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The value of executive MBA and part time courses!

The value of executive MBA and part time courses!
India is becoming a hub of all professional courses and getting its students trained in all fields may it be science, business, management, finances and marketing. The value of these courses are recognized by big MNCs around the world and hence our government and private institutes are laying more stress on opening new colleges and business schools for students who want a luxurious life and lucrative packages. There are different types of MBA courses that are available these days and if you are working professionals then you can even go for distance MBA in Kolkata programs.
Search for top class colleges:
There are several top class institutes located in Kolkata for working professionals who offer distance learning education. You can get enrolled in degree course and diploma course any one you like as per your experience and qualification. If you look for various colleges that offer 1 year executive MBA in Kolkata then you can make your search online. There are many colleges that offer this diploma course of 1 year to students who want to build their career in this course. Full time MBA course is the most apt choice for people who are seeking a distinct edge of career choice.
Go for part time courses:
When you are working already in any corporate world but don’t want to leave the career development then go for executive MBA in Kolkata as a part time. Most of the top MBA colleges provide huge variety of executive programs and part time programs for amateur professionals to merge their career further. There are many benefits and worth of doing executive MBA and part time courses for working professionals.
Executive MBA:
An EMBA or executive MBA is particularly designed for people who are working in various fields. Executives, managers and different other experts take up such programs that they can continue while sitting at home. The main reason behind doing these courses is to simply enhance the existing skills as well as lighten up the opportunity of any job promotion. 
Know the eligibility to do EMBA:
Those individuals who wish to do EMBA must possess at least three to five years of work experience as the criteria of getting enrolled in such programs are this only. If you have this much work experience, then you are eligible for the same. Though its prospectus is at same level with regular MBA and the teaching levels in this learning is little high and mainly includes case study approach. You can apply for this course if you fulfill the eligibility criteria in any of the MBA distance education in Kolkata colleges. When you talk about working convenience professionals in to account then different executive business programs are provided part time or full time having duration of one, two or three years. You can go for this sort of MBA courses as it will fetch you some of the most amazing jobs in and around the world.
Pursue executive MBA for bright future!
These days not only students but individuals who are involved in family business also taking up studies and learning part time business or EMBA programs. Pursuing executive and part time business courses will let you have number of benefits. People who are looking for part time MBA classes can also opt for 1 year executive MBA in Kolkata and get a diploma for the same. This is the most amazing course that helps you in increasing your ability to work in a systematic way. You will be able to take decisions correctly and execute programs accordingly. There are many other business courses that are available and preferred by people around the world.
Flexible timings for executive MBA:
Individuals should get the degree in courses such as executive MBA in Kolkata. Most of the professionals and students are getting attracted towards this course is because of its flexible timing. Many classes are held in evening time so that people can work and study simultaneously. There isn’t any need to hinder your regular working life.
Learn new skills:
Candidates usually get to learn new skills and enrich the current knowledge based without leaving their work. They’ll get ample opportunities to deal with real life issues via different case studies as well as search solutions to those issues instantly. Most of the MBA courses are offered by distance MBA in Kolkata colleges. There are many opportunities for people to do MBA distance education in Kolkataand learn novel things related to their business and working field.

Increase your chances of becoming a data analyst with quality data analytic institute in Delhi

Are you thinking of pursuing a data analysis course but don’t know where to start? Do you possess great data analysis skills but need to polish them for a better career opportunity? If yes, then join data analytics institute in Delhi to become an accomplished data analyst in a standard firm.
Business analysis has emerged as one of the most crucial business practice in recent years. It develops a significant link between the company’s information technology abilities and its objectives. Therefore, everyone company, no matter big or small, requires to have business analyst who can contribute to the growth of the organization and its profit by measuring the market’s condition and taking the necessary decisions on every step. However, gaining knowledge about the market and the gathering useful data that needs to be evaluated and analyzed for the growth of the company is not a piece of cake. It requires learning the conditions of rapidly changing marketplace, observing the behavior of the customers, planning different strategies and implementing those strategies in a systematic way  to fulfill the requirements of the company.
This is certainly not a job for someone who lacks knowledge, therefore, in order to become a professional business analyst, joining a data analytics training institute in Delhi would be the appropriate option. Delhi is considered as one of the most developed and increasingly growing industrial sector of India. Being so close to National Capital, Delhi is a hub of numerous job opportunities and career transformation training. Analytics training institute in Delhi is one such field where a student who have finished his/her graduation and wish to pursue a career as a business analyst can expand their knowledge of the business world, marketplace and data.
How data analytics training institute in Delhi can help your career?
Most students consider pursuing an MBA course after graduating in order to become a business analyst, but they don’t know that it will only take another 2-3 years of their life without giving them the kind of experience and comprehension they require to become a business analyst. But with an analytics course from a quality institute would help them understand every concept of data analysis and provide proper training to the individuals to become a reputable business analyst for any sales company. Below are some of the elements of data analytics that you will be learning to help flourish your career as a business analyst.
  • Excel Skills: A data analyst certainly requires to possess some high end data manipulation and analyzing skills, and in order to do that, MS excel is often considered as the most preferred and widely utilized application. You will be taught advanced excel functions such as data management and analysis, lookup and reference functions, reports and chart preparations, pivot tables, graphics and many more.
  • Visual Basic and Macros Programming: Data analysis also demands performing accurate and complex calculations which can be accomplished efficiently by VBA and Macros programming.
  • Gathering Information: Surely a data analyst is required to gather valuable data through a number of sources that he/she would deeply look into to get a better insight of the condition of the market and activities of the customers. This ensures them to make necessary strategies and take vital decisions for the development of the company.
  • Financial Modeling: This process comes after gathering the data and structuring it to create a financial model for the company to perform future actions. This is a very integral part of the process which decides the overall success of the company’s project.
  • Report Writing: Creating reports after the process is highly important as it allows the company to look into their previous mistakes and prepare themselves for future projects.
With data analytics training institute in Delhi, you don’t need to be concerned over the quality of the education you will receive as they are noted as truly an outstanding school to nourish the candidate's mind and make them enhance their capabilities.
SLA Consultants India is a major training and development institution located at the center of New Delhi. But being in the profession for many years now, they have many branches on other cities and now considered as a leading data analytics training institute in Delhi as well.

The 21st Century Quest for Work-Life Balance

By Tricia Drevets
Called out by The New York Times last year for the challenging amount of hours it expects from its employees, Amazon is launching a test-run of a 30-hour workweek for some its technical teams.
According to a recent article in The Washington Post, a few dozen employees in the pilot program will work Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with some additional flexible hours. These employees will receive 75 percent of a 40-hour worker’s pay but will have same benefits as full-time employees.
Amazon’s test run of a reduced workweek comes at the same time the city of Gothenburg, Sweden is testing a six-hour workday. Results are inconclusive thus far, but both Swedish and international policy makers are interested in how fewer working hours affect both job productivity and job satisfaction.
Creating the correct work-life balance is a hot topic for the 21st century. It is an issue fueled in part by Baby Boomers, many of whom lost their retirement savings in the Great Recession and now have nothing to show for years of working 10-hour days, and part by their grown children, Millennials who have grown up with the work flexibility the Internet provides.
How do you best manage your professional and personal life in a world that tempts you to be on call 24/7? It is a dilemma for workers all over the globe. According to a 2015 global study of 1,200 international workers by Ernst & Young, one of three full-time employees surveyed say maintaining a healthy balance between work and home has become harder in the last five years.
With many people working with clients in different time zones coupled with the fact that we can be easily reached wherever we are, many people no longer have clearly defined working hours and non-working hours.
A study earlier this year by WorkplaceTrends.com and CareerArc found that 45 percent of employees reported that they did not have enough time for personal activities. About 20 percent of respondents said they spend more than 20 hours each week on their out-of-office personal time.
One of the problems, as noted in the Times piece on Amazon last year, is that many companies consider a full-time job to entail many more than 40 hours per week. The Ernst & Young report, for instance, found that 58 percent of American managers routinely put in more than 40 hours each week.
One of the main criticisms of a shorter workweek or a shorter workday is that productivity will drop. However, working more hours does not necessarily mean working better. Think about your average office setting.  Many workers take frequent breaks to get a cup of coffee to stretch their legs or to chat with co-workers. When you add in other interruptions, both planned and unplanned, it is unlikely more than six hours of real work is being accomplished ion a standard eight-hour workday.
Proponents of a shortened workday (or workweek) say that it forces better time management. In other words, more can be done in less time.
In an interview with the BBC, Jimmy Nilsson, an owner of Background AB, a digital production company in Stockholm which is testing a shorter workweek, gave this explanation,
"It's difficult to concentrate at work for eight hours, but with six hours you can be more focused and get things done more quickly.”
A shorter workweek that is as productive as a longer workweek does take some solid effort. It means blocking out distractions, such as frequent email checks and social media postings, and fewer breaks. It also can mean scheduling challenges for companies that deal with the public.
However, the overall health benefits may be worth it.
A 2015 study, published in The Lancet, showed that the risk of stroke was 33 percent greater for people who worked 55 hours per week than for those who worked 35-40 hours per week. It should be noted that an underlying factor in that study is that people who work those longer hours may be less physically active than other people.
The results of long-term research from Ohio State University Work revealed that women who worked 60 hours per week or more over three decades had triple the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and arthritis for women.
Allard Dembe, the lead author of the study, which was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, said
“Women – especially women who have to juggle multiple roles – feel the effects of intensive work experiences and that can set the table for a variety of illnesses and disability.”
Dembe said that job flexibility and on-the-job health screening and support could reduce the chance of workers developing these chronic conditions.
As a small business owner or entrepreneur, what can you do to achieve the best work-life balance for you and your employees? Here are a few ideas:
Consider a project-based approach that allows employees to put in more hours when a deadline is looming and fewer when the workload allows. This approach rewards good time management and encourages workers to set and reach goals.
Similarly, you can let workers set their own pace. If certain employees work best by working long days with several breaks, let them do just that. If, however, others work best by working in shorter bursts and then taking some time off, let them do that as well. This flexible approach allows for individuality and can foster company loyalty.
Another idea is to model a positive work-life balance yourself. If you expect your staff to be in touch with you 24/7, you show them that is what you expect of them. Train team members to tale new responsibilities so that you can be off call for the weekend or for a vacation. Then do the same for them when the time comes.
What the focus on work-life balance has taught us is that there is no one-size-fits-all amount of hours for all workers and for all businesses. A willingness to experiment with different approaches and to be flexible when it comes to workweek hours appears to be the healthiest approach.

7 On-Page SEO Essentials for Beginners

The online marketplace of today is extremely noisy. Having a web presence might have been enough 15 years ago – you would simply cobble a web page together and boom, you would get traffic, links, and customers. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that anymore. Google, the world’s leading search engine, is getting smarter by the minute. Ranking updates such as Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and more recently, Rankbrain, are making it very difficult to rank in every single niche. All niches are crowded and Google is interested in delivering the best possible results for every search query. Stuffing a bunch of keywords on a page doesn’t work like it used to thanks to co-occurrence and co-citation – it’s all about semantics and relevancy.
In a nutshell, Google upped its game considerably and is continuing to do so on a regular basis. If you want to stay afloat you will have to follow their lead.

What Exactly is On-Page SEO?

Basically, on-page SEO means optimizing individual pages skillfully so they regularly rank high in the search engines and bring in relevant traffic. It’s about content and the HTML source code. It’s called on-page because both of those things are directly influenced by you as the webmaster, as opposed to off-page SEO that takes into account inbound links and other external factors.
On-page SEO takes a lot of things into account but it’s becoming increasingly dependent on relevancy. Google is concerned with getting out the most relevant answer to the query in the shortest possible amount of time and algorithms are designed to recognize user intent and evaluate whether or not your page will be able to provide the best possible answer to the searcher.
Today I’m going to focus on on-page SEO essentials that you need to be doing right in order to achieve a higher ranking in Google search. They are not complicated and after reading you can go back to your pages and posts and tweak them for better results in the future.
For more in-depth information about on-page SEO I’ll gladly refer you to this great Whiteboard Friday video from the Moz team. It’s 11 minutes long and it explores some of the more advanced techniques you might be interested in after reading this guide on the essentials.

7 Essential On-Page SEO Elements  

Title Tag and Keywords

Your title tag is the most important element of on-page SEO that you can directly influence. It’s what Google displays in the search engine and those are the first words a potential visitor will see. Title tag signals to Google whether or not your page is a good fit for the search. Always include your keyword in there, preferably at the beginning of the title as keywords are weighted from left to right, meaning that the search engine places more value on words that are at the beginning or closer to the beginning. Also, make sure that your page title is wrapped in the
headline. This title tag sends a strong relevancy signal to Google and lets it know what the content is about. Most CMS platforms do this automatically but it doesn’t hurt to check. Make sure you don’t have more than one
on every given page.

Don’t Leave Your Meta Descriptions Blank

Even though the meta description is not nearly as strong of a relevancy signal as the title tag is, it’s something that users read before they decide to click on your link. Google claims that meta descriptions are not a very strong factor in the calculation and I do believe them. However, I also know that I usually read them. If they are appealing, concise, and include the keywords from my search I click on them. If not, I move on. Lesson to be learned – always strategically place your keywords into the meta description and invite people to find out more by clicking on the link.

Beware of Over-Stuffing Your Keyword

Keywords are important; there is no doubt about it. However, they are not as important as they used to be. Google algorithms are getting smarter and no amount of keyword stuffing is going to get you on page 1 of the SERPs. Instead, focus on dropping your keyword several times into the copy (preferably in the first paragraph) and then move on to complimentary and supportive words. Google uses semantic search to determine relevancy. This means that it’s looking at the content and trying to assess how authoritative it is. Let’s say your keyword is ‘Facebook Advertising’. Instead of repeating it 50 times in the text use other words such as ‘social media advertising’, ‘social media advertising guidelines’, ‘Face advertising tips’, and so on. 

Write Long Content

The purpose of content is important but, generally speaking, the longer it is the more authoritative it is. This is especially true for blogs and articles – posting anything under 800 words won’t get you much traffic. People are searching for in-depth content that can easily answer their immediate questions but to which they can go back to and reference when they have a need. Google knows this and, usually, awards lengthier pieces with better rankings.

Pay Attention to Your External Links

High-quality pages develop a symbiotic relationship when they link and mention one another thanks to something called co-citation. Basically, co –citation is one of the building blocks of semantic search. It signals to Google that your content is good enough to be picked up by others when they link to you. Alternatively, when you place outbound links to relevant sources it signals to Google that you’ve done your homework and know the top players in the niche. On the other hand, links are common courtesy these days because you can’t possibly cover everything on your page. They give your visitors a chance to learn more about something you’ve mentioned from other credible sources.
Outbound links – What you should know about outbound links via @DanielHerndler >>https://t.co/NzWhuELFOj pic.twitter.com/epri9ecuvy
— OnPage.org (@OnPage_org) September 12, 2016

Link Internally As Well

But do it smartly! You want to redirect users to the content they expect to see when they click on a link. If you’re just brushing on a term in one of your posts but have a more extensive write-up about it somewhere else by all means, link to it. However, don’t add unnecessary links only to drive readers to your sales or product pages – they will simply move away if they didn’t expect to see that. If they get what they’ve expected they are going to hang around and your dwell time will increase, signaling to Google that your content can keep readers engaged and boosting your rankings.

Improve Your Page Loading Time

There is absolutely no excuse for a slow-loading page these days. There are so many hosting options out there (most of them cost peanuts) that if your site has loading problems it simply means that you don’t care enough to fix them. It’s a major turn off for users accustomed to high-speed internet. Use specially built tools to check your site’s loading times and follow the recommendations on how to fix any problems you might be having.
Do you have any tricks up your sleeve you would like to share with the rest of the world? By all means, leave a comment below and let us know about your own on-page SEO tactics! 

Using YouTube for E-commerce Marketing

It's nearly that time of the year again – the holiday season! Retail business owners are rubbing their hands together because they know that sales are going to go through the roof - people just love buying thoughtful presents for their loved ones.
Online retailors should also start preparing for the holiday season. Despite the fact that online sales make up for only 10% of total sales between Black Friday and Christmas (when compared to brick and mortar stores) it’s still a fact that that segment of the market experienced double digit percentage growth in 2015. With people finding online shopping more and more convenient we can expect that number to go up this year.
One of the most under-utilized marketing channels for e-commerce is YouTube. It is dubbed the world’s second-largest search engine, coming second only to its parent company – Google. Smart marketers are well-aware of the fact that that type of exposure and reach shouldn’t be left untapped.
Here are a couple of YouTube stats that will turn your head:
  • YouTube has over 1 billion users
  • Over 4 billion YouTube videos are watched in a day
  • 300 hours of new content is uploaded to YouTube every hour
  • 323 days of YouTube video are viewed on Facebook every minute
The numbers speak for themselves. If you want to up your game this coming holiday season here are a couple of examples of how you could leverage YouTube to see those products simply flying away from your virtual shelves!

Tell a Story

The difficulty with YouTube video marketing is grabbing and holding the viewer’s attention. It’s a tough sell if your video features purely images and shots of your products and lists the reasons why they should buy. High-end e-commerce players can side-step this problem by creating unique video content in form of a short movie. This means the whole shebang – a plot line, an actor, a good director, and a gripping story. The purpose here is not to sell straight away. The purpose is to draw the audience in through storytelling and to differentiate your brand.
The great example of this is JewelMint campaign featuring Kate Bosworth. They shot a series of short videos that were promoted through Facebook and other social media platforms. Each video follows Kate’s exploits and JewelMint products are shown in great detail. It’s a perfect way to showcase your products without looking too pushy.

Demonstrate Product Use

If you want to sell more you better invest in customers support. There is no better way to extend a helping hand to your customers then recording a ‘How-to’ video that that demonstrates product use. It’s applicable across industries but we mostly see it from e-commerce sites that specialize in selling clothing and accessories. You can show different outfit combinations, tips on how to match and combine colors, ideas on how to wear certain pieces unconventionally, and more. Since a lot of people are doing online research before shopping these days, these videos can also serve to attract potential new buyers to your site. Customers want to feel secure in the knowledge that a company is looking out for them and will be able to provide them with both a great shopping experience and top-notch customer service. Beat them to the finish line – answer their questions before they even know that they want to ask them!
If you think you’d be hard-pressed to shoot a ‘How-to’ video for your particular line of products. Take a look at how Argos does it. They took an everyday household product, a refrigerator, and made a short video that is helpful to their buyers and assures every else that Argos offers premium support. 

Be funny!

Business doesn’t have to be all serious – especially not when you’re using YouTube as your marketing channel. Spoofs and comedies work great if you can tie them in with your product and have a higher chance of going viral than ‘How-to’ videos and promotional pieces. Orabrush is a company that produces toothbrushes specifically designed to battle bad breath. Their YouTube channel used to feature a weekly video about a tongue called Morgan and his hilarious exploits. The channel managed to rake up 180,000 subscribers and over 40 million unique views.

Partner up with a YouTube Influencer

YouTube has made instant stars of a lot of people over the years. Individuals took to creating their own videos, making tutorials, shooting funny pieces, and offering advice on a number of different topics. Some of them managed to grow their subscriber base considerably, making it lucrative for companies to offer them deals in exchange for using their products in their videos. If you can find an influencer in your niche, contact them and offer free samples in exchange for a review or a demonstration in one of their videos.
Maybelline, an international make-up company, partnered up with Chloe Morello, a YouTube celebrity with nearly 2 million followers. I’m guessing she doesn’t come cheap considering her huge fan base but Maybelline benefits from the deal by having access to millions of people through just one person!

Two Strategies Big Boys Should Concentrate On

Each and every one of these strategies was successfully used by different brands over the course of the last couple of years. However, if you are operating a large e-commerce business then you need to focus your efforts on one or two of them.
In my opinion, those two should be:
Partnering up with an influencer – basically, you need wide exposure and the best way to get it is partnering up with YouTube influencers who have a large following. Like this, you’re not leaving things to chance and you have a guaranteed audience even if you don’t break your back marketing your content.
Using TrueView and YouTube shopping ads – sometimes your YouTube campaigns need a bit of a push. YouTube makes money by showing your video and textual ads alongside video content that is contextually relevant. TrueView for shopping ads can be targeted to your own videos – you no longer have to swamp your helpful content with calls to action, simply set up a campaign in AdWords and pull relevant products from your Google Merchant center.
Give these strategies a try and don't be shy to report back with the results! If you have any suggestions - I'm all ears! Drop down by the comments section and give me a shout. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Negative Effects Resulting From Lack Of Vitamins In The Body

Negative effects resulting from lack of vitamins in the body

Vitamins are very important to the human body in different ages, and all the vitamin has many food sources, and medicines. But those medications must not only be abused by a specialist doctor. And the lack of any kind of vitamins leads to an imbalance in the human body.

In this article you will learn about the negative effects resulting from a shortage of all kinds of vitamins, you might remedy this deficiency in the beginning, and avoid complications.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "A": -

1) infection Night Bashy. 
2) eye infections, accompanied by itching and burning. 
3) inflammation of the eyelids eye. 
4) dry conjunctiva of the eye. 
5) Hair crust. 
6) brittle nails and easy to break it . 
7) constant fatigue and tiredness. 
8) feeling depressed. 
9) decrease in the rate of growth of children. 
10) a weakened immune system, leading to easy injury , especially infectious diseases including.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "K": -

1) delayed wound healing. 
2) blood thinners when exposed to any wound. 
3) atrophy mucous membranes ulcer. 
4) injury bile. 
5) the appearance of bruises on the skin without exposure to any messing. 
6) women subjected to severe bleeding during the menstrual cycle. 
7) the deposition of calcium in the soft tissue, which leads to atherosclerosis.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "C": -

1) deficiency is collagen . 
2) swelling of the gums and osteoporosis teeth. 
3) anaemia. 
4) delayed wound healing. 
5) weakness of immunity. 
6) weakness in the cartilage. 
7) weakness in bones and joints. 
8) loss of appetite. 
9) the large number of getting a cold.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "d": -

1) osteomalacia . 
2) of developing rickets. 
3) weakness of the muscles. 
4) ease of being broken and the crack in the bone. 
5) obesity and increase the accumulation of fat. 
6) depression. 
7) heart disease. 
8) a private memory, especially for the elderly problems. 
9) vulnerability to disease , cancer.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "e": -

1) the feeling of pain, and the presence of tingling in the sides. 
2) dryness and hair loss. 
3) weakness of the muscles. 
4) spasms in the muscles. 
5) problems in the central nervous system. 
6) injury atherosclerosis. 
7) weakened immune. 
8) vision problems. 
9) abortion for a pregnant woman. 
10) injury paralysed.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "B - 1": -

1) constipation. 
2) loss of appetite. 
3) lack of concentration . 
4) oblivion. 
5) fatigue and stress all the time. 
6) swellings in the body due to the retention of fluids. 
7) problems in the eyes. 
8) problems in the nervous system. 
9) injury , illness wild Berry. 
10) heart problems.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "B 2": -

1) infections of the tongue. 
2) sensitivity to light. 
3) feelings of anxiety and turmoil permanently. 
4) inflammation of the eyelid eye. 
5) redness of the eye. 
6) hair loss. 
7) rash my skin.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "by 3": -

1) skin infections. 
2) risk of developing dementia. 
3) problems in the digestive tract. 
4) roughness and cracks in the skin, especially in the sides. 
5) infections of the mouth and throat. 
6 ) mother surprise in the bones and muscles. 
7) is accompanied by itching skin rash when exposed to the sun. 
8) feeling depressed and general fatigue.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "by 5": -

1) loss of appetite suppressant. 
2) constipation. 
3) vomiting. 
4) thinner. 
5) weakness and hair loss. 
6) skin infections. 
7) drying the skin. 
8) disorders heart rate. 
9) nausea.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "6": -

1) depression. 
2) insomnia. 
3) dermatitis. 
4) muscle weakness and Her twitch. 
5) cracks in the corners of the mouth. 
6) anaemia. 
7) tremor in the hands. 
8) general weakness in the body. 
9) feeling light - headed.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "7": -

1) hair loss. 
2) loss of appetite. 
3) depression. 
4) muscle pain. 
5) dryness of the scalp. 
6) dandruff. 
7) neurological problems.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "9": -

1) anaemia. 
2) for pregnant women, can lead to the birth of deformed children or late mentally. 
3) amnesia. 
4) inflammation of the tongue. 
5) injury to some psychiatric and mental health . 
6) heart palpitations. 
7) osteoporosis.

Effects resulting from a lack of vitamin "B - 12": -

1) weakness in the memory. 
2) feeling tired all the time and not being able to perform any duties required. 
3) weakness in the vision. 
4) weakness in focus. 
5) numbness of the hands and feet . 
6) drying the skin. 
7) psychological problems. 
8) loss of appetite. 
9) yellowing of the eye. 
10) jerk in the body. 
11) hair. 
12) constipation. 
13) problems in the monthly cycle. 
14 ) weight loss .

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "metro epicerie"


The Most Important Gold Production Countries In The World

اهم دول العالم في انتاج الذهب

Over the past few decades, mining has become the gold global industry really, currently, there are 90 countries out of precious metals mining and offer the highest 20 countries produce more than 75% of the gold in the world each year, gold lovers interested to know that the most important gold producer in the world they are :

1- China - 355,000 kg:

Topping China this list, and China is the consumer 's number one gold, the country in which the withdrawal of hundreds of millions of people out of poverty for development, and the country in which virtually controls the fifth production by the National Gold Group of China, despite the presence of extensive gold mines, China has only about 1,000 tons of reserves, with about 1.7 percent of foreign holdings. There are more than 1,900 tonnes is still extractor in the ground, although it is going fast, with high annual rate of more than 10%.

2 Australia - 270,000 kg:

miners in Australia are working steadily, in search of gold to the huge distances and thus they topped the second place on the list of the most important countries in the world in gold production with possession of nearly 270,000 kilograms of gold. Two - thirds of this amount comes from mines in Western Australia from Perth. The largest open - pit mine on the continent is the Golden Mile, and this leads to the production of the mine the value of these exports to Australia harvested gain of up to $ 14000000000 a year. In addition to the nearly 7,400 tons of reserves, holding Australia to about 80 tonnes of gold , or 9.3% of foreign reserves.

3 United States - 237,000 kg:

The United States in third place of the most important countries in the world in gold production at current rates. Most US mines in Nevada located (near Las Vegas and one of the strange coincidence of these sparkling mineral - city) and Montana, and the coffers of New York City, and Fort Knox, and other places. It holds more than 8,000 tons of gold in the vaults of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department; thus , there are 75% of the total foreign exchange reserves. It is scheduled to re - open the mines once in Montana obsolete for current production figures, as gold prices have escalated in recent years.

Russia 4 - 200 000 kg:

Russia has for nearly ⅙ of the world 's landmass. Russia occupies the fourth rank in the most important countries in the world's gold production.

5- South Africa - 190 000 kg:

South Africa is the state gold producer among the most important countries in the world in gold production, coming in at about 190,000 kg per year. In fact, until 2006, it was South Africa is the largest gold producer in the world, but they backed away from the biggest driving force behind considerate country 's participation in the global economy. In 1886, South Africa has led to a dash to the establishment of Johannesburg, the largest city in the country.

6- Peru - 150,000 kg:

Peru is the largest gold producing country in Latin America, second only to the Americas in the United States. While they reap good profits from gold as the price of gold mineralization is affected by the negative impacts on the environment. Mining in Peru has increased by 400% in the past decade, which means they are affected by heavy losses on the Amazon in Peru. The problem here with the gold mines in Peru is the presence at the top of the mountains, and the mountains and the affected land in the surrounding area mining operations.

7- Canada - 110,000 kg:

Canada is a land of ice and oil , precious metals and the majority of the gold, particularly from Ontario, specifically in the Red Lake gold mine. Canada is the country ranked seventh among the most important countries in the world in gold production. Canada is characterized by gold in its own currency, so much to the acquisition of this unique currency.

8- Ghana - 100,000 kg:

Know Ghana abundance of minerals, which is famous as the Gold Coast, as Ghana produced about 100 tons of gold in 2011, in spite of dwindling supplies. There are only an estimated 1,400 tons of reserves, as the gold mining industry in Ghana accounts for about 5% of GDP in the country, with a metal for about 37% of the exports of countries. Ghana is the second country in the list of the largest gold producer in Africa, behind South Africa.

9- Indonesia - 100,000 kg:

Indonesia is a country that occupies ninth place among the most important countries in the world in gold production. Uzbekistan has the largest open pit mine in the world, and so it has achieved the record for the largest gold mine in the world, which belongs to Indonesia. It worked in the mine for about 19,000 workers. Unfortunately, this region is one of the most toxic sites in the world. This mine is called for about 1,000 tons of mercury into the atmosphere each year, in addition to the production of 100,000 kg of gold. 

10- Uzbekistan  - 90 000 kg:

Uzbekistan is one of only two non - coastal countries, but this does not mean poverty of precious resources. Uzbekistan is ranked 10 on the top ten of the largest gold producer in the world. Uzbekistan produces about 90,000 kilograms of gold annually.

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Best 6 Youtube channels to learn English from a beginner to a professional for free

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Metro magazine look for the best news; articles. And today we share with you a small article may will be helpful for your professional life. Thank for joining our community!

Learning English has become an urgent today, and speak fluently in that language need is essential for those seeking better employment opportunities in global companies and even local. As a researcher you need also learn this language if you want to access to the informations in your field and also develop your skills in it. Today I offer you a list of six channels on "YouTube Speak English for professional and larger free". 

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1 - EngVid English

Almost channel by 11 teachers, which is very important to get used to different ways in the learning process and talk in this language, and that the channel relies on the Canadian teaching methodology, such as the channel has studied the 900 registered and available for free on YouTube since late 2013

2 - Speak English with Misterduncan

If you are interested in learning the english language with humor then you are in the right place and the channel. From the United Kingdom, the oldest channel for more than 10 years, and includes hundreds of different lessons

3 - VOA Learning English

This American channel, ideal for those who want to learn English and speak American accent . Mainly contain short video clips speak in specific subjects as she translated in English even easier for you to know the words. This Channel is updated periodically and is active since 2009.

4 - BBC Learning English

This channel is definitely one of the best content providers content in English as in the BBC official.Here you can find videos of varied content where you can learn or enhance your level of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. The deployment of video every day with specific and different themes for each day of the week. For example, every Monday you can find a video that talks about the new "Tips to increase and improve vocabulary" While we dedicate on Tuesday for "everything you need to learn the grammar (in 6 minutes)" and so on.

5 - British Council | LearnEnglish

British council is the website of the British Council for English Language Learners. Active since 2010, it has videos that are filed for the channel from time to time and last clips.

6 - Two Minute English

You don't like the long-form videos. These are ideal channel for you my friend, that would be show a very short video clips. And be the subject of these passages about stuff related to daily talks and what one needs to connect with others in daily contact with them

The links:

1 - EngVid English
2 - Speak English with Misterduncan
3 - VOA Learning English
4 - BBC Learning English
5 - British Council | LearnEnglish
6 - Two Minute English

I wish you happy reading, learning. If you have any question , suggestion put it in comment , we are here to help you. Enjoy the weekend with Metro Magazine. Thank you!
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