant destinations, especially manned flight, which hopes to implement in the coming years or decades to Mars.

خس بالفضاء
Said Kjell Lindgren astronaut from NASA after tasting some red lettuce which grew in a private box at the station , " it's great ".
The US astronaut Scott Kelly " tastes delicious . " He added some olive oil and vinegar on lettuce leaf.

Said Ray Wheeler official at the US space agency for developing technologies that believes in living conditions in the space program , " There are indications that fresh fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, grapes, lettuce, are antioxidants . "

Gyoya Massa, a researcher at NASA " I think the farming systems in the absence of gravity will be important factors for each long space flight . "

She added , " The further away from the earth, man would be more need for agriculture to secure food, the environment in which they live and rotate, and also to get psychological comfort . "

NASA said  that this type of foods grown in space underwent tests to ascertain the suitability of ma

Golden tips to get rid of excessive sweating

A large number of people suffering from the problem of excessive sweating that cause them major embarrassment in the community wherever they are.

Although they are trying to get rid of them more frequent consumption of perfumes and air driers sweating, but they do not succeed in getting rid of the smell of sweat often. Therefore,

If you are one of those people, we offer you today 5 Golden Tips from a female German website , it's help you if you get rid of excessive sweating:

-  Avoid wearing tight clothes or that stick to the body, they increase the proportion of the body sweats. And try to wear sports clothes or those that allow breathing in hot weather.

-  Avoid Hot Tub only with cold water as it cools the body, and then pay heavy sweating when exposed to high temperature after that. And shower favors once cool water and hot water once even less skin sensitivity to ethnic and pores temperatures and thus hide sweating

-  Avoid drinking liquids chilled with ice because it will increase the production of sweat glands, as is the case with cold water showers. It is best to drink hot drinks, because they increase at the beginning of sweating and then organize the work of the sweat glands gradually. But prefer to avoid drinking coffee and black tea and green.

-  Stay away from hot food or materials rich in fat, they increase the production of sweat glands. Preferably taking power, food, spicy soup or a little cold.

-  Drink tea herb sage or salvia, which regulates the work of ethnic cells.


Scaffolding, the practical guide : Types, Materials, Standards

Need to intervene in height: a gutter cleaning, repainting ceiling or exterior wall, trimming the hedge? The scaffold is the ideal solution. Must still choose the right scaffolding model ...
Types of scaffolding: mobile or fixed?
Scaffolding is a temporary structure made of tubular, usually metal, supporting floors and allowing access to working areas at height. There are two main types of scaffolding: mobile and fixed.
Mobile scaffolding: ideal for small sites
The mobile scaffolding is often used by individuals for the yards of a few days. It can also be used by some artisans like painters.
There are different kinds of mobile scaffolds:
mobile scaffold  : easy, it can be moved easily from one place to another,
folding scaffolding  : very little space for storage, it is also easy to assemble,
scaffolding staircase  : suitable for level differences, this type of scaffold is ideal for stairs, it can be folding or rolling.

Fixed scaffolding: for large construction sites
The fixed scaffold is a facility that aims to stay in one place for several weeks. We find this type of scaffolding on the facades of large city buildings. There are three types of scaffolding like this: the fixed scaffolding is the classic version of the fixed scaffolding, it is mainly for professional use and up to 12 meters high. The suspended scaffold , steering wheel or console, is intended for specific projects where a fixed scaffold may not be installed. The custom scaffolding , made ​​for special projects must respect the regulations in force.
Scaffolding materials: a wide selection
Scaffolds exist in several materials, each with the qualities and drawbacks: the steel scaffold is the most robust. The aluminum scaffold is the lightest and most fre. The scaffold fiber glass is insulating and aesthetic. The bamboo scaffolding is the greenest.
Features of scaffolding: standards and dimensions
Scaffolding must have certain characteristics that make it safe. it must meet certain standards to certify the quality of the material used. All scaffolding element has a standard specific to it and to which it can attach. He must have dimensions suitable for the construction project, the proposed maximum load, the physical setting, etc.

Safety on scaffolding: regulation
The use of scaffolding is essential in the construction sector. Despite regulations to prevent risks and ensure the safety of responders, scaffolding work are still the major cause of serious accidents on construction sites including the scaffold fall .
Some safety precautions have been put in place for the protection of the scaffolding , including side protection (guardrails, solid walls, wood or metal) and devices to stop the free fall of a body on less than one meter (safety harnesses and fall protection net, etc.).
Mounting the scaffold: Tea, console, disassembly ...
For better protection of the user, certain precautions and instructions must be observed when mounting and dismantling the scaffolding and its components: components of the scaffolding (tubes and feet), scaffold platform , scaffolding bracket .
Other ways to work at heights: ladder, ladder
Several other facilities outside scaffolding, allow you to work at heights:
the scale , which provides access to a height of up to 12 m: right scale , double ladder , extension ladder , telescopic ladder or articulated ladder ,
the stool , household item allowing access at lower heights to 3 m,
the individual platform , the ladder in industrial design,
the lifter plate , the hoists , for raising, not the person, but the materials.
Scaffolding Buying Guide
Buy a scaffold is not so simple, because you have to consider many criteria: working height, specific use of scaffolding, frequency of use, requirements, environmental constraints. Besides buying a scaffold, others more economic solutions exist: buy a used scaffolding or scaffolding rental .


Gift economy : Definition , exchange , Principles

The gift economy is the deep support the exchange between individuals, founded the foundation for any social activity, and contributes to the production of social norm.

For anthropologists, including Marcel Mauss in his "Essay on the gift. Shape and because of the exchange in archaic societies "(1923-1924), the gift is built on the obligation to" give, receive and make. " The gift is powered by the almost spiritual power that is specific to the given object, unilaterally offered as part of a relationship. Without belief in the force by the donee, the gift does not exist or may not be perceived as such by those who receive it.
For economists such as Francois Perroux, the exchange can consist of :
"Gift to give," I give no consideration required or explicitly expected by the donor
"Pseudo-donation 'I give to win later in the context of an offer assuming an obligation to return, immediately or in the form of debt or performance
Gift exchange is distinguished from other forms of exchange by a number of principles, such as the form of property rights governing the articles exchanged; whether gifting forms a distinct "sphere of exchange" that can be characterized as an "economic system"; and the character of the social relationship that the gift exchange establishes. Gift ideology in highly commercialized societies differs from the "prestations" typical of non-market societies. Gift economies must also be differentiated from several closely related phenomena, such as common property regimes and the exchange of non-commodified labour.
Principles of gift exchange:
Commodity exchange:
between objects - immediate exchange -alienable goods -actors independent -quantitative relationship
Gift exchange:
delayed exchange  -inalienable goods  -actors dependent -qualitative relationship -between people

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