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Coaching Celebrities

Coaching Celebrities

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Coaching celebrities is a great gig if you can get it. But expect to be flexible, available and hard working. It's also wise to be conservative in your billing. If you do a few of these things and more, you'll end up with a great client!

celebrities, communication, coaching, time management

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I’ve kept the same cell phone number for the past 7-8 years. I’ve lived in NYC, NC and now Florida and in all that time, I’ve never changed phone numbers. Nor will I.  Sure, it’s inconvenient for my mom who lives across town to have to dial a NYC phone to get me and I’m only a few miles away, but for me it’s worth it.

I have clients that still call me periodically for coaching that used this cell phone years ago. They like knowing that I’m just a call away if they need me. Several of these clients would probably have names that you might recognize, and don’t use a coach on a regular basis, but if the need arises, they know I’m there. 

I’ve spent a large part of my career working with and for celebrities. Whether I   marketing for them, do PR for them or consult and coaching with the them, I’ve made a part of my career working in that market. As a result, I’ve gotten to know many agents, publicists and Event Planners.  

I also coach individuals in business. Right now, it seems that a large bulk of my clients are in new jobs, businesses or about to make a transition. I don’t work by contract, only on an as needed basis. Some of my clients show up every week. Others are clients that are only once a month.  I’m flexible because my clients are busy. So am I, and I’m fine with them rescheduling with me a day in advance.  

I started coaching this way because the high profile clients that I served couldn’t meet on a regular basis. They were traveling or unavailable at normal business times so I made allowances for them. As my business and experience grew, I found that working with high profile types was going to be different than a traditional client that may be. 

I work on a project basis with many of these high profile types. Some of them are high level executives, besides celebrities and I’m there as a personal consultant that they call upon for many different issues. Most of them found me through the communication coaching that I provide and we’ve kept the relationship going through the years. Whenever they call I merely write it down and keep a log. I usually bill once a month. On projects, I’ll estimate a cost for the project and always try to come in under the estimate. 

I have clients that will fly in for the day and for that, my fees are a bit higher than on the phone. It’s a concentrated coaching session that can deal with family issues to creating a work out schedule or recreating a brand or speech. We’ve discovered projects to create that they can market and we’ve written the outline of books. 

I noticed right up front that celebrities are keenly aware that people try to make a buck off of them so I actually charge them less in some cases. Regardless, overestimating the bill is the way to go, and they always appreciate the financial break. I learned this early on when I had a repeat customer and I sent a bill that she questioned. She didn’t feel that I had put in that much time with her so I told her that I had struggled with the bill myself because the project was so “off and on”.  So, I told her to rip up my invoice and to pay me what she thought she should. I got a nice check in the mail that was just a little bit less than I had originally charged and it had a nice note attached. It was definitely the right decision because I’ve continued to coach this person here and there over the last many years. 

Coaching high profile types are a great gig if you can get it. But don’t make the mistake of holding to your exact requirements or you might lose a client in the process. The ones that I know appreciate my willingness to be flexible with my schedule and to reschedule if something else comes up. I’m fair with the money and I always try to deliver more than promised. 

I love the coaching people who are successful, energetic and ambitious. They never refuse a challenge and they’re always up for new ideas. They appreciate others who are hard working like them. 

That is why I keep my cell phone number the same. Being available to these people is the name of the game.


Celebrity Love

Celebrity Love

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We are affected by the power of celebrity influence and the love of fame.

celebrity, style, fashion, actor, actress, movie, tv, famous,

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There is no doubt that love for some celebrity exists within us all. This isn’t the traditional definition of love but rather defined by an excessive admiration for a famous person whom we will probably never meet. The use of “love” is appropriate here as we who love celebrity tend to exhibit signs of undue influence by those highly visible. Famous people, the non-elected representatives of the human race, have always held some influence over the masses. In the days before mass media, television sets and computers fame was circulated orally, carried by the gossipy nature of social beings. Today, we open our eyes and cannot avoid these people. Of course, in a developed society entertainers are necessary. We laugh and sometimes cry at a quality performance. Our memories are seared with images, movies and songs which have touched us, frightened us and stimulated us. They dramatize the political, the romantic, the good and bad. We see in them the potential for perfection of man or woman as an expression of utopian ideals of love and success. 

    Yet, have we gone too far? How much influence should they have over us? Our choice of clothes, jewelry and hairstyle, our languages and ideas are often areas that we look toward celebrities to define. If you deny this then you are exceptional; the rest of us are invariably, more susceptible. Our culture has become saturated with celebrity influence. We watch their every move including who they are with and what they do. We absorb their politics and gobble up their quotes. We think about what it may be like to be that beautiful, rich and powerful. Fame is an aphrodisiac or so it seems to the unrecognized. Today we have TomKat(Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes). Yesterday it was Bennifer(Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez).  Public Interest in these people is frighteningly obsessive in nature. After all, their claim to fame is usually based on pretense or non reality. They are the constant pretenders, illusionists with screens as their canvas.  

   The entertainment value of a celebrity stretches beyond the screen or stage and they are wholly aware it. We are witness to carefully arranged relationships, sudden sightings in sports arenas and controversial quotes days before a new movie or show opens. They appear on your screen suddenly seemingly not to promote themselves but rather attempting to come across as natural, likable, smart and funny. Sometimes we get a glimpse into what certain celebrities are really like. Unfortunately, it is usually when they do something wrong. Drugs, infidelity and physical assaults are a few areas where celebrities have slipped in their public presentation. Mug shots and unflattering photos of famous people are the currency of entertainment news outlets. Being a celebrity has its drawback in this regard as they are monitored as closely as governmental heads of the biggest nations on earth. Alas, the power of celebrity is here with us to stay. Or is it? Can we teach our children who the chancellor of Germany is before we explain the history of Madonna? If we can’t, America will become a nation of uninformed celebrity worshippers numb to the more important realities of the world.


Celebrity Baby Names

Celebrity Baby Names

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Celebrities are not like everyday people.  They have busy schedules, drive expensive cars, and wear jewelry that others can only dream of owning.  Maybe it is because celebrities are so far removed from normal life that they often give their babies unusual names.

baby names, celebrity, celebrities

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Celebrities are not like everyday people.  They have busy schedules, drive expensive cars, and wear jewelry that others can only dream of owning.  Maybe it is because celebrities are so far removed from normal life that they often give their babies unusual names.

Some names are just a little different.  John Travolta and Kelly Preston have two beautiful children.  Their daughter's name is Ella Bleu.  Their son's name is Jett.  Jett is different, but anyone who knows anything about John Travolta knows he has a love for flying. Gwyneth Paltrow, pregnant again, came under scrutiny for naming her first child Apple.  While it is unusual, it is somewhat cute, like in the "apple of their eye."  Chris Martin, her husband, tired of the controversy over the name Apple, has jokingly stated their second child, whether male or female, will be named Banana.  Another cute name is Dandelion, the name of Keith Richards' daughter.  Julie Roberts recently gave birth to twins - a boy and a girl - and received flack over the names she chose.  She received almost as much grief over the choice for her daughter's name, Hazel, as she did the more eccentric choice of Phinnaeus for her son.

Many people speculated what Madonna would name her first child.  Lourdes Maria seems a fitting name for child who's mother's name is Madonna, but she often goes by Lola.  Her son is named Rocco, which sounds a bit like a cartoon character, but at least it is a tough sounding name.  Actor Casey Affleck and fiancé Summer Phoenix recently had a son named Indiana August, which leads one to wonder what state and month their son was conceived in.  Toni Braxton has two sons, Denim and Diezel.  While both useful products, they make somewhat strange names for children.  Rob Marrow decided it would be cute if he named his daughter Tu Simone Ayer, calling her Tu Morrow.  Wonder if she will think it is cute 20 years from now?  Actor Jason Lee named his son Pilot Inspektor, but magician Penn Jillette may have topped them all.  He named his daughter, Moxie Crimefighter, saying "because when she's pulled over for speeding she can say, `But officer, we're on the same side, my middle name is CrimeFighter."'

If you think it is a new trend, think again.  Back in 1971, David Bowie and his then wife Angela decided to name their son Duncan Zowie Heywood Jones.  He soon became known as Zowie Bowie.  Cher named her children Chastity Sun and Elijah Blue.

The Phoenix family is well known for their unusual choice of baby names.  Summer Phoenix's siblings are the late actor River Phoenix, actresses Rain and Liberty Phoenix and actor Joaquin Phoenix.  Joaquin felt his name was so out of place with his siblings, that when he was four, he decided to change his name to Leaf.  By the early 1990's, he had reverted back to using his birth name.  Another family infamous for their choices of baby names is the Zappa family.  Frank's children are Dweezil, Moon Unit, Ahmed Emuukha Rodan and Diva Muffin.  While many people think that Dweezil is his given name, his birth name was originally Ian Donald Calvin Euclid Zappa because the hospital refused to register the name Dweezil.  Always called Dweezil, when he was a child, he wanted to make the name official and his parents took him to have it changed legally.  Paula Yates, former wife of Sir Bob Geldof and girlfriend of late rocker Michael Hutchence, also had a knack for giving her children unusual names.  Among her brood are Fifi Trixibelle, Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa, Heavenly Hiraani Tigerlily, and Little Pixie.  

Some celebrity baby names make sense if you know the story behind them.  Eurythmic's Dave Stewart named his son Django after jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt.  Stevie Wonder named his son Mandla Kadjaly Carl Stevland, however Mandla means "powerful" in Zulu and Kadjaly means "born from God" in Swahili.  Helen Hunt just gave birth to a baby girl she named Makena'lei Gordon.  The name Makena'lei is from a friend's dream and means "many flowers of heaven."  Gordon, an unlikely girl's name, was to honor of Helen's father, television director Gordon Hunt.  Nicolas Cage just named his new baby boy Kal-el.  Because Nicolas took his stage name of Cage from comic book character Luke Cage, he decided to name his son Kal-el after one of his favorite comic book heroes.  Kal-el is Superman's kryptonian name.

So, do the children like these unconventional names given them by their parents?  In some cases, they do.  The Phoenix's seem to love their nature-inspired names and the Zappa children seem to have had no ill effects from their eccentric names.  However, some children tire of the peculiar names quickly.  Zowie Bowie had had enough of his moniker by the time he was 12 and asked to be referred to as "Joey."  Although Dandelion Richards does not seem too bad, she has since started referring to herself as Angela.  Recently, Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Geldof has been the most outspoken about the odd choice her parents made in naming her.  She has been quoted as saying, "I hate ridiculous names.  My weird name has haunted me all my life."  

While having an unusual name might be difficult for any child, the celebrity of a child's parents may enhance it even further.  Thankfully, celebrity children who decide they don't like their given names can switch to a nickname or even eventually have their names legally changed.


Celebrities and their Sunglasses

Celebrities and their Sunglasses

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A witty and insightful article exploring the latest celebrity trends in designer sunglasses.

sunglasses, designer sunglasses, celebrity sunglasses

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Every celebrity out there knows the real value of a pair of designer sunglasses.  Whether it's to hide the effects of a late night out on the town or an effort to blend in on the street, a pair of quality sunglasses is absolutely indispensable.  We've seen a lot of trends come and go, but a great pair of sunglasses will always transcend the passing fads of the day.

With the summer just around the corner, we have begun our fashion trend spotting efforts for 2006.  Like years passed, celebrities are on the forefront of eyewear fashion.  One of my favorite pastimes is to monitor the fashion trends of my favorite celebrities.  As with last season, big sunglasses are all the rage for the ladies.  God bless you, Jackie O!

Carmen Electra is one of my favorite celebrities, and one of the most stylish women in entertainment.  While I could do without another season of her dreadful "reality" television show, I am dying to get my hands on a pair of the Missoni shades she was recently spotted in.  They are oversized and oh-so-glamorous!  

Catherine Zeta-Jones may have a thing for old, outdated actors but her fashion sense is as fresh as a spring breeze.  I recently saw her sporting a pair of Dolce & Gabbana glasses that were out of this world!  I suspect they were the utterly amazing "4005" model.  They were black, with the D&G logo designed into the arms of the glasses.  The shades are big, bold, and beautiful!

Heidi Klum, our favorite supermodel and partygirl, has incredible fashion sense.  I saw a picture of her earlier this week wearing a classic pair of Aviator shades.  While a number of people in the fashion industry have been lamenting the prevalence of Aviator shades, I couldn't imagine a world without them.  Heidi was wearing a pair made by Ray Ban, and they were absolutely fabulous!  

Speaking of partygirls, how could I go on without mentioning Paris Hilton?  I adore Paris.  She may not be taken seriously as an actress or singer, but she reigns supreme over the fashion world.  She was recently spotted wearing a pair of the new Oakley glasses for women.  That's right, kids.  Oakley just launched a new line of shades exclusively for women, and they are the must-have item for this fashion year.  Believe the Hype!


Cashing the Czech

Cashing the Czech

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Virtually every captain of industry is a stickler for detail. That should have been the first clue that the late Robert "Cap'n Bob" Maxwell wasn't qualified for the title, even though he thought he was. An innocuous incident occurred in the mid-80s that underscored this point, and in the process, symbolized why the demise of his fraudulent publishing empire was inevitable.

Robert Maxwell, Cap'n Bob, business ethics, celebrity anecdotes, celebrity vignettes, famous fraudsters, celebrities, Cyberiter

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Whether Robert Maxwell committed suicide or was murdered may never be known to the public ...

Suffice it to say the disgraced publishing magnate cheated so many people and financial institutions to such an extent that there wouldn't be a paucity of suspects if it was the latter. Born in Slatinske Dòly to poor parents as Jan Ludvick Hoch and Anglicizing his name when he migrated to Great Britain during World War II, Maxwell used the fog of combat to his advantage, picking off a scientific journal distributorship at a bargain rate. He soon parlayed that into more literary acquisitions and doing so with such aplomb, he even gained election to Parliament.

However, a trail of deceit began soon thereafter, which led to a High Court censorship, then to possible war crime allegations and, ultimately, to an amazing web of falsified balance sheets and deceptive bank loan collateral which masked Maxwell's mass looting of his own publishing empire's coffers. When all was about to come crashing down upon him, Maxwell was reported to have fallen overboard while yachting along the Canary Islands. His extensive double-dealing earned him the posthumous title of The Bouncing Czech.

Maxwell's bombastic ego, though, was authentic. He ached to be larger than life and to outdo any perceived rival, such as Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch, whose own publishing empire spans the globe. Ironically, Maxwell tried to seize any opportunity to portray Murdoch as a low-life, casting himself as a higher-minded alternative to the conscientious consumer. Thus, to counter Murdoch's titillation-themed, Tory-leaning tabloid, the Sun, Maxwell ran his Daily Mirror as a seemingly kinder, gentler, Labour-oriented purveyor of similar stories.

Maxwell always ran a distant second in the United Kingdom's tabloid wars, so he was constantly looking for an edge with which to tweak Murdoch's operations and further convey the image --- however cynical --- of his holding the higher social and ethical ground. I can attest that, at least once, a blend of this obsession and his blowhard personality got the better of him.

It was a summer day in the mid-80s, and the prospects of secondary smoke being a health issue in the workplace were beginning to be accepted as fact. It was surely noble for Cap'n Bob --- as Maxwell was derisively known --- to be among the first to attempt an office-wide smoking ban. The Mirror's headquarters was no doubt better served, but it was clear his motives were for self-promotion rather than a genuine concern for his employees' welfare.

The first clue that this was the case was the boisterous manner by which Maxwell arbitrarily enforced the policy. Specifically, he loved to make a scene if it showed him in an authoritarian and positive light. Thus, when Cap'n Bob proclaimed a ban, he did it for maximum effect. In this instance, he decreed that anyone caught smoking in his building would be fired on the spot.

On this day, Maxwell was holding court for visitors of some dignified nature. He was guiding them through the Mirror facilities when a man hunched over a nearby photocopy machine caught his attention. The man had a cigarette dangling from his lips.

Cap'n Bob summoned his guests to follow him over there. Puffing his chest as he approached the man puffing away, Maxwell began his diatribe within steps of his quarry and gained decibels with each successive step.

"Sir!" he exclaimed, "How much do you make a month?"

The target of his wrath was caught off-guard. It took him a moment to confirm that Maxwell was speaking to him; actually, 'at him' would be more accurate.

"I asked you a question," Maxwell pressed, making sure that his guests totally understood who was in charge of the moment, "And I expect a prompt answer. How much do you make a month!"

"2000 quid," was the nervous response. "Why do you ask?"

"You're smoking!" was the roared retort. Cap'n Bob then reached into his pocket in preparation for the coup de grace. He pulled out a wad of bills, quickly sifted through £2000 and jammed it into the surprised man's shirt pocket.

"There's a month's wage! You're fired! Now, get out!"

Maxwell then stormed away, his cotillion of impressed guests following dutifully behind. A strong boss had surely made a firm point.

Left in the wake, the stunned man retrieved the stash of cash from his pocket, looked at it and then shook his head in amazement.

"I was just called here to repair the copier," he shrugged. He put the money in his pants pocket, flicked a few ashes to the ground, headed toward the front door and proceeded to his van. Perhaps he had more calls to make that day, but he probably opted to cancel them and make his way to a pub, instead.

The incident capsulized Cap'n Bob's act in a nutshell. He was all show, with little attention to detail. It was a harbinger that whenever someone paid close heed to his affairs, he'd be sunk.

I just didn't think it would happen so literally.


Bond Fans Not Happy With Craig

Bond Fans Not Happy With Craig

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In the upcoming James Bond film, “Casino Royale,” British actor Daniel Craig will play the lead role of James Bond.  This, however, does not sit well with a group of James Bond fans, who have launched a Web site

Celebrities, Celebrity, Actors, Actresses, Daniel Craig, James Bond

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In the upcoming James Bond film, “Casino Royale,” British actor Daniel Craig will play the lead role of James Bond.  This, however, does not sit well with a group of James Bond fans, who have launched a Web site, http://www.craignotbond.com.

A statement on the site said that “EON Productions angered fans around the world when they fired Pierce Brosnan at the height of his popularity as Bond.  To add insult to injury, EON cast a short, blond, odd-looking Daniel Craig in the role of Bond.”

The site goes on to ask, “How can a short, blond actor with the rough face of a professional boxer and a penchant for playing killers, cranks, cads, and gigolos pull off the role of a tall, dark, handsome and suave secret agent?”

The angry group of Bond fans have threatened to boycott “Casino Royale” and any other Bond films that Craig will star in.

Though Craig may have a wounded pride from all of these happenings, he does have a big supporter in his predecessor, Pierce Brosnan.

“I think Daniel is a very fine actor.  These are rocky waters, and they’re going to get him one way or another, but I think he will have the last laugh at the end of it,” Brosnan said.

Craig has had roles in “Munich” and “The Jacket.”  He accepted the role of Bond last October, and filming for the movie began last month in Prague.  Last week the producers of the film cast French actress Eva Green as Bond girl Vesper Lynd and Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen as the villain le Chiffre.


Big Brother 7 - Week Two

Big Brother 7 - Week Two

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The Big Brother house is always unpredictable during its lengthy run and the most dangerous thing punters can do is try and pre-empt who will be up for eviction before the nominations are announced and then bet accordingly.

big brother betting preview, free big brother bets, lea walker, sezer yurtseven, richard newman

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The Big Brother house is always unpredictable during its lengthy run and the most dangerous thing punters can do is try and pre-empt who will be up for eviction before the nominations are announced and then bet accordingly.

This very occurrence took place this week, with Grace Adams-Short seemingly in the firing line. Grace had been seen all week seemingly picking on Nikki and bitching about her behind her back and also bed-hopping between Mikey and George, before the latter left the house on his own accord.

Also, being a female in the house is usually bad news as far as eviction survival is concerned because should they go head to head with a male house member, they are usually voted out by the public, very often by a large percentage.

On the betting exchanges, Grace was trading at around 6/10 and had been as low as 1/2, making her the firm favourite to be the second person evicted from the house, but this all changed on Tuesday when it came to nominations.

Grace received just two nominations, one unsurprisingly from Nikki and the other from Glyn, who was sick of her talking about herself non-stop. Two nominations were not enough to put formerly odds-on Grace up for the public vote as Richard received four and Lea and Sezer received three each, putting the trio up for eviction instead.

Sezer, following a fortnight of arrogant behaviour, vowing to “bully” new housemates Aisleyne and Sam and having a dramatic fall-out with Richard midweek and reducing him to tears seems to have sealed his fate. He instantly became the favourite to face eviction and traded as low as 1/33 (Bet3on Friday from a high of 1/5 following the announcement of the trio up for eviction. Some lucky punter had backed Sezer at a high of 29/1 earlier on in the week while the lemmings jumped on the Grace bandwagon.

Sezer is the overwhelming favourite to leave but there could be a final twist in this tale. He could survive at the expense of Lea, who was booed considerably upon her entrance into the Big Brother house for having, as she put it, “blonde hair and big boobs”. As we established earlier, women up for eviction in the Big Brother house are in a rather precarious position.

Value hunters could be onto a winner if they back Lea at more tempting odds of 18/1 while Richard looks safe and should not be supported at comparatively massive odds of around 25/1.


Big Brother 7 - Week One (Part Two)

Big Brother 7 - Week One (Part Two)

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This is the second part of the first impressions of the remaining seven housemates as the first week of Big Brother 7 draws to a close.

big brother 7, big brother uk, free big brother bets, lea walker, grace short, sezer yurtseven

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This is the second part of the first impressions of the remaining seven housemates as the first week of Big Brother 7 draws to a close.

Glyn Wise
Win Odds: 33/1 (Bet365)
Fervent Welshman Glyn is also up for the first eviction and still Dons the red shorts he wore on opening night as he has not been given his suitcase. Like Bonnie, Glyn is very quiet and early indications suggest he is another example of terrible miscasting. However, being a man, he will survive the first eviction at the expense of a female opponent, i.e. Bonnie, and will treat the nation to his emaciated body for another week at least.

Grace Short
Win Odds: 22/1 (Bet365)
Grace, who admitted “the fame would be nice” before entering the house would not be undone by the Imogen / Sezer pairing and, spying a glossy magazine deal of her own, soon latched on to Mikey and shared a kiss on day six. Other than that, she has done little in the house thus far, but is unlikely to be voted out any time soon.

Sezer Yurtseven
Win Odds: 22/1 (Bet365)
Sezer would like to think he is more popular than he actually is, but he may get a shock should he be put up for eviction. He is looking at house survival from a “safety in numbers” perspective and has formed an alliance with love interest Imogen, George and the pairing of Mikey and Grace, using their London social lives as a basis for common ground. He is battling for the role of alpha male in the house but could find himself come unstuck, as Maxwell did in last year’s show.

Lea Walker
Win Odds: 40/1 (Ladbrokes)
Lea has adopted the role of “mother” in the house but is another housemate who could find themselves up for eviction sooner rather than later. She hasn’t done anything to upset the other housemates and has fought their corner when Shabaz was acting appallingly during his short stay. However, she has not formed any real alliances and may find herself picked off within the next few weeks.

Bonnie Holt
Win Odds: 66/1 (Bet365)
Bonnie (or “Bonneh” as she pronounces it) has done very little to justify her “chatterbox” personality since entering the house and is red hot favourite for the first eviction. Bonnie has melted in to the background and has been hardly noticeable on the highlights shows bar a few harsh words for Shabaz and moaning to Big Brother about not receiving her suitcase. This Rosie Webster look-a-like is like a fish out of water away from her native Loughborough and is one of several horribly miscast house mate members this series. Gone on Friday and won’t be missed.

Dawn Blake
Dawn was ejected from the Big Brother house after eight days but threatened to leave on her own accord shortly after Shabaz walked on day six. She was officially expelled from the house due to receiving “coded communication” from the outside world but was not a particularly popular housemate in any case. She was accused by Nikki, although not to her face, of stinking out everyone elses clothes with her body odour due to not showering for four days.

Shabaz Chauhdry
Shabaz was another example of dreadful miscasting. The producers were hoping for an older, more extreme version of last year’s Kemal, but what they got instead was a mentally deranged idiot who couldn’t cope with living and interacting with other people. He lasted six days before leaving of his own accord and won’t be missed in the slightest.


Big Brother 7 - Week One

Big Brother 7 - Week One

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The housemates have been banged up in the lunatic asylum that is the Big Brother house and one will be leaving this weekend. Here are the “first impressions” of the housemates during their short stint as reality TV stars thus far.

big brotrher 7, free big brother bets, pete bennett, mikey dalton, imogen thomas, george askew

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The housemates have been banged up in the lunatic asylum that is the Big Brother house and one will be leaving this weekend. Here are the “first impressions” of the housemates during their short stint as reality TV stars thus far.

Pete Bennett
Win Odds: 11/10
Since falling down the stairs to enter the house and being asked if he was “on something” by Bonnie, Pete has emerged as the favourite to win and at present looks unstoppable. The Tourette’s sufferer is genuine, funny and at the moment is liked by all the housemates despite him not joining one of the two “camps”. It’s early days yet but Pete will be odds on to win within the next few days.

George Askew
Win Odds: 16/1
George has not come to the forefront as yet in that he has not paired off with one of the female housemates nor has he done anything to rile anyone else. He has bonded with Mikey and appears to be part of the “in crowd” for the time being at least and should be safe for a few weeks yet.

Mikey Dalton
Win Odds: 16/1
Mikey has emerged from the shadows this week and has taken over the mantle as the leader of the “Big Brotherhood” following Shabaz’s exit. He has also paired up with Grace and has formed an alliance with George. Originally thought to be quite a boring housemate, Mikey looks to have done enough to stick around until the latter stages.

Richard Newman
Win Odds: 16/1
With Shabaz gone, Richard looks set to revel as the “only gay in the village”. He sees himself as a father figure to the group and looks set to battle Sezar for the role of alpha male. He has found friends in Lea and Nikki but may find his position in the house precarious after some of the weaker members of the group are picked off.

Nikki Graham
Win Odds: 20/1
Given that Nikki’s pre-entrance video suggested she wanted to find love in the house, she hasn’t made any effort to pair up with any of the available men in the house, preferring to find comfort in gay Richard. Nikki may adopt the role of “baby” in the group due to her childlike behaviour despite being older than six other housemates and showed during the infamous “bottled water” scene she could explode into fits of tantrums should she not get her own way. Despite being part of the London nightclub circuit scene, she has not formed alliances with Sezar, Imogen, Grace or George and is in danger of finding herself an early casualty if her behaviour irritates the others.

Lisa Huo
Win Odds: 20/1
Lisa is the other leader of the “Big Brotherhood” but could also find herself in a precarious position when she is eligible to be voted out of the house. She has found a friend in Pete but her laddish behaviour, coarse language and chainsmoking could grate on the other housemates when they are looking for reasons to nominate people for eviction.

Imogen Thomas
Win Odds: 20/1
Before entering the house Imogen said she would “make all the boys fancy her” and she has certainly done that.  She shared a kiss with Sezar after three days and appears to revel in stringing him along. Should he grow bored of her and if she wanted to score points off Grace, Imogen could also move on to Mikey who described her as “beautiful”. Bar a short interaction in Welsh, she has failed to bond with fellow countryman Glyn, preferring the company of the London social set.


Big Brother 7 - Sezer Eviction

Big Brother 7 - Sezer Eviction

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Sezer Yurtseven was the second housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother house and won two dubious honours in the process.

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Sezer Yurtseven was the second housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother house and won two dubious honours in the process. Firstly, he was evicted by the largest public vote margin of all time – a massive 91.6%, making him the show’s most detested housemate in Big Brother’s seven series run.

He also became the earliest male housemate to be evicted from the house, having been shown the door by the end of week two.

Sezer was a shoe-in to leave as far as the bookmakers were concerned as soon as it was revealed he was one of three housemates up for eviction. He was available at 3/10 which plummeted to 1/33 by Friday evening.

However, first thing Monday morning, Sezer was available at comparatively gigantic odds of 12/1 to be the second person evicted as whinging Nikki was the firm favourite to leave next at even money.

The situation changed dramatically by the time it came to nominations as not only was Nikki receiving favourable edits from the production team, showing the likes of Grace talking about her behind her back, but in a dramatic twist both Sezer and Imogen were banned from nominations after being caught discussing them.

Both Sezer and Grace were not portrayed well in the highlights show, with Grace bitching at every opportunity and Sezer bragging about how he could survive the chop against almost anyone in the house, especially the surgically enhanced Lea.

Just before the nominations were announced to the public, Grace was odds-on favourite to leave at 1/2 and both Nikki and Sezer at 7/2.

Despite behaving like a proper little madam since she arrived in the house, Nikki didn’t receive a single nomination while Grace received two which wasn’t enough to put her up for the public vote.

Richard received the most at four nominations, with both Lea and Sezer receiving three apiece. The trio would be put up for the public vote and Sezer got his wish of going head-to-head with Lea.

The bookmakers didn’t believe in Sezer’s invincibility as much as the Turkish Cypriot stockbroker did and immediately priced him up as 3/10 favourite. Sezer’s cause was not helped by one leading tabloid newspaper which only published his eviction number and urged readers to vote him out.

The press and Big Brother themselves love a pantomime villain and Sezer duly delivered and not even Victor from Big Brother 5 was detested as much for “ruining” Shell’s mock wedding if you judge by the overall voting percentage.


Big Brother 7 - Sam is Evicted

Big Brother 7 - Sam is Evicted

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Sam became the third housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother house after receiving 53% of the public vote against perennial whinger Nikki Grahame.

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Sam became the third housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother house after receiving 53% of the public vote against perennial whinger Nikki Grahame.

Newcome Sam, who entered the house after a fortnight alongside Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace was available at 5/2 before nominations were announced as Grace Adams-Short was the early favourite to face the boot.

Public opinion on the 20-year-old dance teacher has changed dramatically in the last week or so after viewers have seen her two-facedness on the highlights programes.

On Monday 5 June, the day nominations took place, Grace was favourite to leave at even money due to the public likely to vote her out no matter who she was up against. Plus, her close ally Imogen Thomas was banned from nominating for the second week running. Lisa, who may also have supported her, was also banned after being caught discussing possible nominations.

The odds were as follows before the nominations were announced:

Grace - Evens
Sam - 5/2
Lisa  - 10/1
Lea - 10/1
Aisleyne - 12/1
Richard - 16/1

At this point the 5/2 available on a Sam eviction looked exceptional value for money as he / she should have been odds on. Many of the housemates had confided in each other or in the diary room that they had grown tired of the gender bending unemployed nail technician (seriously) for a variety of reasons.

Grace and Lea both complained that Sam stands nearby when they are about to use the bathroom and Nikki expressed her disgust at it’s practice of taking the concept of “girls” going to the toilet together to an extreme level.

Glyn said he didn’t like the way Sam followed him around, that he’s too clingy and is desperate to get on with people. Sam always needed reassurance that she was close friends with the other housemates when they were not that interested.

The fluctuating odds on the betting exchanges while the housemates were going through the nomination process suggested Sam and Lea would be up for eviction as Grace’s price drifted further out.

The confirmed possible evictees were Sam who immediately plummeted to 1/4 while Nikki was available at 5/1.

There was no way that Nikki was going to leave and was shown in a positive light during the run up to Friday, being given the role as PA to Big Brother during a task while some unsavoury late-night footage of Sam was broadcast for viewers morbid curiosity.

Sam was favourite to leave from then on and was evicted with 53% of the vote, suggesting it was more closely contested than the bookmakers and weight of money against him / her suggested.


Big Brother 7 - Lisa is Evicted

Big Brother 7 - Lisa is Evicted

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Lisa Huo became the fifth housemate to be evicted after she was voted out ahead of Nikki, Imogen and Mikey in a four-way tussle.

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Lisa Huo became the fifth housemate to be evicted from the Big brother house after she was voted out ahead of Nikki Grahame, Imogen Thomas and Mikey Dalton in a four-way tussle.

As soon as Grace was given the boot last week, Lisa was odds-on favourite at 4/5 to be next person out of the door with the bookmakers expecting nominations from Aisleyne, Richard, Susie and Pete for the foul mouthed unemployed upholsterer from Manchester.

Big Brother introduced a twist this week for nomination-discussing rule breakers Glyn, Imogen, Lea, Lisa and Nikki who were not be allowed to nominate in the normal fashion. Instead, they each had to nominate one member of their group, on the spot, in front of everyone else. They were not allowed to discuss their choices or nominate themselves and the housemate with the most nominations would automatically face eviction via the public vote. The voting went as follows:

Glyn and Lisa nominated Nikki, Imogen voted for Lea who returned the favour and Nikki voted for Lisa. With two nominations Nikki faced eviction for the third successive week.

The rest of the housemates – Aisleyne, Mikey, Pete, Richard and Susie were allowed to nominate as usual in the privacy of the Diary Room. As Nikki was already put up for the public vote, the remaining housemates were not allowed to nominate her, which saw Imogen, Lisa and Mikey thrown into the eviction mix. 

By Monday night, Lisa was 1/4 favourite for eviction, despite the remainder of the nominated housemates not being revealed officially until Tuesday evening. 

Lisa’s price shortened considerably as the day’s neared Friday’s eviction night until she was trading at 1/100 so it was no surprise when host Davina McCall announced she was evicted.

Lisa appeared to be expecting to leave as she reacted well with a typical mix of smiles and good natured profanity, hugging each of her housemates in turn and repeating select phrases including “sorted mate”, “mint”, “take it easy” and “have fun”.

Following a few weeks where housemates have received landslide eviction percentages – Grace polling 87.9% and of course Sezer’s 91.6%, Lisa received a more respectable 60.3% of the vote considering she wasn’t trading at odds-against once during eviction week.

Big Brother’s latest twist will see five new contestants entering a secret “second” house next Friday. The new house, accessible via the diary room, features its own bedroom, kitchen, lounge, bathroom and garden area.

Instead of voting to evict a housemate next week, the public will instead choose one housemate to “save” but live with the five newcomers in the new house.


Big Brother 7 - Grace is Evicted

Big Brother 7 - Grace is Evicted

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Grace Adams-Short became the fourth housemate evicted from Big Brother 7 in yet another no-shock result on Friday night.

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Grace Adams-Short became the fourth housemate evicted from Big Brother 7 in yet another no-shock result on Friday night. Grace polled 87.9% of votes in a head-to-head with Nikki Grahame, who survived eviction for two consecutive weeks.

It was such a no-contest that host Davina McCall didn’t even bother with her usual customary pause and instead immediately announced that Grace was evicted.

Both Grace and Nikki were put up for eviction by newcomer Suzie Verrico as the model was the only contestant able to nominate during week four. Grace had take offence to being nominated by Suzie and threw a glass of water over her before she left the house.

With one final hug for Mikey, Grace left the house to a chorus of boos from the eviction night crowd but took it on the chin, laughing and even encouraging the pantomime-esque booing.

When later asked why she performed such a childish act she replied: “Sorry guys, I just couldn't help myself. She was just sat there like Lady Muck”.

Grace had been favourite to leave all week and had been odds-on well before her nomination was confirmed. One of the reasons she was trading so low was due to the Big Brother twist that only Suzie would be eligible to nominate and she had made her dislike of Grace known publicly before she entered the house.

Grace was as short as 1/2 on Friday 9 June following the chants of “Get Grace Out!” heard clearly during Sam’s eviction, although she had risen to as large as 5/6 by the morning of Monday 11. 

Big Brother even gave Grace a chance to earn immunity from nominations when a task was set early in the week. The housemates had to stand still on a podium for as long as possible, with a “mystery prize” awaiting the last person standing. During the task, Grace’s price had reached 2/1 to be evicted fourth as she appeared determined to see the task through.

After nine hours, Glyn and Mikey gave up, leaving Lisa and Grace to draw straws to determine the winner as boredom set in. Lisa drew the longest straw and was rewarded with a prize of being immune from nominations. Grace’s failure to win the immunity saw her price plummet to 1/2 even though nominations were yet to be announced.

When the nominations were announced on Tuesday 13 June, Grace was a short as 1.05 on the betting exchanges, then 1.03 and even as low as 1.02 by Wednesday in what appeared to be a certain eviction. Nikki was available at 33/1 and even 50/1 by comparison.

The bookmakers were also not keen on opening a “How much percentage of the vote will Grace receive” market as at least 85% also looked likely and could even beat the record 86% two-way vote record held by Stuart from Big Brother II and Vanessa from Big Brother V.


Big Brother 7 - Bonnie is Evicted

Big Brother 7 - Bonnie is Evicted

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Bonnie Holt became the first housemate to leave the Big Brother house by public vote at a best price of 1/33 on eviction day.

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Bonnie Holt became the first housemate to leave the Big Brother house by public vote at a best price of 1/33 on eviction day.

Bonnie was actually the third housemate in a week to leave the Big Brother house following Shabaz’s decision to walk and Dawn’s ejection for receiving messages from the outside world. She had the dubious honour of being the first housemate to go in and was also the first to leave via the traditional public voting method of eviction.

Bonnie was a disappointing housemate and didn't offer much in the way of entertainment. She was originally chosen for "chatterbox personality" but that was not at all evident as she hardly spoke during her seven days incarceration. She wasn't a bad housemate - just a boring one.

Her original audition tape promised much in the way of wild times, with her claiming she was "sexy" and prepared to "blaze it up", but the reality was nothing like it. The only airtime she received on the show was when she was whinging in the Diary Room about her suitcase and her accent made her speech barely comprehensible ("me names Bonn-eh"). She failed to bond with the majority of the housemates, with the exception of Lea Walker and won't really be missed by the rest of the Big Brother housemates.

Shrewd punters will have spotted that Bonnie wasn’t really “fitting in” to life in the house and was even after 24 hours a few of her housemates were complaining they couldn’t understand a word she said and she was becoming withdrawn from the rest of the group while they all got to know eachother. At this stage Bonnie was around 6/1 to be the first housemate to face eviction.

She briefly drifted to almost 9/1 on the betting exchanges but by Saturday (two days into the show) had dropped to 5/2. By this time she was seen as a loner who had distanced herself from the group bar the odd exchange with Lea.

First impressions count for a lot on Big Brother and while she wasn’t generating any hatred from the other housemates, she became a bit of a non-entity and wasn’t giving the rest of the group any reason to keep her in.

By the time Wednesday came she was odds-on favourite to leave at 1/3, with the remaining housemates not deemed worthy of the “Big Brotherhood” Glyn and Dawn both available at 5/1.

Of course, Dawn was ejected before the final eviction day and Friday saw Bonnie become the overall favourite for eviction while Welsh sixth form head boy could have been backed art 12/1.

Being a girl against a boy never helps when it comes to survival in the house and Bonnie was evicted after receiving over 80% of the public vote.

During her post eviction interview, Bonnie tipped Nikki to win although hopes Lea will come out victorious at the end.


Big Brother 6 - Saskia Howard-Clarke

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Saskia Howard-Clarke is a "promotions girl" from London. She was the fifth evictee from the Big Brother house on July 1 2005 when she participated in the sixth series of the popular television programme.

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Saskia Howard-Clarke is a "promotions girl" from London. She was the fifth evictee from the Big Brother house on July 1 2005 when she participated in the sixth series of the popular television programme.

In the first couple of weeks, Saskia proved to be popular with housemates and viewers alike. This was evident in week two when all of the housemates were put up for eviction via a public vote due to rule breaking because when Saskia's name was announced, the live studio audience cheered her.

However, events took a turn for the worse things took a wrong turn when a divide in the house occurred and two members of her group, Anthony and Maxwell were banned from nominations - leaving Saskia in the vulnerable position of being nominated by the other group who sided with Makosi Musambasi after a heated confrontation between the pair.

Some of the comments Saskia made in her argument with Makosi sparked a debate about racism being a factor in the house and both Maxwell and Saskia were put up for the public vote. Saskia was evicted by a majority 71% of the vote and greeted the crowd to a mixed reception on Day 36. She received the highest percentage of any eviction vote during the whole series.

In her post-eviction interview, she later denied the matter by stating she was a quarter-Sri Lankan, a statement that did not justify or alter the opinions of many viewers.

This was Saskia’s nomination history during her stay in the Big Brother house:

1st (Day 5) - Saskia was nominated by Derek and Mary.

2nd (Day 11) - Saskia was nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley and Vanessa.

3rd (Day 18) - Saskia was nominated by Science only.

4th (Day 25) - Saskia received no nominations.

5th (Day 32) – Saskia was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Makosi and Vanessa and was evicted via the public vote.

During her time in the Big Brother house Saskia coined phrases such as "end of" and "it's dog eat dog" although she didn't last too long and was evicted fifth when she and the oafish Maxwell were both nominated.

Even before her stint on Big Brother, Saskia enjoyed dating "famous" people and past boyfriends have included an Olympic swimmer, a Premiership footballer and she also dropped down a few divisions to hook up with Nottingham Forest striker Adam Nowland.

Saskia claims to go to the gym five times a week, she gets her nails done every month and is obsessed by fake tans.

Since leaving the house Saskia has been busy touring grotty nightclubs in a double act with Maxwell while also posing for glamour shots in lads mags to ensure she remains in the public eye.


Big Brother 6 - Sam Heuston

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Despite being the best looking girl in Big Brother 6, Sam Heuston was voted out third, lasting a total of 22 days.

sam heuston, big brother 6

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Despite being the best looking girl in Big Brother 6, sexy Sam Heuston was voted out third, lasting a total of 22 days and despite describing herself as "the horniest girl you’ve ever met", bisexual-by-numbers Sam was quite dull in the house and couldn't even tempt eventual winner Anthony Hutton into some action.

Housemate Sam was a marketing student from Cheam, Surrey and 23-years-old when she entered the Big Brother house. She missed her final exam to participate on the TV show but gained a 2:2 degree anyway.

Sam dreamt of being famous and saw Big Brother as a stepping stone to bigger things. She had a boob job but never told her family and once stripped naked on a podium on holiday in Tenerife in exchange for tickets to an event. Her idol is Christina Aguilera and although she loves both men and women, she relieves herself of boredom by thinking and talking about men.

Before going into Big Brother, Sam believed the housemates would be annoyed at her prettiness. An issue that Sam raised in her continuous slanging match with "Lesleh".

She may have been pretty but also described herself as "original, funny and fun". However, there wasn't much evidence of that during her brief stint in the house.

By the second week of the show, Zoo magazine announced they would offer Sam a job as a sex columnist when she left the house - a role previously occupied by tabloid regular Jodie Marsh.

She lasted just another week when she was put up for eviction alongside Derek and Roberto, receiving 59% of the public and duly being evicted from the Big Brother house.

Sam had escaped being evicted at the second eviction on Friday 10 June (Day 15) when up against all her fellow housemates Anthony, Craig, Derek, Kemal, Lesley, Maxwell, Makosi, Roberto, Saskia, Science and Vanessa. If Big Brother had decided use the normal nomination procedure to choose possible evictees, Sam would have been up against Derek.

This is Sam’s nomination history during her stint in the house:

1st (Day 5) - Sam was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Lesley and Vanessa.

2nd (Day 11) - Sam was nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley, Makosi, Roberto and Vanessa.

3rd (Day 18) - Sam was nominated by Anthony, Maxwell and Vanessa and was evicted by the public vote.

Since being evicted, Sam has beaten her obligatory battle against depression, had a short fling with Blue lothario Duncan James and dyed her hair blonde.

She has been an almost permanent fixture in the lads mags, been offered TV presenter roles and a sex columnist. She also appeared on an episode of the Italian version of Big Brother as an audience member.

With Big Brother 7 now well underway, Sam will have to come up with a new angle is she is to remain in the spotlight. A second appearance in reality TV, say Celebrity Love Island perhaps?


Are celebrities happy?

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Before we begin asking if the celebrities are happy, let us first find out what is happiness? If I feel good for an hour a day, and horrible for the rest of the day, am I happy? What if I am happy for eight hours a day and horrible for the rest of the sixteen hours? Am I a happy person? For most of us happiness is a state that is not permanent. We are not happy throughout the day. At least majority of us are not. Read on...

love,celebrities,happiness, self-esteem

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Before we begin asking if the celebrities are happy, let us first find out what is happiness? If I feel good for an hour a day, and horrible for the rest of the day, am I happy? What if I am happy for eight hours a day and horrible for the rest of the sixteen hours? Am I a happy person? For most of us happiness is a state that is not permanent. We are not happy throughout the day. At least majority of us are not.

What is happiness? Happiness means a sense of deep contentment. A cheerful outlook. An attitude of positive thoughts. A person who has these qualities is happy during all the times of the day.

How about celebrities then? They have name, fame and wealth. They can, not only buy whatever they desire, but they can also buy a loved one. They can buy anything. Their name is splashed around in the media most of the times. Every news about them is awaited by the general population. Celebrities may not have been born with a silver spoon in the mouth, but the current spoon is mostly that of gold. So they must be happy!

But sadly, happiness is away from most of them. Speaking of contentment, most of them are not only not feeling any contentment, but are frustrated. They are jealous at times. And they have no deep sense of peace in them. Rather their life and minds are full of turbulence most of the times. They are at times so dissatisfied with their own life that they wish to run away from themselves. This they cannot do, and therefore substances that take them away from their own realities are so often used by them.

Happiness has something to do with money, but only to an extent. Happiness has nothing to do with fame, if you are not satisfied with yourself. Whatever the world may say, unless one has self-esteem, one can never be happy. All of us sail in the same boat. Most of us are living unhappy lives most of the time. Let us get happiness that will give us a satisfied sense of living. Let us strive for happiness in our own inner world.


Addiction to Fame and Celebrity

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As far as their fans are concerned, celebrities fulfil two emotional functions: they provide a mythical narrative (a story that the fan can follow and identify with) and they function as blank screens onto which the fans project their dreams, hopes, fears, plans, values, and desires (wish fulfilment).

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Are Narcissists addicted to being famous?


You bet. This, by far, is their predominant drive. Being famous encompasses a few important functions: it endows the narcissist with power, provides him with a constant Source of Narcissistic Supply (admiration, adoration, approval, awe), and fulfils important Ego functions. 

The image that the narcissist projects is hurled back at him, reflected by those exposed to his celebrity or fame. This way he feels alive, his very existence is affirmed and he acquires a sensation of clear boundaries (where the narcissist ends and the world begins).

There is a set of narcissistic behaviours typical to the pursuit of celebrity. There is almost nothing that the narcissist refrains from doing, almost no borders that he hesitates to cross to achieve renown. To him, there is no such thing as "bad publicity" – what matters is to be in the public eye. 

Because the narcissist equally enjoys all types of attention and likes as much to be feared as to be loved, for instance – he doesn't mind if what is published about him is wrong ("as long as they spell my name correctly"). The narcissist's only bad emotional stretches are during periods of lack of attention, publicity, or exposure. 

The narcissist then feels empty, hollowed out, negligible, humiliated, wrathful, discriminated against, deprived, neglected, treated unjustly and so on. At first, he tries to obtain attention from ever narrowing groups of reference ("supply scale down"). But the feeling that he is compromising gnaws at his anyhow fragile self-esteem. 

Sooner or later, the spring bursts. The narcissist plots, contrives, plans, conspires, thinks, analyses, synthesises and does whatever else is necessary to regain the lost exposure in the public eye. The more he fails to secure the attention of the target group (always the largest) – the more daring, eccentric and outlandish he becomes. Firm decision to become known is transformed into resolute action and then to a panicky pattern of attention seeking behaviours.

The narcissist is not really interested in publicity per se. Narcissists are misleading. The narcissist appears to love himself – and, really, he abhors himself. Similarly, he appears to be interested in becoming a celebrity – and, in reality, he is concerned with the REACTIONS to his fame: people watch him, notice him, talk about him, debate his actions – therefore he exists. 

The narcissist goes around "hunting and collecting" the way the expressions on people's faces change when they notice him. He places himself at the centre of attention, or even as a figure of controversy. He constantly and recurrently pesters those nearest and dearest to him in a bid to reassure himself that he is not losing his fame, his magic touch, the attention of his social milieu.

Truly, the narcissist is not choosy. If he can become famous as a writer – he writes, if as a businessman – he conducts business. He switches from one field to the other with ease and without remorse because in all of them he is present without conviction, bar the conviction that he must (and deserves to) get famous. 

He grades activities, hobbies and people not according to the pleasure that they give him – but according to their utility: can they or can't they make him known and, if so, to what extent. The narcissist is one-track minded (not to say obsessive). His is a world of black (being unknown and deprived of attention) and white (being famous and celebrated).


Mistreating Celebrities - An Interview

Granted to Superinteressante Magazine in Brazil

Q. Fame and TV shows about celebrities usually have a huge audience. This is understandable: people like to see other successful people. But why people like to see celebrities being humiliated?

A. As far as their fans are concerned, celebrities fulfil two emotional functions: they provide a mythical narrative (a story that the fan can follow and identify with) and they function as blank screens onto which the fans project their dreams, hopes, fears, plans, values, and desires (wish fulfilment). The slightest deviation from these prescribed roles provokes enormous rage and makes us want to punish (humiliate) the "deviant" celebrities.

But why?

When the human foibles, vulnerabilities, and frailties of a celebrity are revealed, the fan feels humiliated, "cheated", hopeless, and "empty". To reassert his self-worth, the fan must establish his or her moral superiority over the erring and "sinful" celebrity. The fan must "teach the celebrity a lesson" and show the celebrity "who's boss". It is a primitive defense mechanism - narcissistic grandiosity. It puts the fan on equal footing with the exposed and "naked" celebrity.

Q. This taste for watching a person being humiliated has something to do with the attraction to catastrophes and tragedies?

A. There is always a sadistic pleasure and a morbid fascination in vicarious suffering. Being spared the pains and tribulations others go through makes the observer feel "chosen", secure, and virtuous. The higher celebrities rise, the harder they fall. There is something gratifying in hubris defied and punished.

Q. Do you believe the audience put themselves in the place of the reporter (when he asks something embarrassing to a celebrity) and become in some way revenged?

A. The reporter "represents" the "bloodthirsty" public. Belittling celebrities or watching their comeuppance is the modern equivalent of the gladiator rink. Gossip used to fulfil the same function and now the mass media broadcast live the slaughtering of fallen gods. There is no question of revenge here - just Schadenfreude, the guilty joy of witnessing your superiors penalized and "cut down to size".

Q. In your country, who are the celebrities people love to hate?

A. Israelis like to watch politicians and wealthy businessmen reduced, demeaned, and slighted. In Macedonia, where I live, all famous people, regardless of their vocation, are subject to intense, proactive, and destructive envy. This love-hate relationship with their idols, this ambivalence, is attributed by psychodynamic theories of personal development to the child's emotions towards his parents. Indeed, we transfer and displace many negative emotions we harbor onto celebrities.

Q. I would never dare asking some questions the reporters from Panico ask the celebrities. What are the characteristics of people like these reporters?

A. Sadistic, ambitious, narcissistic, lacking empathy, self-righteous, pathologically and destructively envious, with a fluctuating sense of self-worth (possibly an inferiority complex).

6. Do you believe the actors and reporters want themselves to be as famous as the celebrities they tease? Because I think this is almost happening...

A. The line is very thin. Newsmakers and newsmen and women are celebrities merely because they are public figures and regardless of their true accomplishments. A celebrity is famous for being famous. Of course, such journalists will likely to fall prey to up and coming colleagues in an endless and self-perpetuating food chain...

7. I think that the fan-celebrity relationship gratifies both sides. What are the advantages the fans get and what are the advantages the celebrities get?

A. There is an implicit contract between a celebrity and his fans. The celebrity is obliged to "act the part", to fulfil the expectations of his admirers, not to deviate from the roles that they impose and he or she accepts. In return the fans shower the celebrity with adulation. They idolize him or her and make him or her feel omnipotent, immortal, "larger than life", omniscient, superior, and sui generis (unique).

What are the fans getting for their trouble?

Above all, the ability to vicariously share the celebrity's fabulous (and, usually, partly confabulated) existence. The celebrity becomes their "representative" in fantasyland, their extension and proxy, the reification and embodiment of their deepest desires and most secret and guilty dreams. Many celebrities are also role models or father/mother figures. Celebrities are proof that there is more to life than drab and routine. That beautiful - nay, perfect - people do exist and that they do lead charmed lives. There's hope yet - this is the celebrity's message to his fans. 

The celebrity's inevitable downfall and corruption is the modern-day equivalent of the medieval morality play. This trajectory - from rags to riches and fame and back to rags or worse - proves that order and justice do prevail, that hubris invariably gets punished, and that the celebrity is no better, neither is he superior, to his fans.

8. Why are celebrities narcissists? How is this disorder born?

No one knows if pathological narcissism is the outcome of inherited traits, the sad result of abusive and traumatizing upbringing, or the confluence of both. Often, in the same family, with the same set of parents and an identical emotional environment - some siblings grow to be malignant narcissists, while others are perfectly "normal". Surely, this indicates a genetic predisposition of some people to develop narcissism.

It would seem reasonable to assume - though, at this stage, there is not a shred of proof - that the narcissist is born with a propensity to develop narcissistic defenses. These are triggered by abuse or trauma during the formative years in infancy or during early adolescence. By "abuse" I am referring to a spectrum of behaviors which objectify the child and treat it as an extension of the caregiver (parent) or as a mere instrument of gratification. Dotting and smothering are as abusive as beating and starving. And abuse can be dished out by peers as well as by parents, or by adult role models.

Not all celebrities are narcissists. Still, some of them surely are.

We all search for positive cues from people around us. These cues reinforce in us certain behaviour patterns. There is nothing special in the fact that the narcissist-celebrity does the same. However there are two major differences between the narcissistic and the normal personality.

The first is quantitative. The normal person is likely to welcome a moderate amount of attention – verbal and non-verbal – in the form of affirmation, approval, or admiration. Too much attention, though, is perceived as onerous and is avoided. Destructive and negative criticism is avoided altogether.

The narcissist, in contrast, is the mental equivalent of an alcoholic. He is insatiable. He directs his whole behaviour, in fact his life, to obtain these pleasurable titbits of attention. He embeds them in a coherent, completely biased, picture of himself. He uses them to regulates his labile (fluctuating) sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

To elicit constant interest, the narcissist projects on to others a confabulated, fictitious version of himself, known as the False Self. The False Self is everything the narcissist is not: omniscient, omnipotent, charming, intelligent, rich, or well-connected.

The narcissist then proceeds to harvest reactions to this projected image from family members, friends, co-workers, neighbours, business partners and from colleagues. If these – the adulation, admiration, attention, fear, respect, applause, affirmation – are not forthcoming, the narcissist demands them, or extorts them. Money, compliments, a favourable critique, an appearance in the media, a sexual conquest are all converted into the same currency in the narcissist's mind, into "narcissistic supply".

So, the narcissist is not really interested in publicity per se or in being famous. Truly he is concerned with the REACTIONS to his fame: how people watch him, notice him, talk about him, debate his actions. It "proves" to him that he exists. 

The narcissist goes around "hunting and collecting" the way the expressions on people's faces change when they notice him. He places himself at the centre of attention, or even as a figure of controversy. He constantly and recurrently pesters those nearest and dearest to him in a bid to reassure himself that he is not losing his fame, his magic touch, the attention of his social milieu.


How to create animated videos to present your project neatly

The production of an expressive video for a particular project or clarification of the idea through animation is one of the difficult and complex issues of many brothers and sisters because frankly this process requires experience in many areas such as design, editing, etc .. So if you want to do this, The ranges related to the animation production area or pay for the video to be extracted.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "animaker"

For this reason, the professional code offers you a new site where it was announced in the last days as it is still in the beta mode, but the efficiency of the site is very good and that is what I derived immediately after my experience of the site, Animaker is a site that offers you a service that allows you The production of animation videos very simple, so that the service is available on a set of characters and backgrounds and movements and sounds and visual effects that can be easily arranged and customized to your taste through drag and drop .. Overall we now go to the way to create your account on the site and by clicking on Sign up as usual and enter your private information This will draw a message on your email address in order to activate the account.

After creating and activating the account you will choose the template that you liked or that will meet the quality of your idea and click on launch now .. Then you will move to a new page you will find at the first glance a video illustrating the way the site works as I advise you to follow the video from the first to the other is to give you the key and The right way to make a website is to get a good product.

As for the method of extracting the video you have two options you can extract the final video or pass it on your Facebook account directly or also posted on your YouTube channel, and if you would like to download it on the desktop, I advise you to upload it on a secondary channel for you and then download it and delete it from the channel Immediately then you will of course.

Link to the website: https://www.animaker.com

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