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Market research, Science discussion

You have verified the consistency of your project in relation to your own personal strengths and limitations? 
You must now ensure its commercial feasibility by carrying out a market study.

  Better understand the market trends and its actors and verify the opportunity to launch
It would be unwise to embark on a project without having answered the following questions: What are the market trends?These first to clearly identify your market - business market, individual, recreation, consumer goods? - market development, stagnation, decline - as he represents in sales volume and turnover, Business?

What are their needs? 
How do they buy? 
Where do they live? 
How do they behave?
How are they? 
Where are they? 
What do they offer? 
At what price?
This is the identification of: 
- the processes of innovation and technological developments of your market, 
- the regulatory and legislative framework (required authorizations to possess diploma, ...) 
,. - its social, economic, political and ecological What are the constraints of my contract and the keys to success?

What does it take control, hold, acquire to be successful in your market?
Does your project-it has its place in the market? 
Does Will bring a "plus" compared to the competition? 
Go -t it meet a need not yet covered by the competition?
  Set sales assumptions
This amount will allow you to power your financial forecast to determine if your project is financially viable. Attention this is where assumptions ... There is not one but several methods of calculation to achieve a projected turnover: - one of them is to study similar projects in your area or other geographical areas, - another to assess, as part of a field survey, buying intentions of potential customers. - Another test your project life-size Ideal is to use several methods to bring out a low hypothesis and a high hypothesis.
This is opt for the best angle of attack, taking into account competitors, customers and project. 
By setting your strategy, keep in mind the way that you will achieve your goals by inserting permanently on your market, taking into account the specifics of your business!
  Get the most coherent marketing mix can

  Bring concrete elements used to establish the provisional budget

  How to make your market research?

This fundamental step is a must for any future entrepreneur, since it allows you to:  better understand the major trends and players in your market, and check whether you start,  gather enough information that will allow you to set revenue assumptions  to make the best business choices to achieve your goals,  to determine, in the most coherent manner possible, your "product" policy, "Price", "distribution "and" communication "(marketing mix),  to bring concrete elements that will serve you establish a budget.
However, the market study is overlooked by many designers who are not aware of its usefulness. If it is not an absolute guarantee success, its vocation is to minimize risk by allowing you to better understand the business environment of your future, and so take adequate and appropriate decisions: "I know my market, I am therefore able to decide. "

The term "market research" can intimidate those who, not feeling competent enough, prefer to avoid or ignore this step. But market research is above all a matter of method and common sense! 
 Who are the buyers and consumers?
 Who are the competitors?
 What is my market environment?
What opportunities and possible threats? 
 Are there has or not, an opportunity for my project succeed?

After analyzing the market methodically, you must be able to assess a projected revenue. 
  Make the best choices to achieve its objectives
Given the understanding of your market, you have to determine ways to reach your customers. We talk to determine the strategy. To learn more about the usefulness and purpose of the strategy.
The strategy is actually the thread that will enable your company to achieve the turnover that you set beforehand. 

Called marketing mix of all marketing decisions taken by the company, at one time, or on a product throughout its range, to influence and satisfy its customers. These decisions relate to: the product: what (s) product (s) or service (s) will you offer your future clients? The price: at what price are you (s) to sell? The distribution: how will you (s) to sell? What will be your distribution networks (live, with intermediaries, via internet)? And communication: how do you communicate? Example of inconsistency: would you buy bread 30% more expensive than Moreover, while it would not be better than other bakeries?
After defining the elements of the marketing mix, you are able to quantify the cost of the actions you plan to implement to get started. What is the cost of manufacture or production of the product for example? What costs will marketing? Or, what is the cost of promotion or communication?
All these elements will be encrypted subsequently reinstated in the financing plan of your business.
Firstly by acquiring a minimum knowledge on the concept of "market" and the action means to act on a market. Then following an orderly and structured approach: finding information, conducting surveys , synthesis and analysis of information collected, report writing, provisional estimate of CA ... PACE offers a basic working method allowing an untrained project manager to address its market survey, only or with external assistance.

Source : APCE

The unbreaking heart of rockhopper penguins

Here's one for you: What's black and white and true-blue all over? Need a hint? It has red eyes and pink feet, and, according to a study just published, is remarkably faithful to its mate...

Not all penguins are the same

We don't know how faithful these Galapagos penguins are to each other. But we now know that rockhopper penguins are monogamous, even when they are thousands of miles away from their loved ones. Researchers used tiny transmitters to follow the birds around. Even after being separated by thousands of miles, the love birds found each other once again to mate some more.
The answer is the southern rockhopper penguin!
A group of southern rockhopper moms and dads were hundreds - in one case thousands - of kilometers away from each other when not making babies, says a new study out Wednesday.
Yet when the birds returned home to New Island off the coast of Argentina they managed to find each other and mate, according to findings published in the prestigious Biology Letters journal.
"In these extremely faithful animals - the pair bonds for breeding may last all life long in this species - the partners may actually be separated by hundreds to thousands of kilometers at sea," researcher Jean-Baptiste Thiebot said.
In it for the long haul
The scientists decided to follow the penguins by clipping lightweight sensors to 20 birds - 10 couples - which tracked their movements during their roughly six-month separations.
Seven pairs made it home and rekindled their relationships, while two birds came back solo. Researchers surmised the remaining penguins from their study either died at sea or moved away.
The data from the sensors showed the penguins generally stayed hundreds of kilometers apart as they feasted in the ocean.
However, researchers found one case where a couple had nearly 2,500 kilometers between them.
When the birds finally got back together they promptly turned into homebodies, with most of their time spent at the nest.
It led researchers to note that birds like Emperor penguins, which do not build a home together, are less likely to be monogamous.
"Penguins may use the same nest site or nesting area to breed every year, over and over again," Thiebot said. "This probably helps the two partners to meet up ashore at a known place."
Emperor penguins are much bigger, and much more prone to sleep around
No beating around the ice
Once back on land in October after a half year at sea, the penguins got straight to the business of mating, egg-laying and incubation, all of which kept them busy for about a month.
There was no lingering over the kids here, as the rearing of the chicks took up another roughly 70 days before the parents split up in April.
Given the risk the animals could lose each other for good by going their separate ways in the wild, the researchers wanted to see if the creatures would make an effort to stay close together outside breeding season.
"Divorce" happens among the penguins, but it is rare to find two ex-partners breeding with somebody new, Thiebot said.

An old step pyramid of 4600 years found in Egypt

Archaeologists have unearthed at a site in southern Egypt, a stepped pyramid. 4,600 years old, it was built by a pharaoh of the Third or the Fourth Dynasty but now more as 5 meters high.
She had the air of nothing, and yet it was a valuable piece dating back thousands of years. Near the town of Edfu in southern Egypt, archaeologists have unearthed an ancient step pyramid 4,600 years. The structure was hidden under a thick layer of sand, debris and stones. She did not even look like a pyramid, explained Gregory Marouard, archaeologist of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago who led the excavations.

The inhabitants of the nearby village thought the structure was the tomb of a sheik. But by cleaning, the team revealed that it was indeed a pyramid dating back to the Old Kingdom. It was built from sandstone blocks and clay mortar in the form of a three-storey pyramid. However, it has lost its luster over the millennia. According to archaeologists, they had measured about 13 meters at the time of its construction. 

But it has since been exposed to weather and looting, and measures more than 5 meters high. Its base is approximately 18.4 meters by 18.6 meters. Archaeologists have said that the pyramid was not alone, six were found in the area and all have similar dimensions. These are "provincial" pyramids, structures that were often built near large colonies.

Symbolic monuments 

Unlike the others, these pyramids show no underground chambers and are not used as tombs. Specialists, however, ignore the specific purpose of their construction. According to them, they could serve as a symbolic monuments dedicated to the royal cult and affirm the supposed power of the pharaoh in the southern provinces. "The similarities of a pyramid to another are really fantastic, and there is clearly a common plan," said Gregory Marouard.

Archaeologists believe that the pyramids were built during the reign of Huni pharaoh of the Third Dynasty (2635-2610 BC) and that of the Pharaoh Sneferu of the Fourth Dynasty (2610-2590). According to them, the style is similar to that of the pyramid of Meidum, also built by one of his two pharaohs. "The construction reflects some care and a real expertise in the mastery of stone construction," said the archaeologist.

The pyramid has the distinction of having been built directly on the ground and fully with local raw materials. By studying the structure, archaeologists have found the remains of an altar of offerings and listings on the external faces, located just beside the remains of babies and children who were buried at the foot of the pyramid. Nevertheless, the hieroglyphics as funerals were made well after construction. 

An abandoned pyramid

 "It's mostly raw registrations, private and certainly dedicated to funerals of children / babies made ​​just below the foot of the pyramid," said Marouard in an email sent to LiveScience. The archaeologist added that the discoveries made ​​and taken pictures would soon be unveiled in detail and published. Following the study, the experts and colleagues estimated that the pyramid was abandoned shortly after its construction.

Under the reign of Pharaoh Khufu (2590-2563 BC), author of the Great Pyramid, the seven pyramids were no longer used and no longer receive any offering. According Marouard, with Great Pyramid construction, these structures would no longer seemed useful in the eyes of Pharaoh who would have preferred to concentrate resources on the new gigantic work built in Memphis, became a true empire's center of gravity.

Source : maxisciences


Rare mammoth, bison fossils unearthed in California

In July, fossils up to 200,000 years old were discovered at a construction site in Carlsbad, California, where more than 600 houses are set to be built. After the discovery the construction work has been stopped for sometime to work on the fossils found. More than 500 fossils were unearthed at the dam construction site in Silicon Valley in California. The incredible finds included teeth from what could be the biggest prehistoric shark that ever lived, measuring close to 40 feet.
Paleontologists had also found the teeth of an animal called the Desmostylus, which is a long-extinct hippo-like creature, as well as an entire ancient whale skeleton. Most of the fossils are believed to be about 20 million years old.
Californians have witnessed some of the oldest fossils the world has seen.
There have been rare fossils found in California earlier also. A rare whale fossil has been pulled from a Southern California backyard with some unusual help—a sheriff’s search-and-rescue team.
Local Native Americans devised myths to explain local fossils, many containing themes paralleling modern scientific discoveries. Local fossils came to the attention of formally trained scientists by the mid-19th century. Major finds include the Pleistocene mammalfossils of the La Brea tar pits. The Pleistocene saber-toothed cat Smilodon fatalis is the California state fossil. The earliest fossils known in Southern California are found in the Kingston Range of the far northeastern Mojave Desert.
Some facts on fossils in California:
In 1856 a new upper Miocene deposit preserving the remains of 18-inch oysters was discovered in the Kirker Pass of Contra Costa County. Between 1906 and 1916 hundreds of thousands of Pleistocene fossils were uncovered in central Los Angeles. In 1942 early Pleistocene fossils were discovered in gravel pits at Irvington. In 1963, Samuel Welles of the University of California, Berkeley collected a dugongid called Dusisiren. This specimen is the most complete known Miocene sirenian
Since 2011, when work on the project began, crews have found nine whale skulls, to be exact. paleontologist Jim Walker and construction crews building a new 220-foot-high dam at Calaveras Reservoir in the remote canyons east of Milpitas had dug up a prehistoric treasure trove. They have inventoried 529 types of fossils altogether. Of those, 168 are vertebrates, such as sharks; 267 are invertebrates, such as scallops — some as big as dinner plates. Thirty-nine 39 are plants, such as fossilized pine cones; and 55 are other ancient items, from animal tracks to burrows.
In California, local fossils came to the attention of formally trained scientists by the mid-19th century. Major finds include the Pleistocene mammal fossils of the La Brea tar pits. The Pleistocene saber-toothed cat Smilodon fatalis is the California state fossil.
Scientists from the University of California at Berkeley, notably Professor John C. Merriamand his students, were among the first researchers to work on the La Brea fossils in California that has excited paleontologists from around the world.
paleontologist Jim Walker, who is working alongside construction crews on the project, said, “We started finding fossils here before construction even started,” “It was exciting. We were finding scallops, and I said, ‘I want to get a whale.’ And we did.”
The site where the fossils were found is a new home development site. The development plans have been slightly modified since the discovery of ice age fossils at the construction site off State Route 78 with the work temporarily stopped to allow scientists to begin their excavation. The company is working closely with the paleontologists while grading, and will continue for another couple of months.
Tom Demere, the curator of palaeontology at the San Diego Museum of Natural History, “The fossils were discovered in July and that there may be more at the site. This time period is known as the Pleistioncene Epoch, or Ice Age.
A prehistoric bison was unearthed at the site, which makes it the second one ever discovered in San Diego County. Also found at the site were bones of mammoths, turtles, and even horses.
Building construction for the Quarry Creek development is planned to begin next year, and will be the first of six developments and will be made up of 88 two-story row homes.
The Quarry Creek development site covers about 60 acres of land, after the grading began over the summer, the discovery of bones began. California requires a palaeontologist on site when large projects like this are moving mass amounts of earth.
John Suster, the superintendent of the Cornerstone’s project in Carlsbad, said he was surprised to see the fossils but also found it quite intriguing.
The skull and partial skeleton of the bison that was discovered is one of the more rare finds. Authorities say that this bison was one of the more complete animals that were unearthed and found at the site. These giant bisons are larger than plains bison that we normally see. The scientists believe that it is either a giant bison or an antique bison.
 Source : natureworldreport

Free Advice : Be Grateful , Give Back , Be Bold , Be Genuine what's more ?

Don’t skip class. Do your homework. Set your alarm. Be careful. Have fun. Make friends. Get a fan. Make good choices. Buy a bus pass. Pick a good major. Get good grades. Don’t take early classes. The regular advice goes on and on for new college students. (But seriously, get a fan…it’s really hot this week.)

Today marks the day the new Spartan freshmen start classes — and I’m sure each one has heard a lot of advice from family and friends. I’m also sure it is pretty good advice too. While I don’t have a student starting classes today, I thought I might as well jump on the bandwagon and offer some advice of my own.
  • Be grateful. This isn’t just college. This is one of the most incredible opportunities ever presented to you. There are many young people around the world who would give anything to go to school and will never be able to. Never, ever forget how fortunate you are and remember to thank those who helped you get here. Don’t ever take being a Spartan for granted.
  • Make the most of it. This is a very special place. You could simply go to class, do your work and earn your degree — but you would be missing out on so much more that’s offered here. Join one of the hundreds of clubs. Look into undergraduate research offerings. Volunteer in the community. Go to museums. Take in a show. The options are endless. If you are bored, you aren’t trying hard enough.
  • Give back. You are now part of the Spartan family — more than a half a million strong around the world. This family believes that giving back is just part of who we are. You don’t have to cure cancer to make a difference (though some of you might do that too). Fill the bus. Tutor a classmate. Pick up trash. Run a food drive. Shovel snow for someone who can’t. You have talents and time that can help someone else and trust me; you’ll never feel bad about helping someone else.
  • Be bold. Don’t sit back and let life happen to you — this is the only one you get so make it great. Try something new. Stand up for what’s right. Stand up for others. Explore everything. Look at the world of possibilities before you and attack them. You never want to have regrets.
  • Be genuine. Don’t ever try to be someone you aren’t — everyone can see right through that. With more than 50,000 students on this campus, I guarantee that there is someone else who will like you just as you are.
  • Be open to new things. College is about learning — so learn something! For goodness sake, find a way to do a study abroad course. Expand your worldview to one outside of our borders. Become a global citizen who understands other cultures. Talk to people everywhere who are very different from you. Expose yourself to diverse opinions, ideas and people and you will be amazed at how much you can learn.
  • Never give up. Spartans don’t give up; they just don’t. College isn’t easy — if it were, everyone would do it. You will have challenges, but fight them head on. Find solutions to the toughest problems. Give everything your all and simply find a way. You might not be perfect, but never throw in the towel completely. But you don’t have to go it alone — ask for help when you need it.
  • Be collaborative. This one kind of goes with being open to new things. Project an openness that lets others know you’re approachable, and approach others with a spirit of partnership. Every single Spartan has something special to offer the world, but our collective power is simply astounding. Find the best in others and work together to make a difference.
  • Be passionate. College is a place where you can really discover what you love. You might start thinking you’ll follow one career path and find another that makes your heart sing. Follow what you love — you will spend a huge portion of your life working, so make sure it’s what you truly want to do.
  • Seek out mentors. Life is hard and everyone can use some help. Talk to your professors or graduate assistants. Do an internship and find someone in the field to guide you. Never think you have all the answers and know that, most likely, someone else has faced whatever you’re facing. We old folks love nothing better than giving advice so use us.
  • Be proud. Being a Spartan is something special and a privilege. Spartans will change the world and solve the most challenging problems. In the midst of all the schoolwork and fun, never forget that.

Source : Michigan State , Lisa Mulcrone

Hidden benefits of electric vehicles revealed

Electric vehicles are cool, research shows. Literally.
A study in this week’s Scientific Report by researchers at Michigan State University and in China add more fuel to the already hot debate about whether electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly than conventional vehicles by uncovering two hidden benefits.

They show that the cool factor is real – in that electric vehicles emit significantly less heat. That difference could mitigate the urban heat island effect, the phenomenon that helps turn big cities like Beijing into pressure cookers in warm months.

Moreover, the cooling resulting from replacing all gas-powered vehicles with electric vehicles could mean city dwellers needing less air conditioning, another environmental win.

“It’s easy not to see the big picture on issues like electric cars and global warming, but when we look with a holistic approach, we find these unexpected connections,” said co-author Jianguo “Jack” Liu, who holds the Rachel Carson Chair in Sustainability at MSU and is director of the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability. “Heat waves kill, and in terms of climate change, even one degree can make a difference.”

The research was led by Canbing Li of Hunan University in Changsha (China), who was a visiting scholar at CSIS. The electric vehicles’ benefits of reduced greenhouse gas emissions are countered by the expense and pollution from producing the vehicles, leading to debate on whether they are the best replacement for conventional vehicles.

In the paper, Li and his colleagues take a wider view to find new positives for plug-ins. Conventional vehicles and air conditioners are the two biggest contributors to the heat island intensity – the difference between urban temperatures and the cooler temperatures of rural areas. In that arena, electric vehicles are cooler – giving off only about 20 percent of the heat a gas vehicle emits.

The researchers used Beijing in summer of 2012 to calculate that switching vehicles from gas to electricity could reduce the heat island intensity by nearly 1 degree Celsius. That would have saved Beijing 14.4 million kilowatt hours and slashed carbon dioxide emissions by 11,779 tons per day.”

The authors caution that several factors can influence the urban heat island effect, not all of which were addressed in the study. For example, there are conflicting reports regarding the impact of reduced aerosol pollution on heat island intensity. These factors may need to be considered when weighing the benefits and disadvantages of replacing conventional vehicles with electric vehicles.

In addition to Liu and Li, the paper was written by Yijia Cao, Mi Zhang, Jianhui Wang, Haiqing Shi and Yinghui Geng

Source : msutoday

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