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Physics: Physicists detect a particle that is its own antiparticle

Using a copper wire width of an atom only, physicists from Princeton University have managed to show a particle predicted in 1937, but had never been observed until now for sure: the particle Majorana (see red area in the zoomed portion of the image). Credits: Yazdani Lab, Princeton University
A particle that is also its own antiparticle? This is known Majorana particle. Predicted in 1937, it has first to be detected by physicists from Princeton University (USA).
Physicists detected for the first time the existence of a said Majorana particle. Majorana particle? Predicted in 1937 by the Italian physicist Ettore Majorana, a Majorana particle is both matter and antimatter ....
Let us briefly recall what antimatter. The particles of antimatter have the same mass as their equivalent material but carry an opposite charge. For example, the positron, positively charged, is the antiparticle of the electron, negatively charged. Particulate matter and antimatter are always produced together, as a pair. Yet around us is almost exclusively composed of matter, which suggests that during the evolution of the Universe, very large quantities of antimatter have been "lost" (read more about antimatter, read this article extension antimatter published on the CERN site)
In practice this means that the particle Majorana is electrically neutral, since combining opposite charges (the charge of the particle, and the burden of the antiparticle, opposite to that of the particle). 
That said, let the circumstances of the discovery of this particle Majorana. To detect the physicist Ali Yazdani (Princeton University, USA) and colleagues have created a superconducting copper wire (Superconductivity is a phenomenon in which a material transports electricity with zero electrical resistance) off of an atom only. And it is by observing the end of the wire using a scanning tunnelling microscope that they discovered there the presence of Majorana particle.
Obviously, this methodology was not chosen at random: in 2001, the physicist Alexei Kitaev had indeed predicted that a Majorana particle would be likely to appear at the end of a superconducting wire. Where the methodology chosen by the authors of the new work.
Note that the discovery of this particle could lead to applications in quantum computers. Contrary to the "classical" computers, one of the essential principles of quantum computers based on the idea that an information unit may be worth while both 0 and 1 (corresponding to a state that physicists called "quantum superpositition"), which is obviously not the case in the binary system used by our computers, where an information unit can not argue that either of the two values ​​0 and 1.
This work was published October 2, 2014 in the journal Science, entitled "Observation of Majorana fermions in atomic chains ferromagnetic superconductor was".

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Researchers find the strongest natural material in the world

The tooth of a limpet, this marine gastropod with a conical shell, is nothing less than the strongest biological material known to date, reveals a new study.
So far, spider silk was considered the strongest natural material in the world (read "soon The body armor products spider silk?" On the Figaro), stronger than steel and kevlar. But spider silk has been dethroned by a new biological material even stronger: the teeth of limpets, these marine gastropods have a conical shell. A discovery made by British scientists from the University of Portsmouth.

In fact, the strength of its teeth is valuable for limpet: it is thanks to them that the limpet can "shred" effectively the surface of the rocks, in order to remove the algae to feed.
In reaching the conclusion that the teeth of the patella is the strongest biological structures in the world, professor of engineering Asa Barber (University of Portsmouth. UK) and colleagues analyzed the mechanical behavior of teeth limpet to using an atomic force microscope, a tool to visualize the surface topography of a sample to the nanometer scale.
In this work, these scientists discovered the secret of solidity teeth limpet: the presence in them of goethite, a mineral that develops gradually as the limpet grows.
This discovery could enable the development of new superhard materials. Indeed, by copying the fibrous tooth structure limpets, it might well be possible to design very solid structures used in the manufacture of cars, aircraft or boat hulls.

This work was published February 18, 2015 in the journal Interface, entitled "Extreme strength Observed in limpet teeth".

** Apple prepare a close GoPro camera **

Apple is currently working on the development of a mini camera, similar to those offered by the manufacturer GoPro (above). Credits: GoPro / Hero4
Apple filed a patent for a small portable camera, near the Mini-cameras currently sold by GoPro. After analysis of the patent, it appears that this new camera has neither more nor less ambition to dethrone the GoPro cameras, including through greater strength.
Apple will launch there soon a mini camera, similar to those currently offered by GoPro, but enjoying greater strength? In any case that suggests a patent filed by the firm at the apple, which focuses specifically on the development of a small portable camera.

Specifically, this patent was originally filed in 2012 by Kodak. It was later acquired by Apple in November 2013, on the occasion of a sale of portfolio containing over one thousand patents.
What does this patent? First, it explicitly mentions the GoPro brand, evoking the fragility of cameras sold by this manufacturer. This already suggests that the camera system protected by this patent is not far GoPro cameras.

But this patent also mentions other elements: it indeed indicates that the camera system described in this patent can be integrated with helmets for bicycle, the diving equipment, or be mounted on motorcycles or surfboards. So many uses for which the GoPro cameras are used in preferred manner.

And that's not all. Because the patent acquired by Apple as evoking this camera system could be remotely controlled by an iPhone, stating that such a system could be used to capture images, but also sound, as part of underwater dives.

Following the revelation of the existence of the patent, to the credit of the US blog Patently Apple (read the post "Apple Granted Patent is for a Superior-like GoPro Camera System" devoted to this new camera system) stock market operators are not mistaken: the new camera described in this patent acquired by Apple does have the ambition to dethrone the GoPro cameras, that the fall in the stock GoPro action of 12%, the occurrence January 13, clearly illustrates. 

** Divers discover a huge sunfish **

VIDEO - Exploring the waters along the Portuguese island of Santa Maria, divers fell nose to nose with a fish moon of exceptional size.

A huge sunfish. This is the amazing encounter recently made by divers who explored the coastal waters of the island of Santa Maria (Portugal).

This discovery was filmed by divers, and posted on YouTube October 11, 2015.

"The fish moon did not seem bothered by our presence," said Miguel Pereira on the Youtube page of the video. "He followed us for 15 minutes."

Sunfish, the heaviest of all the bony fish known to date, is characterized by a mass which can easily exceed a ton. He played in most tropical and temperate waters of the world.

In a peaceful nature, the moon fish feed primarily on jellyfish.

Here is the video made by Divers:



What differences between the United States and the European Union?

Lawyers say that the European Union and the United States are completely different. They are probably right. But from the point of view of the average citizen, the similarities in everyday life are many, although there are still some fundamental differences.


Let's start with the obvious: the USA as in much of Europe, citizens use a single currency, identical to that of neighboring states. The borders between states are also fully open within the Union.

As in Europe, the USA, a number of areas remain the responsibility of the States: traffic, certain taxes, social security, minimum wage, certain areas of justice (the laws on marriage, drugs or port arms for example), etc. opt-out procedures also exist for certain legislation at the federal level (eg opt-out may exist for certain parts of the reform of the health system wanted by Barack Obama).

At the political level, some courses are demanding more independence of states from the federal government, in contrast, other trends want more control by the Union. The governors, senators, and other local elected officials in the United States indeed retain great importance in daily life.
Historical differences are obvious: the United States of America were born there more than 200 years, a willingness of the British colonies to break free of the Crown. Europe meanwhile is built for less than a century, gradually, block after block (first by coal and steel, then by an economic area, etc.) What is still missing Europe to unite all its citizens, it is the direct election of a President. We saw it in 2008, the election of the US President has gathered all Americans - and this even if the power of it is still quite limited in practice. In the European Union, for against, parliamentary elections were marked by a decline in participation rates. The Euro-enthusiasts also calling for political parties transnational lists and the proposal of a candidate for President of the Commission during the parliamentary campaign to better politicize the debate.

Another fundamental difference between the US and the EU is language: even if the plurality of accents (sometimes different as to be almost incomprehensible to one another) is real, the English language is the norm in the US . Follows a media presence on all the US territory, something that does not exist in Europe where 23 official languages ​​coexist.The link of citizens in general and in particular policies "Founding Fathers" is also very different: in the USA, it is common in political discussions, referring to it; while in the EU, few people even know the names of the founders of Europe, let alone the principles that have guided. Finally, the US citizen feels totally American, while in contrast, is the first European will claim (or only) to its original state.

Is Europe must model the United States of America?
Probably not: the similarities exist, but it is not simply copying the USA that we will move Europe forward. By cons, it is worth looking at in detail these differences; Why not take some ideas there. As mentioned above, give a European dimension to the election of MEPs, with transnational lists and a nominee for the presidency of the Commission, could gather voters around really European issues, and give more substance to political Europe . Similarly, the history of European integration and the principles that have guided still too little known, undermining European sentiment.

A greater presence on the international stage, with common positions and coordinated responses among Member States, could also gather all Europeans; it is this idea that guided the creation of the post of High Representative for Foreign Policy, occupied since December 2009 by Catherine Ashton, but we are still far from having achieved this. Finally, it is important, even essential, to keep the cultural and linguistic diversity of Europe. This wealth must be preserved, but we must push for greater understanding between Member States - not only linguistic but also cultural.


Aloe Vera (Aloes) , New research , New Uses

Since 6000 years, aloe is used in both herbal medicine in dermatology and cosmetology. Clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of its therapeutic properties in the treatment of some dermal diseases, gastrointestinal disorders and is an excellent antioxidant to fight against cellular aging.

Scientific name: Aloe vera , Aloe barbadensis
Common names: aloe, lilies of the desert
English name: Aloe vera
Botanical Classification: lily family ( Liliaceae )
Forms and preparations: gel, milk, juice, capsules, lotions, creams, drinks
medicinal properties of Aloe vera
Hypoglycemic effects (low blood sugar levels in the blood) and cholesterol (lipid lowering): management of diabetes 2 and hypocholesterolemia. Gastrointestinal disorders: constipation punctual, flatulence.

Antioxidant effect: acts against cellular aging. Other: effective against chronic fatigue, candida and periodontitis . Its gel minimizes the risk of infection and has superior nutritional properties.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "aloe vera"

Relieves skin conditions: acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, boils, itchiness.Analgesic effect light: joint pain , muscle and sensitivity.
To relieve gastrointestinal problems, soften dehydrated skin, irritated or dry.
demonstrated therapeutic indications
In the case of diabetes, for its hypoglycemic effect. To treat irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation.
History of the use of Aloe vera herbal medicine
The Aloe vera find its origins in Africa and some islands in the Indian Ocean. The gel of this plant was already used to treat skin problems and constipation in ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. For some historians, the Spaniards have imported raw aloe plants in America, around the sixteenth century. In 1820, there is mention of Aloe vera in the official Pharmacopoeia of the United States and in 1935 a group of American doctors are used in the treatment of burns consecutive to exposure to X-rays since interest in this plant the hundred virtues has been increasing worldwide.
Botanical description of Aloe vera
Plant of the lily family, such as asparagus , tulip, lily, onion, garlic and chives, theAloe vera is one of monocots. The plant is about 70 cm high, its roots are shallow, and it consists of a variable number of fleshy leaves, triangular, pointed at the ends. Small pale yellow spines are often present on the periphery of its leaves. Flowering, yellow light, appears on stems in the shape of trumpets and its fruit is capsular. Its gel, pale green slime, is taken from the center of the leaves, while the latex is extracted from the small channels present in its stem.This plant grows on limestone and sandy soil, in a warm atmosphere and rather dry. It is grown commercially in the United States, the Caribbean, the Philippines and Mexico.
Composition of Aloe vera
Its gel and latex are used in herbal medicine and naturopathy; dermatology and cosmetology, only the gel is operated.
anthracene derivatives sap aloin, aloe emodin, aloïnosides and hydroxy-aloins.
Mono and polysaccharides: cellulose, mannose, glucose, aldopentose and L-rhamnose.
amino acids: aspartic acid, isoleucine, hydroxiproline, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, théonine, valine, leucine (essential amino acids) and proline, serine, tyrosine, glutamic acid, alanine, arginine, cystine, glycine, histidine (secondary amino acids). Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12 and PP.
minerals: calcium, copper, chromium, chlorine, lithium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and zinc. Enzymes catalase, amylase, lipase, cellulase, oxidase and phosphatases.
Other items: aloenin aloesin, cinnamic acid, résistanol, lignin chrysophanic acid, saponins, volatile oils and choline.
Use and dosage of Aloe vera
- In the gel, the Aloe vera should be applied in thin layers directly on the skin.
- In juice consumption 50 ml per day is the maximum dose.
- In the form of capsules, the recommended dosage is 200 to 300 mg per day.
Precautions Aloe vera
It is best to focus on brands that do not contain aloin. It should avoid sun exposure after gel application of aloe vera on the skin, due to the risk of photosensitivity.
The consumption of its latex is not suitable for pregnant women, young children and people suffering from the syndrome irritable bowel , ulcers, heart or kidney problems. It is ineffective pursuant to infected lesions.
Abdominal cramps and diarrhea can occur when the latex of Aloe vera is used in high doses or for a long time.
The gel and latex should not be taken simultaneously with plants laxative effect, hypoglycemic and hypercholesterolemic.
Avoid taking latex or drink gel along with drugs to laxative effect or which lower the blood sugar and cholesterol .
Doctor's opinion
The Aloe vera is a true ally, every day, nutritionally. Eighty members of the 200 that constitute it, are proving to be important nutrients for better health (amino acids, vitamins, minerals, mono and polysaccharides, enzymes). The presence of choline helps to control cholesterol, provides good functioning of the liver and is involved in memory processes. The Aloe vera is particularly useful to prevent or fight against constipation.
Aloe gel improves the condition of mature skin because it has biogenic stimulating properties. It multiplies by 7 or 8, the production of fibroblasts, which create human collagen. Moisturizing and emollient softens irritated skin, burned surface or very dry.

For ingestion of the gel of Aloe vera oral or its latex, liquid or capsules, follow the dosage indicated on the containers. If in doubt, it is best to seek advice from their doctor or pharmacist.
Research on Aloe vera
The latest scientific research has focused on gels and creams made ​​with aloe vera and were conducted in dermatology. Another research on the action of Aloe vera gel on gingivitis failed to confirm its effectiveness. Furthermore, other clinical trials were conducted in the field of diabetes treatment, the genital herpes and chronic constipation. Some results have indicated that a topical product containing 0.5% extract of Aloe vera was more effective than placebo to help treat lesions caused by herpes genital.

General Science Magazine and Doctissimo


Audit ISO 9001: certified quality management system

Obtain ISO 9001 certification, is to rely on eight quality management principles including customer focus, employee involvement, process approach and continual improvement. ISO 9001 is the source of many other industry standards. Any company having implemented a quality system for at least one year, internal audits and management review can access the ISO 9001 certification.

ISO 9001 certification and its benefits

  * ISO 9001 helps improve the efficiency of your organization and thus its performance
  * Participate in an ISO 9001 audit your internal resources federates around a common project
  * ISO 9001 generates customer confidence, external recognition
  * ISO 9001 puts the customer at the centre of your organization
  * Allows to systematize a process of continuous improvement
  * Lets challenge the destructive habits of values ​​- a fresh look with an ISO 9001 audit
  * Guarantee the continuity of your business
  * ISO 9001 VERSION 2008

ISO 9001: 2008  is the latest version of the standard. ISO 9001: 2008 introduces no new requirements compared to the 2000 edition it replaces. It merely provide, based on eight years of experience in the application of the standard in the world, clarifications to the existing requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 and changes to improve consistency with ISO14001 standard on environmental management systems.

Quality is defined as the ability of a product or service to meet the needs of a user [NF Z67-130] .We are here specifically interested in quality management that is all organizational techniques that contribute to the achievement of quality in the control of the production of goods or services.

There are many quality management tools: PDCA, Pareto diagram cause-effect, Six Sigma, 5 why, FMEA, Poka Yoke, 5S, Five Whys, brainstorming, compatibility matrix ...
Concepts effort is made defined in ISO 9000: Management Responsibility, Quality System, Contract Review, Design control and documentation, traceability, process control, inspection and testing, nonconformity management, Actions corrective and preventive actions, non-quality costs, internal Audit and certification audit.

Good reading
Any questions, with pleasure we will response ASAP

Moroccan Sahara, this tax haven ...

After the return in 1975 of the Saharan provinces in Morocco, the government established a number of measures to promote the growth and economic development in these provinces. Thus, massive investments in infrastructure have been made (roads, desalination plants of sea water, connection to the national grid, ports, airports ...), and significant tax measures have been taken to promote entrepreneurship and encourage the staff of the Moroccan state to move away from their home towns.
Thus, the Saharan provinces are simply exempt from all taxes:

Tax on society (IS): 0% (30% elsewhere)
Added Tax (VAT): 0% (20% elsewhere)
Income tax (IR): 0% (tax increments elsewhere)
Domestic consumption tax (TIC): 0% (tax that affects mostly petroleum products, soft and alcoholic drinks)
Even the US state of Delaware, yet renowned as one of the largest tax havens in the world, is no better!

No wonder more and more Moroccan companies are domiciled in Laayoune, while the bulk of their business is based in Casablanca and Tangier ...

One of the problems that caused the latest events of Laayoune, is precisely the dependence of the inhabitants of the aid of the Moroccan state. For obvious political reasons, the State has developed a culture of handouts, distributing "cartiya" of the National Mutual entitling to 1350 DH / month, with free transportation and free distribution of food. But these cards were distributed according to far from fair criteria, and do not necessarily go to the most needy ... And this inevitably creates situations like those experienced by the Gdeim Izik camp in recent weeks.

And for those who accuse the Moroccan government to "loot" the resources of the Saharan provinces phosphates, Mr. Terrab, CEO of OCP has made a very clear answer on the issue in a statement to Reuters:

OCP HAS faced criticism from foreign Some civil society groups over it operations in Western Sahara, an area about the size of Britain That Was APPENDIXD by Morocco in 1975 and is the subject of Africa's longest-running territorial conflict.

OCP has faced criticism from some foreign civil society groups over it operations in Western Sahara, an area about the size of Britain that was annexed by Morocco in 1975 and is the subject of Africa’s longest-running territorial conflict.

Critics say the firm should not be exploiting Western Sahara’s mineral resources until the sovereignty issue is settled. Terrab rejected that, saying his firm was not in Western Sahara to pursue profits.
Company officials say the territory has less than 2 percent of Morocco’s phosphate reserves, and that between 1976 and 2008 the firm made net losses there of 4.716 billion Moroccan dirhams, or about $580 million at the current exchange rate.

“If we stopped that operation, we could probably stop our losses at the same time but you would have 1700 families that would lose their livelihood,” Terrab said. “So we see it as the opposite, we see it as our moral duty to be there.”

Basically, OCP loses a lot of money by exploiting the mines Boukraa, and is doing so primarily to create jobs and economic and industrial fabric in the region.

OCP: Office cherifienne des phosphates

** Is Apple going to discontinue the MacBook Air? **

Apple released a new and improved MacBook (no more plastic) in April 2015. This 12" laptop is smack dab in the middle of the 11" and 13" MacBook Airs and it sports a retina display. Visually, it makes the 13" MacBook Air absolutely big. It is also lighter. Apple has little compunction to discontinue a best-selling product. You may recall that in 2005 Apple stopped producing the iPod mini, then the best-selling music player in the market. It was replaced with the iPod nano.

For an example of what Apple planning and what they are going to do with the MacBook and the MacBook Air, we have the perfect historical example in, incidentally, the MacBook Air and the MacBook. In 2008, Apple released the MacBook Air. It was thinner and lighter than the MacBook, Apple's best-selling laptop at the time, but had fewer ports, shorter battery life, a smaller and slower hard drive, was dramatically underpowered, and way more expensive. Three years later, Apple discontinued the 2010 MacBook as the 2011 MacBook Air took its place as the most popular Apple laptop. We also see this pattern with the retina MacBook Pros. 

The MacBook is a showcase, showing where the line is going. It's not a product for everyone. However, in 2-3 years, it will replace the MacBook Air and Apple will likely discontinue that line or roll the two lines together like they did with the MacBook Pro. The MacBook will overcome its limitations as the technology progresses. 

Although there is no major upgrade to Macbook Air, I don't think Apple is gonna discontinue Air. Because:
  1. Macbook 2015 is not a powerful machine. It has got Intel Core M processor which is for small applications where as Macbook Air has got Intel Core i5/i7 processors that can run considerable applications.
  2. Macbook 2015 is solely targeted for students or the people who use the machine only for browsing, listening to music and possibly, writers. It cannot be used for running heavy applications.
The only noticeable feature is the retina display but considering everything else, Macbook 2015 in no way in line to make Apple discontinue Macbook Air.

But with the introduction of iPad Pro, questions has been raised on the continuation of Macbook 2015 and Macbook Air. iPad Pro has got a wonderful 12.9-inch display with an incredible resolution of 2732x2048 that is better than retina display! It is an amazing device integrated with a desktop class performance, much more faster A9 chip. It is just beautiful and it will hit the sweet spot for all the students, artists, musicians, scientists, doctors almost in every field who desires for a perfect portable device. Microsoft Surface Pro was designed long back with the very intention and just when it was taking over iPad Air, Apple introduced iPad Pro. :P

Who needs a Macbook Air or Macbook 2015 when they can get a iPad Pro with a keyboard (sold separately by Apple)

But, the rumor is that Apple is gonna make a huge upgrade to Macbook Air and Macbook Pro in 2016 which will be gaming devices with Intel's 6th generation Skylake Processors and the new GeForce GTX 950 Nvidia GPU.  It is also expected that Macbook Air 2016 will be even thinner than the current product.


How to make a business plan

Write a business plan is required when you want to raise money or convince his banker. Many entrepreneurs wonder why make a business plan is important. In Addition, there are rules and Certain formalities to be Observed. We explain all this to you in this matter in four stages. Entrepreneurs explain how they did their business plan, the mistakes they have committed and what they recommend you. Moreover, a board section gives you tips for fund-raisers but also investors testimony to adapt your business plan to Their Requirements. . In the end record, We provide practical tools to write a business plan, and simply effective.


The executive summary of the business plan
Would you like to receive an email of 10 pages or mail you 5 lines describing Those 10 pages? For a funder is the same. NOBODY reads a business plan in full. Your contact (banker, investor, jury) will read your executive summary and Eventually, if interested, your business plan.

5 things to do before you are writing a business plan

The business plan is essential? Yet there are 5 more urgent things to do before you even write his business plan. Start with These 5 steps before you spend writing your BP.

How to write a business plan?
How to prepare a business plan? What tricks will help you write your business plan easier? Why must write it several? The answers in this fact sheet.

Business plan: Do not do it!
Investors and entrepreneurial coaches often find the same types of errors in the business plan. Conduct a review of These errors when writing your business plan, you will think this check list!

The business plan, why?
What is a business plan? What are the Objectives of the business plan? Who is it for? Is the time spent on writing a business plan should not rather be spent on something else? A short article That summarizes why the business plan is a tool That the entrepreneur must master.

4 reasons to write a business plan
"I do not want to spend my time, I prefer to canvass customers." "This is a Theoretical exercise that does nothing concrete." "Another financial stuff." So many thoughts on the business plan not to engage in its drafting. Here are four good reasons to push you to write a business plan.


Bruno Martinaud, business expert level
Story telling and business plan
Bruno Martinaud tells us what a business plan is useful for start up and the Importance of history in a business plan. A multitude of tips to listen.

Advice on business plan undertaken by the network
The network undertaking has a strong experience in the business plan. His charge proje Cyril Saint Olive, here Explains how to convince banks in this document.

The incubator Alambik talks about business plan
Why the form is as important as substance in a business plan? The founder of the incubator Alambik Reveals what he thinks the business plan and give you some tips to become Persuasive with this document.

Fabien Guillossou, business expert level
Why adapt the business plan to his interlocutor?
Adapt its business plan According to the interlocutor and the growth stage. Advice from Fabien Guillossou


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This model of business plan helped win many business plan competitions and is perfect for a seasoned entrepreneur as a person not controlling financial terms.

*Example executive summary
This convince an investor to read your business plan, it must first write an executive summary punchy! We propose here a model of an executive summary with Explanations, annotations and comments.

*Sample business plan plan
What are the different parts of a business plan? How many pages should I spend it? Should we put the financial part from the beginning? Where is the executive summary? Here is a sample plan business plan developed by Gaëtan Baudry. This is a detailed plan with major parts and sub-parts.

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A very good tool to improve your business plan.

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A business plan needs to answer a number of questions. You will find in excel format, the list of questions and a tool to check where you are in writing your business plan.

Good reading &
Next article we will provide an example of a business plan , Be ready for it 

** Quality systems, Models, and Theories (ISO 9000) **

Hallo guys , I was surfing on the internet and I found something , I wish that it will be important for you , especially for student in management and marketing :)

ISO 9000 quality principles 

Set of quality standards
It's quite simple for an organization to reach the decision that it wants to improve quality. 
However, without a set of standards to guide its improvement efforts, the company may struggle to decide where to start.

ISO is a nongovernmental, worldwide organization that encompasses the national standards institutes of more than 158 countries. 
Officially, the organization is known as the "International Organization for Standardization." However, since the name would be abbreviated differently in several countries, the acronym ISO was chosen, based upon the Greek word isos, meaning "equal." 

ISO 9000
The ISO 9000 series was developed to help organizations effectively design and implement efficient quality systems. The series consists of individual, yet interrelated, standards that complement each other and act as a framework that can provide auditable requirements for companies that want to complete registration. 
Originally published in 1987, the ISO 9000 series has undergone revisions in 1994, 2000 and 2005, with the most recent revision creating standards for definitions, requirements, and continual improvement. 
The ISO 9000 series has become an internationally recognized language for quality, and three concepts are universal to all markets. 
ISO standards
Are first of all: 
market driven, and
based on consensus


Because ISO is a non governmental organization, it doesn't have the authority to legally require companies to follow the standards. Thus, ISO is voluntary. 

However, some countries have adopted certain standards – health, safety, or environmental, for instance – as part of their regulatory frameworks. In such cases, even though ISO standards are voluntary, they may become a market requirement. 

Market driven
 ISO standards are market driven. This means that standards are developed when there is a market requirement, which is determined by a group of experts in the field who have asked for a particular standard. 

Based on consensus 

Because ISO standards are based on consensus among interested groups, they are ensured widespread applicability. The standards are regularly reviewed, at least once every five years, to determine whether they should be modified, maintained, or withdrawn. 
8 principles of ISO 9000
The ISO 9000 standards are based on eight principles of quality management that can be applied by senior managers to improve their organizations. 

Customer focus 
Customers are the backbone of most organizations, as they are depended upon to purchase goods and services. Companies should have a good understanding of their customers' needs and do their best to meet these requirements. 
For example, a media company conducted a month-long study of its customers' needs and realized it was not placing enough emphasis on providing customer support. The company was able to remedy this problem to improve customer relations. 

Effective leadership is a vital ISO 9000 quality principle, since leaders determine a company's direction and purpose. When leadership creates an environment in which employees want to be involved in achieving organizational objectives, everyone is inspired to produce quality results. 
When the media company realized that customers were unhappy with its service, leadership had to get front-line employees on board with the needed changes. To do so, a reward system was created to recognize customer-service reps who were especially helpful to customers, which inspired all employees to provide exceptional service. 

Involvement of an organization's people is a key ISO 9000 quality management principle. When employees of all levels are involved in improving the company, a variety of talents and abilities can be used for the benefit of the company's quality improvement efforts. 
The media company held a meeting with all employees to outline the problems it was having with customer dissatisfaction. All staff were encouraged to become involved with improving service and overall quality. 

Process approach
Taking a process approach to quality management means that all inputs, outputs, and resources related to a company's activities are managed as a process. 
The media company revised the process it used to field customer complaints in its call center so that one standardized process existed, which led to greater efficiency and understanding among all employees involved with call center operations. 

When the media company realized its customers were unhappy with the service it provided, it was able to use ISO 9000 quality principles to improve leadership, focus on its customers, encourage employee involvement, and use a process approach to quality management. These principles enabled the organization to find new ways of keeping its customers satisfied.

Source:  Youtube  ( please find in this course one of the best explaining for the Iso 9000 in Quality system )

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