The electricity and gas in the city remain the most used modes of heating. However, some people remain attached to the use of fuel oil and wood back more and more in homes. Similarly, more and more people are moving towards renewable energy to heat their homes. Here are the main features of these heating methods.
The different modes of heating
> Electric heat has a wide range of devices (coils, radiant panels, etc.). The two main advantages of these machines: the installation is inexpensive and their use is simple, thanks to the control devices and programming present.
The appliances have still some drawbacks. Very energy efficient, their electricity bill may be higher by 20 to 25% compared to gas. With an electric heater, it is better to have a small apartment or a well insulated heating housing.
> The gas heating is certainly more economical and environmentally friendly as electricity. The performance of this type of device is interesting. This is an effective way of heating very quickly and long.
However, depending on the individual steps, the installation of gas heating will be more or less expensive. Also, accommodations must be near a network to benefit from the gas.
> The oil heating rapidly diffuse even heat that will last all day. This is a good alternative in case of no connection to mains gas. Unfortunately, this is not the most economical solution, the cost of installation is important and the price of oil continues to rise.
> Heating with wood can be done with a stove or a fireplace. This is a very environmentally friendly mode of heating the large calorific value. No price varies little and with heat recovery, it offers a good return.
> Solar heating has as main advantage of using free energy and environmentally friendly. However, its installation is very expensive and you will surely need a booster heater to catch the frequent discrepancies between the heat requirements and actual production.
> The heat pump that uses the principle of geothermal energy, restores more energy than consumed. Except when it cold where performance is less effective. You will therefore be helpful to add a supplementary heating. It is less polluting than electric heating and especially more economical to use.
> Biomass exploits the energy of organic materials of animal or vegetable original. This heating method works by combustion, it is less polluting than fossil fuels and its price varies little.
The selection criteria
> Installation
The heating gas, fuel oil and wood require a boiler. The installation thereof is costly, because work must be performed between the laying device and the creation of a pipeline network.
A heat pump, a heating system and solar biomass also requires expensive equipment because it is technologically more complex devices.
However, the installation of an electric heater is inexpensive and very simple, you just need to connect the device to a power outlet.
> Efficiency
An electric heater is unusual turn on very quickly though the heating time is limited unlike a gas heating with oil or wood, where the heat is homogeneous and stays all day.
> Use
Devices with electric heating system are easier to use and more practical thanks to the various options present (control buttons, programming, etc.), depending on model.
> Storage
Electric heaters, gas (if gas city), solar, heat pump, have no need of storage space unlike heating oil, wood and biomass.
> Aesthetics
Electric heaters are the most aesthetic through their choice of design and colors.
> Energy consumption
Electric heating is the system requiring more energy. The gas heating is more economical and environmentally friendly as electricity. Similarly, the heat pump is less polluting than the electric heater. It is economical to use, it restores more energy than that consumed except when it is very cold.
Solar heating is very environmentally friendly because its energy is free.
The biomass and wood heating are also very ecological, their price varies little contrast to the cost of fuel oil is increasing.
> The price varies depending on the cost of the device, difficulty or not its installation, as well as its energy consumption.