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شرب الماء الساخن على المعدة الفارغة

شرب الماء الساخن على المعدة الفارغة
موضوع هامّ، ليتني أستطيع إيصاله لكلّ إنسان،
فما من شي أغلى، بعد ديننا، من عافية الأبدان ..

يقول أحد أطباء القلب:
لو أنّ كلّ من يحصل على هذا البريد يرسله إلى من يعرفه، فإنّه سيكون سبباً في إنقاذ حياة إنسان..
العلاج بالماء الساخن،لن تصدقوا الكم الكبير من اﻷمراض التي قدر الله سبحانه وتعالى شفاءها بالماء، فله الحمد والمنة ..
قام اﻹتحاد الياباني للأمراض بنشر التجربة التالية للعلاج بالماء حيث بلغت نتائج نجاحه 100% للأمراض التالية : -
الصداع _ الضغط _ الدم فقر الدم (الأنيميا) _داء المفاصل _ الشلل _سرعة خفقان القلب _الصرع _ السمنة _ السعال _ التهاب الحلق _ الربو _ السل _ إلتهاب السحايا _ وأي مرض آخر يتصل بالمسالك البولية _ فرط الحموضة _ وإلتهاب غشاء المعدة _ الدوسنتاريا _ الإمساك _ أي مرض يتصل بالعين والأذن والحنجرة _
طريقة العلاج بالماء الذي تم غليه :
- إستيقظ مبكراً صباح كل يوم وإشرب (4) كاسات ماء سعة كل منها (160ملم) على معدة فارغة، يكون الماء مائلا إلى السخونة ليس ساخن يشوي اللسان، وإنما يا حبذا يكون دافئا قريبا إلى السخونة.
- لا تتناول أي نوع من الطعام أو السوائل قبل مضي 45 دقيقة..
- لا تتناول أي طعام أو شراب خلال الساعتين التاليتين لكل وجبة..
وقد يواجه البعض أو المرضى والمسنون صعوبة في البداية في شرب (4) كاسات ماء في وقت واحد، لذا يمكنهم أن يتناولوا أقل من ذلك، على أن يعملوا على زيادة الكمية تدريجياً إلى أن يتمكنوا من شرب الكمية المقترحة في غضون فترة زمنية قصيرة، وقد أثبتت نتائج العلاج بالماء الشفاء من الأمراض التالية في المدة المبينة مع كل منها : -

داء السكري 30 يوماً.
إرتفاع ضغط الدم 30 يوماً.
مشاكل المعدة 10 أيام.
السرطان بأنواعه 9 شهور.
السل وإلتهاب السحايا 6 أشهر.
الإمساك والمغص 10 أيام .
مشاكل المسالك البولية والكلى 10 أيام.
مشاكل الأنف والأذن والحنجرة 20 يوم.
مشاكل الدورة الشهرية 15 يومآ.
مشاكل القلب بأنواعها 30 يوما.
الصداع 3 أيام .
فقر الدم (الأنيميا) 30 يوم.
السمنة 4 شهور.
الصرع والشلل 9 شهور.
مشاكل الجهاز التنفسي 4 شهور.
أنشرها لعل غيرك يستفيد، وتعم الفائدة على الناس.
(جرب لن تخسر شيئا، إن لم ينفعك الماء فلن يضرك...


الكل على هواه و المجتمع في ضياع!

.للأسف لم يعد هناك شيء يسر ، فالبلدان العربية غارقة في الفساد الأخلاقي و التربوي و الإجتماعي

.لما وطأت قدمي بلاد الغرب ، رأيت أشياء بالكاد تراها عندنا 

:  *الأخلاق* 
 حسن المعاملة ما بين أفراد العائلة --
حب الأصدقاء حتى و إن كانت هناك عداوة --
عدم إيذاء مشاعر الٱخرين و ٱنتقاد تصرفاتهم --
عدم ٱحتقار و سب وشتم الفقير و المحتاج لأنهم يعتبرون أنفسهم ولدوا فقراء ، فالأجدر مساعدتهم لا عتابهم --

: *التربية* 
 قالوا هي أسلوب حياة ، فأنت يوميا تشارك حياتك مع أشخاص جدد لهم ٱختلافاتهم و أسلوبهم مغاير لما ٱلفته في حياتك  --

 : *المجتمع* 
هو ٱحترام الكبير و الرفق بالصغير --
فالإنسان إذا حاورته وجدته حكيما و إذا غضب و جدته حليما و إذا وعد كان الوعد عظيما --

سامحوني ، فكل ما يحدث في العالم العربي هو مزيج بين صراعات طائفية و دينية و عرقية لا تسمن و لا تغني من جوع
ـ فإذا كنت من أهل الجنوب فأنت متخلف في نظر أهل الوسط
العيب ليس في الحاكم و المحكوم ، العيب في العلاقة الدنيئة التي تجمع بينهما-

 ! لنغير سلوكنا

 : عندما أقول أنني مسلم هذا يعني
ـ لا أقارن نفسي بالديانات الأخرى ،فأنا على دين سيد الأنام دين موسى وعيسى و إسحاق
ـ أنني أحترم شخصية الٱخر ، لباسه ، أفكاره وحديثه 
ـ أساعد الفقير و المحتاج ، أضحك معه ،أشارك حياتي معه ، فالحياة ماضية و النهاية شبيهة ، فلماذا التكبر و التعنت 
ـ أنني إنسان حقيقي و ليس بحيوان بيئي ، لا أنتظر من أحد أن يقوم بعملي ، فإذا رأيت الخطأ أصلحته و إذا رأيت الصواب بجلته
ـ أنني صاحب مبادئ ، أجامل الناس بقدر ، أعاملهم بلطف ، و أبتعد عن المشاكل قدر الإمكان ، فالإنسان خطاء و ما أقدره الله فأعطاه قلبا متسامحا

شكرا و إلى اللقاء


Profits25.com: total income of 40% each week

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© copyright Support Venture Ltd 2013.

A very cost-effective program:

Each ad coupon costs 25 euros. You can buy up to 600 maximum. Then you can use your winnings to buy more coupons if you wish.

-Minimum To Register: 2 coupons is 50 euros.

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-Pay Every Friday morning between 9am and 12am CET
for those who qualify!

A simple qualification:

Of course if you want to partner sites you can request more information and buy their offers if you wish. But no obligation if it does not interest you!
-These Clicks and these sales are making money in the company
-This Money is distributed (within the margin of the company) equally to all advertising coupons. This is the principle of "revenue sharing" or shared revenue.

Upon registration, you will receive your site that contains resources
the banners of our partners. You must click on the banners to receive your weekly pay.

The number of clicks you need to do depends on the number of
advertising coupons you have: - Up to 30 coupons: 10 clicks - From 31 to 100 coupons: 20 clicks - More than 100 coupons: 30 clicks.
You have a counter clicks on the resource site and in the member of your site Profits25 space.

Your advertising:

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Each ad coupon entitles you, if you want to put a personal banner space "offers members" of your site Resources.

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Warning: banners members do not count for your clicks.
So you not only save money with coupons but you increase traffic to your sites and web pages!


Each ad coupon is paid at 40%.

Coupons that reach 35 euros, or 40% of earnings are disabled.

At any time you can withdraw your money,
or purchase additional coupons.

Use your earnings to purchase other coupons, you can implement a strategy that will help you achieve your goals in Module gains.

The compensation that you receive each week is part of your down payment
+ Part of your earnings. You get your site Resources
+ Your site sponsorship Profits25

You make your clicks each week
You receive your salary every Friday
In summary,
after you sign all your information (dashboard of your advertising coupons, detailed overview of your earnings ...) are available in the Member your site Profits25 space.


Sponsor is not mandatory, but it is very profitable. For those members who are sponsoring this module, it is expected commissions following sponsorship:
- Level 1 (direct referrals): 10%
- Level 2 (referrals of your referrals): 5%
- Level 3: 3%
- Level 4: 2%
You also receive referral commissions when your referrals bought new advertising coupons. This is a percentage of the value of the vouchers purchased by your referrals and your genealogy!

Refer to earn even more!

The sponsorship will allow you to take full advantage of the power of this concept!
Affiliates commissions on four levels deep: the ability to make money on all your purchases genealogy! This is the key to success in the module Shared Revenues!

Buy advertising coupons:

Credit card: Visa and MasterCard maximum 500 euros, or 19 coupons including payment of advertising costs.

If you want to buy more, you can do
3 monthly payments with the same card.
E-currencies: SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money
The bank transfer: For 20 or more coupons and a minimum of 500 €.
You will automatically receive our bank details via email. You make your payment, then you send the scanned your proof of payment to support your coupons are validated copy immediately! Go on the "Buy coupons advertising" site,
Log in and choose your method of payment.

Remove your earnings:

MasterCard ATM card
Perfect Money

You may request payment of your winnings at any time from 20 euros to balance in your account. To order your MasterCard you go to "My Account"
in your member area. Then when you receive your card you page "Withdraw your earnings" of the site, you select "debit card" and enter your card number and the desired amount.
Go on the "Remove your earnings" of the site, login and register your withdrawal request.


Support French, English and Spanish
Opening hours (CET):
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday: 8:30 to 10:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Processing time of your requests: maximum 5 business days.
You can buy advertising coupons 24/24 on the website but coupons are validated by the media in the hours ouverture.Un program:
Cost: high yields
Seriously: real advertisers
Regular: pay every Friday
Simple: just a few clicks per week
Flexible: no mandatory sponsorship
© Copyright Venture Ltd 2013CONTACT Support Support: contact@module25.com Company: Venture Support Ltd Level 1, Suite 5, Tower Business Centre, Tower Street, Swatar, Birkirkara BKR 4013 Malta Trade register: C 56318 - Malta
Copyright © 2013 Support Venture Ltd


Profits25.com :revenu total de 40% chaque semaine

Simple et Rentable
Pour gagner de l'argent en ligne
Ouvert Monde Entier !
Support en Français, Anglais et Espagnol.
Où que vous soyez, profitez de cette exceptionnelle opportunité !

Une régie publicitaire en ligne !
De vrais annonceurs leaders !
= = =>Une Vraie Rémunération
© copyright Support Venture Ltd 2013.

Un programme très rentable:

Chaque coupon publicitaire coûte 25 euros. Vous pouvez en acheter jusqu’à 600 maximum. Ensuite vous pouvez utiliser vos gains pour acheter d‘autres coupons si vous le souhaitez.

-Minimum pour s’inscire : 2 coupons soit 50 euros.

-Chaque coupon publicitaire est rémunéré semaine après semaine jusqu’à atteindre 35 euros, soit 40 % de gain !
-Rémunération chaque vendredi matin entre 9h et 12h CET
pour tous ceux qui se qualifient !

Une qualification simple :

Bien entendu si certains sites partenaires vous intéressent vous pouvez demander à en savoir plus, et acheter leurs offres si vous le souhaitez. Mais pas d’obligation si cela ne vous intéresse pas !
-Ces clics et ces ventes font gagner de l’argent à la compagnie
-Cet argent est distribué (moins la marge de la compagnie) de manière égale à tous les coupons publicitaires. C’est le principe du « revenue sharing » ou revenus partagés.

Dès votre inscription, vous recevez votre site Ressources qui contient
les bannières publicitaires de nos partenaires. Vous devez cliquer sur ces bannières chaque semaine pour recevoir vos rémunérations.

Le nombre de clics que vous devez faire dépend du nombre de
coupons publicitaires que vous possédez : - Jusqu’à 30 coupons : 10 clics - De 31 à 100 coupons : 20 clics - Plus de 100 coupons : 30 clics.
Vous disposez d’un compteur de clics sur le site ressources et dans l’espace membre de votre site Profits25.

Votre régie publicitaire :

Faites connaître votre site ressources, car plus il y a de monde qui clique, plus le système est rentable pour tous les membres !

Chaque coupon publicitaire vous donne droit, si vous le souhaitez, à mettre une bannière personnelle dans l’espace « Offres des membres » de votre site Ressources.

Vos bannières seront visibles par tous les autres membres
et tous les visiteurs du site.

Attention : les bannières des membres ne comptent pas pour vos clics.
Ainsi non seulement vous gagnez de l’argent avec vos coupons mais aussi vous augmentez le trafic sur vos sites et pages web !

La Rémunération :

Chaque coupon publicitaire est rémunéré à hauteur de 40%.

Les coupons qui atteignent 35 euros, soit 40% de gains, sont désactivés.

A tout moment vous pouvez retirer votre argent,
ou acheter d’autres coupons.

En utilisant vos gains pour acheter d’autres coupons, vous pouvez mettre en œuvre une stratégie qui vous permettra d’atteindre vos objectifs de gains dans le Module.

La rémunération que vous percevez chaque semaine représente une partie de votre mise de fond
+ une partie de vos gains. Vous recevez votre site Ressources
+ votre site de parrainage Profits25

Vous faites vos clics chaque semaine
Vous percevez votre rémunération chaque vendredi
En résumé,
après votre inscription toutes vos informations utiles (tableau de bord de vos coupons publicitaires, synthèse détaillée de vos gains …) sont disponibles dans l’espace membre de votre site Profits25.

Le Parrainage :

Parrainer n’est pas obligatoire, mais c’est très rentable. Pour ceux qui parrainent des membres dans ce Module, il est prévu les commissions de parrainage suivantes :
- Niveau 1 (filleuls directs) : 10%
- Niveau 2 (filleuls de vos filleuls) : 5%
- Niveau 3 : 3%
- Niveau 4 : 2%
Vous recevez également les commissions de parrainage lorsque vos filleuls rachètent de nouveaux coupons publicitaires. Il s’agit d’un pourcentage de la valeur des coupons achetés par vos filleuls et votre généalogie !

Parrainez pour gagner encore plus !

Le parrainage va vous permettre de profiter pleinement de la puissance de ce concept !
Des commissions de parrainage sur quatre niveaux de profondeur : la possibilité de gagner de l’argent sur tout ce que votre généalogie achète ! C’est la clé du succès dans le module à Revenus Partagés !

Achetez vos coupons publicitaires :

Carte Bancaire : Visa et MasterCard maximum 500 euros, soit 19 coupons publicitaires frais de paiement compris.

Si vous souhaitez en acheter plus, vous pouvez faire
3 paiements par mois avec la même carte.
Les e-currencies : SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money
Le virement bancaire : Pour 20 coupons et plus soit minimum 500€.
Vous recevez automatiquement nos coordonnées bancaires par email. Vous faites votre virement, ensuite vous envoyez la copie scannée de votre preuve de paiement au support pour que vos coupons soient validés immédiatement! Allez sur la page « Achetez des coupons publicitaires » du site,
identifiez-vous et choisissez votre mode de paiement.

Retirez vos gains : 

Carte de retrait MasterCard
Perfect Money

Vous pouvez demander le paiement de vos gains à tout moment à partir de 20 euros de solde dans votre compte. Pour commander votre MasterCard vous allez dans « Mon compte »
dans votre espace membre. Ensuite lorsque vous avez reçu votre carte vous allez page « Retirez vos gains » du site, vous choisissez « carte de retrait » et vous entrez votre numéro de carte et le montant souhaité.
Allez sur la page « Retirez vos gains » du site, identifiez-vous et enregistrez votre demande de retrait.

Le Support :

Support en Français, Anglais et Espagnol
Horaires d’ouverture (heure CET) :
Lundi, mardi, mercredi jeudi : 8h30 – 22h00
Vendredi : 8h30 – 20h00
Samedi : 9h30 – 18h00
Délai de traitement de vos demandes : maximum 5 jours ouvrables.
Vous pouvez acheter des coupons publicitaires 24h/24 sur le site mais vos coupons sont validées par le support dans les horaires d’ouverture.Un programme :
Rentable : hauts rendements
Sérieux : de vrais annonceurs
Régulier : rémunération chaque vendredi
Simple : quelques clics par semaine
Souple : pas de parrainage obligatoire
© copyright Support Venture Ltd 2013CONTACT Support : contact@module25.com Compagnie : Support Venture Ltd Level 1, Suite 5, Tower Business Centre, Tower Street, Swatar, Birkirkara BKR 4013 Malte Registre du commerce : C 56318 - Malta
© copyright Support Venture Ltd 2013


Iliasnotes community term of use

1. Acceptance of Terms of Use

1.1 Welcome to Iliasnotes community. By browsing one of Media's Internet sites, or using a site from a wireless communication, social media or any of its features, including, in particular, the RSS feed ( collectively the "Websites"), in all media, whatever the format or means, whether now known or expected to be discovered in the future, you acknowledge having read and understood these Terms of use and agree the fact of respect as well as any subsequent amendment. These Terms of Use constitute an agreement between you and Iliasnotes community.

1.2 Iliasnotes community reserves the right, at its discretion, to make changes at any time, the Terms of Use without notice. Any amendment of the terms is displayed on this page. Please periodically review these Terms of Use to be aware of any subsequent changes. Refer to the date of "Last Update" indicated at the top of this to check the date of the last amendments.

1.3 If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, or if you are not authorized to consent to any of these Terms, or do not have the legal capacity to consent, you can not use the Internet. In the event you consider that further amendments to these Terms of Use are unacceptable, you must cease use of the Internet immediately. Your continued use of the Websites after such amendments were announced constitutes your acceptance of these amendments.

1.4 By using the Websites, you represent and warrant that you have reached the age of majority in your jurisdiction of your residence or have parental permission or guardian with guardianship and so you have authorized a minor to navigate on the Internet and to use the features and you expressly agree to be responsible for his actions and the consequences of any breach of the terms, conditions, affirmations, representations and warranties of the Terms of use. Anyone who has not attained the age of majority in the province or territory where he / she resides must obtain permission from their parents or guardian before using the Internet prior to any disclosure of personal information and for any submission by credit card to sign an order.

We strongly recommend that parents or guardians monitor and supervise the activities and practices of their children on the Internet.

1.5 Failure to comply with these Terms of Use may result in cancellation of your account and all associated with them that privilege.

2. Operation area

2.1 All content displayed on the Internet refers to the time of our server (GMT+1); in case of discrepancy between the time of publication of the offer of a Web site and time of the offer of the third party provider, the provider of third time will always prevail.

3. Changes to websites

3.1 At its sole discretion, Iliasnotes community reserves the right to modify, suspend, impose limits on the Services or terminate any component of its Internet sites, including the availability of any content, application or database. Iliasnotes community may also impose limits on certain items or restrict access to certain sections of its Internet sites without prior notice and without liability. Transcontinental Media reserves the right, in its sole discretion but not required, to correct any error or omissions in any portion of one of its websites at any time without notice.

4. Personal Use

4.1 All components of the Internet are offered for personal use for noncommercial purposes. It is forbidden to use the Internet for commercial or advertising purposes without the written consent of Transcontinental Media.

4.2 You agree not to use the content of websites to damage, disable, disrupt or encumber the use and enjoyment of the Internet by third parties.

5. Registration and Security

5.1 During registration a user account on the Internet, you must choose a password and a user name. If you are recording, you agree to provide truthful and complete information and to inform us immediately of any changes or updates to such information. It is forbidden to: (i) select or use a User Name of a person with intent to impersonate that person or you make a misrepresentation of your affiliation with any person or entity, (ii) use a username in which another person has rights without the permission of the latter, (iii) use a password or a user name that Transcontinental Media considers offensive in its sole discretion or (iv) create a user account for others or for the account of a group of people.

5.2 You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and your user name. You must notify Transcontinental Media as soon as possible by email (chiefprivacyofficer@transcontinental.ca) of any unauthorized use or alleged use of your account, or any known or suspected breach of security.

5.3 You are responsible for any use of your accounts fairly on the Websites. You are thus responsible for all activity that occurs under your user name and must make sure to close your account at the end of each session to the Internet. Transcontinental Media can not be held liable for unauthorized use of your account or for any loss or damage resulting from non-compliance with the security measures mentioned in this paragraph.

5.4 You are responsible for updating your user account on the Internet and you need to remove any invalid information to prevent erroneous transmission of communications to third.

5.5 Due to the difficulty of true and accurate authentication of a user on the Internet, Transcontinental Media can not guarantee the identity of users. Should a conflict between you and a user, you agree to release Transcontinental Media (and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents) against any losses, claims, damages and claims directly or indirectly arising out of acts or omissions related to such conflicts.

6. Fees and Payments

6.1 Iliasnotes community reserves the right to eventually charge fees for access to its Web sites, or any part of it. If Transcontinental Media charges a fee for access to any section of its websites, Transcontinental Media will notify you in advance in case you want to close your account.

7. Transaction with third

7.1 As a user of one of the Internet, you can receive various communications on third party products or services that appear on one of the websites. When using the Internet, you can do business transactions with third parties, purchase of third and participate in business transactions with them.

7.2 Some Internet sites are platforms allowing third parties to submit tenders and to provide information about their products or services. Be solely responsible to third parties to fulfill the conditions of their offers and Transcontinental Media will be responsible for any differences between the information displayed on any of its Internet sites and terms and conditions established by a third party, including, in particular, any difference with the price and the description of a product as displayed in stores. Transcontinental Media is not party to any offers on the Internet and does not support, does not recommend and does not endorse the products, services or promotional offers available on the Internet or on the website of a third party unless s it is a competition where it is specifically designated as a sponsor. All correspondence, advertising, purchases or promotions related to a third party, including delivery of products or services from third parties, and payment for such goods or services and any other terms, conditions, related warranties or representations in this correspondence, such purchases or promotions only report to you and the third party. Transcontinental Media makes no representations, terms, and makes no warranty or recommendation as to the suitability or potential value of a product, a service or a promotional offer of a third party in particular. Images and photos posted on the Internet related to a product, service or promotional offer of a third party are provided for guidance only. You acknowledge that Transcontinental Media does not check any content beforehand. Specifically, Transcontinental Media does not control the content created by third parties and makes no representation or gives any guarantee as to the accuracy of information available on the Website or through, including, in particular, information on discounts, coupons, discounts, deals or other promotions for products or services offered by third parties. Transcontinental Media can not guarantee that goods or services advertised on the Websites will be available upon the terms and conditions (including price) described at any time whether on the Internet or through it. You agree that all such transactions are at your own risk. Transcontinental Media is not a party to such transactions and assumes no liability for these transactions with third parties.

7.3 Transcontinental Media can not be held directly or indirectly responsible for the terms and conditions of any transaction between you and any third party damage or other liability arising from the provision of such services or related. If any dispute between you and a third party, you release Transcontinental Media (including, without limitation, its officers, directors, employees and agents) from any claims, demands and achievement of all sorts and kinds, arising from any act or omission related in any way whatsoever.

8. Coupons and Contests

8.1 Transcontinental Media may, from time to time, hold contests on its websites, alone or together with third parties involved as sponsors. All these competitions will be governed by their respective regulations. Before participating in a competition, it is your responsibility to read, understand and accept the terms and conditions described in the rules of each contest.

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موعد متابعة مقابلة مباراة البرازيل وكرواتيا
احداث بطولة المونديال البرازيلى الاخير كاس العالم 2014
روابط مشاهدة مباريات كاس العالم مجانا على القنوات المفتوحة على القمر الصناعى نايل سات وعربسات والقمر الاوروبى هوت بيرد او القمر استراسات او القمر التركى
لرؤية مباراة افتتاح فعاليات الكاس العالم 2014 وعلى القناة الالمانية المجانية زد دى اف ZDF

مباراة البرازيل وكرواتيا بث مباشر
منتخب البرازيل البلد المنظم للبطولة ممثل امريكا الجنوبية فى المجموعة الاولى مع منتخبات كرواتيا بطل اوروبا ومنتخب المكسيك ممثل امريكا الشمالية ومنتخب الكاميرون ممثل قارة افريقيا

ماتش البرازيل وكرواتيا بث مباشر اونلاين

قنوات مجانية عالنت بى ان سبورت الجزيرة الرياضية

روابط سريعة تعمل على الجوال الاندرويد الموبايا البلاك بيرى جالاكسى
نتيجة مباراة البرازيل وكرواتيا

ملخص مباراة البرازيل وكرواتيا

نيمار ديفيد سيلفا ديفيد لويز هالك اوسكار دوس سانتوس هيرنانديز تياجو سيلفا دانييل الفيس دانتى

منتخب الكرواتى به لاعب الريال لوكا موديريتش وماندزوكيتش



POLOGNE ! Pays du trésor sous l'influence de l'EST et L'Ouest

Pologne ,l'une des pays des monde, connu sous l’histoire sou-viatique , une histoire vaste , riche , pleine de mal ainsi que joie . Elle est devenue parmi les pays développé à l'aide d'Allemagne.
Riche économiquement , culturellement  , socialement et technologiquement .
Les villes les plus connu en Pologne : 
*Varsovie : Capitale administrative , sous la direction de l'ancien régime (Sou-viatique "Russie aujourd'hui ")
*Krak-ove : La ville la plus célèbre du Pologne , connue par les monuments historique , par les poètes , et le plus importants que cette ville comme une "Villes sœurs"   de l'Est (Russie) et l'ouest (l’Allemagne) .
*Poznan : La ville où j'habite maintenant , considéré comme la ville des sciences , de l'éducation , et aussi des monuments historique ( Historique d'armé ) .

Je vous partage avec vous quelques photos de Poznan , pour mieux explorer la Pologne et par la suite , je vous propose une suite d'article pour savoir de plus concernant ce pays !


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