One of the most insidious causes of the fear they inspire may lie in ... the music that accompanies the shark images, including documentaries. THE WORLD SCIENCE AND TECHNOFollowed by a mid way. Dommmm-dum ... Very serious both. Just a shift semitone. And this again. Dommmm-dum ... And yet, and faster. Domm-dum, dum-domm. And yet, even faster. And louder, more and more disturbing, more heady. Dom-dom, dom, dom, dom-dom dom-dom domdoum, domdoum DOMDOUM DOMDOUM ...
No, the columnist has not taken a sunburn on the decanter during the summer, he tried to exercise unlikely to make you guess the most famous film in the history of film music. He hopes that you will recognize the theme, composed by John Williams, of Jaws, Steven Spielberg, and you saw appear in the corner of your brain the huge white shark that terrorizes man eating a small American resort 1970s, snacking on swimmers as others crunched into cocktail sausage appetizer. Dom-dom, and that the fin cutting through the wave. Dom-dom, and that appetizing arms and legs seen from below ....