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Disaster Planning for the Hurricane Season - Pure Water for Natural Disasters

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The hurricane season will be upon us shortly and it is wise to begin preparations for all consequences associated with these catastrophic events. Timely and proper planning will avoid much of the stress resulting from hurricane damage and may well avoid injury and loss of life.

The Hurricane Season

Many people do not realize that the hurricane season is lengthy and spans the six month period from June 1 to December 1 each year. The frequency of major storms has been escalating recently in cycles that increase and decrease over 10 to 20 year periods. Most weather forecasters acknowledge that we are presently in a cycle of increased hurricane activity with the potential for as many as 15-17 named storms forecasted in 2006.

Areas of Risk

Hurricanes and tropical storms are a worldwide phenomenon.  The storms affecting the United States and the Caribbean are called hurricanes while the storms in the Pacific are called typhoons and tropical storms in the Indian Ocean are designated tropical cyclones. Low lying coastal areas are at increased risk but inland areas as far as 200-300 miles can still suffer heavy damage. In the United States the coastal areas of the Southeast are at risk and all areas of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico have historically seen extensive storm damage; areas as far north as Massachusetts and Rhode Island have suffered direct hurricane hits. In 2006, at least one major storm is forecasted to hit the Middle Atlantic and Northeast states.

Hurricanes are Serious Events

Anyone who has experienced a hurricane will attest to the fact that these are serious weather events.

Hurricanes are ranked from category 1 (sustained winds in excess of 78mph) to category 5 (sustained winds in excess of 155mph); even a category 1 storm can create extensive damage. Damage from wind, flooding and storm surges can destroy buildings and cause widespread flood damage. By far the most serious cause of impairment however, is the storm surge created by wind pressure and wave action. Storm surges as high as 30 feet are not uncommon in major storms.

In 2005 a category 3 storm (Katrina) destroyed a large portion of New Orleans and, notwithstanding substantial Federal Government aid, the area has yet to recover. In 2004 a deadly category 5 storm (Ivan) destroyed many of the homes and buildings on a number of islands in the Caribbean and the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. Ivan was particularly dangerous with 24 hours of sustained winds of 165 mph and wind gusts recorded as high as 207mph. With a storm surge of over 20 feet, approximately 1/3 of a particular island was covered by water and disappeared from radar as the storm passed.

Hurricanes generally result in at least some loss of life both at sea and on land even for relatively minor storms, however major storms can be much more devastating. At the turn of the twentieth century, an unnamed storm took the lives of between 6,000 to 10,000 people in Galveston, Texas. The worst recorded loss of life resulted from a tropical cyclone that hit East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) with over 200,000 lives lost.

At a minimum, hurricanes result in the loss of water service, electrical power and communications for a period of time during and after the storm. Frequently, this period can extend for weeks and even months in some cases.

Modern Technology is Good News

Modern computer technology and forecasting techniques have increased the period of warning that allows preparation for the impact of the storm. These types of warnings allow preparation and even evacuation in the event of a powerful, threatening storm.

For those who remain in place during a storm, advance preparation is required in order to survive the aftermath of the storm. This requires stockpiling of the proper supplies prior to the storm because demand for supplies immediately before a storm increases rapidly and shortages occur.  Therefore, advance preparation is the key to survival success.

A Three Step Disaster Plan

In order to survive a hurricane disaster, proper planning is critical and takes enormous effort. In addition to assembling supplies as early as possible, a plan must be devised and also practiced. A simple but effective plan developed by The Harvard Medical School is as follows:

1) Collect disaster supplies

The devastation incurred by Hurricane Katrina is graphic evidence of just how destructive natural disasters can be. Those affected are without electricity, water, domestic gas, telephone and even shelter. To be prepared, collect the following items and store them so that they will easily be found in the event of an emergency -- but not so easily that you end up depleting the supplies without realizing it. Some people store these items in a section of the basement or a closet that is used infrequently. Decide what will work best for you.

Disaster-supply list

-- Bottled water (1 gallon per person per day; three-day supply ideal)
-- Cash (ATM and credit cards may not work or be accepted by businesses)
-- Cellular phone (with non electrical charger, such as a car charger or AAA battery     pack)
-- Clothing and underwear
-- Phone numbers of friends and family
-- Important Documents (driver's license, passport, birth certificate, etc.) in a     waterproof container
-- Dust mask (one per person)
-- Eating utensils (plastic or disposable)
-- Emergency numbers: local, state and federal
-- Financial inventory (a list of bank and investment accounts, mortgages and loans,     including             account numbers and location of original documents)
-- First-aid kit (see "Your first-aid kit," below)
-- Flashlight with extra batteries
-- Food (canned goods and other nonperishable items that do not require cooking)
-- Masking tape, duct tape
-- Medical information (list of your medications, any chronic conditions and medical     history)
-- Medications (three-day supply of all daily medications)
-- Paper towels, toilet paper and sanitary products
-- Pet supplies and carrier (include food, water, leashes and records of shots)
-- Plastic sheeting
-- Radio (battery-operated) with extra batteries
-- Scissors
-- Sleeping bags or blankets (one per person)
-- Toiletries (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.)
-- Tools (can opener, knife, pliers; a Swiss army knife may suffice)
-- Trash bags

2) Create a portable supply kit

In case you have to evacuate your home, it is good to put the supplies you think you would need the most in a portable container. Some people try to fit all of the supplies listed above in a large rolling trashcan with a lid or a large rolling cooler. Another option is to store the items in several small coolers or boxes. Think about what supplies you need, what you can reasonably carry or store in your car, and how many people will be available to help you transport the supplies.

3) Develop and practice an emergency plan
All the planning in the world will not do much good if you do not prepare ahead of time. Not only does this enable you to go through your plan while you are calm and thinking clearly, but it also enables you to modify it before you have to put it into action.

-- Identify emergency evacuation routes and shelters in your community and near  your workplace.
-- Decide where family members should meet if you are separated in an emergency.
-- Identify a backup location to meet at, in case the first location is impossible to reach.
-- Identify a point-person in the family who will serve as the central contact to call in  case of confusion.
-- Choose an out-of-state friend or relative to serve as a backup contact, in the event  that local lines are tied up or out of service.
-- Provide every member of the family with a cellular phone or prepaid phone card to make sure they can make a call in the event of an emergency.
-- Consider family members with special needs while making plans. (For example, who will help  someone in a wheelchair?) Do not forget your pets, either. (For  example, where can you leave  pets if you have to evacuate to a hotel that does not allow    them?)
-- Practice the plan at least once per year.

Source: Harvard Medical School (hms.harvard.edu)

Water is Critical

Of all the supplies listed the most critical by far is an adequate supply of drinking water. Everything else (including food) is secondary to water because the body needs a large and continuous supply of fresh water. After a hurricane, water service is interrupted for lengthy periods of time because of lack of power and the fact that existing water supplies are often polluted.  Pure and fresh water is mandatory to ensure proper hydration and avoid disease spread through polluted water.

Plan to collect and store water supplies that exceed the minimum and use the highest quality water possible. Ultra-pure distilled water can be stored for long periods because there are no minerals or bacteria in the water; supplies can be maintained almost indefinitely if stored in a cool dark place.

Estimate supplies for more than your immediate needs because in times of emergency and hurricanes many people move to safer structures or higher ground, which may burden existing supplies of safer locations.
Plan for the worst as your life and well being may be at stake

Word Count:

The hurricane season will be upon us shortly and it is wise to begin to plan for all eventualities associated with these catastrophic events. Proper planning now will avoid much of the stress resulting from hurricane damage and may well avoid injury and loss of life.

hurricane disaster planning, pure drinking water, disaster planning, bottled water, water supplies, drinking water, emergency drinking water


Defining the World of Security Cameras

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Finding the right security camera is difficult enough without having to wade through the terms and figure what the abbreviations and words actually mean. If you’re trying to do research on a security camera and frustrated with the multitude of terms that are unknown to the average user, here’s a list of the terms you’ll want to know. There are many more out there, but this is enough to get you started:

DVR: Digital Video Recorder, or ‘personal video recorder.’ Usually used when referring to a Security Camera System, you use a DVR to record broadcasts on a hard disk drive which can then be played back at a later time. The most well-known type of DVR is TiVO. They often come with standard features like motion detection, time and date stamping, and remote internet monitoring capabilities.

Motion Detection: Many cameras and DVRs are built with motion sensors to track movement securely.

Time and Date Stamping: Term used when a DVR records the date and time of an occurrence or recording.

Remote Internet Monitoring: Refers to using a camera like a Network IP Camera to record information and the ability to see that information live in real time from a distant location.

PC: Still refers to a personal computer.

PTZ: ‘Pan, Tilt, Zoom’ refers to the motion of a controllable or PTZ camera. Movement can go from left to right and up down, as well as zoom in and out on an object.

Infrared: A technology that uses heat sensors to detect objects in its surroundings. It was developed especially to ‘see’ in the dark.

Network IP Camera: refers to a type of camera that connects to the internet or a computer network via an IP address and can be viewed remotely from different locations.

DVR Card: Digital Recorder Card. Provides digital video recording capability so
that you can store video files from your security/surveillance system on your PC.

Camera Housing: Refers to the outer shell of a security camera. It serves to weatherproof, protect, and ‘house’ the camera from potential harm.

Quad Processor: four processors in one

Multiplexer: the multiplexer takes several separate digital data streams and combines them together into one data stream of a higher data rate. A multiplexer makes it easier to combine the data from several security cameras into one stream of information. This is system is a quicker and more effective way of processing information.

Multiple Output Power adaptor: a power adaptor that enables multiple outputs and is highly useful for a system that requires a good amount of power.

Security Camera Systems: General, broad term for the package that security companies often sell.  They are usually a better deal than buying the items separately and come in a variety of choices. They usually include a security camera, Processor, Software, Cables, Power Adaptor, Monitor, VCR/DVR, and some come with a warrantee. This is one of the more basic kits; more deluxe options often entail other accessories. 

Dome Security Cameras: Dome security cameras are ideal for use in building entrances, stores, and shopping malls; in short, anywhere you want a ‘fashionable’ camera that is designed to blend into its surrounding environment.  Prettier and more appealing than its cousins, a Dome Camera offers high security and an increased surveillance capacity because of its non-invasive qualities.

PTZ (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) and Controllable Cameras: PTZ and Controllable Cameras are designed to be controlled by remote or through a DVR. They have the ability to move up and down as well as right and left. You can pan, tilt, and zoom in or out. You have all the control you want over these cameras, and they provide excellent surveillance and security.

Bullet Security Cameras: Bullet Security Cameras are a special type of small, sleek camera that that is ideal for both indoor and outdoor installation. Sealed in cylinders and totally protected, they are impermeable to water and are totally weatherproof. Mountable on the ceiling or on the wall, they provide sharp, detailed video images while maintaining low profile visibility and an unobtrusive presence.   

Mini, Board and Covert Cameras:  Just as they sound, mini cameras are small, tiny cameras that come in wireless options and can be used for increased, quiet security. Board cameras are tiny mini cameras set in small, flat housing, and are also highly useful in situations calling for more security and extremely low visibility. A Covert Camera is just what it sounds like. Like the mini and board cameras, covert cameras are intended for use for those that need increased security and a totally unobtrusive camera. 

Pro Security Cameras: Professional Security Cameras are ideal for any and every purpose you might have. They can be mounted on ceiling brackets, on your wall, and indoors and outdoors. The professional line of security cameras, they are usually high resolution with clear, sharp image quality and detail. They come in color or black and white, and SONY is one of the better brands available.

Infrared Security Cameras: Infrared Security cameras are designed for optimum security and especially increased protection at night.  With Infrared Security Cameras, you can see in total darkness, and they are great cameras for extremely low or non-lighted areas.

Word Count:

Finding the right security camera is difficult enough without having to wade through the terms and figure what the abbreviations and words actually mean. If you’re trying to do research on a security camera and frustrated with the multitude of terms that are unknown to the average user, here’s a list of the terms you’ll want to know. There are many more out there, but this is enough to get you started:

Security Cameras, DVR, TiVO, Remote Internet Monitoring


Crime Victim? Know Your Rights

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The chances are good that the person sitting next to you may have been a victim of a crime. Statistics indicate that 8 out of 12 Americans will become victims of a crime at least once in their lifetime. Most people think of violent crimes-rape, assault, robbery-when they think of victims.

But not all victims experience crimes of violence. According to the Office for Victims of Crime, frauds, identity theft and financial schemes victimize millions of Americans each year. Consumers fall prey to phony investment scams, get-rich-quick schemes, foreign lotteries, telemarketing fraud, Internet scams and identity theft every day. Millions of hard-earned dollars and life savings of victims line the pockets of scammers, who have no regard for their victims or the damage they've done to their lives. 

Last year, 10 million Americans became victims of identity theft, according to the Better Business Bureau, with a loss of over $50 billion. Insurance frauds cost the average family $400-$700 per year in higher insurance premiums. And fraudsters in the multibillion dollar telemarketing industry target older Americans, with an estimated loss of over $500 million.

Victims often feel helpless in the aftermath of a crime. They feel alone and isolated by the crime and many are financially devastated. If you or someone you know or love does become a victim of a financial crime or any other type of crime, there are countless professionals and volunteers who stand ready to help cope with the consequences of the crime, to offer support, and to provide guidance that can help victims better understand their options. 

The good news is that there are laws ready to protect victims. The Federal Crime Victims' Bill of Rights was created to give victims a proper place in the criminal justice system, ensure they have the opportunity to be heard and provide assistance to further their recovery process. Most states also have victims' rights laws for cases handled in the local criminal justice system.

Word Count:

The chances are good that the person sitting next to you may have been a victim of a crime. Statistics indicate that 8 out of 12 Americans will become victims of a crime at least once in their lifetime.

Crime Victim? Know Your Rights

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)

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What is CPTED?  The official book definition is "the proper design and effective use of the built environment that can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime and an improvement in the quality of life."   It is simply a goal to reduce opportunities for crime that may be inherent in the design of structures or in the design of neighborhoods.  In other words, make your home or neighborhood unappealing to burglars and thugs.

Cities and Counties throughout the country are adopting CPTED ordinances requiring site plan reviews with crime prevention in mind. Law enforcement officers who are specially trained in CPTED are now working closely with Planners, Architects, City Officials, and Educators to ensure the proper design of structures, schools, and neighborhoods. These experts know how the design and use of the environment can control human or criminal behavior and reduce the fear of crime. They used natural means such as landscaping to deter criminals.  Access control, natural surveillance, different aspects of lighting and its effects on human behavior, all deter crime.

Many landscape specialists incorporate CPTED into their layout & design of landscapes. Each of the following CPTED strategies are low cost guidelines that they apply to reduce the fear and incidence of crime and improve the quality of life.

1.  Natural Access Control guides people entering & leaving a space through the placement of entrances, exits, fences, landscaping & lighting. Access control can decrease opportunities for criminal activity by denying criminals access to potential targets & creating a perception of risk for would-be offenders.  Walkways & landscaping should direct visitors to the proper entrance & away from private areas. The design should create a perception of risk for would-be offenders.  Walkways should be installed in locations safe for pedestrians & keep them unobscured.

2.  Natural Surveillance is the placement of physical features, activities & people in a way that maximizes visibility. A potential criminal is less likely to attempt a crime if he or she is at risk of being observed. At the same time, we are likely to feel safer when we can see & be seen.  The landscaping should be selected and installed to allow unobstructed views of doors & windows.  The front door should be at least partially visible from the street.  Shrubs & bushes near windows should not restrict full visibility of the property.  Sidewalks & all areas of the yard should be well lit.

3.  Territorial Reinforcement is use of physical attributes that express ownership such as fences, signage, landscaping, lighting, pavement designs, etc. Defined property lines and clear distinctions between private & public spaces are examples of the application of territoriality.  Front porches or stoops should create a transitional area between the street & the home.  Property lines & private areas should be defined with plantings, fences or retaining walls.  Use thorny plants along fence lines and under windows to deter access by intruders.

4.  Maintenance is a well maintained home, building or community, and creates a sense of ownership. A well kept area tends to make someone feel like they will be observed by neighbors or business owners as it is obvious people care about the area.  Keep trees & shrubs trimmed back from windows, doors & walkways.  Keep shrubs trimmed to 3 feet & prune the lower branches of trees up to 7 feet.  Use exterior lighting at night & keep it in working order.  Keep litter & trash picked up & the yard neat & free of items that might attract theft.

Covert Hidden Cameras: Put the Sneak in Sneaking

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Do you need the services of covert hidden cameras? Air purifiers, boom boxes, books, clock radios and coffee mugs are just a few devices that can contain covert hidden cameras. Computer speakers, counter signs, day planners, even desk lamps can all contain covert hidden cameras and no one would be aware they are on film.

With a computer speaker, the covert hidden camera is hidden inside the working speaker and virtually undetectable. Does your office, home or store have an acoustic drop ceiling? There is a speaker video camera that is perfect for use in them. They contain a pinhole camera that looks straight down, and that give you a seventy degree field of vision, and is great for use in low light.

Another way to hide your covert hidden camera is by purchasing one that looks like a DVD player. Once again it contains a pinhole camera and has a range of up to three hundred feet. Who would ever guess that the DVD player in your home or office is actually recording the people and movements that are happening in that room? 

Maybe you want a covert hidden camera to use strictly as a security measure for your home. There is a flood light camera available that not only is great day or night but is as easy to install as changing a light bulb.

Don’t let your security needs tick away like the seconds on a clock. You can get a covert hidden camera disguised as a beautiful mantel clock or a clock radio. You have heard of clock watchers, well, now the clock can actually watch you.

Word Count:

Do you need the services of covert hidden cameras? Air purifiers, boom boxes, books, clock radios and coffee mugs are just a few devices that can contain covert hidden cameras. Computer speakers, counter signs, day planners, even desk lamps can all contain covert hidden cameras and no one would be aware they are on film.

Spies, spy gear, surveillance products, Spy Gadgets


Could Your Home Withstand a Fire?

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In December 2004, a fire destroyed three townhouses and damaged a fourth in Lorton, Va., just south of the nation's capital. Investigators later determined that faulty wiring had sparked the blaze. 

Raul Castillo, a spokesman for the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department, said that fire marshals digging through the rubble uncovered an anomaly in the internal wiring at the back of one of the townhouses. This launched the fire, which spread to the adjacent townhouses. 

Two firefighters were hurt, one burned, while navigating the smoky townhouses in the pre-dawn darkness. Seven adults were left homeless by the fire, which marshals estimate caused at least $800,000 in damage. 

To avoid such a disaster, the National Concrete Masonry Association advises that you evaluate a building's fire safety when you rent or buy a home in a multi-family dwelling, or if you are planning to lodge somewhere overnight or house your loved ones in college dormitories or nursing facilities. Buildings should contain these three components of a balanced fire-safety design: smoke detectors, sprinkler systems and concrete masonry walls between housing units. These elements, working in concert, provide the highest levels of safety and property protection. 

Find out if the building's walls and floors also are constructed of concrete and concrete masonry. Concrete masonry helps keep fire from spreading and does not produce smoke or generate toxic fumes. The NCMA recommends that you urge local building-code officials to ensure that multi-family homes adhere to the principles of a balanced fire-safety design, including non-combustible concrete masonry construction.

Word Count:

In December 2004, a fire destroyed three townhouses and damaged a fourth in Lorton, Va., just south of the nation's capital. Investigators later determined that faulty wiring had sparked the blaze.

Could Your Home Withstand a Fire?

Common Sense is Your Best Anti-Theft Device

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Just like other crimes, a burglary can be a totally random event. However, when it's planned, there are certain things a burglar will look for when staking out a possible break-in, and there are steps the homeowner can take to minimize this risk. 

This is a good checklist before leaving your home empty or for beefing up your protection against theft: 

Study your house from the street, and look for any valuables that may be visible from the street. Don't give thieves a reason to show up. 

Before leaving for any length of time, ensure that all windows and doors are locked, including the door to your garage. Many home invasion robberies come through garage doors and inner doors to the houses. Doors should have deadbolt locks with a one-inch throw and reinforced strike plate. 

Place a piece of wood or metal in the track of any sliding doors to prevent opening.

Don't leave your house in darkness when you're away, create a sense of activity by using timers on lights, radios and televisions.

Install low-voltage lighting outdoors to keep your surrounding yard well lit. Install motion detectors in dark areas along the sides and back of house to alert you of any intruders. 

Suspend your newspaper delivery while you're away and ask your neighbor to collect your mail. You may even ask them to park in your driveway while you're away.

Never leave a message on your answering machine that says you're on vacation.

Keep any shrubbery near your walkway or entrance trimmed; removing any possible hiding places. Think about planting cactus or rosebushes under windows that may be especially vulnerable. 

Advise your neighborhood watch that you'll be away.

Ensure your security system is activated when you leave. 

Etch your name on all electronic equipment to serve as a deterrent as well as assisting police in the recovery your property. It's more difficult to sell stolen property that has the owners name on it. Make a video tape of your possessions and record the serial numbers. 

Get a safe, not just for your jewels, but for important paperwork as well. Identity theft is a crime that's on the rise and you want to minimize any availability to your personal records. 

The more you can do to deter an intruder, the better your chances are that your home will not be chosen as a target. Studies have shown that if it takes a burglar more than four or five minutes to break into a home, they'll move on. If you increase their vulnerability by adding a well-lit area or a barking dog, that minimizes your risk again.

Word Count:

Just like other crimes, a burglary can be a totally random event. However, when it's planned, there are certain things a burglar will look for when staking out a possible break-in, and there are steps the homeowner can take to minimize this risk.

anti-theft, security system, burglary, burglary prevention, theft protection

Common Sense Home Security Tips

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Is it just me, or do we spend more time worrying about the safety of our computers these days than the safety of our own homes? You've got firewalls and virus protection for your CPU, but have you changed your door locks since you moved into your house? Do you have ladders, tools, and other things lying around your yard that a burglar could use to break a window and access your home? Do you have an alarm system you never arm? Windows you leave open? Doors left unlocked? When was the last time you walked around your house and, thinking like a burglar, considered just how easy it would be to break in? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Let's take a look at some smart security tips that can help make your home safer for you and your family. And guess what? Most of them are easier to implement than the security software loaded on your computer.

First off, remember that in general burglars will avoid occupied houses. That doesn't mean your family is always safe when they're home, however. There always exceptions to the rule, and you shouldn't assume that nothing can ever happen just because someone is there. If a burglar breaks in while you're not there, your belongings are at risk. If a burglar breaks in when your family is home, your family is at risk as well.

Now that I've got you thinking, let's look at some measures you can follow in order to minimize the risk of being targeted.

<b>Keys</b>: Don't hand out keys to friends, even if they're trustworthy. Make sure you know the location of all your house keys all the time. Never use hide-a-keys or leave the key under the doormat, above the door, in a flowerpot, or anywhere outside the house. You may think you're being clever, but guess what? Burglars know all the tricks. It's their job to (however despicable). Also, it's a good idea to keep your car keys and house keys on a different ring if you ever use valet parking or leave your keys with parking lot attendants or even at a repair garage.

<b>Don't let strangers in the house</b>: Adults have no problem telling this rule to their kids, but they don't realize it should apply to them too! Home security means being cautious. Even before you open the front door to accept a package, you should ask for photo identification. This goes for anyone you don't recognize. Don't assume someone is "legit" just because they are wearing a uniform or driving some company's truck (these things can be stolen). If somebody comes to your door and asks to make a phone call, offer to make it for them, but don't let them some inside. If someone looks like they're injured, call 911, but don't open the door. When you walk away to make that call, lock the door behind you; you don't want to leave the door unlocked and unmanned. A chain on the door helps insure people can't force their way in while you're home.

<b>Locks</b>: Keep your doors and windows locked, even if you're at home. Get your children into this habit, too. It's too easy to forget an open window when you leave the house, and that provides an easy way in for burglars. Don't assume a second story window is out of reach for a thief. They're good at finding ways in.

<b>Don't be predictable</b>: If you always leave home at the same time every day and return at the same time, thieves can easily memorize your routine to take advantage of the times you're not at home. Work is work, and you probably can't change those hours, but if you always go to a class or the grocery store at the same time, try to make yourself less predictable. You can also consider automatic timers for your lights and electronics, to make it seem when someone is home, even when they're not.

<b>Valuables shouldn't be on display</b>: I know you want to show off your hard-won plasma TV, but if somebody can look in your window and see your wallet, credit cards, purse, jewelry, or fancy electronics in open sight, they're going to be tempted. A computer or television placed in front of a ground-floor window may make an easy target. Likewise, electronics placed across from a window are easily visible, too. In a similar vein, don't leave your garage doors open for the world to see all the cool stuff you have in storage. Lightweight items could be snatched away quickly and easily.

<b>Be mindful of your trash</b>: Just bought a new entertainment system? There's no need to tell the world about it. A bunch of empty boxes out by the curb is an open invitation to would-be burglars. Instead of putting boxes out in plain sight, cut them down, and stuff them in trash bags. Also be wary of identity theft. Never put personal identification information in your trash until it's been shredded.

<b>Be alert</b>: Try to be aware of your surroundings on a day-to-day basis, even in your own neighborhood. This doesn't mean walking around like a crazy paranoid person; just get in the habit of watching for suspicious activity.

Paying attention to the simple things can make you and your family much less of a target. Burglar alarms and home security systems are great investments, but common sense prevention is the best way to stay safe.

<b>Further resources:</b>

<a href="http://www.homesecurityinformation.com/">Home Security</a>

<a href="http://sicarius.typepad.com/home_security_information/">Home Security News</a>

Word Count:

Home security is something we often forget to think about until something goes wrong.  The tips in this article will help you to prevent burglaries and other home security dangers.

home security


Closed Circuit TV: Video Surveillance to Protect Our Security

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We in UK are quite accustomed to moving around under other’s surveillance than a general person in many third world 


More than 400,000 cameras are always monitoring us in a car park, station, shopping complex, on our way to office or may be 

even in our private spaces, unwanted. General people are day by day supporting its presence to fight against internal and 

international crime.  

In post 9/11 scenario, CCTV cameras are being installed more and more round the corner primarily for better and entrusted 

public security.   

This CCTV monitoring is widespread not simply in our own country. Recorders are being installed on the Trans Europe Motorway 

from the Greek border through Turkey towards Ankara. This is covering a distance of 700 kilometres. This huge project 

supports over 1,400 camera inputs and 480 audio channels and it is probably the largest networked recording Security 

surveillance system contracted until today.  

Fifty wi-fi enabled CCTV cameras are installed across central London that may revolutionize the police patrolling system 

within 18 months of trial period. In recent future, police will be able to track a suspect from a handheld device as the 

system can be controlled locally within that network coverage.    

One thing must be mentioned here that, general people may also use such technology as IFSEC hand-held PDA applications 

provide security personnel with the ability to view both live or recorded camera images from any installation, located 

anywhere in the world. 

However, this may end up the age long debate that these closed circuit TV cameras only can record a crime in progress. Now 

the police persons will have more opportunity to reach the spot and take necessary actions on time. 

Future really holds hard for drug dealers, peddlers, and an easy finder of parking spaces for citizens. 

Nevertheless, currently there are no cost effective night vision systems available for object identification for distances 

from 150 metres to 2000 metres. On the other hand, active infrared systems have a narrow field of view that makes navigation 

and orientation difficult. 

Still there are some cameras available in the market that can serve the purpose as good. These cameras are ideal for covert 

applications since they utilises a laser light that operates below the visible spectrum to illuminate the target area. 

However, it all depends on the needs of the users. 

There is a good lot of software like EVIS that can provide tailor-made solution for the end users and is flexible enough to 

meet all custom requests by the use of a modular system.   

Is there any harm in taking protection beforehand if the users are conscious of their social limits and responsibilities! 

Time to decide.

Word Count:

This may end up the age long debate that closed circuit TV cameras only can record a crime in progress. Is there any harm in taking protection beforehand if such technologies are available! Time to decide.

CCTV cameras, Security surveillance, closed circuit TV, Video surveillance

Clock In With Covert Hidden Cameras

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Of the numerous different ways in which to disguise covert hidden cameras, clocks have, by no means, been left out of the equation. They are just one of the many items being used that cleverly allows you to keep an eye on things. There are a couple of different types of clock radios that contain covert hidden cameras. One is shaped like a cube and is a fully functional clock radio besides, offering a choice of black and white or color pictures. 

Another one contains not only a hidden camera but a transmitter as well that will penetrate between two to three interior walls that are up to six hundred feet away. These covert hidden cameras also have a signal that travels up to fifteen hundred feet away from the camera to your VCR and or your TV. You can also move it from room to room as easily as you would any regular clock radio. 

If you believe that having your covert hidden cameras inside of a clock radio just would not be classy enough for your living room, library or office, then you might want to take a look at the covert hidden cameras that come inside a mantle clock. This beautiful Seth Thomas mantle clock contains either a black and white low light or color/black and white high-resolution camera with a motion activated DVR, which is hassle free and easy to use. 

By using a wireless remote control, you activate the arm button, and then the moment any motion is detected, the video camera begins running and will continue to run for fifteen seconds after the motion stops.

Word Count:

Of the numerous different ways in which to disguise covert hidden cameras, clocks have, by no means, been left out of the equation. They are just one of the many items being used that cleverly allows you to keep an eye on things. There are a couple of different types of clock radios that contain covert hidden cameras. One is shaped like a cube and is a fully functional clock radio besides, offering a choice of black and white or color pictures.

Spies, spy gear, surveillance products, Spy Gadgets


Clever Types of Body Worn Cameras

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You suspect your employee is ripping off the company. It may be something a small as stealing petty cash or office supplies. It may be something much larger like pilfering office equipment, spare parts or important documents. Using one of the cleverly disguised body worn cameras may be just the ticket to finding out who is doing what, when you aren’t around to see it. 

One particularly clever device is the new day planner that comes with a camera hidden in the side. It provides a perfect way to keep an eye on light-fingered employees. It is also a great way to provide video surveillance during meetings and drug busts. 

And who would suspect that slender, card type calculator you carry around of being a high quality digital camera? It is capable of storing thirty-two images, which are easily transferred to your computer and is also capable of being used as a camera for your PC. 

But there are body worn cameras that can top even that special device. Nearly everybody wears a wristwatch, and there are state-of-the-art digital watch cameras available that even have built-in LCD displays. These great watches are not only great for covert work, but lots of fun, too. 

They can take up to 320 quality digital photos, feature a PC camera function and have a great rechargeable lithium ion battery, so you don’t have to worry about having to go out a buy a new battery all of the time. Can you think of an easier way to cart around a digital camera?

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You suspect your employee is ripping off the company. It may be something a small as stealing petty cash or office supplies. It may be something much larger like pilfering office equipment, spare parts or important documents. Using one of the cleverly disguised body worn cameras may be just the ticket to finding out who is doing what, when you aren’t around to see it.

Spies, spy gear, surveillance products, Spy Gadgets

Choosing Wireless or Hard Wired Home Security Products

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One very important decision that homeowners have to make regarding home security products is whether they opt for wireless or hardwired home security products. Obviously both wireless and hard wired home security products have their advantages and disadvantages. The decision to choose one type of home security products over the other is largely a matter of personal preference. This article will outline the advantage and disadvantage of these home security products and allow the reader to draw their own conclusion.

Wireless home security products certainly have their own advantages and disadvantages. For many the major advantage of wireless home security products is that the systems are easy and inexpensive to install. Home security products that do not require wires are so simple to install because you do not have to worry about installing complicated wiring into the walls. Another advantage of wireless home security products is that they can be easily moved from one location to another in the home. They can even be taken with you if you move to a new location. Finally another advantage is that wireless home products can be installed in locations where there is no access to a power supply because they have their own internal battery. Wireless home security products do have their disadvantages as well. One of these disadvantages is that wireless products often have design limitations that prevent these products from being placed too far from the central control panel. Another disadvantage is that wireless products require frequent battery changes. 

Hard wire home security products are preferred by some but they do have both advantages and disadvantages. One of the most significant advantages of hard wire home security products is the reliability of the systems. Many consider hard wire home security products to more reliable than their wireless counterparts. Another advantage to hard wire products is they are usually installed by professional contractors and the work and parts come with a warranty. The cost of hard wire home security products is a definite disadvantage. These products are usually more expensive than wireless versions. Another disadvantage is that moving the parts is usually difficult and often impossible. The components of a hard wire security system are usually leased from the company who installs them and are not owned outright by the homeowner.

Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of wireless and home security products will help you determine which type of home security products you want to use in your home. In many cases the advantage of one system is the disadvantage of the other system. For this reason, choosing these home security products is mostly a matter of personal preference. Speaking to a professional in the industry can be an excellent way to make this decision.

Word Count:

One very important decision that homeowners have to make regarding home security products is whether they opt for wireless or hardwired home security products. Obviously both wireless and hard wired home security products have their advantages and disadvantages. The decision to choose one type of home security products over the other is largely a matter of personal preference. This article will outline the advantage and disadvantage of these.

Home security,home security monitoring,home security products,home security cameras,

Certification Makes A Difference

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Many people have only the vaguest notion of what certification means. When asked if having a certified technician work on their home comfort system is important, their first reaction is often that certification really isn't that important.

But the truth is, certification makes a difference in the quality of service and really means peace of mind and assurance. When consumers realize that, their reaction and answer change. 

Consider the benefits of certification. To know how important the benefits of certification are to a homeowner, ask yourself if it's important that the technician working on your heater or air conditioner:

&#8226; Knows heating and cooling

&#8226; Has proof of his knowledge

&#8226; Is proficient

&#8226; Actually repairs the problem

&#8226; Does the job efficiently

&#8226; Does it right the first time.

Getting a certified technician means you know you're getting the best for your money. No one has a money bin-and the boss is only going to let you have so many days off, so any waste of time or money because you're using a non-certified technician could actually cost a homeowner twice.

NATE-certified technicians know heating and cooling. Certification does not necessarily mean that the certified technician is better than one who isn't certified-but anyone can say they're good. The consumer knows that a certified technician is knowledgeable because an impartial third party has had him checked out. 

The moral: It's your money-don't take people's word for how much they know-ask them for proof. And NATE certification is proof of knowledge of HVACR.

These tips are brought to you by North American Technician Excellence, or NATE, the nation's largest nonprofit certification organization for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration technicians. The U.S. Department of Energy endorses NATE for raising quality standards and energy efficiency. For a contractor with NATE-certified technicians, go to the Consumer Contractor Connection at www.natex.org. Remember, when purchasing a new unit, please select an Energy Star-qualified model.

It's your money. Don't take people's word for how much they know. Ask them for proof.

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When asked if having a certified technician work on their home comfort system is important, their first reaction is often that certification really isn't that important. But the truth is, certification makes a difference in the quality of service and really means peace of mind and assurance.

Certification Makes A Difference


CCTV Video Equipment Surveillance

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When you find yourself in need of a reliable, compact, affordable and dependable surveillance system, a DVR surveillance security system should be at the top of your list of products to check out. This type of surveillance equipment is easy to operate, simple to install, and can be utilized for a variety of purposes. Most of these systems are also economically priced.

Many of the DVR surveillance security systems on the market today offer many of the same universal features. Some of these systems offer units that can be placed on the dashboard of a vehicle for monitoring outdoor events, placed in your pocket for easy portability, and units that can also be used in homes as well as offices.

If you have hired help who are in your home when you are not, and suspect that something is just not right, or just need piece of mind, you will want to find a DVR surveillance security system that features wide angle views, covert pinhole lenses for the camera unit, a motion detection sensitivity mode, a time and date stamp as well as a searchable play-back mode.

Some DVR surveillance security systems available today even feature television playback so there is no need for software or transferring the information recorded to a VCR tape in order to be viewed. Most units operate on batteries, but it is important to remember that an A/C adapter will come in handy. Make sure that this common accessory is included with the system that you decide to purchase. A DVR surveillance security system that is to be used in the home or office with the aforementioned features will cost approximately a few hundred dollars. 

There are also professional DVR surveillance security systems that are used by corporations, large companies, and places where large masses of people gather such as shopping malls, hospitals, and government buildings. Systems such as these feature advanced software, central station managers, numerous channel sensor inputs, as well as multiple video capabilities. 

Smaller DVR surveillance security systems, like those used for the home, can be purchased at any major electronics retailer, and at finer camera shops specializing in security recording equipment. The larger systems utilized by corporations can be purchased through professional security companies dealing in recording equipment, and cost thousands of dollars.

The World Wide Web offers those looking for either type of DVR surveillance security system many options. There are a variety of online vendors, many of whom offer special pricing, from which a security system can be purchased.

No matter what your surveillance security needs are, you can rest assured that there is a DVR surveillance security system that will be just what you are looking for. 

<a target="_new" href="http://www.ssnt.com/">CCTV Video Equipment Surveillance</a>

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Many of the DVR surveillance security systems on the market today offer many of the same universal features. Some of these systems offer units that can be placed on the dashboard of a vehicle for monitoring outdoor events, placed in your pocket for easy portability, and units that can also be used in homes as well as offices.

CCTV, Video, Equipment, Surveillance

CCTV Cameras—Reduce the Risk of Crime

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CCTV Cameras are among the most effective ways to reduce crime in your business or home, and there are a number of places to purchase CCTV equipment, even if you’re on a budget. Here are some things to look for when you’re shopping for CCTV cameras that will help you save time and money, as well as help you to better to protect your property.
First of all, you need to choose a CCTV camera that has both a wide range and a quality lens, so that you can see what’s going on no matter which part of the property you’re on, and you’ll be able to spot any suspicious people or activity right away. 

Next, make sure that your CCTV camera is compact and is easily rotated. This way, the camera is not easily seen by intruders or customers, and the ability for the camera to rotate quickly and effectively will give you a total view of who comes in and out of your business or home. The Voltek Wireless CCTV camera is a great choice for this reason, and we also offer a number of great new product to compliment this camera. 
It’s also a good idea to make sure that the CCTV equipment you purchase works well with the way that your property is set up in terms of how many enclosed walkways there are, whether or not there are open spaces throughout the office space or home, and how many rooms are usually occupied on the property. This will help you to determine how large of a camera you should purchase, and you may also want to purchase wireless CCTV equipment to eliminate the look of cables and plugs across the walls of your property. 

Other equipment you’ll want to purchase in addition to the actual CCTV camera include a sign that you can post in front of your door or window on your property, which will let both potential criminals and customers know that the property is under surveillance. You’ll also want to make sure that you have a CCTV monitor that is hooked up to the camera, so that you can make sure that your property is safe, no matter where you are in your home or office. The monitors are available in both color and black and white, so you have the option of purchasing the monitors that are most affordable for you. If you’re just starting your business, or are switching alarm systems or moving into a new home or business building, you may also want to look into purchasing a dummy camera for a short period of time. The dummy cameras look very realistic, and you can use it to give the illusion of security on your property until you install a new CCTV camera. You may also want to look into the audio cameras we have to offer, such as the new Wireless Microcam Audio CCTV camera, so that you can hear what’s going on in your property as well as see it. 

The shape of your camera will also play a big part in how well hidden the camera is, and how secure you can keep your home or business. Many times, if a surveillance camera is very obvious or large, criminals will immediately try to destroy the camera before stealing merchandise or money, or otherwise damaging the property. If a CCTV camera is well hidden, it will be difficult for burglars to find the camera, and it is much more likely that you will catch the trespassing on tape accurately. A discreet camera will also make customers or others in your home feel safer. So, small cameras, dome-shaped cameras, and even submergible cameras are a good idea if you want to add a little extra security to your home or business. 

For more information on CCTV go to <a href=” http://www.musthavesecurity.com/cctv-kits.asp”> www.musthavesecurity.com/cctv-kits.asp</a>

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How CCTV Cameras can protect you home, offices and property.

CCTV, CCTV security, Home security,security

CCTV: You Are Being Watched, No Matter Where You Are

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Closed circuit TV, CCTV, doesn’t require an introduction at all. The purpose of installing wired or wireless CCTV is fundamentally the one of surveillance and vigilance. These are bigger in size than the wearable spy cameras or hidden cameras and so leave that for the detectives for the moment. (Also what we are not considering now is the Chinese TV channel: CCTV.)

It is thanks to IRA, the Irish Republican Army, for having paved the way for developing the concept of CCTV, albeit in a tragic way. The Royal British Army, in response to the IRA bombings has experimented using CCTV for years, including outdoors, since 1970s through to 1990s. Although exact numbers can not known, an estimate tells us that there are much more than 400,000 surveillance cameras on London streets alone.

Is It Just Military Surveillance With CCTV?
CCTV is extensively being used in security system of industries, banks, super markets homes and all such places which are perceived as strategically and financially important. Commercial establishments using CCTV have increased manifolds in UK although it is not so common in US as it is perceived as a privacy threat. New York City has about 4000 CCTV installations and most of which are in shopping malls and other public places such as Liberty Statue, Lincoln Express, British Parliament, and places of strategic importance. Traffic monitoring and prosecution & crime detection have leapfrogged with the advent of CCTV.

After All, Just What Is This CCTV
Well, CCTV is a closed network of small surveillance TV cameras which telecast and/or record anything in their field of view. CCTV networks are usually wired together and finally connected to one or more monitors. There will be more monitors depending on the importance of surveillance the cost factors. If you have lesser monitors than the number of cameras, they can be switched in a sequence onto monitor/s. CCTV cameras have capabilities to either record hours of footage they filmed or telecast in a short range at a particularly dedicated frequency which can’t be intercepted by normal TVs.

After the tragic bombings in London Metro tubes last July, there has been an increased public demand for using DVR (digital video recording) cameras rather than traditional cameras with tapes. If you wonder how this would have helped the cause, take it here. Tapes were removed in the fortnight following the bombings for study, and follow-up attacks could not be recorded as a result.

Thinking of CCTV installation at your office? Take professional help and consult police if necessary. Some cameras can be hampered with or can be intercepted with cheap receivers. A complete installation won’t cost more than $4000, which is nothing when security is uppermost.

Word Count:

Closed circuit TV, CCTV, doesn’t require an introduction at all. The purpose of installing wired or wireless CCTV is fundamentally the one of surveillance and vigilance. These are bigger in size than the wearable spy cameras or hidden cameras and so leave that for the detectives for the moment. (Also what we are not considering now is the Chinese TV channel: CCTV.)

cctv system,cctv alarm,home cctv,cctv camera


Catch A Burglar, Safely And Secretly

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In 2004 2.1 million burglary offenses occurred in the United States. Of those less than 15% of criminals were arrested.

One reason the arrest rate is so low is because burglaries often happen when no one is home or around to witness.

The reality is most people cannot physically monitor their home, or office at all times without installing a monitoring system and paying costly monitoring fees.

Monitoring companies are not a solution for everyone. The new business owner, the business owner with high overhead or the lower income households need to save money and they can do so with the TeleSpy Intruder Alarm.

The TeleSpy is a monitoring device equipped with a motion detection sensor and a highly sensitive amplified microphone.

It operates from any working phone jack and requires no installation. The TeleSpy phone model is the common slim line telephone that an intruder would not recognize as a monitoring system.

Simply enter a phone number that you can be reached at while away from the location. Cell phones work great because you can take them anywhere. If motion is detected the TeleSpy will call you automatically.

You will be able to listen in for 30 seconds through the TeleSpy's high powered microphone. After 30 seconds the TeleSpy disconnects and instantly re-arms to detect again and again.

If you hear an intrusion call the police. Your emergency will be a confirmed burglary in progress and treated as top priority.

You will want the best listening experience and sensor range to give the police as much details as possible. So consider a couple things when deciding a place for the TeleSpy.

The motion sensor range is in excess of 30 feet and the width is about 20 feet, creating about a 45 degree wedge beyond the sensor. 

Now think like a criminal. Where would they enter and what are they looking for? There is a self test feature that allows you to run trials.

If you have pets include them in the test trials. Raising the TeleSpy or pointing it in different directions will help you  pin point your pet(s) sensitivity and eliminate interference.

The TeleSpy is ideal for apartments, small homes or offices. But it can be a great supplement to buildings with existing systems.

The point is that if your property is being burglarized you need the police there as soon as possible. Criminals cost Americans five billion dollars a year and stolen property is often never returned to the owner.

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Over 2 million burglaries occurr in the United States every year. Only 15% of those burglars are actually caught. Find out how the police will make your call their number one priority if you ever become a victim.

telespy,TeleSpy,intruder alarm,burglar alarm

Capture Details with Digital Voice Recorders

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Attention convention goers. Now you can easily record contact details and trade event conversations using some of the great, new, little digital voice recorders available for you to buy. Conventions are busy, time-consuming affairs where you meet a lot of people and can gather up loads of information that could be important both personally and professionally. By using digital voice recorders, you can be sure that you will not miss out on a single important word or idea that comes up. 

Whether it is a new idea for a product line, a great new way to provide quality service to your customers or an overwhelmingly innovative idea on new surgical procedures that could some day help same one of your patient’s life, you will be sure to get every intimate detail down when your are using digital voice recorders. 

To do all of this, you no longer have to worry about lugging around heavy, cumbersome equipment. Digital voice recorders now come in such small, convenient sizes that you can easily throw one into your pocket, keeping it handy for instant use whenever you need it. Better still, you don’t have to worry about lugging around a bunch of space eating tapes like you used to when the only available recorders used cassettes. 

And unlike those old cassette recorders, you can record for hours without every having to worry about running out of space. So if you are in the market for digital voice recorders take a look at these great little MP3s and never again miss out on important information.

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Attention convention goers. Now you can easily record contact details and trade event conversations using some of the great, new, little digital voice recorders available for you to buy. Conventions are busy, time-consuming affairs where you meet a lot of people and can gather up loads of information that could be important both personally and professionally.

Spies, spy gear, surveillance products, Spy Gadgets

Burglar Alarm – Protect Your Home

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Burglar alarms have become things of common place in almost all super stores and business set ups. Private homes are not left out too far behind. Advancements in technologies and competition in the market have brought down the rates to around $10 for a basic alarm system.

How Does Burglar Alarms Work
Wired alarms are almost extinct. Wireless burglar alarms operate by either of the two means, today.

1.Connected by radio frequency

2.Connected by infra red light rays

Wired systems required power to operate continuously unlike the wireless alarms which run on battery power. There is the third type, which combines the features of the earlier two and is known as hybrid alarm.

Burglar alarms operate on simple principles. When their ‘connection’ or circuit cuts, they get triggered. When intruders pass between two sensors or a door opens it is detected by their cut circuit.

Normally there are 2 types of circuits; open circuit systems and closed circuit systems. Let us not get into jargons and cliché words; closed circuit operates when the door is closed as electricity begins to flow. But when interrupted by opening doors, circuit also opens and the alarm goes off. And it is the exact reverse of this in open circuit alarms. The siren is triggered when doors are closed.

Closed circuit alarms are first choice for front doors for the fear of wiring being cut by burglars.

How does a sensor work, after all? In a wired system, a magnet pulls the spring loaded switch to close circuit when door is closed. When the door opens, spring retracts causing the circuit to break and triggering the alarm. The principle is same for wireless infrared system too. In place of magnets and wires, there are infrared sensors and emitters. If sensors don’t sense infrared light for reasons like opened door or other obstructions, the circuit is broken.

Burglar Alarms are also useful in protecting cars. FM radio based car alarms are getting popular because of their simplicity. They have a two part system: a transmitter, fitted to the car and a receiver which can be out side the car (home or office). The receiver makes noise when burglars move the car a few meters out of your porch. If the wireless alarm (transmitter) is disconnected from battery, remote alarm still remains activated because the receiver still continues to make noise. So this type of burglar alarm is highly reliable.

While installing, ensure you follow specified codes by insurance companies or certify it by third parties like Underwriters’ Laboratory etc. After all, you need someone even after burglar alarms are breached.

Word Count:

Burglar alarms have become things of common place in almost all super stores and business set ups. Private homes are not left out too far behind. Advancements in technologies and competition in the market have brought down the rates to around $10 for a basic alarm system.

How Does Burglar Alarms Work
Wired alarms are almost extinct. Wireless burglar alarms operate by either of the two means, today.

1.Connected by radio frequency

2.Connected by infra red light rays

burglar,alarm,burglar alarm,burglar system

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